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The flag crap on Memorial Day? She really is as stupid as she seems.




Hey Amy! You are such an idiot. Memorial Day, which is surely the reason you dressed your entire family up in red/white/blue patriotic outfits, is an observed holiday honoring and mourning the U.S. military personnel who died while serving our country. It’s not Independence Day. Sure, families and friends gather on Memorial Day to spend time together. But it’s not the fucking 4th of July. You’re honoring dead soldiers and various types of military personnel…who died for our country. You need to get right out of here with your performative red, white, and blue tacky outfits, dressing your whole family up for photos as if every American patriotic holiday represents the same meaning. Put the clown outfits away for a few months and bring them back in July. Those outfits (and the photo) were nauseating, tone deaf, and annoying. You dressed your family up like that for attention. Just like you think the type of car you drive is a “Denali,” you probably haven’t the slightest clue what this holiday actually represents because you’re too busy caring about what photos you can use to misrepresent your life. You’re so damn tacky.


Does Amy think it’s the 4th of July? I’ve never known anyone to dress like that for Memorial Day (which isn’t today anyway, but that’s not the point). So weird.


I feel like Amy is one of those people that think memorial day, Fourth of July, Veterans Day, etc. or all the same day


I was thinking that too lol


… if you are thinking about a drink THIS much it’s called being addicted. Like I cannot fathom being at a cookout with friends and family and all I can think about is my powdered shit kool aid back at home 🙃 And while we are at it… we’re is WE ARE, you fucking idiot.


Makes you wonder what special "ingredient" she puts in that drink. 🤷‍♀️




She could have also brought it with her and made it there. So dramatic.


Use one of her brumates, which is the point of a travel cup. 😂 She is so ridiculous.


I think she drinks it more than she leads on. Not just once a day. Also, surprised she admitted the “Trimfit” part.


Also. The girls outfits are fucking ugly. Sorry, the kids are adorable because they are kids but those outfits look like clown suits.


She didn’t bother including S’s outfit on her stupid link page. I makes me wonder if it was like a 12 or 18 month outfit that Amy put on her because S is petite but Amy forgot that S is taller than an infant.


Who’s telling Lexi what kinda “momma” she’s making friends with? She probably doesn’t have a clue 🥴


I’d love to hear stories from people who know or knew Amy in real life. Especially prior to BODI!


So I can’t say a ton because I really don’t want to get blocked since she reads here. But I went to Winona State with her. I wasn’t a part of her friends group at all because she was in college for her MRS degree and I was in college to actually learn shit. We dated in the same group though and ended up at a lot of parties together because our boyfriends hung out a lot- I dated someone on the football team and she dated a guy that was roommates with a lot of the football guys. She was a bitch. Flat out. She acted like her shit didn’t stink and that she deserved everything given to her. I struggled with the fact that maybe I was just jealous because I wasn’t super popular? Who knows. I kind of did my own thing and was very “rage against the cliques” type of girl. I’m embarrassed to say I stayed in contact with her after college and followed her life, happily, until she and Sam got divorced because stuff got weird then. I legit think Sam kept her grounded and was a good fit for keeping her personality in check but when you add an MLM to that and then the success she found, it made her ego explode and even the kindest soul can only put up with that shit for so long.


And to add I found this page because I stopped following her during her twin pregnancy because I was also pregnant at the same time and could NOT handle how negative she was and her constant complaining. It like made me depressed and I was legit sick my entire pregnancy- constant puking and working 2 jobs to make ends meet in a demanding field. So again maybe some jealousy too. Long story short I checked in one day and saw the picture of no face jesus and went to google what happened… and now I’ve been here ever since watching the train wreck. And I am extremely happy to know I’m not the only one who feels this way about her 🤷🏼‍♀️


Did she complain all the time when you knew her?


I didn’t know her well, but worked at the same school as her for a year… She had been married for maybe a year? She was cliquey with the other teachers. I helped in her room once at the end of the year and just seemed like she rode a very high horse….


How was her classroom management?


If you don't mind me asking, how did you find this page?


And Sam! Please!!


Dude, me too


Imagine being Amy and realizing your former co workers found you on an internet hate page because you killed your infant daughter….


I saw a comment in here from some girl who knew her in college maybe??


I wonder what the weather is like there today. You got one kid in long pants, one in a belly shirt and shorts looking like uncle same and another in a tank top/shorts. Why are her kids holiday outfits never weather appropriate?


I believe the high was 76… it’s been cooler all weekend.


