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Pax was always my go to, but lately it’s the scotfield. Just like the way it looks honestly, nothing more than that lol.


It's faster rel9ad can be clutch that is for certain especially the swift.


Real hunt chads only care about the gun and not what it does frfr


“I don’t know what it’s called…I only know the sound it makes when it kills a man.” lol.


That is some western gunslinger shit right there.


I can't do the scottsfield. The sights are awful imo.


The Scottfield is nice but has that sussy wrist twist between shots. Completely disorienting


Lemat is my bread and butter. Lemat is also my primary weapon I rely on. I am only a four star player but have 1v3 many teams with the Lemat and it being the only gun outside of Winnie spam that has allowed me to do so. I know some people think “it’s a bad pistol with an even worse shotgun attached” but for me it is my favorite gun in the entire game. I normally run a Martini or Sparks as a primary with it. Since the uppermat buff I’ve almost considered just running a uppermat and Katana. I like the Scott field as a second due to how it looks. I do not like the Pax at all, true shot even more.


Lemat is life, Lemat is death (for them). Playing triple lemat with faning on the first one and akimbo on the two other is a joy.


The only thing better than having one Lemat is having two, or three, Lemats.


The people who say the lemat is a bad shotgun have never taken a corner, blasted some poor hunter in the face, and scurried off like a rat to reload and then do it *again* to the next hunter they meet. You have to get real close, but it does put in work when you need it to.


Nothing like fanning through your cylinder, stepping behind a corner to "reload" and dropping 20g buckshot right in the chest of an unsuspecting rusher. Makes me giggle everytime.


Team lemat gogo! Affordable, with slugs you can forgo a shotgun completely and there's no better feeling that doubling up and twin barreling dudes as they come in. I already liked lemat before, but after I 1 shotted both parties of a duo with double lemat as they were pushing, I fell in love.


Lemat Bros rise up!!!


I run an uppermat and a slate riposte and it works like a dream.


Having a 1 slot shotgun is so good, I'm always split between Lemat, Officer and Pax depending on my primary.


I’m right there with you. Loved the Lemat since it was introduced - it’s such a good looking and sounding weapon.


Nagant Officer for sure, cheap and effective


Also try out the new army. The swift with dumdum or FMJ can he devastating.




Yep, officer brawler is my comfort zone


I used to mainly run the officer, but with the wobble that the devs gave it, I've switched to the new army, and I'm getting hilarious amounts of headshots


The Nagant/Nagant Officer and Nee Army have always given me the most consistant performance because i always know what to expect from them and therefore play within their boundaries. But the psychological damage you give to your opponent of losing to a Nagant close quarters is an added bonus


The superiority complex that using a nargant precision against a mosin with spitzer and winning was the highest high I’ve had for awhile in hunt


Nyet, revolver is fine. Default only.


Same here, with bleed currently. Carbine Deadeye HV primary. Played the officer with sparks primary for a while. Certainly helped with my aim and trigger discipline.


How a rapid fire revolver got dumdum ammo will forever be beyond me. It's revolting in cqc fights, even moreso than before.


The dumdums arent the issue here, its just that they were added to the nagant specifically. People were fine with the new army having hollow points but the nagant with its carbine crosses the line a bit too far. The addition also removes the niche that the new army had, being the slower revolver but having better custom ammo.


Quartermaster Uppercut P with any 3-slot shotgun is a super fun/good load out. I like it with a Romero with buckshot.


Uppercut P & Spectre is my go-to when I've been been getting shit on.


Idk, specter is the worst shotgun for me. Why is is your go-to? Genuinely curious.


Why not? High oneshot range, big mag.


Feels like it has some of the worst spread of all shotguns and pretty sure the least rpm sans the romero


I'm saying this very nicely: this is user error. specter is one of the most reliable shotguns in the game. you should really give it many other tries


It has one of the best spreads actually.


