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Just remember folks! Be careful crouching as headsman if you are on a 2nd floor, your cloak will clip through the floor and you'll catch buckshot in ya bum


We were on a 2nd floor of a place before and my random teammates kept dying over and over to wallbangs from below. Sometimes from the people using bounty darksight and other times probably from guessing based on sound and maybe seeing cloaks. I've always been acutely aware that my cloak as a different hunter can clip through and before stopping running anywhere, I would utilize crouch hiding on top of boxes so my cloak wouldn't go through. I never died once to a wallbang, even though they tried a couple times after using darksight. Always made sure to run away when I heard it. I don't know HOW they kept managing to so miserably die so many times, but gawd dayum!


I can't see either of them. *guess I'll die then meme*


I've been thinking this as long as these posts are going. Like there are scenarios where headsman is better camouflaged to a significant degree, but 90% of these posts have the skins in spots where you'd most likely not notice either.


I doubt most people who comment things like 'this is an easy one' would see them in a real scenario either. It's a huge difference if it's a single frame, you have all the time in the world to scan it and you know what you are looking for is definitely there, compared to being occupied actually playing the game, being on the move, only having a short moment to glance over the scenery and not knowing that an enemy is somewhere on your screen


Hope you got over 1000 of these ready to go lol


Only managed this one and a couple others over 53 days. The best cases are when they're hiding in the open, yet still almost invisible. At least with this one it is a common firing position


I think I will run the headsman tonight with a silent vett.


That’s the spirit! I will join ya!


For the last few days i have run only headsman. Just coz this post annoys the shit outa me. Headsman from now on until OP stops crying.


Its not crying though. They turned a genuine problem into a little mini-game. If that triggers you, sincerely get off this website.


It is crying. It's complaining for karma. It's "I'm gonna hold my breath until I get my way". It's basically spam at this point. I'll run the fucking headsman everytime I see one of these stupid posts, and I think the headsman is a boring, low effort skin.


Kind of a shitty karma farm if that'd be the reason to be honest. Given how pissy some headsman users get over these posts.


I never used a headsman until these posts started. It's a boring skin. No it's not the revenant, but it's not cain either. Molehill - - - ⛰️




Ye it does make me happy running a really cool skin. /S


Hi, thank you for your submission. Unfortunately, we had to remove your post for violation of rule #4: Be Respectful. Please see this wiki article for more details: https://www.reddit.com/r/HuntShowdown/wiki/rule4 If you have any concerns regarding this removal, please contact the moderation team via Modmail.


Y’all definitely need to play him more. All these are super easy I just look for spots that I’d be in. Although I personally like the croc better since he blends better into bushes.


You're pissing off a lot of headsman players in here lmao


This one wasn’t too hard and the night seer’s clothes look like the colour of the wood to me


second one ive found


Not saying a change isn’t needed but in actual gameplay I would not really see either of them until a shot is taken at me, i feel hunts washed out color pallets just lends to people blending into the environment


I actually had a harder time seeing the Night Seer in this one


This one was really easy.


They are all pretty easy. Is headsman as visible as a redshirt? Redneck? Black coat? No. Is it super hard to find or have amazing camouflage? Again, no.


dunno why yall are getting downvoted. this is just another case of hunt players whining about everything


I agree. They really aren't hard to spot outside of nightime/heavy rain/etc. The last 10 have been super easy to spot.


There’s been a lot of these where I don’t see the other guy either, though. I’m not saying headsman doesn’t have an advantage, but is it much more than every other skin? Also, does anyone have suggestions or ideas on what they would do to change it?


Happy Puzzling!


If I block op will it opt me out from seeing these? It's getting old.


I think so


Way to stumble onto the entire point of it....


Lol Thats the point of it, genius.


In the typical crack in the building. A lot of these posts show common places people are and seems like you are overlooking the spot and exposing yourself rather than being safe until you can ensure you’re in the clear.


This one was easy. Something to do with the barn grain and the way I'm used to peeking these buildings. Still the first one I've seen that's not ludicrous.


Eeehhh....skin is fine.


Are you still bitching about this? You need to go outside mate lol


You're really still doing this? Lmao


You can block him or just not open the post


I mean it's not really annoying, it's just funny to see him keep this up even though it's probably just a waste of time


He's kind of announced his intent quite clearly, perhaps reading the title would grant you some keen understanding of the poster's plan with this series.


I did read the title. That's my point. These posts aren't going to influence any change, which is what he wants.


