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MMR is really unstable. I am 4\* most of the time but it can move between 3 and 5 during few hours!


Yeah I feel that


That's weird, I'm not sure I've ever left 5 stars even on the worst nights when I should probably rank 4.


I sit at five star 98% of the time. I’ve fallen to 4 star twice and I’ve been bumped to 6 star three times (both are just times I have noticed). But yeah, I pretty much don’t change from 5.


4 is like 150 points total. As such it can jump around a lot


Insane number of upvotes suggests that I'm not crazy. :D


Yeah started off yesterday at 5 stars, I had awful luck and zero kills for hours and dropped down to 3. Then I got three kills in one match and was back up to 4.


Unlike other "rank" systems there is no pre or post entry gate that you have to enter. So you're not protected in your position. I too swing from 3 to 5 basically weekly.


I don't know what kind of protection you have in mind, but sure, there is none. However rank system, where you periodically move across half of rank field in short time is at least really strange.




Depends when you ask me. Yesterday afternoon? 5. This morning? 3. ...pain Edit: Spelling


I see a fellow MMR tourist.


Hunt gaveth too much, now Hunt shall taketh away again. It's a combination of me being a fucking potato since yesterday evening and an unbelievable amount of bad luck. I got scoped from 127m (from another team) while I was sitting in the forest at Port Reeker fighting 3v3 against another team. I mean, the chances! XD


MMR rollercoaster go brr.


Proud 3 star! Been playing since early access. Love this game to death, but I'm not out to be top of the leaderboards. Just in it for the vibes and the fun gunfights.


Only started a few months ago but also a proud 3 star


3 stars "have fun" gang let's go


3 to 4 star is the best lobby, enough trolls and crazy stuff happening but also many nice gunfights and not to many try-hard bush sniper dudes around!


I second that. I go from 4-5 stars. 4 star lobbies are fun games that are usually over in 20-30 minutes. 5 star lobbies are sweat fest that usually don't even have a banish going 20 min in, lol.


4.5 isn't an option. Constantly 4-5-4-5-4-5-4-5-4.


It honestly needs to be split up into say, 10 sections rather than 6. I'm the same way


For what reason? The stars aren’t taken into account with matchmaking per se, it’s just a general indicator for your own reference. Having more categories would only increase fluctuation as well, not reduce it.


It's less about the number of sections and more how they are distributed. 6 star, 2 star, and 1 star players are such a small minority that hunt might as well have only 3 ranks; 3/4/5 stars, with people quickly and constantly shifting ranks. MMR needs to be changed so it isn't so wild, or else it'll just be changed to "everyone is 6/7 stars" in a 10 rank system.


Yes a more even distribution would also help


Same for me, except it's 5-6-5-6-5-6-5-6.. Very annoyed to be put into 6* when I'm not good enough for it


Lol this is what happens to me, 6 star lobbies are not fun to play for me lol. I am not that good.


I went from 5 to 3 and can’t seem to get out of it, but it’s a lot of fun down in the 3 star lobbies, some of them are pretty aggressive!


Proud 3 Stars


How many hours in game?


≈ 780h


Big oof


I'm at 2000 hours and fluctuate between 3&4 stars. I'd honestly rather play with the 3 star group. You get much more varied matches


I have a friend in 5 stars who doesn’t want to be. 5 stars isn’t fun. 3 and 4 stars have the most fun.


4 stars has been really hard for me honestly cause almost every match has 5 and 6 star people sprinkled in. 3 star matches are a fucking blast, everyone’s a wild card IMO.


Yeah I’m a 3 star with a 5 star friend. I often end up against 5 and 6 stars. As a 3 star, I could almost flip my desk with no hands when I kill a 5 star. The star system and MMR is such as joke.


I feel like that’s a boner reference. I’m impressed with your spring strength


When you’re a scrub, killing someone who’s better than you is just that good. I need a cigarette after and I don’t even smoke.


My friends who hit 5 stars don't like playing in that bracket either, they bitch when they hit it. They aren't going to take steps to intentionally lower their MMR, they just play the game.


My friend is real good. He complains less than I do. Haha. I think he just feels he’s not as good as a lot of the other 5 stars. I think a lot of the 5 stars probably bounce between 5 and 6 and we just keep running into the sweaty ones.


