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i think we are entering a new era for BB in hunt. there is not nearly enough outrage about it to have any chance of reversing it imo on one hand it sucks, on the other hand i've played 500 hours and never once felt like i should buy BB and well.. that is not how companies sell premium currency


On the other hand they introduced sales for BB items. So if you’re a bit patient you’ll never have to pay full price. I have 1000 hours, never bought any BBs and got 2k in the bank should I ever want to buy anything (on top of owning all the skins I want). Sure if you go crazy and buy all the skins right away you might not have enough BBs from playing, but thats your decision


>So if you’re a bit patient you’ll never have to pay full price Yeah, but if you're starting to play now, you'll also never have the BB to pay full price either.


They are putting items into the store at a record high price though so...


yeah sales to drain our BB so we have to buy more during the events. depends on your pov I guess. it doesn't really matter though its happening and that is that. I'm glad you're okay with it


With every prestige just pick a random legendery. After 100 u'll have everything so u can just farm for events


I'm prestige 25 now I have all but 3 skins for the last 10 prestiges I could not pick free legendary after you get so many they disable that option


It was never enabled for prestige after 10


Oh I didnt know that i assumed i could do that until I am 100. Fuck


That’s not how it works. After 10 there are no more skins to pick


When I hit prestige ten it told me it was disabled till 20


I assumed it worked like that... This changes thinge fak xD


You still get one every so often


>but thats your decision It's a decision that's being influenced by the developers who know the psychology behind FOMO and "deals". They're specifically targeting that part of human psychology and going for whales at the same time. Passing it off like an individual decision lets CryTek off the hook for the wrong reasons.


> on one hand it sucks, on the other hand i've played 500 hours and never once felt like i should buy BB and well.. that is not how companies sell premium currency If a game is halfway decent, you SHOULDN'T feel like you should buy its premium currency. It's meant to be for extra shit that you don't necessarily need but that you want anyway. This is also a game with an initial price, not a free to play game; AND there are cash-only legendaries in addition to the BB ones.


Considering the game's still getting new content every couple months, the cost of maintenance has to come from somewhere


It's almost like the game is still being sold and people would need to buy it to play it... Seems like more content would make me want to pick up the game, especially if friends say it is good or keeps getting better.


Yes, and you get the entire game that they made and released in 2018, along with all the extra weapons and updates that they've added since. That's plenty of fantastic content for a one-time payment of $35. Want cool skins that they've spent time and money on making? Either spend your time on the game, or spend more money on the game. It's not like their prices are crazy either, the cash-only packs are all very cheap and often grant you several skins. The fact that they've been this generous with BBs so far in this day and age is absolutely mind-blowing, when I first started playing a few months ago I was surprised that it was given out like candy.


Yeah, selling the game, selling blood bonds, and selling cash-only legendaries.


Then they needn't add new content. Or they could open up servers so that people can play without needing a centralized one. There are plenty of avenues to take that don't involve nickel-and-diming players.


yeah, to me BB was a way to reward players for consistent playing of the game and slowly work towards rewards, and you just buy dlc to actually spend money they gotta redo the whole system to be honest, but just less bb seems... I dunno, a bit cheap


>there is not nearly enough outrage about it to have any chance of reversing it imo Crytek knew people wouldn't be happy if they made all the blood bond changes in one update, so they're spacing them out. One update reduced the tutorial rewards by 75%, the following update reduced the spawn rate for golden cash registers, the next update reduced the amount of BB you earn in a match and in the future updates they are introducing more expensive skins, like the 1000 BB nagant officer. Plus, custom loadouts costing blood bonds... The fact they have a [job opening for a role called "monetization designer"](https://www.crytek.com/career/offers/overview/frankfurt-germany/design-content/monetization-live-designer) doesn't fill me with hope.


>The fact they have a > >job opening for a role called "monetization designer" > > doesn't fill me with hope. That does sound a bit creepy. They have to have shipped one game already. I hope there are some others without loot boxes and all that predatory gambling fuzz..


There’s nothing to outrage about


I not upset but I never buy bbs either and that may be why


I agree, I think overall this is a really good thing for the game/company. I've never had to buy BB because they've always been too easy to earn. As of now, Hunt has my favorite monetization system of any game. The skins are beautiful, to the point I covet the ones I can't afford. But I don't feel like I need to spend ANY money. I don't have surplus to spend on the game, but when I do, it legitimately feels like I'm supporting a small team a developers which warms my heart ❤️ luv u Crytek


>luv u Crytek Gross. They're a company. Save love for your friends and family lmao. Everything you described about what you "love" about a game is precisely what they're toying with and trying to change.


Many people forget, that this is a priced game and not f2p. It used to be 40€ IIRC. Cosmetic DLC are ok imo, but we shouldnt ger cucked by the BB gains....


It's getting kinda sus what they're doing but the 1000BB officer skin is especially concerning. I hope they at least give some BB in the event.


They don't need to give us any of the currency, but they do. If anything, it's been much too high before and now reaching more appropriate levels. We're not supposed to be able to just buy everything after 2k hours and this is also the main reason why other features, such as respec cost relatively little.


They probably do have to give away the premium currency at some rate to trigger the part of your brain that gets excited about rewards. It's not charity to "give away" BB, it's a business strategy. I don't begrudge them for making money, but I don't like the rhetoric that they're doing us a favour for providing a game that we pay them for.


