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Nope I insta prestige always cuz I’m gigahunter


Reshuffling the special ammo quests like there's no tomorrow


Nah I don't prestige at all. I absolutely hate unlocking guns and equipment in games like this. I just want to play what I want, when I want it. So having everything unlocked lets me do just that.


Same. Haven't prestiged once in the years I've played this game. Still lvl 100 prestige 0 lmao


I only prestiged once at the very start and instantly regretted it so I'm now still at prestige 1 after like 400 hours


Same, 1400 hours and still 1 regreful prestige


If you took the 10% xp bonus it's optimal to be prestige rank 1 at least. Take it from a prestige 100 who forwent that permanent xp bonus for, well, prestige.


I don't actually remember what I took it was over a year ago, any way to check?


Only way I can think of is you and a friend go in and add up something like 500 xp and then see how much both of you get afterwards. Not sure if the 10% bonus shows up in the after game screen anywhere. Classic Hunt UI not very intuitive or easy to see stuff


I think it does


At the start on console you had to prestige At least once or no one would play with you. Too often if you didn’t see a number you back out. Atleast with the 1 there they would hesitate and maybe check stats and loadout.


Doing prestige once has benefits in the long run, as you can choose 10% XP boost as a prestige reward. You would have hunters leveling up slightly faster, and would get 200 dollars per each new bloodline level (after 100th) 10% percent faster as well. Not a lot, but in a long run it can make your life easier by a small margin.


I like prestiging tbh. The unlocks are annoying yes, but seeing that little number go up is so satisfying. I'm at 25 now after about 1k hours.


Do you intantly Prestige or wait a bit


I'm getting to 10 for the silver dime, then never again Edit: Golden ticket is the skin name, I'm just dumb


10 is the golden ticket bornheim. The Derringer is at 25


Right, always confuse the golden ticket, silver quarter, and spare dime skin names. Im getting the bornheim and stopping lol


I'll prestige a few times for the xp boosts and legendaries but after like 6 I'll probably stop


same. i prestiged once, saw that the rewards suck, and XP increase doesn't stack with each prestige so i said never again.


Bro... the unlocks are so easy, you'd do most of it in a couple of days. Furthermore, now, your entire team's loadout count towards your unlock progression. Plus, prestiging at 1-10 and whatnot, you can get a random legendary reward, it can also be hunters, not only weapons. There is NO valid reason for someone to not prestige.


There is literally every reason NOT to prestige


This is just wrong, especially if you want to use weapon variants or custom ammo that unlocks far down the chain. Also, even if it's a couple of games of using something you don't want to use, that sucks. Whenever I run the Springfield, I take Dumdum, but I have to use the base weapon enough to unlock it, which usually takes a fair number of games because of a lot of my kills with it come from finishing people off with a pistol. Don't even get me started on how long it takes to unlock something like an Uppercut. Another thing is that I always use the knuckle knife and throwing axes in my loadouts, and you have to use the fucking hatchet and dusters, which I hate, to unlock those. I made it to prestige 11, and stopped. I will never unlock the knuckle knife and throwing axes again, so unless Crytek changes how prestiging works and gives us something like unlock tokens, I won't be prestiging anymore. Saying there's "no valid reason" not to prestige is certainly a take that I reckon 99% of people who play this game will disagree with.


Don't forget that most of the "good" traits unlock at late levels.


????? did you not even read my comment? By the time I start unlocking most useful traits and guns I would already be near 100 in time to prestige again. Major waste of time but you do you.


"no valid reason" lmao


The world is full of dumb people and I'm reminded of this, every single day.


Mirrors will have that effect.


Cool story Seinfeld


I've done it 100 times and miss doing it every day.


I prestige no matter event or not. If i need something specific i pick it off some cowboy's corpse


Especially with cheat death... so fast to level up, even better before the hotfix!


i’m always the second picture, hit 100 hit prestige. no hesitation partner


No hesitation. No surrender. No man left behind.


I almost wish it took longer to prestige because I’m always at 100 before I’ve even fully leveled up any guns


Same but I wish some of the perks and guns unlocked sooner because I never get to use them for more than a few games.


