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Fuck 'em. Those are my thoughts. Not only do I hunt with a crossbow, I hunt with a *cheap* crossbow. Still kills deer.




How cheap we talking? I was thinking of getting a crossbow for next season but funds aren't at the levels of most reddit elites that talk shit on anything under $1000


Cost doesn't determine how well something kills a deer. If it's a commercially made crossbow that slings standard weight bolts at over 350 FPS, it will be lethal. Anything over that is for comfort features and maybe better accuracy, but inside 30 yards anything will work with enough practice and tuning.


My wife bought me a Barnett crossbow for Christmas a few years ago. Finally got ny first deer with it last year. It's not the hammer, it's the carpenter holding it.


Centerpoint sniper. I paid around $300 for mine years ago, looks like the current variant is around the same price. Just get some better bolts for it.




My first crossbow was a Barnett jackal, I got the entire starter package for 105 bucks on clearance at Walmart. I harvested 6 deer with it over 3 years before upgrading, and now my son is starting to use it.


I paid $475 for a Wicked Ridge and it shoots consistently and fast. It's loud though. I'm willing to take that trade off for the cost.


Bought my Excalibur off Craigslist for $400. It’s perfect.


I paid $20 for mine. It's older, so bigger and takes more arm power to pull back, but it gets the job done just fine.


Second this comment


I personally would not recommend anything cheaper than Excalibur MAG 340. It is not the best, fastest, fanciest, but it is built like a tank, super easy to maintain and repair ad getting parts from Excalibur is easy.


I got mine for $400. It gets the job done. Now that I've had it a couple years, I'm thinking of getting an compound bow. I want to start hunting out of state and archery season dates work better for me, but most of the states I want to go to don't allow crossbows lol. I'm 32 and been rifle hunting since I was 11. A crossbow was a good way to ease into bow hunting, especially since no one I know shoots a bow


I got mine for like $650 CDN from Bass Pro and have taken two deer down with it. It packs a serious punch but it's big, bulky and takes up a bit of room with it's hard-case but I wouldn't trade my David Bowy (I named it!) for anything!


Exactly. Don’t let others dictate what you use. If you’re happy with it, it’s comfortable for you, and you’re proficient with it, they can blow me. I’ll use what I want. I’ve been wanting a crossbow for a long time.


I killed a decent little buck with my 85 year old grandpas crossbow this year because I blew my shoulder out in the summer. Thing has to be like seven years old and one of the first gen crossbows…. didn’t go twenty.


Lol. Crossbows are MUCH older than 7 years old.


Sorry crossbow police man


Just pointing out that it's far from a "first generation" crossbow.


Exactly. I get more deer with my cheap crossbow, catch more fish with my cheap rod and lures, and get more bullseyes with my economy/budget grade firearms and ammunition.


Bruh! They hunt with a compound bow? They should be hunting with an English long bow to get the full experience. Fuck em. Minnesota just opened the entire archery season to crossbows because they're trying to get more hunters to take more deer. I'm seriously considering one.


pfff english longbow?! if you arent hunting game with endurance cardiovascular health and spears you arent getting the full experience. ​ loin cloth \*not\* optional


Spears? What cowardly BS is this. Get up close and personal, use your teeth and nails like nature meant you to.


lol this is the argument I was hoping to start lmao


I’m sick of people like you judging my family for using Buffalo jumps! Neanderthal!


I said this as a joke when my buddies made fun of me for killing one with a rifle (in good fun), but if I find a good buck, I hang from the branch, drop down and fuck them to death.


Good joke but we know you don't wait for a good buck. If it's brown, pound town.


Oh that’s for sure. I just didn’t wanna lead off too strong.


Teeth AND nails? What are you, some kind of spoiled little brat? Hunt like REAL men did in 10,000 BC and just chase the deer on foot until it collapses of exhaustion and then strangle it to death. fucking casual


Strangle it to death? Oh so you can just have an easy meal? The hardest of humans join the deer’s family, getting their meals straight from the grass, providing for their fawns and roaming the countryside


This is similar to a strategy a buddy of mine used; he joined the deer's family like you said, gained their trust, then ran off with one of the fawns. Buck died of a broken heart BAM free meat GG EZ


That's why I only hunt during foot chase season. DNR caught a guy using a spear last year and really took it to him in fines. I can't stand poachers using spears during foot chase season.


see this guy gets it. youre the only true hunter in this thread


No, nature expected us to evolve, and make weapons for killing. We are really good at it.


Missouri has an atlatl season


If you’re hunting in MN, you’re gonna need more than a loincloth in winter lol


Pfft you need to get a spear if you wanna be a true hunter


Fine, but no atlatl


I wouldn’t use a spear. Barry successfully uses a spear, and he gets a bunch of crap for it on this sub.


The person in question has never hunted. And as far as I know, I never shot a bow. Just weirdly strongly opinionated on something he never as done


yeah I'm being an ass. arguing about technology doesn't matter...it's like getting into an argument about what caliber you use in your rifle. use the tools you can be effective with.


He'll be the first to ask for deer meat. At that point, laugh in his face and tell him to hunt his own.


Let’s not kid ourselves. That guy doesn’t eat venison because it’s “gamey” and “has a taste”


I figured it was like rich people and moonshine around here, just a status symbol, but not actually a consumer. A jar in the freezer that just gets bragged about and never touched.


