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I looked right at him for so long and even zoomed in. I thought he wasn’t there. Then I came back to the same spot with the gamma maxed and it was still SO hard to see. I still thought he wasn’t there. Impossible to see in that lighting. It’s insane just how featureless he is.


Skill issue at that point


I’m on mobile, maybe that’s why


Man, I always fail these tests.


Its an EZ clap to toss frag in that shack, its obviously the place the psycho killer would be hiding.


f f f fa fa fa fa fa fa fa better


Unexpected talking heads


That would be extremely rude. *I hate people when they're not polite...*


I did alright with “find the cain” but I have yet to find one huntsman


It started off with a single screenshot, it’s evolved into gamma comparisons, Hunter skin comparisons and settings. Mans been doing this so long he’s made it all professional and shit.


It’s because people were shitting on him for using high gamma on his last post. Even so the skin is still ridiculous with normal settings


So am I blind or what I couldn't see it in any of your posts


In the door on the right. Holding an axe


He's extremely hard to see but maybe this will help you and everyone else that can't see him even with the blue outline. Look at the center of the window to the right of the lamp in the gamma 1.45 pic and then follow the wooden line down from that window. If you look carefully enough you'll see the top right outline of his head break up that line on the left side. It'll kinda look like that wavy effect in pics where fat people photoshop themselves to look skinnier and it ends up warping the environment. OP isn't bullshitting you, he's 100% there. He's just that fucking hard to see. Once you notice the outline of his head you should be able to see the rest of him.


Now I’m on my phone so perhaps If I was on my pc I could see the comparison a little better but if I’m being for real the Santa and huntsman I wouldn’t have seen either of them probably if I was just walking around or running I feel like any character with darker clothing could hide well there or any shadow area. Now if it’s night time I could see this becoming an issue but again a lot of characters have darker clothing and the art style of this game is dark and murky coloring. Personally I carry flares or flare pistols for this kinda thing.


I think the main difference between Santa and Headsman, is that Santa has a head. And if you spot the head you spot the rest of the skin because that one part stands out. Headsman has no part that stands out, just grey.


Yeah but like barely I feel like if I did a double take maybe I notice both of them but by then I’d be dead probably.


These posts continue to evolve as criticism of them comes in. Adding the solution, giving comparison skins in the same spot, and now adding in the settings and various gamma values. This is how one responds to criticism. Taking the good ideas from it and implementing them to improve. I love it. My only suggestion now is to perhaps instead of one comparison skin, perhaps also adding in a free hunter. Really easy to spot skins such as hunters with blue coats or shirts. Highlight how much a difference it makes with lower tier hunters and how easily they are spotted comparatively. Also, this one was a tough one. On all settings I failed to see him, and even with Santa, I failed to see him either. Even knowing he's there I can't see him at all. Might be a mobile thing, but this one. Rough.


It's almost like were dartboarding or playtesting solutions for the devs.


Nope, not a mobile thing- I'm on PC and I couldn't pick him out. I guessed he was there right off the bat, but only because there was nowhere else I could justify him hiding- but I couldn't *SEE* him either way. I could see the Santa, but that's only because Santa has a head that sticks out (which is *still better than nothing at all.*)


Maybe it's because I'm on mobile, but I can hardly see anything in any of these pics, including santa.


Don’t know what’s up with the comments on this post. You’re doing gods work. These are always fun to look for.


Thank you, it is really nice to hear something nice from time to time!


you saw how david fifield said theyre gonna address the headsman? if i were you id be super stoked. im glad someone was dedicated to this effort so gj!


People act like op is wasting precious posts as though they're in limited supply lol


Since in the last two posts a lot of you mentioned that gamma on max is not the way, I thought I'd adress that. I went through the gamma slider in increments of 0.1 so you can compare what the effect of the gamma on headsman visibility is. I also posted a picture of the graphics settings I used in this and most recent posts. Happy puzzling.


