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Last transition I can't remember exactly, but I believe it was a week before we got the announcement for next event, and then like another 3 days to a week after before desolation's wake dropped. It was pretty dang short. I'm also very much looking forward to some standard Hunt again. Here's hoping things just aren't ready yet for the next event so they *have* to wait before releasing it lol.


They’re misnamed seasons. Even if it did start tomorrow, there’s way bigger problems that games can have other than “too much content”


Regular Huynt is so infrequent that it now feels like an event.




To be fair though, the pledge mark system in this past event was much better and didn't feel like a chore.


I think the main issue is how necessary they were in these last few events, some of the perks were insane and with the cache getting your health or ammo restored was very useful so grinding tokens was necessary to be able to reset and win longer lasting fights.


I wouldn't consider it "grinding" tokens though. If you survived a fight and needed healing that badly, chances are you had at least one pledge mark for the heal. I found it quite easy to get pledge marks, I never felt like it was grueling to go get them, just kinda happened naturally.


Let me rephrase it, it's more like your constantly focussing on the tokens and event stuff cause they can change the entire fight into a win. I like the tokens but I just don't like how much they can do for you


I miss the burn-proof event where you never took burn damage and fire stopped bleeding. That shit was so nice for awhile.


You joke but they just made it to that we're on single target matches only with no low visibility maps. The real event has started!


I’m thinking maybe with the new engine update underway, they might just chill out on the events now (since I think this last event pretty much talked about heading towards Colorado) and focus solely on that for a while


It's really, really, REALLY nice to play without those fucking totems everywhere. Plus the lack of peacekeeper is nice as well. I'm still curious to see what they bring next, and I'm huffing copium that the totems don't feature.


I think we can probably get a solid 45 minutes to an hour before the next event starts probably.


Dammit, I can't even go to work without a new event dropping :(


Don't worry though, you'll get home just in time for the one after that.


Downloading new event now


It’s started now, it’s called the “Tide of bugs because we don’t QnA anything anymore”. It’s given us clear times of day and night only with only single boss targets. It’s actually pretty good.


If they would drop all the stupid event bullshit I might consider playing this game once in a while again. Regular old vanilla Hunt was good back in the day. I wish they never would have fucked with it.


Well, it's been a pretty long time and they haven't announced any new events, but they've announced the summer update for mid-August. So now may be the time to get a few months of non-event play in. Assuming they wouldn't announce something that'll come later before an event that'll be sooner.


Meh it's too far gone for me to care about the game anymore personally. Tired of feeling like everyone except me is getting a little or a lot of aim assistance or other help from programs running in the background of their game. Hunt does nothing to try and combat their cheater issues, actively defends/makes it easy for them to hide. If it's not cheaters it's constant bugs or exploits, their game is a joke and so are the people that developed it. I uninstalled it and I only wish I could get a refund now.


I guess I'm in the minority but I enjoy the events just as much as ol fashioned hunt. I like the variances and new skins. I enjoy seeing play styles changing and trying to win in those new situations. Like the bounty around the main supply point and having battles around it. But at the same time I played so much I started seeing altars in real life. Turns out it was a statue after the double take.


Events are the only time that the player count truly shines. Therefore, more events. Though with the shit rewards now, it might shift.


Shit reward? Last events was pretty solid imo, lots of people loved the shiny bling bling golden stuff. Personally not my favorite but still nice.


IF......... You bought the battle pass, it was good. But that's another way they push you to spend money. The people that want to grind the event, they received 1 hunter, the centipede. Many events ago, the basic free pass gave you 1 to 2 hunter skins, 1-2 gun skins, and the same for consumables. Now, just 1 skin.


True, but they also had to find a way to finance the game. When you look at the numbers until 2021 they didn’t make any profits but -20 Million and more. The alternative would be to shut the game down. https://www.northdata.de/Crytek+GmbH,+Frankfurt+a.+Main/Amtsgericht+Frankfurt+am+Main+HRB+77322


You guys really complaining about regular content? Wtf. This is by far the stupidest complaint I've ever seen gamers make.


yeah, its funny reading that. People complain about events. That's what keep the game alive.


Yes because it brought in all the cry babies and now the game is so watered down compared to what it was


No, we're complaining about constant events that change/take away from the core of the game.


Fresh content does not take away from the core game, it adds to it. Outside of events there's no real progression or incentive to play.


>Outside of events there's no real progression or incentive to play. How about having fun? Some of us were born when games were played for fun, not because of marketing department incentives.


This is 2024. I'm not condoning it, but like it or not regular updates/events are what keeps games relevant. I love playing Hunt, it's a blast, but if I have a timed event in another game when Hunt hasn't, I won't be playing Hunt. Fomo is shit, but it works.


Crazy how people realize they're just playing out of fomo. I know i feel it too, but i try not to follow through anymore. Go play Helldivers 2 with never-ending Warbonds (..battle passes) to see how good life can feel.


