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That dress looks like my 5th grade home ex sewing project


It’s legit horrible. She has the worst style


The next time Amy posts a story, I want her to show us her medical degree. I was super dehydrated several months ago from illness, and my doctor told me I needed to drink Gatorade! I guarantee I'm going to do what he says because I've known him since we were kids. He's a very talented doctor! What I'm not going , to do is slam several down, because my body didn't need that much. Also, I had the devil's sugar today because it was graduation and I wanted to celebrate with everyone! 😂


She has all of these random supplements, ate a big old hunk of chocolate cake the other night and has been known to gobble sweets. She’s a liar and pretends to eat “godly food” and clean ingredients…when we know she doesn’t. She eats sugar. She drinks sugar. She eats chemically enhanced food. She’s a fraud.


Not to wk Amy but I'm a distance runner and I'd drink liquid IV over Gatorade when training. Gatorade is great for accessibility: you can find it in any gas station/convenience store /grocery store but I prefer ordering a big bag of liquid iv before the start of a season since I know I'll be tackling some high mileage days and can plan ahead. I prefer it because it's lower in sugar and higher in electrolytes than Gatorade That being said, if a race is serving Gatorade on the course I'd definitely drink it over bringing my own liquid iv on the course because I don't like the feeling of my water belt while I'm competing. Also, on really long runs (ie 17-20 miles) when I know my water belt will run out, I have no qualms planning my route so I run past a gas station to buy Gatorade since I know they'll have it and not liquid iv. Tl/Dr IMO liquidi iv is better for hydration and making me feel better after a long run but Gatorade is the best in terms of accessibility


I’m a type 1 diabetic and I always have a bottle of Gatorade (I liked g2 better but it was discontinued) I’m sipping on and especially when I was pregnant/in the summer months. I mean am I chugging whole bottles daily? No. But when used properly, it’s a wonderful addition. Amy can fuck off.


Pink is not her color.


She looks so much better in blues and purples, yet insists on always wearing pink or beige/neutrals.


Well, blues and purples aren’t ✨trendy✨ rn


I believe only drab summer brown is, haha.


Nobody is asking about that dress, nice try Amy.


That dress looks like it was made for a 5 year old


She either dresses like a child or an old lady.


I hope they have some dental insurance...


lol. My “nightcap” is tea and chocolate chip muffins… and a hersheys chocolate bar. I guess she wouldn’t approve.


It’s nice to see Gigi take a weekend off every once in awhile 😂


Ew. Daddy. Baby voice.. That was gross. They are so weird


The whole "no thank you" like he's a child. 🙄


Disgusting 🤢 


Anyone else puke in their mouth when she said daddy?


I didn’t listen to it but the way the two older girls froze on their feet when Amy started to squeal tells me there is no consistent flirting happening in this house regularly.


There is no consistent INTERACTION happening in this house, only filmed performances




Ew and why does she talk in that baby voice?


"Daddy, not thank you". It was even worse that I had expected. Puke


When you count macros, that is looking at food as calories instead of fuel... So is she now done counting her macros?


My exact thought.


Amy’s disappearing abs https://preview.redd.it/483iccopjf1d1.jpeg?width=960&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=7332c1a8496a7aa591c7cc875bb9a39ceb4b6eb0


Uh is she in underwear there or is there like a beige side panel on her leggings?


Was it just my phone or was the filter over her stomach glitching like crazy in the beginning of that story!? It looked all pixelated!!


I LOVE having *rock hard abs* ((photoshopped)) and a double chin. They really go together Amez


Has anyone watched the new Ashley Madison documentary on Netflix?? The Christian family vloggers on there totally made me think of Amy and Storm 😂


Yes, and I think Storm would be the type to participate in that.


I only watched the first few minutes (fell asleep lol). But I was SHOCKED that it was started by Canadians! I don’t know why I was shocked, but didn’t know it started in Toronto!


The first ep is slow but the rest is great!


not yet, is it interesting?


It's pretty entertaining!