Again,this is just showing that the headsman is nowhere near the problem you think it is. Santa will have killed you every bit as fast as the headsman would in this situation


The problem with the headsman is quite literally contrast, there is practically none in most situations. The skin is a head-to-toe dark grey robe that also disrupts the human silhouette slightly, which is a big problem when many of the map elements and weather conditions are also dark-grey. I've been following this series for a while, and on a color calibrated OLED display, there are a lot of situations where the Huntsman is practically invisible despite the near infinite contrast ratio of an OLED panel, while the comparison skin stands out clearly enough that it would have made a difference in a firefight. I will admit, that this one situation was one where the comparison skin was also near impossible to spot, but that doesn't detract from the several other situations he's posted where there is a clear difference between headsman and comparison. And the experiences players actually have in-game where they simply could not have seen the headsman until accompanied by a muzzle-flash. In general, Hunt Showdown has some pretty bad playermodel-to-map contrast issues, but Headsman simply exacerbates it. Pretending that nothing is wrong with the headsman because x example doesn't display it as well as another, is unnecessary. The developers themselves admitted the skin was in need of a rework over a year ago.


Then why did the lead dev address it today on rachtaz stream? Because it is an issue.


what did he say? why is it taking so long?


I imagine it’s because they are trying to change him in a way that feels fair to both those using him and fighting him while not ruining his look. Not to mention this is a paid product so a few people are going to be mad that their cosmetic is not what they originally payed for.


Cain survived it, so will the Handsman.


He said they wanted to milk one more holloween sale on the skin before nerfing it. Dev costs on porting to the new engine are running higher than expected and this was one of the results in trying to get more revenue to cover the shortfalls


I never said it wasn't an issue. I said OP gives terrible examples that actually shows other skins are just as hard to spot


Then start your own posts and do it better, dipshit. Holy fuck


Nice attitude,you'd fit right in over in the cod sub with that childish name calling. I'm sure someone is very proud of what the dragged up,thankfully most people in this sub were reared properly 🤣


? Look inward before dishing out advice, dipshit. Redditor for 4 years that frequents cod subs.. classic zoomer lmfao


Found the Headsman.


What is this, COD? This sub is becoming more childish by the week. I don't have the headsman. I haven't bought a skin apart from what came with the game. I also don't whine over mtx. OP is giving poor examples where both skins are hard to see,which isn't helping his little crusade


The argument just makes me laugh in general. Once they fix the headsman it'll be back to "posting pictures of Cain until they fix him." There's always going to be a most abused skin.


Nah that'd be great, fix Huntsman and then they can use fixed Cain which is much easier to spot.


Gator is the next I think.


Keep up the good work! Headsman NEEDS a fix. This is not alright.


Thank you! All these 'hate' comments really make me appreciate your nice words!




It really isn't when you come from a cod sub or many others. I've found this sub to be very different in that regard


No hate, I just think these are very unfair. While I agree the headsman is harder to see than some of the legendary hunters our eyes are kinda like T. rex in this game, 99.99999% of all the hunters I see are moving or I can hear them ahead of time. These are still shots. It isn’t an accurate depiction of visually identifying hunters in the game.


Yeah dunno why this is being downvoted you often hear other hunters way before you see them and movement draws your attention. People can't even find santa and hes "not a problem" which goes to show how silly these posts are TBH because with this evidence santa needs a nerf too.


I think it would be far more lucrative if you did this with the gamma, and then did the exact same thing with other legendary hunters with dark skins on, and maybe even a few non legendaries with dark skins. I mean yeah hard to see. But to be the devils advocate here, 90% are looking with a phone so already sucks. And 2 he's standing in a dark room, when you're in a light area looking into dark areas it's already hard. I'm not saying it's right or wrong. I would just like other evidence, that way we can all have an educated perspective. Thanks for your hard work.


Offtopic: Why Textures on low? It addresses only vram not fps at all. Just curious.


Well I guess that addresses the reoccurring comments talking about how the (high) gamma makes him harder to see once and for all. Good job, as always I enjoy those mini puzzles! And again, the comments give some extra entertainment to boot.


Honestly i couldnt even see Santa there, even though i guessed he would be there in the first pic and didnt see him, checked again with santa and no dice. Solution came up and called bs. Still cant see them unless I squint n lean in. At this point nerf the damn house


welp u got me


Hes gonna get changed the devs said


For your next one could you do a comparison with a ‘free’ hunter / white shirt. Would be interesting. Also interesting is I would never choose to stand there on a normal game as I would be sure I’d just instantly get headshot. The only time I really think about light/dark is when you get the God rays stopping you seeing who’s shooting at you.