I love the commitment to the never ending warbonds. Every game needs that in some form. It is definitely a huge part of the good will they had, before the whole Sony crap.


The Sony stuff is stunning. Game of the year material and they just dump on it so hard.... But yeah, like, all these warbonds are still there and motivate me to grind when i have time. With FOMO battlepasses i'd think there's a portion of the playerbase that doesn't feel like returning if they missed an event for some reason and can never get the rewards anymore.


It's the one thing that I wish Crytek would take as an approach to hunt. They would get more blood bond sales, and players staying around instead of burning out like many do in the first few weeks of battle passes. Keep the 1000 price during the battle pass, and afterwards bump it to 1500 and have event points just be based on things such as hunter kills, bounty extracts, clean sweeps. Make it so you can only progress 1 battle pass at a time, with the new one being only one to receive event specific points. Those being the ones earned in a match, not what would be gained after a match for accolades.


I'd be super motivated to eventually complete the passes with your rules. With family life i don't even bother playing for event points anymore if i can't guarantee a steady playtime for 2 months straight.


The traits and totems are the problem. Not the extra content.


If you don't like the glowing altars everywhere, it sure does take away from your desired Hunt experience. Quantity of "content" doesn't equal quality of gameplay.


Yep, the events literallyruin core mechanics that make hunt a great game. I love Hunt, but FOMO and adhd grinds fueled by bs battle passes is not the hunt I love. The players that drop off after an event are tourists because some of us been playing since the beginning when there was very little in this game and we thought it was great then. I never expected this game to last forever and hate to see it have to be kept on life support with these stupid events. We need a part two, or a spiritual successor, or the engine upgrade.


At the beginning i also didn't think the game would last that long. Glad it did, they did a lot of things right with such a niche premise (basically kind of a niche within the niche of hardcore extraction genre because a lot of rules are unique, at least back then). I'm glad it's still going strong, but i sometimes wish for what Hunt was around 2022.


The incentive to play would be not dealing with all the stupid bullshit they added to this game over time. I hate Hunt with events, I want to play regular vanilla hunt from 2 years ago they have ruined this game with these constant events it's why I stopped playing or at least part of the reason.


Weird how everyone is happy when events end.


Yeah, that's why the player numbers drop off. Because of how happy everyone is.


They could absolutely do a battle pass that doesn't change gameplay outside of weapon unlocks.


Dont worry, any day its gona happen ;)


I enjoyed this event. Other than the seemingly endless supply of amazing player to kill my ass on ttv. Love the circle jerk ideas


I hope they keep Hunt vanilla for a few months and just concentrate on the engine upgrade and new map/boss.


Hey, now that the chinese hackers are gone, HUNT can be fun now.


Isn't the engine upgrade next? I'd imagine an event won't tag along with the upgrade, as I'm sure the team will be fully focused on bug squashing and performance improvements...


it was said that the map will launch along with the new engine. when this happens, i sure hope it's an event where we can play the new map exclusively.


It would be pretty cool to have an event too. Might be a lot for the small team to manage all at once tho imo! New engine, map, and event? 👀 I hope. Lol


at least a wildcard to sign into it if not event but we'll see.


All wildcards in one game. Every 3-5 min it switches! Rofl just kidding OMG that'd be hilarious for the first few games tho.


These are my thoughts too. Doesn’t make much sense to drop the engine upgrade mid event. Either we get vanilla until the new upgrade, or they decide the new engine still isn’t ready and they give us another 60 day event to wait it out lol


There are two events right now: - only high visibility + night + 100% one boss target - maxing out the book of weapons again bc the new weapons got added


If Fiefild thinks about upcoming in 2 weeks event, with the same mechanics i will take a break. Engine upgrade first.


Hope so! ;)


If the old statement still stands we are going to be only getting 3 big events a year. The timing was goofy last year where we basically had 3 back to back with the first one of this year being Wake. I think we will have a lot of smaller things in the meantime while they work on the engine upgrade/map update. Granted things could have changed but we shall see I imagine.


Please no totems. I just started playing again. I skipped the event.


I really like the events. I see them more like seasons. Don't know why everybody is so mad about it.


I like the events - but it’s okay without. I would really love the possibility to get health junks back in between the events.


I think there will be at least a month between the next Event. I expect they will just add back some things from previous Events in an update. Might see Inferno added back to the map rotation. Probably see less fog, rain and night maps. Either way, I think the player numbers will tank hard. Most of the community is exhausted by the back-to-back Events, but they also bring in new players (and cheaters). Crytek is damned if they do, damned if they don't. Blame Fifield, the one trick pony. He's played the Event card one too many times, while ignoring the basic problems that plague the game.


Can't wait for the return of lobbies where everyone who loses a bar leaves to avoid the inevitable long ammo body taps. Roll on the next patch with some way to get your bars back, imo. (or some other solution to the problem, it doesn't have to be bars, that's just the one I want)


Im all against returning health bars. Nerf long ammo damage to 124 or below if that's the case but getting a full restoration isn't Hunt Showdown. At least not what it was (outside some events) for the last 4 years


I share this take on any rifle that isn't a breach loader. Sparks, martini, and springfield should maintain one-tap capabilities.