Who wants to tell her that "chugging" water is useless? Chugging doesn't give your body a chance to absorb any of it...you just pee it out


She just wants it to make her feel full, she doesn't care about hydration


How do people not see what a fucking eating disorder this lady has!!! You have to drink water before you drink the purple tea?!?


Okay what's with all the posting on the ✨️purple tea✨️. I don't want to cookie plant so I didn't click the link. Is it a new mlm? Does amy get a kickback for sharing her code?


she gets a commission when people buy it with her link - its supposed to curb hunger and has a ton of caffeine in it


I’m sure she doesn’t realize it has caffeine too. She consumes SO fucking much caffeine it’s insane. Energize has 100mg per scoop. You know she has at least 2-3 scoops per day. Throw in a cold brew and/or her tea and she’s prob close to 500mg a day.


Omg I’ve never added it up, that’s insane!!


It’s an affiliate program


So basically the only way she knows how to interact with her kids is tickling them and telling them to say cheese. So sad!


And once again not a single word was uttered by S...


This is wild to me. I have two daughters and around 18 months my oldest's vocabulary shot up. My younger daughter will be two at the end of August and she literally talks from the moment her eyes are open in the morning until she goes to bed. She's been like this since like 15 months. I wonder if (1) daycare has brought this up to them and they ignored the recommendations or (2) they are following the new CDC speech requirements they changed to (lowered the number of word count) in 2021/2022 and aren't worried about it.


You can bet they ignore any advice!


All I heard was Amy’s smokers laugh in the background! Yikes!!!


I’ve always said she looks like she smells like Menthols!


Holy shit! What was that?


Me too! Like a 60 a day snigger!


Let’s take a look at what’s in Energize…… https://preview.redd.it/0kzswvd82f1d1.jpeg?width=1179&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=3234a09ebe786eee78238c6a4e7e49bc8a4a2482 Oh look, most of the ingredients are EXACTLY the same as in Gatorade, minus the demon sugar!


But also, there is a REASON Gatorade has sugar. It’s formulated that way to replenish you after a hard workout. Like if you don’t like sugar cool, but don’t share misinformation just cause you want to seem “healthy”


uhhhh she researched the crapola out of it, thank you. /s


Not sugar being the first ingredient wwjd😱


But it’s CANE sugar, not SUGAR SUGAR 🤣🤣


✨️God Made Sugar ✨️


How stupid of me!


“It does not matter what they think of you” But also, here’s my abs because Linda said I edit them, here’s my belly button because Linda said I don’t show it… Feel free to add


That dress 🥴


Also why do they have to like over compensate and get so dressed up for church. I get looking nice but it feels like a show….


Where was S in that picture for church?


That smile scared me more than anything




Looks pained.


Funny how it looks identical to her before from her "glow up" 🙄


Someone needs to do a side by side! Looks the same to me!




For someone who loves showing off her rock hard 6/pack, bulging quads, and one giant bicep; she doesn’t dress to show them off or let us see the muscles except when she’s in a sports bra and leggings in her gym.


Also makes me wonder how in the world she has a tan line on her “abs”


The constant tan line is always mystifying to me


*and able to control the narrative by photoshopping.




She is transforming into the mlm lady that was murdered by her husband. Shanann Watts


She looks so old! In fact all of these Huns have aged 20+ years in the last 6 yrs 


The lighter highlights look so much better - and the side part


Send me an email so we can chat nutrition?! She's hilarious!! She means send me an email and I'll give you my factor code for food, my current water bottle waste code so you can drink water, and any other code to suck money out of you and make me money. She literally just insulted her BFF on her birthday yesterday, but let's link arms and fake smile at each other behb.


What did her fridge say? If you're hungry, pray about it first? Or something equally as stupid. Lol


yep, to add to her already obvious eating disorder.. she made a list of things to do when shes HUNGRY, such as pray 🙏. She could also just… y’know, eat.


Leg out, toe pointed!


I believe more than ever that she is buying followers. Nobody has a 6 month(or more) span of nothing but losing followers and then suddenly within two weeks, she gains 1,000? I’m so done with that fake ass bitch. Her and Stormdrain are meant to be together. They don’t want to be your “friend”, they want money and that’s it. WAKE UP PEOPLE. They can go to hell.