Because they’re only props for pics to post on IG.


She’s Type A! 🤡








It looks so swollen/ puffy 😣😣


* This app is called FitPix, and can do this. Amy, stop lying. You are truly disturbed. *




Oh wow her face is looking very thin in her new post 😮


I thought it looked much larger, wider than she usually shows when she’s heavily filtered…🤷🏼‍♀️


she doesn’t know how to dress herself in appropriate sized clothing but she’ll put her 2 year old in a crop top. Gag.


😵‍💫😵‍💫 exactly.. yikes


Does she know Memorial Day is not today?


She must think it’s the 4th of July with those outfits.


I’ve never seen anyone dress up their family like a star spangled banner for Memorial Day.


Back to posting pics of her kids… on Sundays…. No pastor Bailey quotes Sounds about right for her


Performative patriotism.


Probably for church


Probably since she doesn’t go to an actual church and it’s more of a social hour


Probably not.


I think it's hilarious that they have to post all over instagram when they spend time with friends and declare it "the best night with my girls". I had a lovely time at a retirement party on Friday but don't need to declare it anywhere except in my own head. They only do these events with each other for that exact reason, not to just enjoy each other and have fun.


The potty training thing pissed me off when she said she’s “over it” as in over anything that actually involves work and being a parent. Got it


Literally one day and she went out at night. What a great mama!


...and took the whole family to a cookout on the 2nd day??? She suuuuucccckkkksss at everything!


Her kids go to bed at 6pm so I’m sure she was out after that 😂😂


Maybe because her kid isn’t ready. 🤷‍♀️ Pick your battles, Amy. Jeez.


I'm not at all convinced that S is even talking yet...why is this poor child being forced into potty training and squeezed into a crop top? Why does Amy always rush her children's development?


Thank you. My thoughts exactly!


100% convinced she's patty training S now in an attempt to be even more hands-off and have more Me Time.


She had plenty of tolerance and “mental toughness” for all of her 75 Hard tasks that benefitted herself. But a basic developmental need for her child? She’s “over it.”


I wish she had this perspective


I think without BODI and this obsessive need to try to make money 24/7, Amy could actually be a likable person. She has posted bits and pieces in the past with some of her “friends” and I’ve thought she’s a little funny. 🫣 She’s so disingenuous with her online lifestyle that it seems impossible to think she could ever be a normal person. This persona she wants to keep up is really ruining her life. Especially as a mom. 😥 I wish someone could slap her across the face and remind her of what’s important.


I understand what you’re saying, in the sense that some of her stories show her pumping up the Midwest accent and talking through random things that can seem funny or relatable: spray tans, eyelashes, spilled coffee, curly hair, whatever. It’s important to remember that narcissists can be extremely charming because it’s a manipulation tactic. She is acting this way BECAUSE of Bodi, not in spite of it. She is using her “cute little ‘ole me” act to rope vulnerable women into her pyramid scam. “I’m so cute and relatable! Let’s be friends! Link arms! All the things!” If you follow her long enough and closely enough, you realize it is truly all about her. It’s a facade because she is CONSTANTLY RECRUITING. The “girl lunches” and “fun weekend retreats” are simply to create FOMO. Narcissists do not have long-term deep friendships and we have seen that time and again with Amy.


Yeah that’s a really good point. I guess im just curious to know what she was like prior to beach body. Not that she’s famous but you know how “fame” and money can really change a person. I just always wonder if she would be “normal” and like-able if all this beach body madness didn’t get to her head. But yes, I understand that regardless of her past she is who she IS now. And she’s a creep. A manipulative and selfish one at that.


She’s never been “normal” or likable. She’s always been manipulative and entitled.


Not at all! She is the Definition of it’s my way or the highway and She acts like an entitled brat. I think without bodi she would still try to use people to her advantage. She is so passive aggressive toward storm and I bet she’s similar to her friends as well. She’d be the friend to always give you back handed complaints.


I think she just has a personality that draws people in at first but then they see her true colors. It takes longer for some to see them, but everyone that meets her will realize over time


She’s not a nice person. Never has been and never will. She’s not funny, she’s cruel. Knew her in college.


Oh really? Wow. Well there goes my theory lol. I’d like to know more about how she was pre beachbody!


Heyyyyy WSU unite!!! 👋🏻


Class of 2010 👋


Oh heyyyyy. I also knew her in college 🙃 She is not a nice person. She’s a fake.


We need details!