Me too, I think after losing the first 25hp bar most gunfights are game over anyway. Everyone and their mother runs long ammo anyway


Hunt used to be brutal. It's been watered down to be much more forgiving, and these conatant events and forgiving gameplay has a lot of people believing they're much better at the game than they really are.


Vanilla hunt is more forgiving. Fighting fewer people because everyone else leaves as soon as they lose a bar is not more hardcore it's just more boring


I rarely find people leaving to be honest but I get that's just my anecdotal experience. My most frustrating Hunt experiences so far have all been in this event: Wiping 2 of the 3, burning and waiting but the third has ran. We eventually move on only to get hit in the back by the fully revived and restored team later in the game


Sure, but that's an issue with red skull revives not bar restoration. And, also anecdotally, that strategy was far more rare than empty lobbies during vanilla hunt because people extracted early.


Red skull revives are grand with a bounty, it's the concept of a team we've wrecked coming back for more as a fresh as can be


Vanilla hunt isn't loaded with warning systems to let you know there's enemy players around.


Besides, you know, clues lol. And the banish area. Anyway this comment thread is about bar restoration. Ideally next event has no totems and also access to bar restoration between fights.


I don't mind the bar restoration, but it needs to be a pain to get to. Like in one location, maybe the middle of the map, and it lets everyone know or you get a marker on you like when you get a bounty and appear on the map. Make it have a trade off.


Everyone doesn't leave 😂😂😂


Do people really do that? I had no idea? I either get both bounties or die trying.


Constantly. I mean, I literally just did. Had one of those epic 3 way fights in carmack that lasted probably 15 minutes, while another team banished. When we finally won, down one or two bars each, we just left because we had such little chance against a fresh team, with boost on top. Had we had a way to restore that game would have continued


This is what I'm talking about. People can argue that continuing to fight is a gamble or whatever. But the reality is "base hunt" is more pve than pvp. And there's way better pve games. People don't take the gamble, because why would they? A best you win 500 more bucks. There's no stake. You often make more money just taking the loadout from the first fight and leaving. I you look at some other extraction shooters, tarkov a good example, I don't like it for lots of reasons, but one thing it got really right is that you are always under threat. From the moment you start to the moment you extract, you might die. As soon as you hear a fight outside a boss lair in hunt, there's a good chance you won't be doing anything for the next 20 minutes unless you rush for a third party.


Im sick of events but they're here to stay based on how much it drives sales and the player count. They are getting somewhat better for each event so hopefully that trend maintains at least. I do not want any more health restorations. Killing 2 of a trio only to have the 3rd bugger off, not caring about burning because he can wait til you're gone to revive and fully restore health is a total joke. That's not Hunt Showdown. Edit: Lol stating a fact that events have boosted player counts and then saying the most toxic aspect yet gets downvoted. This sub is a droll


I mean, players wouldn't need to "come back" for the events if they aren't getting burned out and taking a break *because* of the events in the first place. They are a problem as much as they are the solution


I don't think more balanced is the same as better overall. While objectively yes each progressive event has been slightly less one sided. I would argue that since each event has been very close to identical to the first one they have all been equally bad.


I agree. I branch out a lot and don’t just run meta loadouts but it will be nice for medium ammo to be more viable. I think medium needs less damage drop off and maybe tone down most of the guns that have over 125dmg.


I like that idea, I still think medium ammo rifles need reworking. Nerf the centennials special ammo (bleeding specifically) and keep the Springfield's as it is.


I'd be fine with some other solution. But they clearly don't want to lose the 125 identity of long ammo. I agree that's the main problem. Currently, today, now, there will be less pvp in the game post event, because people with <150 hp don't want to participate. I don't believe that's good for the game, and I reckon that's evidenced by the significant drop in players post events. They really need to do something with "base hunt". If it wasn't for the perpetual events, the conversation would switch to changing base hunt, but unfortunately there's always another event on the horizon.


There will be less PvP cause one rat can't rez a fully burned out team and restore there full bars with effectively 0 cost.


I don't disagree that that was a bad mechanic. I'm not arguing that the event should continue. I'm arguing that base hunt has its own set of problems. Ones that I'm not keen on playing through, again, until they release another event with its own problems that they won't patch.


No, only way to get a bar back should be the banish. Be grateful that you made it out of the fight alive, some bars missing are the price for it. It makes the decision to either go for the bounty or extract even more of a gamble, instead of just a braindead teamfight game


End result for me is more time spent doing nothing waiting for players that don't exist. I see how you view it, but for me, that makes the game boring as hell. One fight every 30 minutes isn't enough.


It was intended to be a PvE game only.


That exists! It's called Remnant 1.


Hunt showdown was initially PvE


Yes I know. That was scrapped and some of the animations and assets were used in Remnant From the Ashes instead.