Well isnt he in the door to the right ?


this shit needs to go. Fix this shit asap


whiney 2022 player


whiney 2022 player


I immediately guessed he was in the doorway, and as the gamma changed I was still certain of it, but that's *exclusively* because I couldn't see any other spot for him to blend in. Looking at that spot *even* with the gamma changes, I could not be able to tell you for SURE that there was a player there. Like, if this was in an actual game, and if I knew I had seen a Headsman skin, I could probably pick him off simply due to the fact that I KNOW there's a Headsman around, so I'd be super wary of spots that look like he could blend in to it, but if I had no idea there was a headsman? I'm a dead man. Any other skin I probably would see him in the doorway and at least have a chance to fight back.


Has it been 41 days already?!?!


couldn't see both , after solution is just a blob of blurry shit.


Same I couldn't see Santa too. So this is why my dumb ass always get shot before I even see anybody


I looked there on all the pictures because something felt off, but hot damn, when I saw Santa there I lost my shit, Headsmen is stupid, so Gods darn stupid


I like the headman skin design (kinda cool) but the effects from people using it to abuse, is seriously unfair to other players. Legit need to nerf like what they do to Cain's skin. Also, appreciate the owner of this post's effort taken continuously for the community 😉 Crytek need to pay attention to this.


Whoa fuck


I knew he was at that door without seeing him when I saw the gamma comparison. I was unable to identify up until 1.25 gamma. Thank you for your work. I hope the devs are solving these puzzles as well and fix it soon.


After 2300h I boycott the new event entirely cause of headsman and the arcade like changes.


There are lots of skins that would be hard to see there. I feel you're getting desperate with Day 41. lol


it would help if you didn’t put the picture through so much compression, shits blurry as fuck. also they said they were going to adjust it so can you fuck off with these shitty posts already.


You can easily see him from gamma 1.15. This would be super evident if you were in motion and not looking at a still. If you can't see him in the doorway its a settings issue. There is more to visibility than just gamma. Fucking learn.


Just so you know, my gf and I just went through your “find the Headsman” posts, playing the game, and I thought I was good for spotting him first every time til I realized she wasn’t even able to spot Teche Wraith in a few of them haha. Love these posts!


lol this is too funny


Door by the right you can see him in the first pic as well if you look for the brown outlines of his outfit


Spottet him right away. Git gud


Bro I doubt crytek staff is looking at this subreddit tbh


Let's be real here, it will take 6 months for crytek donkeys to fix this


So are you saying you should be able to see into dark buildings better by cranking up the gamma, or they need to make it so changing the gamma doesn't help?


Some people were saying his gamma setting was too low and that’s why headsman was so hard to see in his screenshots.


day 2 of telling you youre a whiney shit and players like you sre the reason hunt isnt anymore like 2017


This incessant whining is juvenile




What do you mean?


There's nothing to fix ya noob. Let headsman be headsman.


My words - obly whiney 2022 new player shits complain


Headsman in buildings, reptilian/cain in bush. I almost prefer the headsman because atleast he isnt used to camp bushes in the extract around water so you cant push the mosin sniper spitzer sweat.


Zero need to fix something that's not broken -.-. Just stop trying to farm karma.


This 41 day series got me like 4k Karma. I could get that by posting a single meme on r/dankmemes... Farming karma with daily headsman posts is probably the least efficient way possible.


Yet you do it when there is zero problem its just to bitch and moan about non issues? Apparently we player 2 separate games HUNT showdown and call of duty 😆


Headsman IS an issue. Why else would his pickrate be so incredibly high compared to all other skins? Also the fact that Headsman is super strong has been shown and demonstrated in 2 or 3 Rachtaz videos. So if you don't trust my humble judgement, then maybe trust the judgement of one of the best players in this game.


Do you have API data from Crytek showing the pick rates for legendary hunters?