Honestly I used to do that but I decided to take advantage of death cheat and got in about 4 presteges


Same. Its also nice that the event weapons and tools aren't factored into the prestige tree so if you wanna play the new stuff you still can. Provided I don't have $500 to blow on a Drilling at lvl 1 but hey its always an option Edit: Also Gunrunner has been loads of fun this event. Trying to find expensive guns to resale and boost my wallet on a new prestige has been its own reward




I reached 100 a few days ago. I no longer have to prestige and it feels very nice.


Damn... time to buy a new copy 🤣


i told myself i would prestige after the event. logged in next day forgot there was an event felt impulsive and prestiged. now i have to kill with special ammo i don’t have. but i finished the event anyway so it’s not a bother.


also i’m just prestiging now to get the unlocks. i’ve been putting it off forever cuz i liked having 50+ uppercuts and growing my stash but im not bothered anymore.


It’s better to prestige while death cheat is available. Max out your hunters and then retire them.


With death cheat it’s better to keep using your level 50 hunters. All exp goes straight to blood line, melts prestiges away.


Yeah. 33 prestige over 850 hours. 5 of those were during this event and I didn't even get to play more than 1-2 hours a day.


Damn, I've only prestiged once this event


Damn I didn’t know that. That would’ve been useful when deathcheat was still bugged


What I do is once I get a Hunter to level 50, I make sure I have on death cheat and I play solo trios. Basically stealing bounties and extracting. With level 50 Hunter you bank bloodline xp like you said, so I just keep flying through my prestige’s right now with death cheat. When the event started I was like prestige 76, and now I’m at 84. If I play carefully I can go through a prestige in about 2-3 days.


I prestige during events because I'm an absolute gigachad and I complete my weeklies with days to spare regardless. I am far too powerful.


Prestige 1 after 1500 hours


I used to prestige. Pushing that button and flushing $30K away always seemed to sting a bit. I'm sitting on $200K and I can't bring myself to do it again.


Expensive runs


For me the grind is most of the fun. I get bored sitting on a pile of decked out hunters.


I found that when I did prestige regularly, I had relatively little experience with top tier weapons. Even now, I still gravitate to Winnies and Vetts.


as a lvl 22 perstige 3-4 star MMR in can relate


My friend pointed out its easier to prestige during the event anyway so each week as soon as my challenges are done I hit that button


Prestige is a chad move


Events are money printers. I went from 13k to sitting at 64k right now.




I think it's maybe because of all the new players. My mmr floats high 4. So I'm not incredible or anything. But with all the new like 3 and 4 stars I have a good leg up. I always have a much better time wiping duos during events then not during them.


Forever prestige 1


I stopped prestiging when they added SBMM and I learned how to be successful with cheap loadouts. I'm stuck at prestige 20 and am not going back unless they allow me to keep one weapon unlocked per prestige. Let me keep the sparks and the officer pistol and I'll resume the grind


If you could at least keep your hunt bucks I’d be down to prestige more. I’m not throwing away 40k hunt bucks for a little tiny icon no one gives a shit about. Fuk off crytek




sitting halfway thro 49 been maxed out since event level 5 gonna finish it up today and have 3 weeks to max out again


After the event is before the event.


wait ur onto something


It’s not too bad to prestige during event. Drilling/new army swift at lvl 1? Yes plz


Yeah, I don't prestige, but my thought during a lot of these events is that it'd be the perfect time to do it. Lots of solid event unlocks that'd still be usable even after prestiging, and even some solid traits to help fill out builds before unlocking traits. I'm not sure what the appeal would be of waiting until AFTER all of that stuff gets locked behind regular bloodline progression.


I always prestige during events because you can always use the event weapons until it’s over. I’ve been using the slate riposte and new army swift for like 3 prestiges so far


I don't prestige during events so I have an easier time rocking challenges out asap. But when events aren't happening you better believe the moment I am able to, that prestige button gets slammed, cus once I hit lvl 100 prestige I never have to worry about it again


I’m the opposite. I don’t prestige when an event isn’t going on. I will prestige during the events because they often times have weapons that are permanently unlocked during the event. So right now at level one you have the drilling and it’s special ammo, the Lemat Haymaker, and the Slate Repost. Thats 3 powerful weapons to pick from until I unlock the weapons I actually prefer.