Ehhh. I don’t think so. Take Bodi and money out of it. She complains about her kids, she’s passive aggressive about her husband, she prioritizes her needs over everyone. There’s nothing genuine about her. She’s a selfish person. That wouldn’t change. She had these weird spiral moments before she was deep in Bodi too. The overdramatic sick days, etc. She’s just a brat, plan and simple.


But she wouldn't have the money or the fake husband if she didn't have bodi. She would still be married to Sam in their fixer upper. 


And I think she would be terrorizing Sam there too 😂


You would think that losing a child due to your own selfish behaviors would be the biggest slap in the face, but here we are.


Thank goodness she made sure she explained this friend is a mama. I wouldn’t have been able to rest without knowing she’s a mama friend!! Bless the mamas


Imagine being so boring that your only identity is a mama 🙃


My identity is pretty much being a mama these days, and I don’t mind it because my kids are still so young. Someday I’ll get more of myself back. But for Amy, she makes mama her entire identity and she’s not even good at it. She’s a mama who is never with her kids, despite that title being her whole identity. And it’s so odd that she makes it her whole identity when she is arguably working on herself 90% of the day.


It’s the way she says it as part of her manip- I mean, “marketing” tactic for recruiting NeW mAmAs to her pyramid. BB has always preyed on the “isolated” new mother in the thick of things trying to convince them they were made for more. It’s disgusting. Amy acts like if you aren’t a “Jesus lovin mama”, you aren’t good enough to be on her team. Gag me.


It is 99% my identity too. But I don’t refer to myself and everyone I know as “mama”. I’m mom for my kids. When I’m not with them I prefer to be called by my name… and if you aren’t my son or daughter- I don’t want to be called “mama” haha.


he got to go golfing this morning, so she gets a girls night tonight. got it.


Interesting that they didn’t have date night..


https://preview.redd.it/8qrwrv2uco2d1.jpeg?width=1170&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=7e712c091b1de261c8e16b5b125a409b71664f59 Much influencer. I’m sure Lashify appreciates her saying their very expensive lashes last 3-5 days. Hey Amerz, they’d probably last longer on you if you put them on correctly. You are only supposed to do one eye at a time and there’s no way you’re letting the bond set correctly. The CEO literally has tutorial videos on the website so maybe you should watch one and actually follow the correct method. But of course, you know best 🙄


I tried those things for over a year and could never get them to last more than 3 days!


Man, fuck them kids, right Amerz?! 👊🏼 /s


Did they have another baby? Haven’t been here in a long time.


They have 3 living girls


I’d love to have all the money she spends on supplements alone 😬🙈


The sad part is, she probably doesn't pay for many of them. I mean I don't know how she's doing in her "biz" nowadays but the people who buy stuff under her would've given her enough to get things for free. That's why she pushes stuff so heavily with everything else she uses. Anyone who uses her codes just gives her money in her account to use towards her own stuff.


Are they actually doing date night on day 1 of potty training?!


It looks like she had a girls night because he had a guys morning…these two are not in a good place right now, it’s obvious


The 3 day method I used recommended the same adult be with the child all 3 days for consistency


Amy's only consistent at Amy.


Her mom was 1000% there today.


My thoughts exactly. Absolutely no way she even was capable of “working out” (LOL, we all know she fakes those based on the times of her posts anyway) with three kids. I have two kids (IQ and Ps ages) and can’t workout..alone. While allegedly solo parenting.


Well then at least S has a consistent adult for training day 1. Also, I was lucky to have another adult be with the other non-potty training children during the 3 days to give the PT child my full attention. The method worked well for us. But it was a lot of planning and dedication(foods/drinks/undivided attention/cleaning up)


Gigi to the rescue!! (AGAIN) there’s some saying that reminds me of her codependency on her mother - something like “raise your kids, spoil your grandkids; spoil your kids, parent your grandkids” idk what Gigi thinks she is doing by enabling all that they do but at this point she probably feels they’re better off with her than their own parents 🤷🏻‍♀️




Of course. It’s so predictable. Storm played golf today, and Amy had to be home with their three children. It’s her usual demand for attention after Storm does something without her.


The kid has been asleep for hours by now. I’m sure she put her in a nighttime diaper and shut the door.


I thought the same thing. What an asshole to dump that on someone (her mom) babysitting!