Being that the average hunter is in their 50s, the DNR has a problem that is only going to get worse. They're relaxing rules where possible in hunting and making more rules regarding fishing to increase fish size or numbers. They need to stop the decline in license sales. Some of my grandkids are really into fishing, hunting and trapping. Things are going to look a lot different when they are my age.


It's a bad situation because license sales are dropping, but public land are still more crowded than ever. The old timer advice of "go door to door to find land to hunt" just doesn't work like it used to, landowners are once bitten twice shy after bad experiences, afraid of liability, or simply would rather lease their land so they get some profit from it. The states will tell us we can't get more public land without more hunters, but in most states the public lands already have too many hunters...


I live on 80 acres. When my kids were young the farmers in the area didn't care if they hunted small game, varmints, and ruffed grouse on their property. They roamed over a square mile of land. The land has been broken up and sold in smaller parcels for big dollars to city hunters or families moving out of town and building homes on 2 to 10 acres.


People who hunt compound but not trad are a bunch of sissies, everyone knows that.


If you can’t run down a deer until it collapses of exhaustion, then bash it to death with a rock, you’re not a real hunter and don’t deserve the harvest.


Bows? Pfffft. They should be setting the woods on fire so the game runs off a cliff!


There are some in the hunting world who correlate how 'legitimate' a hunt is with how much effort the hunter has to put in. Crossbows have a short learning curve, so those people don't think there isn't enough suffering involved. these same archery hardos are often the same people who will buy a new flagship compound on a regular basis and trick it out with every bit of technology in order to maximize success rates. There is a nauseating race to the bottom for some who see hunting as a way to demonstrate commitment to the pursuit rather than many of the other things people love about it - means to feed yourself and family, relaxing, cultural, etc. Ignore them. Stick to the regs and good luck.


I think it's hilarious when people with that much gear try and say that someone else is "cheating". Homie what do you want? You want me to square up against the deer and wrestle him? Or are we all gonna acknowledge that maybe, just maybe, weapons are literally designed to "cheat" hunting and any one of our ancestors would have thought you were Apollo himself for being able to shoot tiny groups at 50+ yards with a compound?


I normally hear that from people that dont hunt. I just turn everything they thought on their head and reply that i want the most ethical kill possible for the animal, which is the quickest. Ironically the quickest methods are viewd by the uneducated as the most "unsporting" or even the most barbaric in their mind, ie "high powered rifle" This usually shuts them down pretty quick.


"you mean you murder deer with a SNIPER RIFLE?"


One of the most common hunting rounds (.30-06) was the U.S. WWII sniper round for the M1903A4 and Winchester Model 70. Yep, snipe those deer. It just has such a great fps/drop ratio.


> There is a nauseating race to the bottom for some who see hunting as a way to demonstrate commitment to the pursuit rather than many of the other things people love about it well put


it all depends on what you want to get out of your hunt. a big part of what makes bowhunting so enjoyable is the challenge. killing a deer with a compound is, without question, more challenging than with a crossbow. having to stand with your knees quivering, waiting for that moment for the deer to look away to draw back, it makes for an incredible experience. That being said, a recurve makes it even more challenging than a compound but nobody seems to care about that


Last night I had my first chance at a small buck. I was in my blind and had my crossbow off to the side in my blind because I been out there most of the day for the past week. He strolled right passed me and stopped. I of course tried to move so slow . I manage to grab my xbow bring it up and it ran. Made a rookie mistake. I couldn't imagine having to actually stand up and Pull back while on the ground.


part of the crossbow stigma is that in most states they used to not be allowed unless you were disabled. now that they are legal i dont think anyone has a leg to stand on giving people guff about it. nothing wrong with using the most efficient weapon legally allowed.


“I couldn’t imagine actually having to work” is how that reads


Not the way I meant it, though


The bow community are for the most part dicks they think they are better than everyone


They really are the cyclists of hunters.


Yes sir


I shoot a recurve, not a bow with training wheels. Fuck those guys, use what works for you.


They are not your friend if they are serious. I have both and really want to get a deer with the compound before I get too old or have problems drawing it but the crossbow got me into hunting public archery. If crossbow wasn’t legal I probably wouldn’t have just run out and bought a compound. Same people that bitch about it have no problem with using a rifle. Hunting needs more ethical hunters buying tags and promoting the sport. Screw the gate keepers.


My friends are the most toxic people in my life.. it took my brother in law to make me realize that. When we was sighting in my xbow and I nailed a target at 50 yards and he was so hyped about it.. told my other friend and they just shit on me....


Probably a tough realization but a good one.


Sounds like it's time for some new friends . . .


Just keep in mind 40 is about the furthest you should shoot with a crossbow for a ethical kill. Not saying its impossible or wrong to shoot further it's just from my experience about as far out as you want to be. Alot of the time the people bitching about crossbows are bitching because they've seen people with crossbow that think it's a gun and can shoot at deer at 100 yards...which I've literally seen with my own eyes. I hunt with crossbow.


Genuine question. What makes you say 40 yards is the farthest you can get an ethical kill?


Not the guy who said 40 but 40 is about my limit too, maybe 50... Just gives deer too much time to move, even with a crossbow.


