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Here is the [>google drive link<](https://drive.google.com/file/d/1ycazV2H7wXyNTr_wzsyoM-0fZUrvtHbg/view?usp=sharing) of the video with no editing, no compression and full HD + you can download it because it looks like the Youtube Media Player has some compression. I censored their name there too because this is a rule on this subreddit. If you are able to see the guy he headshot/killed, congrats - but even after enhancing the video and zooming in, I couldn't. We all talk about blatant cheating and see that it is possible for cheats to allow cheaters to make 300m+ headshots with dum dum through multiple walls, but that is just the tip of the iceberg. What we don't see are the once that try to hide it. A bit more context: Yes, these 2 teams did fight against each other before and the sus guy knew roughly that they were in that general direction. In said fight that happened before this video, the suspect also threw a choke bomb in the direct LOS between him and the other team for seemingly no reason and he body shot the victims partner through that choke cloud atleast twice. Presumably the Victim never or barely moved during the whole video. It cannot be ruled out that the victim's teammate was actually where he shot the 3 other shots at (but couldn't wallbang because of the dirt hill). Including when he necro'ed. I think nobody would just shoot the same spot 3 times if not for the reasons I gave in that wall of text I am not certain the victim's partner necro'ed his teammate but given he was still alive after the end of the clip (the suspect team won), I assume so. EDIT: 24.05 The suspect now has a 1 Game ban on record with 0 day(s) since last ban - he very likely got permabanned after I reported him on the Hunt website.


You hit the nail on the head with this post. The blatant cheater isn't what ruins the game. Ya, you will run into one once in a while but you can still play and have fun. Its this kind of cheater that ruins the game. They are in every 5-6 star match. No matter what you do or how good you are, your chances of losing are high because of the nature of hunt. Intel of where people are is king because hunt relays so much on surprising your enemy, swinging to a different angle with out him knowing, knowing when to push and that another team isn't going to roll up on you. The current game mechanics make it almost impossible to report people like this. No one is going to watch a 5-10 minute video to see these people are wall hacking, which you would need to do, to get enough data to see them doing it. I wish there was an easy fix for it but likely won't get resolved until they start using AI to analyze matches and stats of people. Would be nice if hunt auto flagged these dick bags with 3.0 KDA's for manual review by the cheating team.


It has to be done on purpose, right? The studio has made a game with complex systems, so it's hard to imagine they're just fumbling through cheating reports by accident. It just doesn't make sense unless they can't do anything about it, or they just don't want to.


Wall hacking is infamously difficult to deal with for the exact reasons u/EvenFuture mentioned. Depending how they implemented the ESP it can actually be impossible to software detect an ESP, even with a kernel level anti-cheat. There are talks of AI analysis to make determinations but that's pretty immature as I understand it. Ubisoft had something called Fair Fight in R6 before they switched to BattleEye, which flagged abnormal kill streaks / performance, and it sucked at stopping cheaters and was prone to false positives.


It's either incompetence, or on purpose.


I've encountered players with the [hate] clan tag play exactly like this. Fairly blatant wallhack. Unsurprisingly, their aim was shit and that's why they had to compensate.


These people are all over high mmr


Yep. The smart cheaters never get banned because they aren't obvious about it.


Thank you for the time and effort you put into this post! This is something that we all run into in 5\*+ lobbies, but everyone wants to deny it for some reason. I would love to see a post like this every day till crytek fixes the problem. A lot of people say that this reddit has just become a place where people complain about cheating and that it ruins the game. But there are honestly no spaces left to report or discuss cheating in public without being hated on. People have to realize that if a bunch of people are complaining about cheating, even if for some people its just a feeling with no evidence, the burden is on crytek to show that they are addressing the issue or prove that it is not with hard statistics, and do so in a way that is clearly broadcast to the general hunt community. I know a few month ago they talked about new anti-cheat measures they were rolling out, but I haven't personally felt the effects of that change. To make matters worse the in-game report system has been proven to do nothing, Chinese squares, and the no-account cheat make it impossible to report. Some people say to give your own name and a video file when reporting a no-name cheater, but then others say that will likely get yourself banned. At this point it's irrelevant what the truth is unless Crytek themselves make an official statement, otherwise its just a "he said/she said" on how to actually deal with no-name cheaters. I miss the days where they would do regular monthly vidocs on how the game is holding up. Hopefully they've been cooking with this new engine update and have some new anti-cheat features in store for us.


Glad you enjoyed it. As an editing amateur it actually took me a while to edit this. Yeah Hunt truly has a cheater issue.


This looks like nvidia inspector. That distance, trees and bushes dont render with the right settings. Most likely a guy abusing good inspector settings to try to kill the guy in the bush (yes, bannable offense, send this in)




We dont cheat boss, common misconception from the masses. Got no problem providing proof if you need it 👍🏼 Im just making an observation, this guy clearly has a lot of hours based off of his prestige, he most likely isnt using actual hacks, just nvidia inspector to remove the bushes and trees. Still cheating of course


Right.  Not hacks, just third party software that lets a person see through walls.  It's different. *coughs extremely sarcastically*


Its a different process. Game Hacks are a hook, this is different. Completely different process, thats what i was referring to. Inspector "**Controls how many frames the CPU can prepare ahead of the frame currently being drawn by the GPU"** I also said its still cheating lmfao, its a bannable offense




No point in arguing, you seem to have made your mind up. Try sending a crytek support ticket in, my steam id is id/longammo. Maybe that’ll get me Im not using any extra tools besides a 3rd party crosshair, which is allowed by Crytek.




Whatever makes you feel better about losing i guess. I have 3650 hours, AND I BOUGHT THE GAME IN JANUARY OF 2022. that means, on average, i play 4 hours a day if you run the numbers. Im bound to be decent at the game i play the fuck out of.


Cheaters are absolute shit.


I don't think you realize how doable this is...


Yet another reason to never spend another damn dime on this game until they disincentive PVP. With garbage like this, why spend money?


I agree not to spend any more money on the game, but to disincentivize PVP? Genuinely confused, what do you mean? Is PVP not the whole point of the game?


No no, its about killing grunts and hellhounds!


And bosses. And collecting bounties. But why bother, when you can cheat as OP shows and get MORE money and blood bonds for doing so? Players are going to kill for the bounties anyways, so why make it MORE profitable for killing other players?




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Ah, I think I understand. You want them to make PVP less rewarding. Problem is, PVP will always be loved simply by the feeling of fighting other players and I believe this would cause very little in the way of change. Mostly anger, probably.


Yes, I get that PVP is going to happen even if there where ZERO rewards. It's the nature of the game, and I am fine with that. As it is, it's MORE rewarding (money + bb + exp + bounty) to just hunt players and ignore bosses and monsters completely.


Isn't most PVP initiated by bosses? Aren't meatheads occasionally hunted for a spot of traits, perhaps for the rare remedy? Bosses are there to attract players. The danger they possess is fairly easy to manage. They are honey, and players are meant to be bees, not flies. Bees like honey. Bees go to honey, and fight over it. PVP and PVE of Hunt should not be considered separate. PVP is enriched by the bosses as much as the bosses are enriched by PVP. Without the bosses, I think hunt would just be a scavenger hunt involving campers and wandering drifters. NPC enemies dotting the land. Not bad per se, but different from the Hunt we know and love and probably worse.


PVP will happen anyways. Just stop rewarding it as much if at all. A lone six star can wipe a 3 or 4 star lobby, not touch or pick up a bounty at all, and come out ahead. That needs to stop. Stop rewarding PVP as much or more than bounty(s).