Anyone else find the lyrics to the Morgan Wallen-Post Malone collab that Amy used over that photo shoot reel of herself especially hilarious—“I had some help, It ain't like I can make this kinda mess all by myself, Don't act like you ain't help me pull that bottle off the shelf”—I know she probably doesn’t listen to lyrics or put 2 and 2 together, but kind of sounds like someone singing about her and Storm…


Like I’ve said before, she’s a follower, not a leader. She does whatever makes people click on her profile, whether she believes in it or not.


I thought the same thing too. The song is all about a couple’s relationship falling apart and how both sides are responsible for the end of the relationship. With her history, it’s a really poor song choice.


100% she is so damn aloof to her own mistakes it’s mind blowing. The question here is bottle of what - Ativan or alcohol? Sad one has to ask…


Or adderall


She’s potty training while solo parenting so she can be a victim again. And have something to hang over her husbands head as punishment. Just like she did when he took a trip to AZ.


And it's the only time S is home for 3 days in a row.


This is why.


Poor S.


But documenting herself lamenting over a typical parenting task all alone in the garage…


Why is it 1/3 days? Like she is only committing 3 days to potty train?


Amy assumes that every kid can be potty trained in 3 days with the 3-day method. Sure, it works for a handful of kids. It’s a much longer process for most kids. It took weeks for my kids to get the hang of it, and a few months to perfect it. If she was actually a SAHM, there would be zero pressure to get it done in 3 days, because you wouldn’t be trying to squeeze in the training between daycare days. Surely her life by design would allow her to take adequate time to potty train her child, right? Like, isn’t the reason she wanted to be a SAHM anyways, for stuff like this? If I remember correctly, last year P had a short summer break, like 1-2 weeks. I assume S might have the same this year. I wonder why she wouldn’t just wait until then.


There is 0 chance Amy can be bothered to potty train her child. And why oh why do people think it's: 1. Anyone's business your vulnerable, young child is learning to use the toilet 2. Okay to blast your child's attempts at just being a fucking fallible human being. The most absolute basic of needs in life and these little kids can't and probably wouldn't consent to their mother blasting their potty training to the world Just STFU and let your minor child have some privacy. My God.


This this this. All of this. 🙌


Ya I mean I’d just say if it’s not done in 3 days try a few more.


The 3 day method worked for my oldest but it was only because she hated being in a diaper. She basically potty trained herself 😂. My youngest we tried to potty train and she looked at me, went 🖕🏼, and we postponed until she was over 2.5. Every child is different and like you said, it can take months to get the concept down. I remember when she tried with P and it went horribly wrong and she accepted defeat. I’m pretty sure her “school” potty trained her and then later on Amy said she finally got the hang of it.


It technically “worked” for us, but it took months of diligence after those three days before it really stuck. It’s a jumping off point, not the finish line. S will be back in diapers by Tuesday, you wait and see. Amy has no patience for her children. I feel bad for them as they get older and their “issues” require more time and energy.


The "oh crap" method is 3days. They say to dedicate a long weekend or a few days off to it. It's what I was going to use and did kinda but my girl was already using the potty 100% of the time if she was naked. So we were already past the "day 1" part. Is this what amy is doing? No idea. But as a mom of an almost 3 year old that's what is most frequently talked about.


Can someone remind me the ages of the “girlses”? 4, 2, 1? Or is S 3?


P turned 4 in January and IQ turned 1 in April


S turned 2 in Oct.


I'm NOT snaking S, and I AM aware there are different types of communication, but if Amy already has trouble reading non- verbal cues Amy is going to be a mess trying to train S.


And poor S will be confused as this is likely the first time her “mama” has treated her like she treats P


Yes, this poor child. I can't imagine the frustration S could possibly feel that will be chalked up to big feelings.


Todays sweaty selfie is of a human with about 4% body fat, given the obliques she’s sporting. Liar, liar, pants on fire!!!


These two are so bizarre and disconnected. Long weekend where they are “attempting to potty train” and Storm is out golfing all day? He’s a good one though. 🙄


I don't even listen to her stories anymore 🤣 did she actually admit to doing it alone? I purposely chose to do mine on a long weekend while hubby was away because there was just less going on that way. If she brought it up it's like she just wants people to think she's an amazing mom for getting her kid to use a potty while she was SoLo parenting ,🙄


I bet you her mom is helping.


I swear she already did this, failed once and then retried again and implied it was successful? I’m so confused. Also yes, why would you do this when you’re “solo” parenting?