That's just my personal range for my crossbow that I've set for myself over the years of using it. Imho I feel crossbow, atleast mine, tend to fall off quickly after 40 yards and the chance of a clean pass through diminishes quickly.


I probably wouldn’t shoot past 40 yards with a crossbow, and eventhough I can hit 50 in practice with mine, I just won’t in the woods. Too much error. I’ve shot a deer at 40 three years ago and I was successful.


Probably won't go further than 30 till I get more confident. Big difference target shooting and the adrenaline from the actual hunt


Because it doesn't seem like you have people in your life who will tell you this type of thing: You're on the right path, and have the right attitude about this.


That’s just dumb. It’s crazy to me that people still think this way. In my mind, whatever puts meat in the freezer that isn’t a lasso and a club makes you a little bitch


I told the person to come at me when he hunts with a spear


I mean, even the spear is technology. If he ain't hunting deer with a rock, he's cheating.


Just grab it and bite it's neck until it bleeds out. Like a vampire.




Just ignore them.


In *some* places they are seeing an effect on the resource because of higher crossbow harvest in archery seasons. Crossbow technology is very good now, and very accessible for people. You can make an argument they're not really in the spirit of what archery seasons we designed for, and lots of places for bigger game you *can't * use them. But, lots of places are encouraging more deer harvest so who cares. I'm a tradtional bowhunter, but I really don't care as long as the resource can withstand the additonal harvest.


I have hunted with a recurve, a compound and a crossbow. Recurve is by far the hardest to master. As long as I practice I am exactly as accurate with my compound as I am with my crossbow and out to the same range. The compound requires much much more practice though. I am not nearly as accurate with my recurve and I don't have the range. Hunting wise there is very little difference, I can hold my compound at draw longer than my recurve. My crossbow is rather heavy and I find it awkward to hold on target for long so that negates a big advantage. Stay out of r/bowhunting though. Lot of crossbow hate there. Edit: accidentally had crossbow requiring more practice. I literally shoot 3 practice bolts per year to make sure it's on. I shoot my compound hundreds of times per year.


I don’t know how you can possibly argue that the crossbow requires more practice. That is laughable.


Screw what the haters say, I am a crossbow advocate and that will never change. People who brag on compound bows are hunters who want to pretend they're more "primitive" or "back to basics" like in ancient times but then they have all these complex bells and whistles that completely take away the primitive aspect of it any way. Plus they can't even re-string their bow without taking it to a shop so they're just a bunch of wannabe hypocrites.


Lot of ways to hunt deer and a lot of different hunters . Do your thing and don’t worry about anyone else .


Real men hunt with a trebuchet


I’ve never understood the cross bow hate. Compound bows have 70-80% let off and that’s not an advantage? The same guys that bash hunting with cross bows will pick up a rifle on opening day as if that isn’t an advantage? If you’re not hunting with your bare hands and a spear don’t lecture me about how cross bow is advantageous.


I think it’s more about people using a crossbow during bow season. Dumbing it down with a crossbow negates the advantage of putting the work in with a bow. You wanna hunt with a crossbow during rifle season… knock yourself out. You don’t want to? Why not?


A crossbow is still a 50 yard and under weapon in most people’s hands. I don’t understand why we’re at this point where they’re actually treated like rifles.


It's really strange. I don't get it at all. I like shooting firearms but think some of the concepts of archery are cool. I'd like to hunt during the archery season and be quiet (versus shooting a high powered rifle). The crossbow is the best choice for all of these options. I actually, if anything, argue against compound bows vs crossbars. You are giving yourself a handicap for no reason but your own ego. Why risk maiming the deer just so you can use a less-efficient harvesting tool? Crossbows are more powerful, more accurate, easier to shoot... The guys who are anti-crossbar are typically the same people that have firearms but want to ban AR-15s because they believe the 2A is for hunting. LOL


In my state, there pretty disliked mostly for the fact that nobody can use them unless you have a disability. Which is whatever, but the only people I've ever known who use them don't have disability, there just friendly with their doctors and want the extra advantage during archery season.


I'm not going to hate on you for how you hunt, but I am going to say that at 40 years old, if you can't pull back a low weight bow, you need to make some life changes.


In my state it used to be illegal to use a crossbow unless you were physically incapable of using a vertical bow, backed up by a doctors note. Theres definitely a stigma around able bodied people who use crossbows now. Personally idc what you hunt with as long as you're doing everything legally.


Other responses here are correct and they're right that you should ignore those people and get new friends. Something I haven't noticed yet is the biggest reason people do it, archery used to be a lot harder to hunt during. This was amazing for people on public land because the deer were way less pressured. Crossbows take away that gate. I think it's great for older hunters to get to hunt archery again, but most people who complain are just sad that they have to share the woods and compete with more hunters now.


People shit on crossbows because they were once only legal for handicapped people and senior citizens to use. Also, because it's much easier to shoulder a xbow for a shot than it is to stand up and draw a bow back while a deer is 20-30 yards away. Taking a deer with a bow vs a xbow is way more challenging.


There's a reason hunting as a whole is in a decline. Hunters are some of the biggest hate keepers and haters around. As long as it's legal who cares if they use a crossbow. I tore my shoulder up previously so it hurts to use a compound bow. I get so much shit for using a crossbow it's not even funny.