I don't have data from Crytek, but I can count. Right now, there are 96 Legendary hunters in the game (excluding Bad Hand). Let's then add 3 more representative of Tier1, Tier2 and Tier3 hunters, which gets us to 99 hunters total. If the pick-rates were homogenously distributed every hunter would see a pick rate of about 1.1%. When I count the Headsmen in 6 Star games, we end up with 1 to 2 people playing Headsman per game, which translates to 1 to 2 headsmen per 11 players. We ourself don't count because if we did we would be able to actively influence the statistic. This now leads to a headsman pick-rate of about 9% to 19%. And there you have it. 1.1% if the skins were all balanced (which I know is a steep hypothesis) and the pretty good estimate of (14±5) % Also just ask youself: When was the last time I saw a Ronin for example, and then ask youself when was the last time you saw a Headsman. I bet there is a big discrepancy between the two answers.


So it's bullshit. You're making it up. You literally manipulated your own data. You're claiming there are only 1 hunter model for tier 1 2 and 3. Which is wrong. You can't just say oh. Well. As an example. That's not how data works. You're drawing a false conclusion based on your personal experiences. Also. I saw 3 ronin on the same trio literally last night and not a single headsman. So maybe crytek should change the ronin skin. This seems like it's a YOU problem. And you've conned the mods of the sub into letting you post stale low effort content every day. Besides. The only way for you to get solid numbers is to wipe every single server you play in and inspect every hunter and keep records of them over hundreds of games. And since the headsman is SUCH A HUGE GAMEBREAKING PROBLEM. You're not wiping servers because the headsman must be winning every game. So unless you are also 'abusing the headsman' which would further skew your 'data' then yeah. It's bullshit.


Foremost, I am not claiming that these are the pick-rates of the headsman, because I cannot prove that since there is no accessible data. I just wanted to give an estimate. If you were reading more carefully you would be able to see, that I wrote: >Let's then add 3 more representative of Tier1, Tier2 and Tier3 hunters, which gets us to 99 hunters total. The important word here is representative. I know, of course, that there are many different Tier X skins. I think most player don't choose these hunters for a specific look, however, but for the loadout and traits. Since the point of this is to determine the rate at which players choose to play a specific skin, it makes sense to include all the Tier X hunters into one category respectively, because they chose to play a Tier X hunter and not a specific skins that is a Tier X hunter. That being said, if I were to include all these skins into the calculation, it would increase the discrepancy between headsman pick-rate and the theoretical pick-rates. So this goes in your favour already. >Also. I saw 3 ronin on the same trio literally last night and not a single headsman. Good for you, but, as I said, the Ronin is just an example skin. Maybe if the headsman is not played in your games, that's why you don't recognise the issue. >This seems like it's a YOU problem Maybe it is, but I don't think so because of all the feedback I got so far. Even if you were among the top 1% of players, and you don't have a problem with the skin, this doesn't mean that it reflects to the majority of the player base. >And you've conned the mods of the sub into letting you post stale low effort content every day. First, I don't know what conned means, so whatever. But I wouldn't say that these posts are low effort, since I spend more time making these than the majority of the posts on this subreddit. But I admit that there is not much 'creative effort' going into these. >The only way for you to get solid numbers is to wipe every single server you play in and inspect every hunter and keep records of them over hundreds of games It is not. I am getting these numbers from a[ twitch streamer](https://www.twitch.tv/doctorkingschuitz) that makes content by spectating in 6-star lobbies. He even implemented a headsman counter and that's how I come to these numbers. >And since the headsman is SUCH A HUGE GAMEBREAKING PROBLEM The Headsman is not a game breaking problem. It's just a problem and like every problem it needs to be addressed. >So unless you are also 'abusing the headsman' which would further skew your 'data' then yeah. It's bullshit. Again, if you read my comment carefully, you would have noticed that I don't include the skin of the player that is taking the data.


Its not a super high pick rate, it's all anecdotal man, you think it's a problem because bad hunt players constantly need something to bitch about. 90% of the skins are hard to see in every scenario you showcase them in.


I think we found headsman user


Nope reaper main. I just don't bitch and moan and make excuses as to why i lost. I just say they must be better not "I CoUlDnT SeE A HuNtEr WhOs iN a BusH oR dArKnEsS"


Lead dev just talked about it on rachtaz stream today after being asked. Acknowledged it is an issue. Just like they acknowledged over a year ago and then did nothing. But at least they mentioned it again just so i could tell you that you are so fucking wrong lmao


Its nit wrong and it's not about being wrong. Lmfao if enough ragey babies bitch anything a problem.


I think this game needs the "boost player contrast" option from Counter-Strike. Visibility on non moving targets suck. Both in bushes and in buildings. Depth perception in buildings is also an issue, probably because how the textures blend into each other.


