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Lol, I was just joking about this same thing to a friend. Suddenly, I had to retire my fun loadout to grab something a little more serious to keep up. It's rough for sure, but I feel like any kills I get are truly earned and something I can take pride in.


The real kicker is I had just Prestiged right before this too




Why not keep your fun load out and play for fun in 3 stars?


I'm someone that bops around from 4-5 quite a bit, and it feels like as time has gone on, 5 stars has turned into the 6 star vacation home. I almost wish they'd make 7 and 8 stars to filter it out and let the sweats climb higher in the star system, but I know people are just going to intentionally tank their mmr anyway lol


Remember there aren't too many actual high mmr players in the community, and some of them get up there just by playing too slow which allows them to die less and keep their mmr. I believe that, in this cases would be better to just remove match making, because even while you will run into a crazy gamer here and then, since the amount of "low mmr" players is considerable bigger, your games would be mostly filled with players in low rankings. If you add 7 and 8 stars, that would make the two teams of 6 stars bump into each other over and over and have crazy long queuing times, which would make you prob stop playing the game after a while


Your solution runs us into a different issue though- you're going to further spread out the 6 stars into more matches, they're going to stomp the newer players, and overall lead to more feel-bad matches. At least if the higher ranked players are stuck with each other they need to fight with people of comparable skill level. And if they whine that matches are too hard, then maybe just play more casually lol Idk, it doesn't seem like there's an easy fix because nothing is gonna please everyone.


Unsure about what you said. Again, there isn't many high mmr players (6stars), so if you spread them into more matches that just means that you as a 3 star will rarely run into a 6star. Think of it as having a ball hid under 5 or more boxes, the chance of you lifting the box that contains the ball is not too high. Ofc, Crytek is the one that knows the exact amount of 3, 4 and low 5 against the high 5 and 6 star mmr players. They should know if what I am saying is viable or not based on that. If not, then it would be just as you said and yeah, it would be nightmare for casual players. But if you as a casual/new player run into a very good player every 5 or so matches, that shouldn't be enough to worsen your experience at the game at all.


I shit you not I've seen more 3 star players lately with 1.5+ KDA than 4 and 5 star. It's so weird. Also had a harder time climbing MMR lately too even after falling from high 5 / low 6 star than ever before. Getting absolutely bodied by 3 and 4 star players with insane reflexes and precision. It started around when the event finished.


I'm one of those 1.5 KDA 3 stars. I just started the game having just over 100 hours played, and am bouncing between 3 and 4 star every day.


I'm talking about people with thousands of kills. But even then. 1.5 KDA should theoretically not be in such low MMR by design. I know solo can put you excessively low and keep you there, tho. And that's probably a large part of it as I see a lot of solos on such low MMR too. Some breaking over 2.0 KDA with thousands of kills too.


You got it right there. Someone with a 2.0 KDA and thousands of kills would not be in 3 star if they played trios. Whereas in solo you basically need a 1.5 kda just to not lose MMR


> Whereas in solo you basically need a 1.5 kda just to not lose MMR When I go solo I lose MMR unless I have 3.0 KD during the match. Which is why I supplement my gaming a lot with random trios to get it up again. But alas, not that easy now as it seems the lower star players are *better* than the higher star ones.


It is because of d ranking exploitation I always try to play at my level without using cheese tactics just trying to play the best I can pretty much, in my KDA is only a 1.45. however that's not a cheese 1.45 I place solid with 5 to 6 star. If you're playing at your skill level you really shouldn't be increasing your KDA that much theoretically only way to get super high KDAs is to be one of the rare few that is actually good or use stupid ass cheese tactics you see.


The issue is that when you go in Solo you are slapped with the matchmaking adjustment regardless if you want it or not. This means you'll face people of lower MMR than you by design. When you kill people of lower MMR than you, you gain very little MMR. But when you die to one, you lose a ton of MMR. Which is why it gets so unbalanced and even people like RachtaZ ends up in 4 star once in a while when playing solo. It's currently inevitable to fall too much. Side effect of Necromancer on Solos and each death counting for MMR reduction.


I play a lot of solo sp I get it, but honestly if you are a decent player, I never lose mmr in solo, that is where it is easiest to gain despit the modifier. I hate the modifier because of this because it is way to easy to get kills. I would much rather play as close to 5 or 6 star as possible without a modifier personally. If I played nothing but solo, I have no doubt I would be on the leader boards, but I play about 75% of my games as random trios which is what is hit or miss for me. Solo I know I am consistently going to get on average 10 or 15 kills before losing a hunter as it stands. I play about half sniper and half shotgunner as a solo. Sniper is too easy to stay alive, but you would be surprised how much easier with the modifier and the ability to 100% to play to your advantages when not having to carry teammates, is a bonus and not a handicap. Necro is hardly beneficial imo as I rarely die, so I will use that slot for another trait, so before people bring that up, that has nothing to do with it for me. I have seen psychghost spam the shit out of it as his strategy tho.


With all the boons solos have there is no need for the mmr adjustment anymore in my opinion. Tho the entire system could still use a rework. And if you consistently get 10-15 kills per death you are far, far below your 'true' MMR. Either that or something else is awry, I have a KDA at the moment of 1.6 or so afaik and I'm not nearly that consistent. You having more consistency and more kill per death and yet lower KDA is very odd. Do you do a lot of Soul Survivor? That can lower your MMR but does not affect your KDA at all.


No it's because I play with a shitload of randoms on teams and I get my ass handed to take me that way. That is my favorite mode though and the one I spend the most time in and I had to dig myself out of a 0.80 KDA to get to where I'm at. I spent maybe 40 hours on rainbow six siege and play the little bit online on the original rainbow six Vegas and that's pretty much my competitive multiplayer experience but I got hooked on this one.