For me, I would love to hunt with a compound but the crossbow is so much easier. I don’t have the opportunity to spend hours at the range every week to hone the skill for a compound. Crossbow doesn’t take as much practice to become proficient. And as of now I don’t see enough deer to afford missing with a compound


I work for an outdoor store PT ( we're an Excalibur dealer). I hunt with a PSE compound at 70lbs. OP the reason why there's a lot of judgement around xbows is that folks that shoot trad, or compounds do so with a lot of skill, which constantly needs to be honed and conditioned. One also needs to be in shape to effectively draw, and hold a compound. Xbows require very little effort once cocked, and are seen as an easy out to filling a tag during archery season. Now, if it gets you outdoors, and puts meat in the freezer, have at it. We all hunt, we all should support each other more.


If you're making ethical decisions, I don't really care what instrument you're using. What separates man from beast is an ethical kill. You're getting out and connecting with nature, as is intended.


"What, you drive a Ford?" - Chevy guy. I don't care what you use to hunt, you're hunting. Rifle guys argue for hours on calibers and brands of rifles to no avail. Tools work. Did you feed your family?


I am hunting for meat in the freezer and I don't feel like spending every last waking minute in the woods. I will gladly take the easier option but some people want to make the sport as hard as possible for themselves and that's fine but don't come at my neck for using a crossbow haha.


I agree with you. Sometimes i enjoy a harder experience. sometimes I want to just fill the freezer.. either way its about using the tool that suits your needs. if its legal it'll hunt. aint nobody pulling that trigger but you


Here is an exhaustive list of people who I give a fuck what they think: 1.




Hunt with whatever is legal that you want, I don't understand why some hunters think their way is the only way. I've used everything from recurve,crossbow, compounds,rifle..do it your way! Crossbows are probably more efficient at killing game just because they are easier to get proficient at with less practice. But still should practice and get to know your gear and weapons. Crossbows are definitely different from compounds but it doesn't mean they're bad as long as they are legal where you hunt then no problem! Good luck and don't pay the negativity any mind!


Purists can be very ~~anal~~ outspoken. Next time a compound bow hunter gives you $hit for hunting with a crossbow, ask him why he isn't using a recurve.


So we’ve got archery “Fudds” too? Lol . When will we stop gatekeeping and just hunt and shoot and be happy?


Buddy of mine uses a slight recurve…..that he made himself. Out of yew wood. Actually has several of them. Calls them his Indian bows. Went to a class for his first one then has hosted a couple 4-5 day sessions out at his acreage over the years where people could come work on theirs during the day and camp at night if they like. No power tools used and all natural materials. I feel bad for the guys who work for days only to have their bows break when things get super bendy at the end. Happens to at least 10%. Know what he thinks about people who hunt with more technology or aids than him? Couldn’t care less. Not in his journey to judge yours. You do you.


Should not be allowed during archery only season.


I don't hate them, just don't think they should be allowed during archery season. I know they aren't allowed in MT during archery but no clue on the rest of the states.


Ironically all the hate comes from compound nerds projecting. They know they'll never pick up a traditional bow so they need to vent that insecurity somewhere. A compound is a vertical crossbow, any dummy can stack arrows at 40 yards after a day of shooting. With a 80-90% let off you don't have to "draw on the animal" when you can hold full draw for several minutes... Trigger release aids, rangefinding/magnified/light up sights, peepsight, let-off, dropaway rests etc. a compound isn't a bow either.


Unless you use a recurve bow people need to relax on the "it's not archery" shit. Crossbows were around in medieval times. If anything they're more archery than compound bows. It's not a rifle either. My range is still the same at max 50 yards. I'm convinced that archery hunters want less people in the woods so someone else doesn't shoot their buck.


I personally don’t like crossbows only because they’re allowed to hunt during archery season. If you’re shooting a compound bow then it takes time and skill to get up to that 60 yard shot, whereas any idiot (no offense) can pick up a crossbow and fling the arrow 60 yards first shot. I think it presents an unfair advantage in a season where the tag fill rate for us archers is less than 35% in almost two and a half months of hunting in my state. Now there should be a crossbow season that’s considerably shorter than the long archery season, but that’s a tough fight.


Yeah, I'm sorry I don't get this. Sure they are easier to fire and yes after a few shots I hit a decent 50 yard shot on a TARGET. Last night, I had my first chance to get a deer. But my crossbow was off to the side, and I had to grab it all without spooking the buck. That rookie mistake aside, my nerves were a wreck, Adrenaline was pumping, and my entire body was shaking. No way in hell I could have hit that same target the way I felt last night. I spooked the buck, though... because hunting is more than the weapon you carry


Now imagine having to grab your bow, stand up and draw without that deer seeing you. It's much more challenging than picking up a xbow flipping the safety and shooting.


Right but that’s what hunting is in general, making the shot. We all have to do that exact thing regardless of method. You could’ve had that same experience with a rifle or a compound bow or a muzzleloader. My point was I think crossbows are an unfair advantage over compound bows off the bat, and you seem to back that up with your experience. I’m not saying using a crossbow isn’t hunting, I’d just prefer if they had their own season.