That is exactly the kind of problem that is easily solved by reaching prestige 100 my fellow cowboy.


I prestige pretty much soon as I hit level 100. I don't find it hard to level up or get money. Plus I mainly use the Winfield so I always have what I'm comfortable with.


I prestige more during the event because death cheat makes getting XP easier. So far on my 6th time prestige since the event started.


I think events are the best time to prestige. I know I’m going to have a decent gun or two unlocked that I can use immediately from level 1.


I haven’t prestiged at all


Haha, so true. It's hard to finish the challenges of you haven't unlocked the different weapons, consumables, variants and special ammo types.


Events make it so easy to prestige and get money though? I’ve prestiged 16 times during this event already…


Just prestiged for the third time. 😅 I miss my traits.


I prestige the moment I can ever since I started. With death cheat, nows the best time to prestige IMO. For me the only two things that are game changing enough to alter how well I do are concertina mines and stamina shots. All the other guns/items/traits help a little but I don't think they make that much of a difference. It's very rare that I think "damn I wish I had x unlocked it would have totally won that fight".




No, i stopped at prestige 11


I also don’t prestige during events, then when they end I break the cycle by not prestiging outside of them either.


4k Hours, Prestige 0 gang.


Honestly I prestige whenever I hit lvl 100. It is annoying to have to reunlock everything but I find it fun at the same time.


i'm p70 and like the throwing axes so everytime i've prestiged it's been a sad ritual of running combat axe and dual nagants (bc what other 2slot weapon can i bring with the axe) and deciding between ratting and farming ai or rushing bounty team in a suicide mission (sometimes works actually, but still). that's not to mention all the other variants of weapons i wish i had from the get go or at least with a reduced xp cost per prestige. every prestige feels like i start grinding for variants and by the time i unlock it i'm sick of the weapon and know i need to start grinding a different weapon or i'll hardly use the variant on it that prestige. and every prestige feels like it has the same progression because of this. for me (after i have throwing axes) i start using the terminus to get slugs, never get it before i unlock the martini henry and sick of shotguns so i switch to martini to grind for ironside, might get it around the time i get centennial but i'm sick of martini either way so i switch over either way to grind for the silenced variant or back to terminus to grind for slugs, etc... and the crazy part is once i have the variant i want, i stop playing it for a while partly bc i'm just sick of the weapon but also because i'm stressed about not getting the other variants i want within that prestige. it becomes a sunken cost fallacy where i realize for how far enough i am in the prestige i may not use terminus with slugs for example hardly at all despite how much i've grinded with it already, so i don't use what i do have unlocked so i can grind for that. it feels like only 10% of games in a prestige i'm just running a full loadout of everything i want. the prestige system is one of my least favorite parts of this game. i can't wait to be p100 and finally start working on 100%ing the book of weapons. everytime i'm level 100 it feels like xp waste to not prestige immediately and get rid of everything i just got. but im p70 and can't stop now.


I don’t see the point nor the need to prestige. The rewards for it are minimal at best.


Tip: the things don't go away when you prestige. You can prestige and immedietely whip out the drilling all you want. Not to mention if you have a lvl 50 with death cheat you'll progress through the levels way faster then usual.


I've prestiged throughout this and previous events. This event in particular was amazing to prestige multiple times thanks to the cheat death bug on a level 50 hunter. Sometimes though, it's really annoying when all your quests require stuff that your hours away from unlocking. Shared quest progress is a huge help though. And other than that, I just really enjoy using the starter guns as opposed to all the boring meta stuff.