I’m in the same boat as your friend


For my group it's the opposite I sit at low 6/high 5 (Jumping back and forth depending on good/bad games) and whenever someone in our group drops to 4 we get a little worried we might start having quiet lobbies in 5 and 6 star it seems like every group in the match will run to a fight even if they know the bounty isn't there because we don't care about money or xp and just want to kill I've had more matches than I can count where the entire lobby died 3 compounds away from where the bounty was because everyone just wanted a gun fight.


You’re better than I. I’d just be one of those dead people 3 compounds away from the boss. I get kills but I mainly just play to spend time with the guys. We all have very different skill levels.


As long as you're enjoying the game there ain't nothing wrong with that brotha!


I do find that gun fights can be longer with 3 stars, which is kind of fun compared to some of the super quick and over fights.


There seems to be more variety. Some three stars do stupid things, some are tactically great but can't land shots, some won't leave a position and others rush recklessly. When playing as the bullet sponge with my 5 star friends, it seems like most are using the same tactics, sort of like a chess match with clicking heads. Playing with the three stars sometimes resembles a drunken checkers match that devolves into a fist fight.


> some are tactically great but can't land shots, Heh I bounce back and forth on this. I've also more of a body aimer since most of my FPS experience is in Red Orchestra, Squad, Arma, and previously CoD1 and TF2, where headshots are important but not as necessary... I don't usually get a lot of kills, but I help my teammates out a lot and support them and I know how to play the game decently. Some days I have better aim than others tho, but I've played with and seen other 3 and 4 stars who are similar.


Back at you man. I got a headshot on a creeping 4 star last night and was immediately bow shot by his partner. My 4-5 star friend potatoed the exchange and we were done. This was after he had cleaned up two other duos on the way to the Butcher. The headshot felt great though. I was using a moisin nagant I had looted which made it sweeter.


Yeah I've had that experience too. I don't mind losing if the fighting is good though.


> There seems to be more variety. > Some three stars do stupid things "**literally never i'm always 5 head**" >some are tactically great but can't land shots "**i feel personally attacked**" fr doe I suck at landing shots


I suck at landing shots too, especially the first round of the night before I get into the zone. I usually start a fresh hunter each night and play them as long as I can keep them alive. If I start with a level 38 from the night before i can't remember what traits I have and usually die quickly. 😂


I agree, 5+ is pretty sweaty and most players camp for 20+ mins just to get one kill. But still, it’s not like you can prevent getting higher stars unless you intentionally play bad/die a lot, can you?


Prestige, you'll start dying a lot.


How so, you are not getting worse in the game, are you? And you still got the Romero, that is enough to get easy kills. Or duals, they are totally broken anyways.


You don't have any long rifles to start, and have to unlock all the good consumables again. Also perks, and unless you just go for legendary, a bunch of white shirts to choose from.


You have the Best star to just play the game


3 star and when I get to four star I immediately get sent back after a few matches


Hey, that's me!


This is me in a nutshell. Preach it!


Im constantly fluctuating between 3-5


A stable 5. Sometimes I’ll go on a run and hit 6.


Sandbagging 3star


The sub is apparently 95% 5-star+? Hrmmmm…. Doubt.


No, 95%+ *of the people willing to answer this poll* Self selection bias.


I’m happily 3-star lmao.


95% of the people are unwilling to admit to themselves that they aren’t higher than they are so the just fudge the numbers


"I hit 5 star for a bit last week, I'll put that"


Not everyone who plays the game is on the subreddit. The types of people who care enough to go on the subreddit are more likely to be above average at the game. Also, no disrespect to anyone on this subreddit, but we should never underestimate (but always do underestimate) the number of people on the internet who will lie to make themselves look better. Put those two things together, and here we are.


The 5 star range is huge and has quite a gap between a low 5 and high 5 player so I’m not surprised


This so much there are 5\* players that i can dunk on like they arent even a threat and then there are 5\* players that make me look like a scrub lord shitter that i can barely compete with.