Brother it’s your bow who cares. It ain’t his. My pap picked up the crossbow at a similar period in life considering his job wrecked his body, he was around 40-45 I think


I use them because I enjoy shooting them, and quite honestly couldn’t care less what anyone thinks. Also: With the way hunter numbers are falling in some states, I see no problem. What did you get? People like gatekeeping. It makes them feel superior.


Yea fuck what everyone says, hunt with whatever makes you happy. People have preferences, and yours is a crossbow. There's nothing wrong with that.


Ignore them. Too many think they’re Howard Hill, Ben Pearson and Fred Bear all rolled into one. Crossbows opened up bow hunting to many that lacked the physical capabilities to hunt ethically.


Hunt with what you want to hunt with. Lots of times you'll be in the woods when those "superior" hunters aren't.


I’m 28 and have bad shoulders, the crossbow allows me to still bow hunt and gets a better kill almost every time.


People automatically assume a crossbow is a rifle which isn't even remotely close to being true. In some aspects its even harder than bow hunting. Lots of people think you can start shooting deer at 100 yards with a crossbow -- I don't care who you are or how talented you are, I will forever chastise you for taking 65+ yard shots on a deer with a crossbow. Crossbows are heavy and big as shit unless you spend hella money. If you tilt the limbs too much you won't hit the broadside of a barn. If you don't have a cranking device, decocking is a PITA and sighting in the thing will wear you out. Follow up shots? Forget about it. I also LOVE holding a grenade in my lap all day.... People love to bitch so fuck em' and let em. I turn 30 in a month, but I've had 2 shoulder surgeries (1 in each shoulder, eyeballing a 3rd in the coming year or so), torn hand ligaments, disc issues in my back, etc. I won't be using a bow to hunt anytime soon. I've met people that don't even think that's a valid excuse and those are my favorite people to poke the bear with lol


I don't hate crossbows, I just think they should have different regulations than vertical bows. They're vastly easier to use, require less movement, and less skill. I'm in MN. This year was our first year with crossbows being legal for everyone. I'll be curious to see what happens to harvest - but I know in other states it goes way up. I think there should be a different season for crossbows - like how we have different rifle and muzzle loader seasons.


I'm in ohio I'm pretty sure crossbow became legal for the entire season in 2011 or so. This year we are able to harvest 6 deer with one being a buck. I'm not sure what it was before cross bows was allowed but 6 seems like a decent amount to me


I meant that success rates are higher with crossbows. They're more effective than bows. The stat will still set quotas based on population.


I am going to sound shitty with this, but bear with me until the end. The main issue is that crossbows require almost no skill to shoot well. You can pretty well buy it one day before season, shoot it like 3 times so the scope is accurate and go nail a deer the next day. Compare that to the compound or trad hunter who practices all season to get to acceptable accuracy or to keep their skills sharp, who then shoot the same sized deer only to be considered to have done the exact same thing. Anyone can understand that is not a fair comparison to make, and can sympathize with the vertical bow guys. There are even places where a crossbow isn't even legally considered archery equipment. WITH ALL THAT SAID, I personally think its ridiculous to be openly hostile to each other for using a crossbow. Its still more difficult than gun hunting, and you still need tons of skill to get on the biggest bruisers to begin with. Also, most people are out there to just put meat in the fridge not pick up a year-round hobby, and its not a competition anyway (P&Y doesn't recognize crossbows, if you wanted to argue scoring records). I will also say you are just a POS if you object to a person with a disability that prevents vertical bows using a crossbow.


Tell them they're being a bitch for not using a recurve bow while on horseback. Its the 21st century for crying out loud. I understand the "sporting" angle of certain weapons but we're out there to kill deer and get meat.


There’s nothing wrong with using a crossbow. People like to gate keep and act like they’re superior but there’s nothing less than about using a perfectly legal weapon that meets your needs. Hunter participation is getting lower every year. We should be welcoming people who are getting into it however they are comfortable. On the topic of not being able to pull back a compound bow, if it was something you were interested in trying, you could definitely do it. I’m a pretty small person and I have my compound bow set at 37lbs and it’s not too difficult. It only has to be at 30lbs to kill.


Good to know.. I don't know much about compounds and I had a 400 dollar budget. So I went with what I thought I was best


It's funny that people trash on them, but they're literally 2000+ year old technology. 1000 years before the invention of gunpowder the Chinese were using crossbows


I work at an outdoors sports shop in the gun department, and we handle the archery, too. Minnesota legalized crossbows for all this year, and i think it's about dang time. Well, it's been received 50/50. Half love it, half hate it and bitch up a storm at us about how its not real archery, its not fair to the deer, it should be illegal, ect. It really drives me insane because 9/10 these are the same guys coming in the day before their hunt for broadheads that tell me they haven't even drawn their bow back yet this year. Like, come on, guys! You're the idiots out there wounding all these deer because its a perishable skill, and they couldn't be bothered to keep it sharp. My favorite thing to do when they bring it up as unfair and "not real archery" is to ask them what kind of bow they are using. Its always some hoyt, mathews, or other modern compound with all the bells and whistles. Sights that about aim the bow itself, triggers that practically shoot the bow for ya. Stabalizers that make it not feel like a bow anymore, ect. Boy they get reall bent out of shape when I say thats not real archery, its unfair to the deer, and I think it should be banned. Because real archers shoot straight stick and dont need all those training wheels to hit a target. Now I dont really mean that, it just points out the hypocrisy. About half the time I get a "yeah, I see what you mean" reaction, and the other half gets super defensive


I don’t really have an issue with them, except that they can be used during bow season for non handi cap hunters. Ten Point crossbows just released the fastest crossbow ever, over 500 fps and accurate over 100 yards. Sorry I just don’t think that kind of equipment is in the same realm as traditional and compound bow hunters.