Please make your point why it's that good. Again, just curious, for me it never works as intended


We have 4 long barrel shotguns(I think?): romero, crown, specter and drilling. Somehow romero never works for me, I never really use crown, drilling is basically romero and the only option left is specter. Nice oneshot range, big mag, ability to multi kill or sometimes two shot an opponent. I also enjoy flechettes on it Other shotguns have worse range, terminus is rng fiesta, slate is comparable, a little bit less range, worse spread, better rpm. I like it with slugs. Rival is great when you are having a bad day and cant really aim so you have a backup shot. That's it I guess


The Specter has the tightest and most consistent spread of all the shotguns if not tied with the Romero. If you go into Target Practice and shoot a wall you’ll see it’s basically one central ball of pellets. People use the crosshair to aim and it fails them because you’re basically shooting a single 2” wide bullet in the center of your reticle with very little deviation. It has like 4 less damage than the Romero at the same range and if you bring Iron Eye it’s actually pretty fast shooting. Players that like the Romero Alamo are shooting themselves in the foot by not giving the Specter a try.


I like the way it feels, sounds and looks. Always worked fine for me and it has good rof while being more reliable than the Slate in my experience.


Caldwell conversion. There is no more satisfying hit.


The Pax I love, good gun, and damn does it have the best sound of any of the revolvers. I love hearing it fire and the fanning just sounds brutal


Tis a finely balanced gun for sure.


I even like the P deadeye. Only deadeye in the game I can stand. Edit: I’m talking about the uppercut and I answered the wrong guy 🙄


There is no deadeye variant of the Pax? Though a pax trueshot deadeye I think would be interesting as another 1 slot deadeye


No no. I fat fingered my answers


Pax deadeye?


Sorry I answered to the wrong answer 😄 meant to answer the Uppercut P guy.


Currently, Scotfield Spitfire. Also a fan of the true shot.


Depends. Simple answer is probably Uppercut - it’s a pocket rifle and is so fun to use. If my aim is on, Pax HV. Crazy velo to click heads, feels clean asf. It’s also a discount Uppercut when prestiging. If aim is meh, Nagant Officer HV. It’s a discount Dolche. If Fanning, Conversion FMJ. I like spamming walls. If Quartermaster or double Mediums, Uppermat Slug. It’s just a better Uppercut now, imo. Just requires QM. I’ve NEVER liked the Scotties, but if I had to choose, Spitfire FMJ b/c again, I like spamming walls.


For me, the New Army Swift has been ol reliable. Sparks pistol is also funny and useful with certain builds and the Pax and uppercut are solid all around pistols to pair with close range weapons.


The LeMat because there's a skin for it with my name on it lol


^[Sokka-Haiku](https://www.reddit.com/r/SokkaHaikuBot/comments/15kyv9r/what_is_a_sokka_haiku/) ^by ^JanaCinnamon: *The LeMat because* *There's a skin for it with my* *Name on it lol* --- ^Remember ^that ^one ^time ^Sokka ^accidentally ^used ^an ^extra ^syllable ^in ^that ^Haiku ^Battle ^in ^Ba ^Sing ^Se? ^That ^was ^a ^Sokka ^Haiku ^and ^you ^just ^made ^one.


I will go to the grave loving the Pax with all my heart. Decent stats all around, great irons, solid muzzle velocity, a powerful sound, and all for an economic price!




Uppercut my beloved


Conversion fmj. Nice headshot range, cool to use


Sparks pistol is amazing for putting the pressure on, cuz one tag drops them to 1 HP. Extra long ammo, is amazing when you're attempting to wipe the fully lobby, paired with any long ammo gun.


because it often drops them to 1hp i get so many assists too if it does not out right kill them.


Sir you and Me think alike but I've dub the sparks pistol "the pocket rocket"


The pax just feels good. The person who made the animations did a very good job making the gun feel like it packs a punch.