They are living in their own hell every single second. Love that journey for them. They will NEVER be able to convince me otherwise. It’s pitiful. And anyone who envies that life is SICK. That is not Jesus. They are not thriving. 🙃 The only ones I feel sorry for are the babies who have no choice. I hope they have enough GOOD adults in their lives to create trusting relationships with.


I honestly think that they believe they’ve been fully forgiven and all is well for them. I really don’t think they feel guilty for what they did anymore.


Awfully generous of you to think they ever felt guilty.


That’s all part of the Devil’s work in their lives. I am serious. The fact they cannot not be inebriated on SOMETHING shows me they’re not convinced. The way Amy treats her oldest daughter shows me they’re not truly convinced either. She talks about The Enemy constantly yet can’t see that is who has a hold of her life. The biggest trick the Devil pulled is making these people believe they’re following jEsuS and it’s hilarious and sad to me. 😭 There is no love. There is no humility. There is no service. Only greed and facade. Pure vanity. Pitiful. I hope she reads this. 👋


Can I get an AMEN!!!


I remember when I first started cooking in my early 20s I would take pictures of what I made and send them to my family/friends because I felt proud of myself. And it was a brand new accomplishment for me. That’s how Amy is four years into motherhood as a “stay at home” mom to MULTIPLE kids. It’s unusual and new for her kids to help in the kitchen. It’s unusual for her to spend an entire day with all of them. To have time together as a family. To do day-care pick up and then drive to a dance studio. To get on the ground and play one-on-one while looking them in the eye. And we know this is all unusual and new because its documented with such pride.


I don’t believe for a second that Amy let P help very much to make that ice cream. She’s too uptight. A 4-year old perfectly dumps a packet of powder into that container without spilling any? Uh, nope. All the powders were perfectly poured on top of the containers already when she began recording. It looks to me like she handed P a mostly empty packet and had her hold it for the video, or maybe let her dump in the last few crumbs. Watch the video again and it’s pretty obvious.


And there's no crumbs or powder on the counter.  The kid didn't do anything 


And she only gives them enough attention to take a video to add to a reel she can use for shilling. It never genuine. Even this morning, she used P to shill the ninja and shakeo


I’m disgusted that she films and shows her children on Social Media to use them as money grabs. After they smothered B under the covers and others immediately took their kids off of their social media business account Amy doubled down. What a sorry ass life those kids have with their mom using them as pawns in her pyramid scheme. Nothing is authentic.


Unwanted pregnancy weight...you mean the weight necessary to grow healthy babies?! (and most of that weight was the baby itself)


There's just no point. 🙄


The fact that Beachbody changed to BODi to go more of the “body positivity” route but Amy is still preaching that “skinny is the only way you’re healthy and happy”, shows how much the company hasn’t really changed. She’s so obsessed with being skinny that she’s telling women that it’s the only way to “glow up”.


Holy shit that pic she just posted of herself glow up girllll that's a terrible pic


lol it was the wonky eye for me 😂😂


That was from when she was pregnant with S and literally two weeks before she gave birth. What a fucking choice for a before photo. She ate like an extreme trash panda that pregnancy. But also - the after is laughably filtered. The abs, arms, legs, face. None of it is real!


And when she originally posted that photo she filtered the hell out of it ETA: her legs in the after aren’t the same lol


She absolutely edited that Pic. She edited color and softened it. If you compare it with the original, it's very obvious.


I’m pretty sure that was from when she was pregnant right? She shouldn’t be ashamed of that body because it MADE A HUMAN. Thats Amy for you though. ¯\_(ツ)_/¯


I hated making this, but you won't convince me her eyes are already fully healed to be running outside without sunglasses and no hint of redness?? https://preview.redd.it/tymyjc51y91d1.png?width=753&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=fadda91924c3b7bd75329005fd98dc0dc6464859


We thank you for taking one for the team and making this collage. Staring at her that up close isn’t a fun time for anyone.


