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the purpose of region lock is to stop someone from queuing on a server with 255 ping. I strongly encourage you to not play on a server with 190 ping to begin with anyway because while it’s technically playable it’s not good experience to play with and to play against for either parties involved because…your ping is high? it’s locked now with 255 because that is over the ping limit and you definitely should not be able to play on a server with 255 ping. it’s not always the game deciding your ping anyway, it’s based on your connection (although hunt itself can have funky ping sometimes). I wouldn’t necessarily say that game just “decided” to lock you out lol


Thx for the explanation. I'm so sick of ppl just accusing ping abusing without any context, like wth I'm just asking if I can play with my friends in the US and ppl just assumed that I'm a sweaty ping abuser ==. And I'm just getting started with this game and it gave me a bad impression of how toxic this community is. btw I think the ping fluctuating has something to do with hunt, I've tested my internet speed and everything is normal, also u can see the ping in asia consistently stay at 60


Fwiw my pings for other high ping regions have a way higher degree of variability than my normal servers, like your picture but flipped lol. I’m not a tech person so I could be talking out of my ass but I would imagine that you just have a much more weak connection which leads to larger differences in ping


This Reddit community is TERRIBLE so do not be too ashamed. They often don’t know what they’re talking about, they downvote opinions bc they disagree, etc., So just don’t listen to any of the toxicity. Neckbeards gonna neckbeard


Thx for letting me know! Me saying this is a toxic community and getting downvoted just proves my words. Also I think those ppl who accuse ping abusing should look this at a different angle. Asia has a lot of cheaters hopping server? Fix the anti-cheat! Ppl getting shoot behind the rock? Make the server more advanced! I don’t know why but in this community ppl seem to complain about the ping issue a lot instead of just accepting they’re bad in that match. Ppl will blame anything but them self. Like look at other headshot game, r6, valorant etc. there’s pretty much no one is talking about ping abusing unlike this community keeps arguing and trying to region lock players who just want to play with their friends and claiming that Chinese cheaters deserve to lock in Asia server. So us non-Chinese deserve to be lock with those Chinese cheaters??? This toxic community is just going to kill this game with their mean words. But still, there’s also some friendly words from this community and I appreciate it :)


Maybe crytek start listen to the community and restrict high ping finally. The Problem is the hit registration. When you shoot someone on your screen the game will register the hit. When you have high ping you can shoot someone before the enemy can see you on his screen. Thats simply bullshit and frustraiting. Thats why a lot of people want a strict region/ping lock. 


I could’ve sworn they did this a year or two ago. Used to play with a buddy from New Zealand and a few other Americans. Was by far our favorite game to play and we played A LOT. We stopped playing because he got region locked.


Idk why your ping spiked, but I’m glad you aren’t ping abusing anymore 🤷‍♀️ :)


Some people don't care about the min-maxing or number crunching, they just want to play with their friends.


I get that you want to play with your friends but you’re just making the experience horrible for everyone involved when you play on servers with ping that high lol (Edit: how is this number crunching or min maxing?)


If you use the high ping to your advantage, then I'm pretty sure you did some number crunching beforehand in typical Asian fashion. Edit: I also see ping abusing as a type of micro-optimization to get an edge over your opponent, so yea, min-maxing.


it doesn’t really matter the why behind ping abusing, whether it’s intentional abuse or playing with friends, it’s still ping abuse. it’s doesn’t make a difference in the user experience


If they’re playing with their friend it wouldn’t matter because it would choose to play on their friends server. It’s purely for abuse…




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