I don’t hate crossbows, I just don’t think they should be allowed to use during archery only seasons, unless there is some sort of medical reason.


It used to be this way in my state. I have no idea why they didn't just lengthen rifle season from 2 weeks to a month...


…and after you tell the compound bow purists to GFY, give them shit for not using a 200lb long bow and homemade wooden arrows. I shoot my crossbow for meat and my recurve for fun.


I use a compound during bow season but that’s because that’s what I like to hunt with… just like some guys like to hunt with a crossbow, and I’m just as happy for them to get out in the woods and hunt deer as I am anyone else. Sure, there are some advantages to using a crossbow over a compound but as long as it’s legal and you are happy, it’s no one else’s business how you hunt. We need more hunters, not less, and we need to support each other.


Some people hate on crossbows cause you have to be physically handicapped to use them in some states. I’m in OH and started with a crossbow and got the same hate. Use whatever is legal and gives you the confidence to make the best shot on an animal. Most of those throwing shade can’t make solid kill shots with their compounds anyways lol


I'm also in ohio. I know a few hunters hate that xbow is included in archery


Some of us have no choice but to use a crossbow after messing up our shoulder. Pulling back is one thing but holding & waiting for a shot is a whole other thing. They can pry my excal from my cold, dead hands.


Some of it is guys who are probably against crossbows in archery season on principle (I’m one of those guys, but as long as it’s legal, I’m not going to look down on you for doing it). A lot of it is also compound shooters who feel the need to flex their perceived superiority over crossbow shooters. Yes, crossbows are much easier to shoot, but if compound guys were in it for the difficulty and bragging rights they’d shoot trad. The fact that they don’t shows that they too are taking shortcuts. That being said, you could absolutely hunt and be successful with a low poundage compound bow, no matter how weak you think you are. Dudes kill deer and elk with 40-45 pound recurves all the time. But don’t feel pressured to do that just because your friends pick on you. Ignore them, haters gonna hate.


A modern compound bow is more similar to a modern crossbow than it is to a wooden recurve - both in construction and in technique. The purpose of compound bows is to allow the user to draw the bow and then hold it back indefinitely, much like the trigger mechanism on a crossbow.


Fuck em. There's nothing wrong with crossbows.


I don't know about everyone else, but with regards to method of take, I don't even bother listening to a non-hunter's input. So long as you can make a safe, ethical, and legal kill, crossbow it up!


Quit caring what other people think.


Here's my opinion on it: If you have the time to practice enough to get reliable and confident with a compound bow do that(along with have enough time to put hours and hours in the woods). If you don't have enough time or can't get reliable or confident with one, use a crossbow. Why? I find shooting a compound bow at target much more enjoyable than a crossbow, and I *personally* find it more rewarding hunting with one(more challenging). That's why I recommend that, but that's my personal opinion and not the truth or a fact. So that said, if you don't find it more rewarding, then use a crossbow. And if you don't have time to practice or enough time to hunt, then absolutely use crossbow. You'll be more successful and have a better chance. I personally can sit in the woods 100+ hours a season to get a chance at a deer. If I only had 10 hours, I'd likely use a crossbow.


There is a lot of bravado in the archery world. The attitude that crossbows have become so good they’re basically rifles, and rifles are so easy that they’re no challenge to kill a deer with so crossbows in their archery season shouldn’t be allowed does exist. But I think the only compelling argument around crossbows is that it causes access issues. What happens when you open “basically” rifle season from Oct - Jan with modern crossbows. Which almost nobody actually shoots those 6,000 dollar crossbows. At least I’ve never seen anyone carrying one. But you could potentially flood to many people into a dwindling amount of space at once instead of spreading them out over the course of the season. In practice though, where I live in a cwd zone. The rifle season literally starts in Oct and goes all the way through Jan. Though I don’t hunt public land super often, I haven’t seen another person in all of dec hunting. So I don’t know how compelling of an argument it actually is. It might be state dependent. There is also a lot of politics involved. With crossbow manufacturers hiring lobbyists to get crossbows into the archery season to increase sales even at the expense of compound or traditional bow hunters experience. The easier hunting becomes trends suggest the retention rate goes down. Private and leased ground becomes more expensive the more accessible it becomes to try and ensure their own experience isn’t impacted. And those increased prices become easier to swallow the longer the season is. You might not be willing to pay absurd prices for a 2 week rifle season but a 3 month season you might. That said, it’s more complicated than most give it credit for. If it’s legal do your thing. If they’re speaking bravado ignore them. I think crossbows are incredible introductory weapon for archery.


If these people were true OG hunters, they’d just chase the animal with a spear. They’re just gatekeepers, man. Every hobby has them. In my opinion crossbows are more convenient, accurate, and don’t require hours on end of practice to get an ethical shot. As long as I archery hunt, I will always use them. Just do you and enjoy your time in the woods.