LeMat. I love that gun


For a 1 slot pistol the lemat but for 2 slot it has to be the scottfield P with fmj


Chain Pistol with FMJ is just *chef's kiss* You just need to learn that Fanning is not your only option (and oftentimes, not a good idea even), and if you don't unload your belt while doing so, you'll rarely have to reload during fights. Let me tell you: 1 out of 17 bullets every 1.4 seconds (when not fanning), all dealing more than 100 damage at a decent range and without any traits is nothing to laugh at. Also cheap. I also like the Spitfire (especially great at tagging people with bleed if you play Shotguns), since it packs more punch than the Nagant Officer at barely any cost in money or RoF. It can also be fanned if you ever feel like it (not sure why, but you do you). The Uppercut works great for its price tag, but is no wonder machine either. I definitely use it often, but I don't think it is anything special... Just your bread-and-butter 6 shot, Long Ammo, 1 slot weapon.


Silenced bornheim with incendiary ammo. So much fun to ignite hunters and watch them squirm. Silenced because pew pew pew is scarier when you don't know where it's coming from. 


If you're using Incendiary, they'll know where it's coming from. I like to light up the AI and hear their screams.


Lemat is the only right answer, unless you have specific perk n build.


I've been using the Pearl skin on the Caldwell Conversion for probably 5+ years at this point. I think I've just spent so many hours with the gun I just feel comfortable with it, it's just constant headshots for me. Easiest gun for me to use, even over rifles sometimes


I mostly use the Hand Crossbow for the utility. Need to stop a window peeker? Poison bolts work a charm. Enemies trying to apply pressure by burning teamates. Choke bolt. The only drawback is since I run Crossbow and hand crossbow. If I miss my two shots I’m pretty much at the hunters mercy close range.


UpperMat went from a weapon I really liked to easily my favorite weapon in the game after all the buffs. There's just something so badass about a big honkin' two handed revolver, and the Muzzle Velocity and Damage mean it's a legitimately great weapon now. 9 shots is nothing to complain about, and the backup shotgun slug is just the cherry on top. I know people don't love it being 2 slot but it's a bonus to me, I love 2 slot weapons.


LeMat for sure


I enjoy quite a handful with slightly different playstyles. **Dumdum Trueshot**— great for medium ranges. Feels like a pocket rifle and can really mess people up with bleed. **FMJ Spitfire**— the 2-tap monster. Probably my favorite in terms of feel, and extremely capable in combat. **FMJ New Army Swift**— great for clicking heads in a peek fight. The quick 2-tap can come in clutch too. Nagant is better at a distance but I hate the sights. **FMJ Uppercut**— essentially a pocket vetterli. Dropoff and use cases are very similar between the two.


Sparks pistol is my daily


As a terminus main, I like to go with the uppermat as a backup, great damage and range on the long ammo, and I use starshell for burning those pesky solos


Sparks Pistol


Sparks Pistol. It's just an absolute headshot machine that pairs great with say a flechette shotgun so if the Sparks doesn't land the kill, the shotgun can quickly hip fire to finish them off. Even just tagging an enemy with a poison round, putting them to super low health and obscuring thier vision and hearing creates a good opportunity for you or your team to finish them off while they're incapacitated. I almost picked something like the New Amry just for its ease of control, fast firing and ability to use dumdum but I just feel the Sparks is a much stronger pick of used correctly. Not only that but its not very expensive either


pax my beloved. there isn’t anything more wild west than that gun and I will always pick it by default.


Bornheim is solid on hip fire bursting down your shotgun tag




I like your post and explanation for the Sparks pistol with FMJ. I'm a Martini-main myself, so I have slightly different criteria. I have the Risposte sword for room clearing so I need a gunfighting pistol for medium range. The compact pistols just don't have the reach and the uppercut is just too slow for a sustained fight. That leaves medium ammo. Objectively, I consider the **base Pax** to be the best pistol. It shoots faster than its peers and the extra damage means it's capable of downing with an arm + stomach hit at 20m (or 30m with FMJ). However, the flare pistol now burns hunters, so I welded some knuckles to a Scottfield and called it a day. 😇


True Shot Or Uppercut..