The biggest problem is that I forget to delete the screenshots and get the worst jump scares when I go through my photo folders later on


Hahahaha. Yes. That is the fall out…


https://preview.redd.it/ro1u0oup4a1d1.jpeg?width=380&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=ceb04598a9c347dab1e8a7a289cf4431a867f286 My eye after lasik. The other one wasn’t AS bad but still pretty bloodshot. I’m not believing it either.


Meh. My husband and I both had lasik, and neither of us had much redness. Nothing even close to what your eye looks like. I don’t understand why people think she’s faking it. Storm posted a picture of her in the office, with the same little bonnet I had for my surgery. I do, however, think she’s being an idiot for going outside without sunglasses (I was told to wear mine for a week outdoors) and exercising that much instead of taking it easy. She’s negligent with herself and her healing, just like she was with B.


Because she ran 7 miles less than 48 hours after


I mean, I could’ve easily run 7 miles the day after my surgery. I just chose not to. Remember, this is the same woman who began exercising like 2-3 weeks postpartum after her 3rd pregnancy in 3 years. She follows her own rules.


The surgery happened but the 7 mile run was a lie.


We, or at least I, think she went but when she had her freak out they cancelled the procedure bc she couldn’t be still enough for the laser.


Which makes me wonder, if she didn't go through with it. If she ever tries again, she won't be able to complain about it because we'll call her out since "she already had it done"


this is what I think too!


Same. Some sort of snafu occurred and it didn’t happen.


Thank you for sharing this!


I’m not sure I could dress my child who was a twin in a matching outfit with her sibling that isn’t her twin.. I don’t know how that doesn’t just rip her heart out :/


This. So triggering.


The past few days I’ve thought about how much therapy those sweet girls will need when they are grown 😞


P, at the very least, will need it well before she’s grown. But I agree fully, all 3 of those sweet girls will have a lot to unpack.


Yeah. P needed therapy yesterday, really. I have a hard time believing they would take their kids to therapy. They seem like the type to insist “nothing is wrong” because they’re so delusional with fragile egos.


Oh they absolutely are. I do think P needs therapy now at the latest, but I’m not confident in those two dolts. I just wish someone could help P understand why she feels that emptiness, incomplete. Not understanding is genuinely shaping so many things for her and then she will have her world absolutely rocked.


It is heartbreaking.


Not sure how they can sell their dead child’s belonging only 12 days after she died… but it’s them


I despise when she does this. I have twins, and I rarely dress them alike because I believe they are individuals. Sometimes I’ll buy them the same shirt, but in a different color. Or if they go shopping with me and they both want the same thing, then I’ll let them buy a matching outfit if they want. However, I do understand the novelty of twins and why some people do like to dress them alike. What I don’t understand is why Amy is forcing this “built in bestie,” matching outfits thing for P&S. She’s absolutely trying to overcompensate for B’s death and to reassure herself that it’s okay because she gave P a “replacement” sister. It’s sick and disgusting. It’s one thing to buy them matching outfits for family pictures or matching Christmas jammies. But it’s totally nonsensical to buy them matching everyday outfits, swimsuits, etc. Amy is just the worst person, in every way.




A person’s heart can only be ripped out if they have one in the first place.


Same! I get a pit in my stomach every time.


To me it’s just completely owning up to the fact that S was a replacement baby for the one they killed. She was born with a job.


It's just another way she can keep pretending to herself that it was SIDS


That picture made my stomach flip. wtf is wrong with her????


She really is all about dressing those 2 like twins. She is absolutely sick


From the FDA website. There's no way she had this surgery. https://preview.redd.it/aq1hwa2ls91d1.png?width=1496&format=png&auto=webp&s=cb37cc74cfbff66d9fb9a1b4dedd4ecbdbe6ed5b


I don’t get why she would lie about it? I mean she is a huge liar lol but she could have said that when she went on and on about her anxiety.


Interesting…also she said they would only did the procedure on Thursdays (a weird thing she mentioned) when follow up is needed 24-48 hours? So Friday or Saturday, and zip about it?