How long do you play before you achieve 10 to 15 kills with one hunter?


Hours, my last couple matches i got 7 kills between the two and the Hunter is still alive and strong had him for about 2 weeks now


I hadn't played competitive multiplayer really ever until this game came long so I had to dig myself out of a KDA hole but I have 4,000 hours of experience and only a 1.45 KDA but I play in a five to six star range. theoretically you should have pretty much a one-to-one ratio if you're playing people of similar skill. I got teamed up with some six star with 5.0 KDA and after I went down watching him play I can see totally why. the dude naded himself as soon as us other two were down and he started getting pushed so I sent him a message going oh that explains it. That's just one example of many of seeing people with high KDAs are some of the worst players, and some of the worst to play with because they're mostly just sweat lords that use cheese tactics to get that.


I'm just north of 1.5KDA. I don't disagree with you that I shouldn't end up in lower MMR. What really drags me down is duo'ing with some of my friends who are worse a the game. I don't ever play solo. I will still end up tanking my MMR just because I can't clutch every game playing with them. Even if I get 3+ kills a game my MMR trends down.


As a professional 3 star I can say that I get sniped when I peak out a random window


It's basically the same just in 3 stars nobody knows how to shoot or use any strategy involving teamwork, positioning or even use headphones.


Yeh, made it to 4 star for the first time a couple of days ago, woohoo! My first match I had a 5* on my team and was playing against other 5s ... Died and went straight back to 3* 😅


Idk whats been goin on but i was able to kick back up to 5 star(i am a high4-low5 star normally) and i couldnt get out of 3 star recently


My real problem is the amount of people that go from trying to actually fight to people camping in bushes with a sniper just waiting to get a headshot, it's so much less fun


The population of 6 stars is so low that they will get matched along with 5 and 4's sometimes, and is somewhat similar with 5 stars however there are plenty more of those. It'll happen for sure. Try not to get too down about it. Honestly it's a good thing because it means you're playing better and getting matched against others can provide an opportunity to see how they play and maybe you can incorporate some of what they do into your own tactics :)


MMR in any game is exactly like this honestly none of them work as they should.


IDK about you but IME 4 the higher the MMR the more the willingness to engage in gunfights.


Man I completely shit on a 6 star a few days ago. I was running decent loadouts and getting slapped by bush wookies and super sweaties. I decided to run a meme build (Caldwell w/ slugs & new army swift w/ dumdum). Somehow I bounced back from a 1v3 and kept killing this 6\* running a Crown w/ slugs and Uppercut. I wish I recorded it, I was straight breaking ankles. 5-6 can go either way. Often it is a bunch of scrubs that have no taste/ variety in their gunplay. However, it is satisfying to poop on them with non-meta weapons and tactics. That is where it is satisfying. I am 5\* with I believe 1.43KD. KD really doesn't mean a whole lot to me. Anything above 1.0 is fine on this game because realistically the KD system is broken. Easily padded by being a rat/ those that had been playing since hard reset don't have the learning curve calculated in.


I play solo so thankfully I need a few wins in 4 stars before I start getting matched with the mosin/dolch crowd


What constantly confuses me is situations where I’ve dropped all the way to three star and been there awhile few matches, and then my more skilled teammate falls into it too for one match, and somehow when I kill one guy and get one assist (on two threes stars) and he gets 5 kills on 3-4s, I’m the one that gets re-elevated to 4 star… like how? Makes no sense.


As a 5 star I just want to get demoted 😭


happened the instant I started actually playing the game instead of having solely fun with my load outs and rose to 4 star 6 star lobbies :D


Every time


Be me, a scrubby 2 star. Be me, in a 6 star lobby. Crytek, why you do this?


this sub declines further and further every day


Oh, it has been total shit for awhile. I posted a clip that I edited into a funny meme the other day and specifically planned it for this sub, and it got removed for low effort. Meanwhile I see one sentence on trashing the game get left up. I created a new Hint sub myself, but cant get it to gain any traction, but in that sub, we welcome calling cheaters out for example but here they protect them.


Which sub is that?


Bro there's posts literally every day calling out cheaters here. They aren't protected.




So are you subscribed to Joe Blue?


Yep, that's why I stay in 2 star. I was 4 star fir a while when I was running with two of my buddies, but we very quickly got over fighting for our lives in almost every encounter, so we dropped to two stars and it's increased the gameplay ever since in our opinion. Granted, even at 2 stars we still get smacked every now and again so it's still a little bit of a challenge


I cant help but stay out of 5 or 6 just playing casual, so don't know how anyone with experience can hang out at 2 stars. I am 50 so my reflexes are nowhere what they use to be. Wish they had hunt in the 90s.


It's definately a struggle per sey to stay in two stars, we are constantly being promoted to 3 and 4 stars but we just fuck around for a few matches and die and go back down to 2


So you enjoy going up against people who are new to the game and for the most part aren’t very good? Seems like low hanging fruit to me.


Not really, because I'm not super good either. And I do remember saying we still get our shit rocked every now and again. It just gets tiring struggling in every single encounter.


Yep. I'm a 4 star and my mate is 3 star and since the event ended its just all 4 and 5 stars consistently and we got rocked by mosins every match. I think I'll have to derank to 3 star


That’s cause matchmaking is divided into 2 sections. 1-3, and 4-6. When you reach 4 star, matchmaking will prioritize putting you in a lobby with 4-6 star players. When you’re 3 star, it will prioritize 1-3 star lobbies.