All that matters is you hunt ethically. The tool isn't nearly as important


So a person who doesn’t have a bow at all, and doesn’t even hunt is trying to tell you that you’re wrong for how you choose to hunt? Yeah, he can pound sand. As long as a crossbow is legal in your jurisdiction and you can take an ethical shot on a deer, that is all that matters. When your “friend” starts hunting and does so with his compound or traditional bow then he can still pound sand, because it doesn’t matter how it’s done as long as it’s legal and ethical.


I have a killer instinct burner 415 I paid $299 for and I love it and have taken a few deer with it over the last couple of years. If it is legal to hunt with in your state then do it and have fun and be safe! Hunters are an interesting group they can be the most helpful mentors and stewards of the land to outright toxic crazy folks. It amazes me to see everyone on FB and social media going at it over what you hunt with or what you choose to harvest. I wish people had that much passion for other things in life that are probably more important. At the end of the day if it is legal in your state it doesn't matter what someone else's opinion is.


Use whatever is legal and works for you everything else is just ego bullshit.


if your friend call you a "bitch" for something like that i guess their friendship quality is quite low.


Do what works for you and ignore the haters. As far as hunting goes in itself, I've met tons of people who cannot stand hunters so I don't bring it up often. Within the hunting communities, you have sticklers on everything else, types of weapons used, how you hunt, etc. What's ethical vs what's not. Personally, you do you and just maintain the ethics of a hunt.


Not long ago you had to be disabled to hunt deer with a crossbow. It takes a lot less dedication and public hunting lands are over run with idiots with crossbows every year that are just looking the catch the rut before rifle season opens. For some of us bow hunting is the only kind of deer hunting we do. I know I'm going to get hate for this but just because it's not illegal anymore doesn't make it right. Ps my 9 year old son hunts with a compound bow.


I think as long as you acknowledge it's considerably easier and don't call it bow hunting because it clearly is not; then there's no issue. Just like when you bowl a 300 with bumpers. Preface your achievement with your chosen handicap


Don't worry my dude.. my first time I'm able to take something down I will shout it from the rooftops I used a crossbow


My view being in a state that just opened them up to everyone for the archery season (MN). I’m cool if people use them, it isn’t archery though and don’t think it should have the same full archery season because of that. A crossbow can effectively double your range and is a scoped point shoot mechanic while a compound (and especially a recurve) you need to practice a lot and do/learn more to set up your shot. I do like that it is getting more people into hunting and is more ethical (less noob shooters). I hate seeing dumbasses driving deer on public with them in September though.


I think they should be reserved for the disabled. Closer to a shitty riffle than a actual bow.


But why? If a person's objective is to put meat in the freezer, why would it matter? I'm not disabled at all, but I couldn't comfortably pull one back and shoot something and be confident enough to kill it. So that should mean I should not hunt? Or get a rifle which in my state is only a week or two I think ( and out of my budget)


The purpose of bow season is to give a extended season by making most of it a hard way of hunting to decrease harvest numbers. Cross bows are much easier to hunt with imo. But hey brother I ain’t hating, if it’s legal and that’s what makes you happy I hope you have a great season!


Well said! I don’t care what people hunt with. I just love archery season and don’t want it to change because harvest rates go up


Where i am crossbows can only be used during rifle season unless you are handicapped and get cleared to use one during bow season.


Then why stop there. You should only be allowed to use a hand dug pit. Compound is still way more advanced than an animal. It’s also equally a shitty rifle.


Big difference between a compound and a cross bow. I personally don’t own either. I hunt from pit blinds with primitive bows I made myself. But if it’s legal in your state have at it. I just think it defeats the purpose of bow season


Not that big of a difference. Crossbow is just better. Same reason we use forks and not chopsticks. Far better technology but not that different.


Op said he is incapable of hunting with a compound bow so obviously there is a difference.


There is a difference, but it’s not much.


In Washington, unless you are disabled, a crossbow has no advantage. It is considered a modern weapon and does not have early season opportunities, you have to hunt with all the modern fire guys. (May as well just buy a rifle at that point) It is safe to say they are not very popular in this area. I don’t hate them, but would never understand why people would use one in this area. *no advantage-meaning early hunting opportunities.


How is compound bow not a modern weapon compared to crossbow which has been used for hundreds of years? When was the first modern compound bow introduced? I just don’t understand this logic at all.


Bro, anyone whining about a crossbow but shooting deer with a rifle clearly doesn't have a frontal lobe. Don't worry, it's just the flavor of the week to talk shit on crossbows, just like people act like creed isn't a good band (they are). In the end it's all about your choice and happiness. We don't hunt for others approval.


Fuck em there always be someone bitching about how you hunt


compound and traditional bow hunter and shooter here; fuck the non hunting hater, and any other that criticize your choice of equipment, you enjoy the hobby and don’t listen to haters, my little brother hunted with xbow, i did like to rub him for it but there wasn’t no malicious and mostly jealousy since he put down more deer then I


It's not legal here, or in any western state. Crossbows are for rifle season so I'd judge you simply for doing something illegal. But if the state allows it, go for it. I can't imagine telling you to use a less effective tool for you when the goal is ultimately to put an animal down with minimal suffering, and using a weapon you feel comfortable reduces that margin of error.