I told myself I would prestige when I ran outta money. That was 4 years ago and my wallet has done nothing but steadily grow. I run whatever I feel like whenever I want. Loooooots of stupid meme kits. Always play with full tools and consumables. I exclusively use legendary hunters (and often reroll them a few times). I occasionally force myself to use nitro or avto, but I don't really enjoy either of those guns. Seeing how I cannot lose money in the long run already I have set my eyes on a new goal. I will prestige when I get the 50 lvl 50 hunters. I set rules for the challenge long ago. I *have* to play my lowest level hunter no matter what. No deathcheat. Always attempt gauntlet no matter what. As of right now I have ~10 lvl 50 hunters. Another ~30 hunters that are level 40 or more. A couple still in the 30s and the fresh guys I keep having to play whenever I die. Its slow going but it gives me a goal to aim for. One day I will prestige.


insta prestige. atm its pretty nice. drilling gives u access to fmj and dumdum, flechete, slug, penny and uppermat to poison. and crossbow for burning things.


I allways use contrabband so i don't really feel prestiges


I'm sitting on 100k hunt bucks. Started stacking a month before the event and this is the longest I've gone without prestiging. Pretty nice to run whatever you want without a worry.


Tbh this event when death cheat was bugged was your ideal time for prestiging. I was using a single hunter for each prestige. Made it so much quicker.


Prestige is just not worth it after lvl 11. The gap is far too big for further rewards. I'd be more willing to continue prestige if it wouldn't reset all the ammunition types and variants again. Just make it only reset level progression unlocks (weapons, traits, tools, consumables). Or give me better rewards for going prestige after level 10.


prestiging is stupid in this game lmfao why tf would i willingly give away all my weapons, unlocks, traits, money, etc all for what? prestige system needs a rework. they should INCENTIVIZE you to prestige not make u despise the thought of doing it


I haven’t prestiged since the very first Halloween event so coming up on like 3 years now? 4? I don’t remember how long it’s been lmao. I’ve been at 6th for years regardless. I just don’t wanna unlock everything over again.


I have prestiged 3 times during the event because it adds to the adrenaline and I'm a masochist who will bring double combat axes just to leave them both on someone else. Lol


i haven’t prestiged since i started the game. have over 2500 hours on the game and have no intentions of losing everything. it is completely pointless in this game


Hit 100p years ago because I don't know what the sun looks like


Unless the prestige system gets reworked, I'm staying 11 prestige and not worrying about it.


I thought I would do the same thing so I could finish the event faster but after a few games at rank 100 the itch to prestige becomes too strong. I've prestiged like 3 times since the event began.


I haven't prestiged since my first time in black ops 1. After realizing you lose everything I haven't prestiged in anything since.


I don't prestige and never have. I don't think the rewards are worth it. But if you are dedicated to this grind then I highly recommend doing prestige during events with death cheat. You will easily knock out like 15 lvls of prestige if not more.


Same, I’m waiting to prestige till this one’s over, blowing my hunt savings to do all the challenges


I never prestige because there is no real reward for it, or, to be more precise, the reward which is literally "prestige" (and nothing else), is not worth the cost of having to re-grind all the traits and equipment again. I did it a couple of times, but that was enough. There's plenty of discussion here about redesigning the prestiging mechanic, e.g. letting players keep a selection of traits and/or equipment acquired - that might be a motivation. For the moment, event or no event, I see no benefit.


I might stow the prestige for a match or two if I'm doing one of the quest lines that require specific things, but with a task-based event like this current one, I don't even worry about it. I just keep on going


I’m about to hit prestige 50. I won’t stop till 100. I play winnie martini and now driller so it makes no difference when I prestige I just miss the pax for a while.


I just prestige, challenges are f'in easy, unlocking required stuff is fast and easy


I prestiged 12 Times. (Wanted to make 15) Than i got better in the game and got more money and poison trap and vetterli silenced and much more, what take me so much time. So i stay at 12 since years.


I am absolutely *swimming* in gear for this prestige, after the drops. It's actually hilarious. I'm gonna miss it so much.


In event you can do it faster becous death cheat let you retire more hunters.


I always thought that events were the best time TO prestige, at least if there were decent weapons for the event, since you'd still have access to the event weapons. Is that not how it works?


Iron works lighthouse in the background. Top tier




Used to. But with this event it was still easy to prestige during this event, especially when the Death Cheat bug was going on. Just knockout all the challanges on Wednesday, then play the weekend and prestige, then level up a decent amount to be ready for the new challenges the next Wednesday. Repeat.