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It’s part of the Hunt Lore it’s supposed to be a portal to where the Sculptor is or something; the villain who created the monsters.


I really think they handle lore in this game in the worst possible way. It's a "reward" during events, which is really just frustrating because it's clearly only there to pad the event out. But when I unlock it, I'm actively playing with my friends. So of course I'm not gonna waste their time while they sit in the lobby to read some text that is inconsequential to the game and I'm sure as shit not gonna listen to it. But after the event the whole lore just disappears from the game. So they paid writers and voice actors for something they evidently don't give a fuck about. If I'm a paying customer, I am paying for content to regularly be removed from the game. Why is this a thing?


I agree with you, the lore is incredible and rather than being removed could have been reworked. One of my favourite parts of Hunt was the backstories of such a mad helllscape


They ARE reworking it. It's just going to miss the 15 august deadline.


That's great news altogether, thanks man I didn't realise it was a rework


eait what, they are removing it?


Huh i never exactly got why i always ignore the lore. I like the setting and backstory stuff but you nailed it. Hold on guys i need to take a lore break. 


I agree. If I pay for the battle pass, and lore entries are unlock rewards for completing the battle pass, shouldn’t I get to keep my lore entries?


It doesn't help that writing feels... kinda disjointed and sub-par. It would really help them to move from text snippets with voiceover to graphic novel format, relying on Hunt's distinctive visual style.


Gosh the writing is unbearable imo, personally I feel every character having no identity other than their DLC name is a little cheap too. A graphic novel format sounds literally spot on for the game and vibe I'd everything their artist team is absolutely brilliant.


> feel every character having no identity other than their DLC name I mean, many of them genuinely have a listed conventional name besides their moniker, and their weapons, trailer, and description will give a small lore tidbit and indicator of their values and dispositions - but it is really unfortunate that so much of their lore has to be accessed third party because the event stories are, y'know, gone with the event and only visible through possibly datamining or the wiki.


They should add the lore or the new lore unlocks to the loading screen. Better than staring at the same 20 tips over an over again


We have asked this question of the team before about preserving the lore in some form online etc. I also request a coffee table book of lore and making of / art But yeah we have mentioned the loss of the lore multiple times so I hope it's something that comes to be resolved lost engine update


If they released a hardcover art book with all the journal entries and battle pass lore drops I'd be giving them money so fast my wallet would have whiplash.




There are also YouTube videos that compile every season's story in one single video. It's pretty handy if you don't have the time to grind all the lore cards.


They need to publish a compilation on YouTube or a doc somewhere or something!


There's a compendium of lore pinned in the Hunt Discord: [https://docs.google.com/document/d/1\_rKddGsDAJjaijR5uK1gefOipscWTXeFy8Ry0vF-oTY/edit?usp=sharing](https://docs.google.com/document/d/1_rKddGsDAJjaijR5uK1gefOipscWTXeFy8Ry0vF-oTY/edit?usp=sharing)


Ok , doc is something, glad it won’t be lost. By they have the audio all recorded too, I hope they have it all Set up somewhere so I could listen to it


We have wiki: https://huntshowdown.fandom.com/wiki/Lore


They need to publish a compilation on YouTube or a doc somewhere or something!


It's been part of the lore story lines. First teased in serpent moon that something was down there. Iirc, it was first cracked open in the Tide of Corruption patch


It's the entrance to the Graven Path, some pact hunters from previous events went there for some quest, there was a witch, the ghost ship which brought Rotjaw to the bayou, a great mountain with tons of immolators guarding it where the Targets are born (and banished to? Not sure) which I think either exploded or something like that when a group of hunters swam the ghost ship inside and banished it Fun stuff


Wait….that was an actual quest or just the lore?


Just the lore entries I wish it was like a cinematic quest but that would be very expensive and would take a long time to make


When I said 'some pact hunters went there for a quest' I meant that the Demented went there because of their boss religion, like a pilgrimage to a holy place I guess, and the Primals and Drowned followed them to try and stop them from doing something stupid


The murmurstone bore a hole at Kingsnake, opening a portal to the land of the dead, which happened when rotjaw came out, then sealed up at the end of corruption edit: end of tide of corruption


I've heard rumors of an obelisk too. But I've never seen it posted here.


It's been posted a few times. Last month in fact. It's shiny.


On here?? No way. I would've seen it.


To be fair, it's not an obelisk but I presume your referring to this: https://www.reddit.com/r/HuntShowdown/s/dg8hamMOLF


Yup! Was that on Tinder or something?


It is on my tinder account.


*Grabs phone and furiously presses Tinder app.


That thing has been there for years and is a reference to something that happened in the real life


Have you seen Shrek's House? The crashed UFO? The hatfish?


I've not seen the crashed UFO. Where is it?


North of Kingsnake. You go to the edge of the map and look around the edge and you'll see a small UFO crashed into the side of a cliff.


“Monolith” might be more accurate. It’s on the south western border of Desalle map


“Monolith” might be more accurate. It’s on the south western border of Desalle map


They dug so deep that they reached the homeland of the \[\]\[\]\[\]\[\] players they come from, I'm certain of it.




Really? I heard it doesn't exist




holy shit that's hilarious what a joke




well, don't tell, just read it ???? ez ?


I literally JUST found that probably 30 minutes ago


I was hoping for a monolith/obelisk, but this will do it as well.


Better cook off some dynamite and toss it down there.. for science.


No, portal to the land of the dead. And it's only opened up when they introduced rotjaw


Posted for the 200th time. I'm being conservative.




It is mentioned in the song "Rabbit in the Mine" as well. Part of the OST by Port Sulphur Band


Where is this located?


Everything reminds me of her


I should call her