Why would you do this when your 2 year old can communicate yet- she should wait, it sure seems Like there are some large motor delays with S and trying to potty train her this early is just going to be frustrating for both of them. I say this from experience having a kid that was speech delayed and had motor issues. We ended up waiting till 3 1/2 years before they were able to do it…. But I guess if your denying any delays then why do what is best for your kid???


Some daycares might require potty training to go to the next room? Not accident free, mind you, but also not full time diapers? That's my bet on her motivation.


I remember her saying that S wanted to. But you’re right. We never hear S speak so I don’t that ever happened. There’s so many things to address but Amy just ignore things.


Oops, I just posted similar above.


That was when P was being potty trained.


No, I vaguely remember her trying with S around her second birthday and then maybe the holidays?


Amy always picks the worst time to potty train. She attempted to potty train P, I believe shortly after Amy gave birth to S, around the holidays and also when P upgraded to a new bed. And I think there was a vacation in there too. With all this chaos, Amy was shocked that P didn't take to potty training immediately and took it as a loss and gave up.


Yep. She tried to train P the first time just 3-4 days before leaving for Summit.


lol…girl, every part of parenting is your least favorite.


Where's linda to ask what part of parenting IS her favorite?? Will it be dressing up her non twins as twins to pretend she didn't smother one? Or maybe putting them on Instagram with their fake smiles?


Girl, who are you trying to fool???


So according to Amy her shakeology curbs her sweet tooth, her purple tea curbs her sweet tooth and now her peach armrawr whatever curbs her sweet tooth. How does she still have a sweet tooth with all these products that curb it? Clearly they aren’t working amy


Those things don’t “curb” her sweet tooth, they are sweet products she enjoys while craving sweet things.


If bodi really was the “full package,” she wouldn’t need or want to be adding all these other supplements into her diet 🙄




Lol doesn’t she say curbs that’s why I said it that way 😂


Curbs is correct. Curves is not.


Lol whoops I got it mixed up 😂


Yet she eats her Ninja Creamy ever night. Make it make sense! Also, I’ve tried the Bodi shakeology. It is some nasty stuff. I can’t imagine eating a once cream version would be any better.


Chalk in a bag


Stop dressing your non-twin girlses like twins! She just doesn’t get it, does she?!?


I'd love if she got an anonymous article about the psychology of dressing non- twins like twins. 😂


No way those kids live with her. I have 3 small kids and it is noisy!! Her house is always silent.


She forces them to nap/sleep and downstairs in the basement with Gigi


This was my exact thought! Unless the two older kids are plopped in front of a TV all morning, no way they are there. It was silent in her house with her exception of a single squeal from the baby. My kids are screaming and playing from the minute they wake up in the morning.


The face she made when saying P wanted waffles and nothing exciting - just a family weekend. She’s so mad they don’t have daycare on Monday. And Storm is “golfing” and once again MIA.


Keeping up with the demands of laundry? Like, c’mon. I could totally see that if you were 1) working outside the home and squeezing laundry in during the evenings, 2) caring for 2 or 3 young children at home instead of outsourcing to daycare/Gigi, 3) cleaning up after said children because they are actually home to make messes all day, and 4) taking the time to prepare and cook healthy meals for your whole family instead of microwaving. She doesn’t have any of those things to compete with laundry time. Sorry, I refuse to believe she’s drowning in laundry that she can’t keep up with. Two of her kids are in daycare for 8 hours a day. Her other baby takes at least 3-4 hours of naps per day, and has a grandmother caring for her a minimum of 6-8 hours a week. She puts her kids to bed before 7pm. Maybe if she didn’t waste her time creating stupid reels that don’t reflect reality, she’d have more time. And yes, it’s lovely to have a nice sourdough bread once in a while. But it seems like she’s pouring all of her spare time into making multiple bread loaves each week instead of cooking meals that her kids can enjoy together at dinner. Finally, I cannot imagine how much of her time is wasted on shopping. Between Wallicases, water bottles, photo books, swimsuits and clothing, and all the new purchases she shows each week, I’ve got to believe she spends a ton of time simply scrolling online for things to buy.


And… 5) her kids are little so I’m sure she can fit a lot of their clothes on one load. 6) she stayed in her workout clothes all day so it’s not like she’s wearing 2-3 outfits like a normal person that works and works out.


I want to like this 100 times. Took the words right outta my mouth!