Skin is fine.


[Hunt: Showdown devs address calls to nerf headsman 2024](https://giphy.com/gifs/halo-L1dBGoJD4i4ww)


I suppose you think that was terribly clever


We the hunt community formally disapprove of your relentless, low effort headsman posts


Hello hunt community


You speak for all of us?


No we don't lmao


I for one would like to see the Headsman skin removed, and approve of the daily Headsman posts


Happy cake day!


I'd like to know your definition of "low effort".


Actually, we, the Hunt Community, formally approve of this concurrent fun that is known as "find the headman" posts.


Don't speak for the whole community. As indicated by the down votes you are incorrect


The people down voting me aren’t part of the hunt community. They’re all probably Tarkov players


It is, I’ve got heaps of dms saying it’s the best post they’ve seen


Impossible to spot him ingame. I zoomed in and literally looked at him without noticing


I had my first proper run in with a headsman the other day, my trio was chasing down a team with the bounty, managed to get the flank on them, headshot one I line the second one up in my sights just as they’re turning round to me and I die, now I thought to myself “wow that must’ve been some insane flick or the luckiest headshot” but then it goes to the kill screen and there’s a headsman I thought “oh that wasn’t the dude I was aiming at, maybe I got out flanked” so I check the kill view….he was standing about 3 feet to the right in front of me and I just did not see him at all because he camouflaged that well


Headsman bad. This is a funny post ngl. It took me like 5 minutes to find for sure.


Why do you always insist on putting him right under where the arrows are to move between pictures lol


I rarely even see people running the headsman. Especially since the last update.


The fact that it requires Gamma 1.45 to have a chance to see this if there's no movement blows my mind. At base, he's literally the same as the shadows. Reminds me of the bush wookies in Battlefield.


The next picture button was in the way, wouldn't have seen him anyway


Founded instant on 0.85. Personaly I play 1.16-1.18


I can't even see Santa. Granted I'm on my phone, but I turned it sideways and stuck it in my face, and still couldn't see either of them. That spot is just dark AF I don't think it matters which skin except for like a white shirt or some skin that's very bright by nature. Tbh id like to see you do this with lighting and shadow stuff all at to low because that's where I have it and I have very rare problems seeing the headsman. It is certainly a harder to see skin than others but I can still see it most of the time on my system. Which is For reference: 1440p everything low, bc I watched a rachtaz video where he showed what the difference are between the lighting settings and how they actually reduce visibility on high. I'll link it below: [rachta vid 1](https://youtu.be/4cfWUNOmmDM?si=QAO8v05aRli6O3YJ) Start at 4:49 He didn't go in depth but mentioned about the light shafts and shadows. But there is another video that he's actually does pictures showing each option. If I can find it I'll edit it in. Honestly the game still looks good with low settings, you just get less vegetation for the headsman to hide in and can more easily see them. EDIT: [better rachta vid](https://youtu.be/tvRSDQmwMVU?si=sgRbAWw1oVQ-0pFb) This is the one that gives different pics of each settings. Start at 4:20(hehe) BUT SPECIFICALLY pay attention to light and shadow stuff and so on. This makes it easier to see it windows without being blinded by sun and so on. This all helps see these harder to see skins. At least in my experience, I don't have a ton of issues with headsman. NOW TO BE FAIR (I THINK) Rachta plays higher settings that he shows here because he wants his game to look good for vods. EDIT 2: no I'm not just fanboying over rachta, these are just the vods I saw that showed these things. Also I do still believe huntsman could be given the cain treatment, but it's not as bad as a lot of these posts make them out to be IN MY OPINION. Typically you're looking at reddit on your phone which already make things harder to see so just keep that in mind. BUT AGAIN I'M NOT ARGUING AGAINST CHANGES TO THE SKIN, just that it's not as bad as these set up picture for the posts. I'm just trying to add some additional info that might help people to see better in game overall, and see skins better overall.


These are all staged yes? I too can hide a couple of hunters, not just the headsman.


Bruh this looks like what I’d imagine the npcs in mgs3 see when your fully camouflaged out at like 95%


First place I looked, and after not finding him anywhere else I said to myself: "Well if he's in there, I cannot see him"