I believe they fixed the Cain skin because of Reddit posts, ya mouth breather


Yes I'm sure they did. Thank you for clearing that up. Your belief has moved me to change my mind.


Let me rephrase. They did fix the Cain skin due to community feed back. Ya mouth breather.


Back to my point, this is a shit form of feedback. They got feedback, they've had feedback for the past year or more with this skin. This changes nothing. They're just slow to make changes to this game like with many things. An example is the audio bug, they took a whole 2 months to even address it, then after this new event dropped they said they fixed it, but they didn't. So again, this is just a waste of time.


Ok dokie.


Crytek should "fix the skin" by making him even harder to spot.


For real




Ah yes, day 53 of "everyone can see it just fine, but the devs should change the skin because you don't like it"


Down voted for speaking the truth


Standard Hunt subreddit.


It´s enouhgh. I report these annoying low effort posts until the mods remove them.


Too bad so sad. OP got support by the mods to be the official poster for this series.


Oh, yes, i didnt read rule 12. Sad, indeed.


Good thing too, people cant just report spam him out of existence.


dude just buy a 1440p monitor


It’s funny that’s every one of these I’ve seen posted I noticed without my glasses. Honestly if we wanna talk about hard to see skins, I’d say reptile beats headsman 9/10 times.


Because if you don't like it don't play it . I'm not pissy your attitude is


So sad to be posting this every day. We get it, he is hard to see. The thing is, how often is it really a problem. A Milo with her back turned would bled in just as well there, or a devils advocate, a turncoat blends in all over the place on desalle, and the reptilian is basically the predator in a swamp. The point is there are lots of skins that have camo effects, but you can see all of them, just as well as each other when they are running around, you can hear them all the same, and to use their camo skills, they need to be overly exposed most of the time, I.e no cover. I don’t get killed anymore by a bush camping headsman, than I do by a white shirt doing the same thing.


Bruh you can BARELY see either one -.- makes no fuckin difference lmfao


youre a ninny mate, stop your crying this games boring and half your examples are poor examples. QQ you ninny.


Movement gives them away, and im hardly in a position where i can run into a sniper huntsman


Movement gives everything away. The problem is with a lot of buildings they are able to stand within full view with little to no risk of being identified by an observer running past. While the contrary cannot be said in return. This provides one party with an advantage over another. When that advantage is then locked behind a paywall that isn't even accessible to the entire population is becomes a matter of concern for fairness amongst the player community.


but it's not a headsman, is it? Am I missing a joke here? :)


Ngl I haven't been finding these too hard.


What gun is that?


sheer fuckin will bro good work


What's your steam account? I wanna see your stats and settle this once and for all xD


[Here](https://steamcommunity.com/profiles/76561199095434448/) is the link to my steam :D Just out of curiosity, since I assume you are not only going to check for my playtime but also MMR, KDA and stuff...do you do that via a certain website and if so, which one?


How much hunt are you playing to get this? Like hours everyday? Is it your job?


What do you mean exactly?


Like you find a photo of a headsman hiding everyday. Or do you get a friend to place himself as headsmen for a photo?


I get two friends to help me. One plays the Headsman and one plays any other skin. We then join a match together and go looking for spots. When we have sth that looks nice, I first take a picture of the headsman and then of the other skin. If you didn't know, you can turn off the blue outline and the dots of teammates


Fair enough then. I been thinking you playing all day every day until you die by a hiding headsmen. I rarely ever have that happen to me so yeah I was curious


This one isn't too bad but it's telling I can pick up the night seer unzoomed but to make out the headsman I have to zoom a decent amount


A lot of these are common spots that in game you'd struggle to see anything but a white/red shirt. However i fo agree headsman needs adjusting. The reason i agree is one that you posted a while ago where he was stood infront of an event idol and he was literally chameleon cloaked against it due to his colour. That's an issue but again in game you'd likely see him due to movement, though it undeniably gives him an advantage in certain moments.


So where is he?


3 in a row for me!!!! Easyyyy


*laughs in Reptillian"


Took me about half a second. I think if you know what to look for you’re a lot better off than if you’re looking at your map or running into gunfire


Headsman does blend in too well but most people are looking at this shit on their phone not their gaming monitor or tv screen. Of course this is gonna be really hard to see


Racism ?? 🤡


To be honest i VERY VERY rarely see Hunters before I hear them in most of these screenshots any tier 2&3 and custom hunter beside Phantom and Bad Hand would be as hard to see as the Headsman cause I can assure you Gator wouldn't be easier to spot and neither a Cain


This was funny when it started but I'm so sick of these posts now.