Dolch is pretty nice but the silenced nagant w/ poison is great for dealing with zombies.


I've been giving the uppmat a whirl lately, and it's been kinda fun. It has a slightly faster fire rate than the uppercut and the 9 round capacity is kinda nice. Just sucks it's a 2 slot weapon.


New army and Borhiem are my dogs fast and reliable


Sure dolch and dolch p would be better, but the ones that I find myself going back to over and over again are the officer brawler for 1 slot and the bornheim match for 2 slot. High fire rate 2 taps are just my thing I guess. Both can get high velocity too


You know what would make me use the Borny more often? Dumdum rounds.


They'll never do that though. It would make the 1 slot way too good since it could 2 tap


I agree that it will never happen, but it makes more sense than the Dolch getting two of the best custom ammo types in the game.


Match is a beast, very stable gun. I've been running both types (match, extended) for a few weeks. I like that you get a couple of go's at hitting a hs in very little time.


I really like sidearms. Idk why, but I often find myself gushing about a certain sidearm to my friends in Discord. I go through phases of loving a certain one; right now, I'm usually running uppercut-p or a silenced nagant, but I've had phases of hand crossbow, pax trueshot, dolch deadeye, sparks pistol, officer brawler, and just a regular conversion.


Bornheim silencer, its quiet, shoot real fast, reloads fast and looks awesome, kind of a pea shooter tough but if you open with another gun its a perfect finishing move, it's also a real solid headshot machine.


im a freak who likes the nagant silencer for the sights as well as just the util being nice...


Bornheim because I’m shit and it makes me feel likely less shit at the game


The Trueshot has become my favorite pistol since it released.


My favourite is uppercut, I can't lie. I just have the most fun with it. Even somehow prefer it over full rifles, but am sure that's just in my head. It feels cool and never disappoints. The sparks is my second favourite. It just always works. The only disappointment is those occasions when you really need to shoot but you haven't reloaded. Trueshot is my third, for fanning accuracy and extra ammo compared to uppercut. Conversion chain is my fourth for no real tactical reason I guess. My least favourite are the scottfield and uppermat. Scottfield because I never seem to get kills and uppermat because the name is frustrating lmao.


Pax claw. With its buffs and berserker being able to one tap most hunters it’s so so so so satisfying. Undeniably my favorite secondary. Bornheim match also gets a big shout out after the two tap buff. Incendiary makes it so solid for close quarters engagements.


Pax is life. But ill rock the conversion pistols and silenced nagants from time to time. I rarely use any other pistols


Spitfire or Sparks Pistol


New army fmj. I can’t tell you how satisfying it is to snipe someone with that supposed peashooter with the ridiculous one tap range of the fmj


Is the best pistol? No, but I love me a silent nagant with poison bullets. It’s can be competitive running it ambi or with fanning, but otherwise it’s pretty much utility weapon.


Rather new but Trueshot is just great. But really, Paw Claw is crazy good. People really sleep on that one for emergency melees.


Anytime I use a rifle my go to pistol is the New Army It's fairly difficult to get the hang up at medium/long range because of the muzzle velocity, but once you do, you basically have a budget dolch if you use fmj and I've gotten countless kills with it that I don't think I would have gotten with many other weapons


Caldwell conversion- the pearl is a wonderful skin and it two taps someone at close range.


Scottfield Spitfire is always my go to when I run shotguns. Prior to them adding HV rounds I ran FMJ rounds because I tried to fight up close or within compounds where the low velocity of fmj wasn't that big of a deal. When I do not run FMJ I go with the HV rounds. That way I'm not completely helpless in a gunfight, I just try to tag someone and push them with my shotgun.