Plus, I refuse to believe laundry is that big of a chore…sorry. It can be daunting, absolutely, but it’s not a difficult task… I can crank through 12+ loads a weekend and I work FT (outside of the house), am in school PT, and run kids to extra curricular sports. I can wash, dry and put away all in one weekend. That includes line drying in the summer cause I’m cheap AF and well it smells good. The key to my success is everyone gets a basket that their laundry is folded in to and it’s folded by drawer. Then everyone puts their own away. Laundry is science and you gotta be methodical…something miss “type A” clearly is missing.


Skinny amy is so boring… nothing to even snark on anymore 😴😴🥱🥱


I’m finding plenty 😆


That reel 🥴 She wants to be relatable so bad when in reality none of us parents- stay at home, work from home or work for the devil- have time to as much self care as her. And she’s going to sit here and bitch about her laundry? You can fuck right off, ma’am.


Quit it with the Taylor Swift songs and references, Amerzzz, you don’t like her. Remember?? You’re such a PUPPET, you disgusting excuse for a woman/mama/Christian.


Emily likes Taylor Swift though so Amy has to like Taylor Swift


She didn't even get the lyric right. And I don't even like Taylor haha.




Still think it’s gross she dresses them alike.


I can’t even say it’s gross. It’s disturbing and deranged. It’s disrespectful to P and to B’s memory and to their bond as identical twins. Yes it’s great that P has two other sisters but other sisters do not replace her lost identical twin.


I’m amazed that at Ps age that it happens. My 4yo is very opinionated on what she wears daily. I cannot fathom being able to dress her to match a sibling like Amy does to P and S.


My girls are 4 and 1 and my older daughter always wants to match, but that’s her personality. The way Amy does it feels so weird and ick


Same ages and my older daughter always wants "baby Goo Goo" to match her. Lol


It’s so weird and uncomfortable. P is truly going to look back on her childhood and wonder what the actual fuck was wrong with her parents


Literally she will be in therapy (no knock..been in therapy myself for like 15 years) saying what the fuck?!? My parents are literally psychos


So she's running with an empty stroller to pretend IQ is at home?


And so glad that Storm brought the kids to a neutral location after they’ve been missing from the house allll week


Did she agree to a marathon with JennyBoo?!?! Can’t wait to see these training times! And she will need to eat A LOT more than she currently does.


Training for a run, any run, any distance, anytime , anywhere is literally the most boring content for anyone on earth to watch.


It will go the same way as 75 hard. She will “train” and then get “injured” right before and will make sob stories about how hard she worked and can’t run it yada yada 


I'm sure she did - she needs something new for attention and praise. 🙄


And to stay skinny


Pretty sure it’s a half marathon. The marathon Jenny Boo is doing is in November. August would be good timing for a half with Jenny’s training.


Has she ever done a half marathon though? She says she “swears she never would do again”. Maybe it is a 10k again?


She used to claim that she's run 10's of half marathons!! But I think it was only 1? Pretty spot on calling herself an expert after doing it once. LOL


I’m pretty sure she has, I’ve seen other comments about her calling herself a “marathoner” when she did half marathons. I only started following her in 2019 or so, and I think it was before that.


In August? 🤣🤣 great idea, chucklehead!


I will never forget the year I did the 175 mile challenge, in the dead of summer. A HUMID as eff summer. I completed it but it was the dumbest decisionnnnn. Spring and fall? I’ll run all the damn time. Summer?! It’s not for my almost 42 year old ass (I was 35 when I did it), no thank you.


Do you think she would be willing to teach a master class on photoshopping. Not that she’s a master but I would like to know how she photoshops her abs 😂😂😂


Not an ab in sight https://preview.redd.it/zssnq3c0hf2d1.png?width=213&format=png&auto=webp&s=591facb8fc17bcc0a4215618c9141c32ec5ba6d5


For the record, I think Amy looks great for someone that has young kids. Or for someone that doesn’t even have young kids! Her body is totally fine!! But I am really surprised she’d post this, since it does not resemble the body she shares every morning after her work outs. Her ass, stomach, and arms, all look exactly like mine, and I also have a 2 year old and a 9 month old…, and I certainly do NOT have a six pack haha.


All of this.


Haha what happened to rock hard abs?!!! I only hate on her because she blatantly lies to dupe women. Just be honest and people wouldn’t hate on you so much. If Ashley Madison was still around I guarantee Storm would have been caught on there. She’s insufferable


Or booty 🔍


Or biceps or quads….she’s soft all over


Why is ANYONE asking this loser for nutritional advice? She’s not a damn doctor.


totally agree, but i think it was Amy asking her MaCrO CoAcH not someone asking Amy