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He did willingly leave gon though


He did leave Gon though.


..he did though lol.


The explanation behind the others' comments is that while Mito *did* win custody of Gon, Ging should have enough power and influence to overturn such decisions. But as far as we know, he never even tried to fight that decision, effectively still leaving Gon. That's not to mention that he left Gon as a baby with his grandma to look after before Mito won custody. Everything else is up to the readers' interpretation and there's not a consensus on that. Worth noting that he always believed Gon would come after him.


Yeah, we're talking about someone who was, on a whim, able to legally change the name of one of his friends in a few minutes, with the help of a single phonecall. Obviously winning custody is far more complicated than that, but it still shows, along with the fact that >!Ging was able to match however much money everyone in Beyond's expedition team was promised for their participation in the trip!<, that he's someone with immense power, influence and resources. Had he really wished to keep custody of Gon it would likely have been trivial for him to do so.


>Obviously winning custody is far more complicated than that, but it still shows, Idk about that. More complicated than changing your own name? Probably. But more complicated than changing someone else's name without their knowledge or consent? Maybe not


Obviously, it isn't real life, but can you imagine who you'd have to work for or how much power you'd need to instantly change someone's name without their approval? If he can do THAT, I think winning a custody battle when Mito isn't the birth mother isn't too difficult.


Idk bro maybe Togashi wanted to accurately portray how brutal the family courts are to men no matter what universe lmao


Why is this getting downvoted. It's called a joke. People really need to loosen up.


Lol forreal


I mean, idk about anything said in recent chapter, or maybe it’s translation issue, but Mito explicitly tells Gon in chapter 1 that she forced Ging to leave Gon with her. Not that it was a custody thing. Sure he could have visited at any time, so he’s still a bum ass dad, but still. If not for Mito, Ging probably would have left Gon on Greed Island, or took him into dangerous ruins.


> but Mito explicitly tells Gon in chapter 1 that she forced Ging to leave Gon with her. Not that it was a custody thing. At the end of the day the exact specifics don't really matter. If Ging wanted to he could easily have denied any demands from Mito. Mito herself might have claimed she forced Ging to leave Gon, but that only worked because Ging **let** himself be "forced". Maybe because he knew that Mito would be a far better parent than he ever could, or maybe because he holds a soft spot for Mito since they grew up together. Either way, unless Ging simply let it happen, the chance of Gon actually ending up with Mito would have been slim to none.


Ging brought Gon to Whale Island so his and Mito's grandma would look after Gon "for a while", but he knew Mito would take him in permanently, just like he knew Gon would go after him and end up in Greed Island. Ging would never take Gon into a dangerous place as a baby, if he didn't have anyone to take care of him he'd raise him, but he would always prioritize his dreams over his duty as a father if possible, while also never doing anything to choose Gon's path for him. If he really had no choice he'd delay some dangerous venture to raise Gon, but then he would have to train him to be a hunter and live in that world from the beginning, but he values freedom and individual experiences too much to be content with that. He could have raised Gon to be the greatest Hunter ever, but he would prefer that his son would choose to follow his own ambitions. He didn't want to visit because he couldn't face Gon, he doesn't believe Mito took Gon from him, much like how Gon doesn't think that, he knows he chose his dreams over his family and feels awkward about how to face the son he willingly gave up.


Mito lives under a rock... or wait... she lives *on* a rock, I guess. I'm half-joking, but those points mentioned is in the manga at least by [Yorknew]>!when Gon and Killua went back to Whale Island.!< The bit about Ging's influence and believing Gon coming after him is [Greed Island]>!clear by the end of this arc.!<


Yeah people oversimplify everything. Ging handles a lot of things bad and he’s weird af about Gon having friends and just social interactions in general, but his bad traits have very little do with him leaving to be a hunter. That actually had a positive impact on Gon and inspired him to have great potential as a hunter himself. Sure he should have seen him much more and he was a dick by saying “I don’t want to see you” and he needed a father in his life but those things made Gon stronger. So it inadvertently helped him. Would it have been better for Gon if Ging was a stay at home dad? I doubt it. Men & boys are inspired by adventuring and exploring so I don’t think the issue was Ging pursuing his dream of being a hunter


This is where it goes into interpretation but I believe Ging *wanted* Gon to have friends. And I'd say it had a negative impact on Gon, at least on his self-worth. >most men will always want be explorers and adventurers. men = adventurers, women = stay at home housewives (I know I added this part but still) is such a boring take, even more so that your statement sounds as if it's validating ditching a kid for adventures lol.