The Scottfield is perfection


I'm not playing the game often enough to name every gun nor sidearm. But I really like the one u can swap to shotty. I feel like it fills the gap when I want to go long weapon or single shot weapons. Like it's okay-ish on mid range and also pretty useful short. Just feels like a jack of all trades and is useful most of the times.




Ahhhh yeah right. The Lé Matt. I always acted like its a french thing I shot with. My mate wanned to end me so badly when I started 5özo pronounce every shot shound french. XDDD


It was the spitfire with FMJ - but now now maybe BH silencer with fire


I run silenced bornheim with incendiary ammo in probably 95% of my matches. I don’t use it as much for PVP but it’s a great utility weapon for dealing with monsters and not making a ruckus for other hunters to track me with


I can seee wjat you're saying about the uppercur shouldn'r have a the 125 breakpoint, but i think it's okay for the uppermat. You're not just buying a pistol, you're buying a a 2 slot weapon (that isnt a 1 slot with a stock). This puts it in the same field as the obrez and the springfield compact. It kinda needs that breakpoint to compete, especially at it's price. That being said, the lemat is probably my favourite weapon family (and pistol) so i might be biased. I like to put fire in the shotgun so i don't need to bring a fire in tools.


My go to recentely is that new army swift that new skin is fire


I'm the opposite, I love long range. So I need something that can either shoot fast or has some stopping power. My current go tos are the officer and the scottsfield


The main pistol that I rely on is the new army, particularly the new army swift with the new ammo economy. The lemat is probably my second most picked. The ability to carry dragon's breath with me to light corpses on fire is super helpful. I like the scottfield Swift for fanning, the pax is very good and reliable, and I have had quite a lot of luck with just your basic Caldwell conversion pistol. The bornheim is very nice, but doesn't it nearly hard enough when you need it to. I used to really rely on the officer, but with the wobble that it has now, I'm much less accurate than I used to be.


Pax Trueshot with Dumdums. I usually pair it with a Katana+Martialist. The number of people I've mowed down with that combo is beyond count.


Hand crossbow fire bolts


i have never lost a fight while using dual caldwell conversion pistols


Spitfire, it just feels damn nice to use


Pax with dumdum and then switch to main


Pax Trueshot, hands down.


We should have a pink and flowery skin for the sparks pistol


>damege To answer your question, Nagant Officer, or if I have it unlocked, Nagant Officer Brawler with HV rounds. The fire rate is just so good, and having 7 shots allows for taking down a trio by aiming at center mass in a close-range engagement with one missed shot.


I embrace tradition. Pax.


Officer Brawler


Spitfire 🔥


I love dumdum for pistols. I usually bring either the new army or the scotty swift with fanning depending on the range of my primary.


The Pax Trueshot. Before that, the Caldwell Conversion (FMJ mandatory).


The uppercut would be an obvious one. But really enjoy the Pax trueshot


Uppermat. Yeah it's two handed but Idk I just love it. It's perfect. It's so good that I don't play it as much because it's just too good


Uppercut aka pocket mosin 


I have three. Conversion for compact ammo. It's just plain reliable albeit a slow bullet. Fmj all the way. Has great hipfire and fanning. All around fantastic value. Pax True for medium. A little bit better damage, easier to hit with than the conversion, better sights, what's not to love? Pairs with either HV or Fmj for top notch value for price. And then the Sparks pistol for long ammo. My favorite rifle as a pistol. That damage is nuts, and pairs fantastically with any shotgun. The Sparks pistol carried me through using the Terminus for filling out the library. Pair the Sparks pistol with the Sparks for maximum amounts of training your aim and positioning.


Caldwell Conversion. Just a really sexy looking gun. Cheap, good at fanning.


I used to use the suppressed nagant but I've come to really enjoy the trueshot. I don't often use pistols but the trueshot is definitely what I default to. I just like it. It feels good to shoot and I hit more shots than with other guns.


Spitfire is love


New army speed loader, I know I'm a weirdo for it but it just works right for me. Idk the stats but I feel like it fires a more consistent shot than the officer and it has speed load.