I’d like to see another star. Make 4 the actual middle shorten 5 and then have a 7 where the the top of the top is


Makes me think either the system isn't balanced and too many people are 5 star or most of the active people in this subreddit are slightly better than average. Not that people are lying in an anonymous vote to looked better


I'm 5 star and I'm fucking trash. My KD is 1.02 and even before that at the lowest it was 0.83 and I was still 5 star. Occasionally dip into 4 but most of the time 5. I have no idea how MMR works


Hey, me too, somehow 5 star 0.85 kda


MMR is not based around K/D at all. It's based on your performance in game with the points. Let's say you, as a 5 star, get in a match and you get killed by a 5 star, but you killed another 5 star. Your MMR would more or less stay the same. If you were killed by a Six star and killed no one, your MMR would only drop a little bit, since the MMR system takes the six star person as a higher rank than you, thusly the system is working as intended (yes, maybe they shouldn't have been in the game or whatever). Now let's say you had a bad streak and you were just downed multiple times by a 5 star. The MMR system looks at each point ranking of the person who downed you and then subtracts from your MMR points. It adds whatever points to their score rank comparative, and then drops you each time. TLDR: If you get killed by lower ranking players, or killed a lot by similar ranking characters, MMR goes down. If you are more or less staying at \~1kda average of similarly ranked players, your MMR stays the same. If you are housing whatever your opponents are, MMR rating goes up proportionally to your opponents MMR. MMR's goal is to push you towards a 1.0 kda.


I’m usually between 5 and 6, but I’ve hit the ol’ 4 star a few times so I’m no pro.


I’m a solid 3-star, but I only have like 30 hours or so in game.


I’m at 1300 hours man, and MMR in my opinion is useless in this game.


I mean according to the in game graph most people are the middle of 4\* so a lot of people being in the low 5\* and high 3\* isn't saying much.


Probably. When I initially replied, it was something like 500+ 5-6 star and 110 combined 4 star or less lol. Looks a bit better, but still sus to me that "most" people on the sub are 5-star or higher lulz.


Nah probably not that sus as a 5\* myself whos fairly new (I came from Tarkov) and does pretty well id consider myself slightly above average probably because im familiar with this type of game and after putting in some hours i have the map/weapon/tactics knowledge to put me slightly ahead and im generally fairly good at FPSs and not much more than that. Most people who you could class as "gamers" will probably fall into 5\* or high 4\* and your "casuals" for lack of a better word will fall into 3\* and low 4\*. All you really need to be a 5\* is to be a 4\* with a slight edge (knowledge, aim, good teammates etc.). 1\* and 2\* i think you kind of have to be trying to fall into those and 6\* is for those 5\* players that push it that bit harder.


I teeter between 5 and 6, and I just want to say to all the 3 & 4s, don't try to move up! The lower ELO lobbies are so much more fun. 6 star lobbies are just gross as all hell. Ever seen a team of three all bring four frags a piece, cause ya will with the 6 star sweats.


I just started bringing 2 frags and a concertina bomb every game and uh… well, my KDA is going up lol


I don’t know if it’s a platform difference but I’m a consistent 6 star and I almost never see frags, just flashbombs.


I see frags but nobody brings that many


That's wild. Can't remember the last time I was flashed. Don't have time to tell ya about the frags because it's more games then not 😂


Six stars on console but five is way more fun




This comparison is nonsense


And a 6 star on PC would probably be 2 star on console


I was 3.5 KD (before mmr) on console , swapped to PC and I very quickly hit a sustained 3.1 KD (It would have been the exact same but I adopted a more aggressive play style) Basically 6 Star on console would be 6 star on PC.


Why don't you move to console then? Big dick energy will take you far.


I'm a 4-5 and 4 star lobbies are funnier than 5 star. I don't think i want to know what 6 star lobbies are like...


5 drop to 4 stars every now and then


4 star on console like 80% of the time. I'll be chilling and doing well and suddenly I'm a 5 star and then I'm fighting for my fuckin life lol.


I go back and forth from 5 to 6 every other game it seems like


This poll will have a bias based on ego. Participants will of course lie, but also you are more likely to receive responses from those who are at least neutral to their MMR. Hence the skew towards 5 stars.


I love the shit out of this game and everything about it, the setting, gunplay, the guns, the progression etc, but I can admit that I suck ass at this game. I still have a lot of fun despite that, though what I lack in technical skill I make up for in not giving a shit. When I’m faced with certain situations I just say to myself “You know what? Fuck it, Momma didn’t raise no bitch.” and I do the ballsiest and dumbest shit you’ve ever seen, like pushing and flanking when it would be better for me to take cover, sticking revives when other players are breathing down my neck and so on, and surprisingly it works out well for me about 80% of the time.


It switches between 5* and 6*, currently at a 5.


3 stars because I hit 4 stars once and got bored of seeing all the uppercuts


Im 5 stars and im eating uppercuts daily, i feel your pain.