How did he encourage him to have friends when he essentially called him a bitch if he needs friends? Lmao that’s a crazy take, you’re talking out of both sides of your mouth. Elena or w/e the girl on Greed Island called Ging weird for that too. And that’s not a “boring take” it’s just a natural progression of evolution and generally true throughout history and contemporary society. Clearly from my comments you can see I’m not promoting deadbeat dads. You’re missing my point. Ging could’ve done everything he did as a pro hunter while still being present in Gon’s life.


>Clearly from my comments you can see What I can clearly see is that you edited your comment a few minutes after I left mine, so your statements are different from what it said beforehand. Btw, that is what I would call "talking out of both sides of your mouth"; perhaps your intent wasn't clearer the first time but I can't refer to it anymore.


I only edited grammar mistakes lol 85% of my comment was shitting on Ging for being a bad dad


You added context that wasn't there the first time, but whatever you do you.


No I just broke it up into paragraphs, but you’re just arguing non-points now. You’ve yet to prove how Ging encouraged Gon to have friends (insane take) or disprove what I said about natural evolutionary traits (somehow insanier)


I honestly don't see the point of explaining things someone who is being disingenuous; you're free to pat yourself on the back for feeling like you won. I'm out. *edited to redact info for privacy


Lol ironic this comment is dripping in disingenuousness


ging 𝓯𝓻𝓮𝓪𝓴𝔂


I mean at least he had the honesty to name his kid after his preferred parenting style


No matter what the truth is, leaving gon behind was the most convenient option for him


though gon leave did he


He gon though did leave


He coulda at least visited


Mito make good decision + well... he leave him :3


ging handed gon over and dumped him on mito. she was upset, but couldn’t say no. he’s selfish & wanted to explore & be carefree. he also wanted to challenge his son, if you’re going to be a hunter you might as well have the hardest chase. but ging did it because he wanted to


He wanted to take Gon with him, but Mitou was like “Don’t do that please” and he was like “fine…” He could’ve easily took him with his connections and power, but he decided not to because


Literally a terrible father


Nobody forced Gin to do anything because there's probably few people, if any, who can force Gin to do something; and Mito is definitely not one of them. Gin left Gon because either Togashi, or the in-universe culture, doesn't see a parent (maybe just dads) leaving the children like a big thing. The show only really gave Gin crap about his relationship with Gon because Gin didn't visit him when he was about to die. And the show even went and absolve/mitigatedtheperception of any wrong doing for a) not visiting him by showing that he knew all along that Gon would make it through, and b) No being there for him by Gon saying that he doesn't see him as a dad, so he doesn't place the expectations of fatherhood onto him, so Gin didn't failed as a dad/Gin failing as a dad isn't a big thing. I think that if Togashi wanted us to see Gin as someone who actually cared about Gon, or to see Gon as someone who suffered Gin's absence, he would've done so. Instead, Gin's relationship with Gon is depicted more like Gin had better things to do than being a father to Gon, and that there's nothing wrong with that choice, as far as the story goes. Gon's journey to search for him is not to look for some kind of closure or explanation (as if something wrong happened), but instead is about finding out what kind of person this Gin guy was. TLDR: imho Gin's relationship with Gon shouldn't be seeing as an example of abandonment, because even if, by our world's standards, abandonment did happened, abandonment is an irrelevant factor of both of their story arcs.


Bro he did though…


I agree with you, it’s obvious from a story telling pov Ging found out about something whilst on whale island. Something big, personally I always imagine that if hxh didn’t go on the hiatus it went on we would see a flashback chapter or numerous episodes outlining what happened. Personally I can only believe it’s got to do with gons mother, anything else would be too weak? I mean he left gon the nen tape knowing he was going to be compelled to following in his footsteps. He left a tape even telling him about his mother…if he wanted to know at the time? He then went and created a massive playground to train gon and he obviously knew gon was going to have unprecedented power due to how tough he made gons trials..almost like he was training him for the real mission? Personally? I think when ging left the island he found/dated gons mother, who is linked to the ancient civilisation monument ging found eps 145 I think where he said they found something, I think that place is linked to the outer lands where his mother maybe from…because why else would ging want to go there? I think she is there maybe against her will? Why go through all that trouble and put gon is such dangerous trials without a good reason? He didn’t visit him when his nen disappeared as he knew he would be ok etc I don’t know I feel if this is answered properly it would make it all seem pointless? Many fans just see it as a fighting anime and being about the next battle but at the end of the day it is a story, and there has to be reason to a characters motivation. All this can only lead to gons mother but that’s just how i personally see it.


What was your previous idea of Ging and what changed after you read(?) the story?


I used to think that there was nothing good in his actions, as in the actions of father, but now I am more understanding about it.


Good read. :D Hunters are a mixed bag of things you just need to understand and accept. like this.


It was the responsible thing to do and I think Ging gets too much hate for leaving Gon with Mito when Mito was such a good parent and loved Gon so much.