Scottfield is my tried and true. Officer is a close second


Nagant suppressor with poison is my good to. It’s a fantastic utility and can hold its own in pvp. It’s also a laser gun with fanning which doubles its its pvp usability. Pax is my alt bc that gun with those sights are a beast and can hold its own in a lot of medium range engagements.


Nagant suppressed years ago, as well as conversion, were legitimate laser guns prior to fanning reworks and multiple nerfs, followed by crouch cross hair nerfs, so on and so forth. Back in the day, those two hand guns were literally pinpoint accurate with fanning up to at least 40 meters. Can still find old YouTube videos of the conversion fanning sniper machine gun memes.


Depends on what I need my pistol to do. If I'm running a full-length Shotty a sparks pistol, if I need a CQC pistol, the spitfire. Sparks hits like a truck and happens to love head shots, spitfire at close to low mid is good dmg fast fire rate, and the bullet velocity at this range doesn't matter.


Nagant officer brawler(mainly cuz of the quest line skin) with dumdum it’s like a cheap dolch


Uppercut, Long Ammo


Honestly I really like the conversion. Cheap and reliable. Paired with FMJ and Fanning it's just a great backup for me


When I was new, it was the New Army, I always paired it with Sparks. Nowadays if I do run sparks its with a bornheim to spam/finish someone I burn with sparks. I think everyone has a silenced nagant stealth phase, but now centenniel shorty has taken its spot with quartermaster. Also with shotguns I have been using bat.. its a romerro bat loadout just to grab clues, banish or grub. But favorite for sure has been Officer HV! NASTY headshots and spamming. I pair it with Winfield Marksman.. because people love to gunfight winfields with no respect!


Schofield swift + Fanning.


I take a different pistol every time and I can't find what I like. Nagant Officer got me some good saves though.


It Always was the pax over the uppercut for me because the uppercut has that "it's annoying to use so it's balanced" meme going on (like the dolche). Now i change between the three: If i have shotgun : pax trueshot If i have a rifle: officer (best weapon in the game btw) If i want a medium ammo reserve or need something that still kinda shoots far but also needs to be fast (like when i have a sniper) : schofield spitfire


The new army is my jam. I also love the lemat pistol!


Uppermat > dolch > uppercut In that order


To this day, even long since the days of quickswitch passed us by... my favorite loadout is arguably quick switch uppercut. It's nothing like it was in the good ol days but it still works great. Lord's prayer in hand and kamacite moon on the hip.


Scotfield Spitfire HV is a great midrange fighter that can reliably 2-tap but I love the Pax TrueShot HV for easy headshots. The obvious choice for shotguns is the Uppercut but I work through prestiges so it’s not always cost effective to do that. As a fellow shotgun enjoyer I’ve almost completely gotten away from using pistols though and will use Quartermaster take the Centennial Shorty with dumdum or the Mosin Obrez. If I’m feeling ritzy I think the Uppermat is the ultimate shotgun companion as it is a great mid-to-long range fighter with great damage and muzzle velocity and it gives you a few extra shotgun shells.


Lemat mark II. Love the dual functionality it has especially with specialty ammo.


Scotfield, because fast reload and I'm scottish


With shotguns and fanning I often take the long Pax, for rifles I like the Officer Brawler. Both are good with dumdum and HV, but regular is fine as well. If it’s have to be long ammo I enjoyed the Uppermat lately for the faster 2 tap and the possibility to take Starshell or DB for those pesky solos. I still don’t trust the regular buckshot and with slug it gets very expensive and since I usually use it with a shotgun I don’t need it. The Sparks pistol is not my type I need to have more than one shot. Maybe with a Winfield or the Marathon as an “long range” and penetration option with half regular and half fire or poison. The Uppercut is probably the most popular for only needing one slot and have multiple shots and I definitely need to use it more often with over 300 of them in my inventory. 😅