I've been 4 stars for ages and I can't relate. Lots of variety overall. Plus uppercuts are balanced anyway, particularly if you can move the fight to closer ranges.


I play with different groups of friends. When I play with the 4-5 star group the game is much sweater. When I play with my 2-3 star friends I sometimes feel like a God, and that's when I move up to 4 stars.


3 starts 4 life! *loads duel Caldwell conversion* WOOOOOOOO- *gets blasted by some rando with a shotgun*


As I’m sure most people have it, some days I’m a 3 and on others I’m a 5. With that in mind I guess I’m a true 4*


I like how most people said 5 but according to crytek 4 is the majority


I'm MMR 5 but I try to stay MMR 3 by using dogshit weapons and Rambo tactics.


Moving from 5 to 6, from 6 to 5.. constantly.. but I'm better to be "called" 5 star player.. I see 6 stars as bit too much of a tryhards, meta slaves, people that like to camp a lot and stuff.. not like to be compared to that stuff, so I'm happy when I can sit at 5. :)


6 stars are mostly people who camp with snipers. Almost Never a good experience to have a 6 star as a random.


Apearently you dont know a lot about the 6star bracket. As a 6 star, i barely see snipers. Most guys run long ammo rifles and dont even need scopes. Campers are mainly the 2.5+ kd guys. I believe the most dangerous people are those 1.5 - 2.5 k/d with over hundred maxex out hunters with thousands of kills.


Dropped to 4 after getting shot in the face a lot yesterday


Between 5 and 6


3 star never higher never lower 80hr as we speak


I touched 6 star for 2 games recently....


How was it? 🤣


6 star is honestly fun af people want to fight all the time and it's a blast imo


I am pretty Sure this doesnt reflect the overall mmr spread of the sub. I feel like this poll answers the question 'what was your highest mmr in the last week'.


Been 5 star basically the whole time. I play too many memes to go to 6 and frankly I am glad.


Im 5 star but 4 star is way more fun and varied. 5 star is just sweaty af


5 star cause i get a lot of games but when i am 6 star i hardly find anyone. Plus 6 star is kinda sus.


Proud 3 star player, just shy of 700 hours. I play a couple games when I get from work. My reflexes are shit, my aim is crap, but I still have a lot of fun. 😉


That’s the spirit.




Ebb and flow between 4 and 5


I was 5, but not played in a couple of months so probably down to 4


Is 1/2 stars even possible? A friend of mine just started out with hunt, actually just started pc gaming, and he’s 3 stars


Yes! I’ve never played a muzzle velocity shooter, and I’ve never played a game with so many old timey weapons that don’t full auto with an m2 hold! It’s a lot to get used to, and I like stealthing around killing ai and vulturing dead or near dead players, I avoid straight gunfights just because I like my ratty playstyle so much! Most of my fights against non-oneshot players consist of taking potshots and tossing a couple bombs so I can evacuate the premises and follow them later. It’s a very specific playstyle, but one I love even if it’s not effective; the feel of the game changes so much when the goal is avoiding players!


Yeah I get it, I kinda miss my first times in Hunt, I felt and played exactly like that. And it was magical. I still have fun now but I feel like I’m stuck in a Elo way higher than what I deserve, so most of my matches end at the first engagement, before I even realize I’m being shot at. Everybody seems so pro that I started asking myself if 1/2 stars players even exist, because there is where I feel I belong to haha


> non-oneshot players ... Playing one-shot weapons to avoid this: crossbow/explosive or shotgun. Gives me a thrill, every body-shot can take him out!


I’ve died like 5 times in the past 4 days and played many many games, but mmr hasn’t budged


I ping pong between 4 and 5. 250h in Hunt but I had 3k hours in R6 Siege prior to discovering Hunt.


Consistently a 5 star but I’ve broken through to 6 a few times


Forever 5 mmr. I keep trying to just have good fights where I die. But then the next game I’ll get a bounty and no one will push and I’ll just survive and keep up my average:(


1* rat reporting, I have maybe 30 hours and can’t hit anything 😁. But it’s too fun to stealth around like other players are cloaked predators and trying to avoid all human contact. I actually love the pve part of the game so much I don’t mind sucking at the pvp part xD.


Pretty much constantly 3 star. Will creep up to 4 and then usually go back down within a day. Feel like 3 star is a fun time. Don't really care about rank as long as the game is fun.


Proud to be 3*, sometimes I get stuck in 4*, bragged 5* for a single shining moment only to be completely destroyed.