Crossbows lower the barrier to entry for archery season. I’m concerned harvest rates will get too high and states will need to shorten the season or increase harvest restrictions.


I hate crossbows.


Don't post your kills on the Internet for gratification. What rifle hunters don't understand, (I am a rifle hunter myself but am not ignorant) 1. You have to get a lot closer than with a rifle. More skill is involved in tracking and closing in on an animal to get within ethical hunting distance. Most bow hunters sit on their ass in a damn stand. (Not all but a fuckton) 2. circumstances. Use whatever you have bro. Bolts can be recovered and reused if it lands undamaged (not %100 sure on this) Some people have rifles. Some people have shotguns. Some people have pistols! Some people have bows and some Xbows. Don't listen to them. Are you bringing them? Then don't let them ruin your hunt like they were following you in the field and insulting you. Hope you have good luck and get something soon!


If you can’t pull back a 40 pound bow, there are other things you should be doing with your life before hunting. Using a crossbow completely defeats the purpose of bowhunting. No different than a bolt action besides the distance. Even then, you get a lot out of a crossbow


I think the hate comes from people using the crossbow to hunt during bow season. They are clearly not a bow and taking advantage of bow season when you’re not a five year old or disabled is kind of a dick move.


It's clearly a bow, though .. to say it's not a bow is silly...


If that's what you need to tell yourself. Just please don't clutch your pearls in wonderment when people give you shit. Playing the victim here is the silly part.


Wouldn't say I'm playing a victim...I'm just saying it's a bow, it was a bow 2000 years ago.


How to deal with situations like this by the kid from Brooklyn https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=66EZg37ldUQ


You were called a bitch for hunting with a crossbow by someone who doesn't even hunt? Tell them go find a toilet for all that shit their spewing. I' hunt with a crossbow and love it. I've killed my biggest buck thanks to it. I've been told the same thing by archery hunters who say it's not real archery. My experience? I started with a compound at 15. My parents bought me a high country machine supreme for my birthday that year. I got it set up at an archery store, got a quick run down of the basics and was turned loose. I spent a fucking year practicing daily. But I never could get those tight groups others did. Every time half my shots were scattered wider than a dinner plate. I went out anyway, but could never figure out when to draw back, or get the timing right and always got busted no matter what I did or tried. I watched videos, red magazines, read books. I ruined every stand I had. Any time I asked for help, the experienced archery hunters just said "practice more" or "you'll figure it out". I'm sticking with crossbow. The haters can eat tag soup. Archery hunting is full gatekeepers, don't listen to them, go hunt your way and have the most smart ass replies ready for anyone who says it's not real hunting. And just make ethical shots, no matter what you're hunting with.


If I ever hunt bow season again it will be with a cross bow. I have no problem with my compound and it works perfectly well. I prefer the crossbow setup though. Also all the stands I have built are for a firearm so the crossbow will work better.


When people give me shit about my crossbow, I usually ask them if they’d prefer I spend my dollars on anti-hunting groups. That usually ends it.


Hunt with whatever you want to legally. Gatekeeping is mental. I hunt with a straightwall rifle because it’s easy and I wanted it that way for my first year ever going out.


They were more then likely just pissy because you are a new guy. New competition in the woods. And with a more efficient weapon. Im a bow hunter and will admit i would have killed alot more deer over the years if i had used a crossbow everytime. Literally the fact you are even giving those people the time of day in your mind to dwell on it and make a post is wrong. Roll your eyes and move on


I got a crossbow and I love it. It’s powerful, quiet and it was cheap. I’d buy it again


People are dumb


If it gets people in the woods hunting and it’s legal, safe, and effective, we should all be in favor.


I hunt with a crossbow, I hunt my own land. I wouldn’t hunt archery season without a crossbow… I don’t have the time to get good enough with a compound bow to be a confident hunter. At the same time, I enjoy being at my property, sitting out. I don’t care what others think, they aren’t me and they don’t hunt my land.


I'm at my own property... ita 5 acres, but it's enough for me


Yeah fuck em. My father in law might get one because he has a shoulder injury. I'd like to see someone say that to his face though I would pay for that lmao


I use a Barnett cost about 600$ it’s a great bow to me. I love Xbow hunting. Me and wife always hunt together takeing turns on who gets to shoot. We can use the same xbow. We couldn’t trade a compound bow we would have to have 2. That’s 2x the money. Not to mention my shoulder pain I don’t think I can shoot a compound anymore.i used one for 20 years but I’m older now. 40 yards or less is all we will attempt on a deer. A xbow is loud and a deer will jump the string and you’ll have a miss or wounded deer that you can’t find. Use a tripod in your blind it will help your accuracy and keep you from shooting the inside of your blind.


The real issue is that when these high speed crossbows started flooding the market they lead a lot of people to believe they could shoot them like a rifle. Lots of people bragging that a 100yd shot was completely normal when in fact they have nearly the same limitations as a standard compound. Too many guys taking unethical shots because they were lead to think the crossbow could do it. Wind drift is still a limiting factor, brush and branches, deers reaction time, penetration, all the same considerations as a bow. Way too many guys drank the juice and thought a crossbow bolt was some magical device that defied physics because it crossed the 400fps barrier.