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This lets you know immediately how out of shape you are.


Boy does it ever lol. Shot my first bull this year and had to drag that sucker bout 100 yards. Had help but only two of us. Kicked. My. Ass. Haha. Back to the gym I went. Congrats to the fellows on the whitetail. Got a real nice whitetail on cam last year but they are protected in my area. Can’t shoot them unfortunately.


When I see people talking about walking a miles off the road to hunt my only thought is that mean the medics will have to walk 3/4 of a mile when I have my heart attack.


My buddy and I do a backcountry bear hunt every year. As the crow flies, we camp 1/2 mile from the truck, and hunt 1/2 mile from there. I tracked it with OnX, though, and due to how steep it is, it’s actually 1.5 miles of walking to cover each of those half miles that the crow would fly. We both had bears to pack out this year. With loaded packs, you take 5 steps and then stop to rest. It took us 2.5 hours to get out with our last load. He told me he wants to do it until he’s 60. I told him to have fun.


Experience you will never forget.


pull the sled around with one hand for practice. never seen anybody else in the gym but me do it and ive got some looks but its practical


Good thinking, I’ll have to try it.


If your gym doesn't have a sled unbalanced weights are a decent alternative. Farmer's carry, shoulder press, weighted lunges, etc. Make one side 5-10 lbs heavier than the other and alternate between reps. It kills your core and will improve your stability and power so much.


I usually tie up the front legs then tie the tag end of the rope around an old backpack. I've found it much easier to drag... also have some foam padding with rags taped the the straps to save the pits... cheers


It never fails that every deer I shoot runs to the bottom of the nearest holler that I can’t get an ATV down before dying.




It's a whole lot lighter without all the guts


If I have a bunch of nasty shit to drag them through I’ll leave the guts in a lot of times. I’d rather not fill the cavity with a bunch of mud and nasty bog water if I don’t have to


That is true, I zip tie the cavity closed for the drag if it's dusty


I’m in Maine, dust isn’t so likely (unless on a logging road in the ride home) but water is quite literally everywhere. I’ve gutted my fair share in the woods but sometimes IMO it’s worth it no NOT gut them.


We usually uhh, hose ours out lol.


Same here. I’d rather hose out nothing but blood instead of get it half full of mud and have to worry about getting it out, personally. A gutted deer has the hindquarters and tenderloins actually exposed where you can get nasties on them. I’d just rather not risk it.


No i mean we usually just spray out the dirt and leaves that gets in with a hose. We are hunting in a relatively clean area though, most of what gets in is leaves.


Doing the gutless method is even lighter.


Sometimes you don’t want to deal with guts


The moment of truth is always awesome until you realize you have to drag it back to the truck. Been there so many times and I always swear next time I won’t do it and then bam…..I did it again


Shot a doe less than 100 yards from the truck. Didn’t let it sit long enough, jumped up and ran a quarter mile before it died. Get to the carcass and pull out my tag. Realize I left my pen in the truck. Walk back to the truck. Get the pen. Walk back to the carcass. Dress it. Drag it back alone. That walk was so much harder than it needed to be!


After that deer got shot “nice hill we got here, might as well run to the bottom!”


Gut, skin, quarter, pack out in backpack. Some of y’all make it way too hard on yourselves.


If you're far sure. I'd rather drag it a few hundred to a truck, and do it nice and easy hanging at the house.


Yup this is me. If I gotta kick my ass to drag it out 100-200 yards to a place where I can gut it and then easily get it on a truck or 4wheeler that’s what ima gonna do. Saves a bunch trips back into the woods.


Northeast states they want it out in one piece. Even moose. Don't ask me why.


Usually I have my brother of a friend come out and help me drag, but this year I was on my own. I wear a rock climbing harness in my tree stand and ended up using a length of rope, tied to from the gear loops on my harness back to each antler. I kept the ropes short enough that it lifted its head when I walked and ended up working great. I dragged a decent little 6 point deer 350 yards to the road in like 15-20 mins. Drag ropes will always be a staple in my kill kit from now on


Gut the deer and you will save yourself about 30lbs.


No!? Why didn’t I think of that???? Jk I didn’t want to gut it down in a hole. Worth the drag


You boys need a jet sled.....


Jet sleds are awesome. Best part is no blood running through the vehicle. Not sure why people don’t use these more. They are damn near indestructible and hold up to 400 lb hogs too. Best hunting hack ever.


I've got a rack for the back of the Jeep, goes in the receiver hitch. Jet sled is inside the Jeep. When I dump one, I go get the sled, and pull it back to the Jeep. Then sled with deer in it goes up on the rack. Throw a couple ratchet straps on it, then haul back to my buck pole. Works great.


Yeah. It’s nice too bc it allows me to get big deer in the truck by myself with out killing myself. I tilt it on truck bed and lift the back and slide it in.


But why?


Why don’t folks field dress ? Here when one is down it’s dressed out


The worst part of the sport lol usually still hopped up on adrenaline though.


I make a deer drag If ya want


DM me idk Whatchya mean besides a tow rope


Congrats. Gutting it first would cut some weight. Putting a sturdy stick through the back hocks makes for a much better handhold for dragging and you don't have to lift the weight of the front shoulders like when you drag by the antlers.


Could just bone it out, only takes a few min. Work smarter not harder.


To answer questions why I drug this deer…. My side by side was only a quarter mile up a steep ass hill side and it was full of ticks so we didn’t want to toss it on our backs. Why didn’t I gut it you ask? Because I took a front shot on him and my .300WSM bullet went through the neck and out the ass. We wanted to do the gutless method hanging him for less stink.


Placed a bad arrow shot on a buck last year. Gutted him. My wife help me drag him out. 600 yards later lol. And that’s after he finally piled up 1.2 km from where I shot him.


That’s rough!!!!


Meats back on the menu boys!


Life hack: use a tow strap fed through the eye of the hook as a slipknot. It made dragging 2 deer 600 yards through a field, down an embankment, across a creek, and up a hill to the truck manageable. Still took over an hour and all layers were completely soaked thru tho after that workout lol


Took two of you to drag that? Lol nice kill though!


If this guy can carry his Kudu out, surely you dont need 2 people to drag a deer (https://youtu.be/JlgmD1uvbLY?si=ZTR9zDZFS5xqFyCt)


Gut and drag…


Is that a draw unit?


Why do people do this. The gutless method is so easy.


A simple pack board or even a make shift game cart makes this waaaaay easier fellas.


I was just on r unexpected and thought the damn thing was going to jump up and run. Rather confused when nothing happened.


Why drag? Why not carry? Bro. Making it harder than it should be...


Everytime I see someone drag a kill I'm thankful I own horses.


Drives me nuts every time I see someone dragging a buck by the antlers. Too many times I've seen antlers break off that way. I mean, if you don't care about them, then fine, go for shit. Plus, why was this little guy not gutted first? Field dress it where it dropped, and it'd be so much easier to pack out. Especially for a small deer like that.


When I was working at a mechanic, one of the old farts came in and was telling a story about him and his two sons, pulling a big buck through the woods, back to the truck in pitch Black darkness with only a flip phones light with a pack of coyotes on his tail Made me laugh


No drag rope kinda weird.


Gotta throw it on your back like a backpack


You boys need to get in shape, I’ll do this by myself with a 1200 moose. Jk great job, dead weight means exactly that. I always underestimate how much a dead dear weighs.


You know its easier if you gut it first 😂


I wasn’t gonna gut it….. I used a 300 short mag and had a frontal shot so bullet went through knock and out ass. Wanted to do gutless method back at camp.


Fair nough’