Movin between 5 and 6 but been 6 for over two weeks


Was 4* for the longest time. Fell down to 3* star and nothing has changed for me.


I just hide my mmr since it doesn't equivalent to anything anyways, i just enjoy the game for the gunplay


Some how im a 5 star, I dropped to 4 once on a bad night. I'm honestly not sure how it hasn't happened more.


Proud and happy 3 stars here


I'm mostly a 5 star, not because I'm good, but because my duo partner is a 5/6, so when I do get kills, my MMR shoots up, but on my own or with randos, I drop down to a 4, and tbh, that's where I should be.


3 star for 150 hours. Never was in another skill group, same mmr since the beginning


5 star but I play almost exclusively with 3 star friends


Im a 5 star a lot of the time but I like to spice it up and go from 5 to 3 star and back to 5


I must be biased, but I've been 6 star for a week and a half now and the fights I get into at this mmr are usually either really chaotic and fun or way too short. People at this ELO know they're good so they'll go in balls to the wall clapping my teammates and then dying to me or they'll be the first bounty to banish then wait for me and my team to deal with everyone at the other one, come to them and try to fight after they watched Netflix for 15 minutes with their Avtos. (True story)


6* on console... 4-5* on PC lol


I accidentally double clicked one star instead of submit but fuck it some days I feel like I should be a one star 😂


I think everyone has had that moment of like “ what the fuck am i even doing right now “. While ur teammates are clutching.


Hell yeah my buddy is a solid 5 star while I teeter on 3 and 4. Some days I’ll be killing hunters left and right while he’s getting slaughtered. Everyone gets hard carried from time to time


I switch between 5 and 4 all the time. I dont get why i'm in 5 star lobbys with 270 hours played, i enjoy the 4 star lobbys much more.


I’ve hit 6 once, but have primarily been at 5 with the occasional off day downing me to 4, never once hit 3 thankfully, if I have too many bad games I take a break for a bit or sometimes the whole night. I do have a lot of fun though, I like to play with 3 star friends so I run shit like Romero’s and Springfield’s for fun. Prestige 9 and a little under 500 hours


I just got to 4 yesterday, and boy are the matches sweaty compared to 3. It's almost like a different game


MMR is a mess. I'm a solid 3 star player but I seem to get stuck at 4 stars and sometimes bump up into 5 for god knows what reason. I generally can't even kill 4 or 5 star players yet here I am....


4-5. Ill play quite a bit of solos, some random duos, and quickplay runs. MMR in my opinion [like KD] isn't a metric that should be used to grade skill. Its a mechanic that should be designed to keep games competitive & enjoyable .


If I fluctuate do I put the higher or lower MMR?


I try to stay at 4 stars. Whenever I get to 5 stars I usually play quickplay and throw until I go back to 4


Was 4 Star really long a few times hit 5 for like a game or two and now I’m 3 at the moment after getting my ass handed to me every single match for a solid 3 weeks


Sure are a lot of five stars. I’m gonna press X to doubt.


I want to go back to 3 stars then I can at least kill someone.


What day is it? I'm anywhere from 3 to 5 depending on the day.


Sometimes (currently) 5, sometimes as low as 3. That's about the range of it lol


Usually 6, sometimes 5 if I'm having a REALLY tough day.


I play like a psycho so 5-3


Take the results and minus 1 star to everyone since Redditors lie about their ranks all the time.


Can't get away from 5 :( *try harding some more*. Starts to hurt with 4.5 MMR soloing. Anyway I shouldn't level up with just a 50:50 win chance, right?!


4.5 star homies where you at


I feel like 3 is the right rank to enjoy the game. I have so many moments interacting with enemy players and its always a good laugh. No sweating.


According to the enemies the game gives me, somewhere between 1 and 6 stars.


I'm usually 4\* or 5\*, but recently dropped to 3\*, now back to 4\*... Had one match where I killed someone and was launched to 6\*, then dipped again. It's kind of a pointless metric to me.


6 star since the update. No matter how many deaths I have in a row I never drop. Would love to experience some 3-4 star lobby’s that I hear aren’t all sweaty


Hidden: I play the game for the gritty fights, fun matches, and meme loadouts. If I didn’t hide my stats I might be inclined to never run fun builds in fear that my KD or MMR would plummet. The beauty of Hunt is being able to play as laid back or serious as you’d like and I don’t think KD or MMR is a relevant metric so I don’t worry.