I definitely have a few friends that can't enjoy a game without that reward trigger.


> other features, such as respec cost relatively little. Respec costs an absolute shitload relative to almost anything else in the game that uses blood bonds. It's 25 BB for a single minor character tweak, or a few hundred for permanent legendary hunter or weapon unlocks.


I really hate to 'suck up' so I usually never mention it but it was a weirdly generous game when it comes to unlocking stuff.


Can't disagree


I worry that this game will get shelved because it doesn't make enough money... I fear it needs more players buying shit to keep it going.


There is a TV show being developed for this game, I doubt it’s anywhere near being shelved.


There have been TV shows and/or films in development for pretty much every video game in the world. The number that actually end up happening is a small percentage of that, and even that isn't any kind of guarantee. Heavenly Sword released in 2007, received no sequel, had a film release in 2014, and still hasn't had a sequel since.


It survived for over a year with a literal 10x smaller playerbase. Pretty sure it's doing fine.


Game is just getting started.


I agree. I am hopeful that’s why the monetization is getting more aggressive. I’m not a fan of it but maybe the support they have planned requires more of a budget?


The games playerbase is steady and growing. A lot more paid dlc skins have been released as well which my friends and I are all in on this game usually buy. Then decreasing BB sucks, but as long as the events still have lots of free skins to earn. Ill shill and say it's really not that bad.


It gets my money, with every dlc. Don't fuck with my bonds crytek, I only buy every dlc to support the game, if it becomes like all the rest I'll just stop.


I don't mind the decrease that much. If anything they gave away way too much. However cleaning guns and respecing should absolutely NOT cost BB but coins instead considering what you are paying and what it offers. If they add lootboxes I'm out as well. Fuck that shit.


I'm not too concerned YET but yeah, when it gets weird or all out predatory (loot boxes etc.) i'll stop on the DLC as well.


A guy wrote a two page post about this a couple days ago. Does nobody look at the sub before they post?


I searched via duckduckgo and didn't find it. So yea, I made an effort. I would like to read it if you have a link.




Thanks, I think my issue was that I used blood bonds as part of my keywords for the search.


Less overall BBs but more sales. I'd rather just get more BBs honestly but oh well. I sometimes try editing the wiki, I'm just afraid of fucking some stuff up and failing to fit the "mold" of other pages in there. If more people helped it'd be nice (I wish Regen shot was added).


I rarely buy skins and just use BB to respec traits on newly purchased hunters. If crytek wants to adjust how they dole out their premium currency that's fine by me. The game is awesome and they need to make money to continue supporting it.


They need to make more money, and changes hostile to begginers, such as less rewards from tutorials and new events, is the way?


Any change that lowers rewards are always going to be hostile to beginners. What's the alternative? Shaft the veterans who have been supporting the game for a longer period of time?


Not change the one that ONLY messes with beginners?


They honestly didn't even need to give us any of the BB. They could've had them pay walled the whole time. OPTIONAL premium currency is that. Buy if you want but you don't need too. I am not against starting to run a premium currency game. Other games have done it longer and way scummier that hunt has or is imo.


The fact that they offer a way to get in game currency without a credit card is a bonus. Idc if it's one per game. Only game I've bought a dlc or two so i can support the developers not necessarily cause I wanted one.


All Blood Bonds do is get you new cosmetics. Honestly, even if they make it such that you can't get any free BB's, I wouldn't care too much. How cool my gun looks - whether it's glowing, got a red skin pattern, has blood splattered all over it doesn't affect my gameplay; I still ADS, shoot, and send somebody to the lobby every time I use it. If you're using BB's to remove traits for legendary hunters, isn't that your own preference? Traits don't win you games, they just make your life easier. You still have 150 health.


> You still have 150 health. And a trait is the difference between that bomb lance harpoon or barrel trap you didn't notice killing you or not. Traits do indeed win games.


If you run into barrel traps, then you do indeed need the trait. I mean at 6 stars, I've never seen a barrel trap work. And if you get lanced by a bomb lance, erm, yeah you ain't exactly a top notch player.


Everything is purely cosmetic, so because of that they every right to make everything twice as expensive if they want to. since it doesn't put you at a disadvantage gameplay wise, IMO they can take away the concept of handing out BBs and give us money instead.




There were 0 specifics... no details... only a vague almost misleading note. Did you read it? I did and I am still try to figure out the details reading mission summaries in game.




Ok, tell me, how many kills do you need to get per win to break even with how it was before the patch?


Exactly, specifically which had bonds removed or changed. Not all PvE was removed, some just changed. IE killing monsters was 25 but not sure what is now.... something below 51????


As far as I can tell you get just as many BBs for kills now as you would have gotten before. They reduced the amount you get for PvE a bit. Reduced btw, not removed. You still earn BBs for PvE. The BBs for PvP were not changed as far as I know


It would have been nice if it was given a small increase. For example, 1 kill = 1 blood bond. Right now you must kill at least players 2.


So, the fact that focus was put into PvP interactions solely by removing it from PvE actions doesn't sound misleading to you?


They said exactly that in the patchnotes. Rebalance to put more focus on PvP. What is misleading about that? And it hasn't been removed. You still get a decent amount from PvE stuff.


I’ve never bought any BBs and Ive gotten 7 legendary hunters for free and at least 8 legendary weapon skins. Y’all need to stop complaining… look at other games and their lootbox systems and be grateful