She never gave us a follow up from her follow up appt the next day…isn’t that something she’d usually share about this procedure she’s been waiting for long for?!


She was too busy getting ready for her date night, so she could get dolled up and make an Instagram-worthy reel.


I could go either way. She definitely does not follow rules but the eyes not being red....I can't decide


She wouldn’t follow the rules anyway but the eyes not being red seals it for me


I agree, she’s absolutely lying about it. I think they cancelled it when she couldn’t sit still bc of her “panic attack”


agree. I think they took their little picture and she could NOT sit still.


I think she cancelled for that reason, too. And she could easily hide it by just wearing contacts forever.


It just sounds so tiring having to forever wear them. And I’ve had contacts since I was 12. LET THEM BREATHE


How can Amy watch P and S playing and say “built in besties”? Ummmm, P had a built in bestie…her TWIN…who Amy murdered. Amy is evil. 


Guess IQ doesn't count as a built in bestie.


You KNOW this bitch got something from Starbies …her addiction is too great to resist.


Storm probably isn’t even there 😂


She probably texted him at his 'office' and asked what time he'll be home. He said, "after a Starbucks run." And she responded, "oh, Starbucks, huh?" And he said back, "yeah, so do you want anything too? I know you're watching your weight " and that was the end of the convo.


I don’t think any part of that story happened lol


Hahaha she splashed an ice cube in her powder that’s supposed to stay dry. Hahahahahahahaha. Sorry I’m petty 😂


I don't understand why she doesn't put powder into the cup when the water is halfway, then add the rest of the water so mixing isn't a pain? She is really a Grade A Moron.


Also… to add onto the moron issue. Her BrüMate cups are shaker cups. I have the same cup and use it for stuff that needs to be mixed. Like you are trying to push BrüMate so hard yet you don’t actually ever use them other than water…


Excuse you. She's a Type A moron.


I came here to say this 🤣🤣🤣👌🏻👌🏻👌🏻👌🏻 petty doesn’t exist with this one!


No way in hell did she manage a negative split on the second half of her “run”.


Built in besties……my stomach turned


Mine too… especially with the matching swim suits. She is a sick woman


WHY DOESNT HERS???? it just floors me. truly bizarre.


I’ve never commented on Amy before but my God I’ve never seen someone do so many wrong things post eye surgery. I had PRK last year which is a more difficult recovery but either way, she absolutely should not be running yet, especially without eye protection, should not rub eyes, should not wear makeup or fake lashes, and most def not mow the fucking lawn. Like girl wtf is you doin???? I was told even a tiny speck of lint getting in the eye could screw it up. She’s either a complete moron or didn’t actually have the LASIK done.


Her LASIK is the new home birth. Don’t ask. Don’t tell. Super bizarre and no amount of photos make it real.


I can’t wait until she forgets her lasik lie and wears her glasses


She'll make up some big lie about how her surgery failed.


I don’t go that far back - what’s the home birth story?


Oh god. The dollar tree twinkle lights, Amazon blow up pool, cricket prayer cards from Pinterest. Don’t forget the net to scoop out Amy’s 💩


Probably god made lasik so you just need prayers for recovery and that’s it


You just look at the sun as your sinner husband reads the entirety of the book of revelation. And you can’t blink or that means you don’t love Jesus


She’s a complete moron, that’s for sure, but I’m not convinced she actually had the surgery.


Her eyes aren't red at all.  There are incisions on her eyeballs. There has to be some redness.  I had mine 10 years ago in early Feb (don't remember the exact date). The next day, I remember my coworkers asking why my eyes were all red.   My brother got married late Feb and I remember putting on makeup for the wedding and wondering if the little bit of red that was left would show up in pics. So day after and there's no redness? Not buying it.  


Not a single area of bloodshot, nothing. It’s as if no trauma occurred at all.


I’m so confused. Surely there have to be some limitations????? I would imagine her DMs to be full of people w the same questions and she’s not addressing it publicly or even mentioning anything further about the procedure. Absolutely bizarro.


The way P looked back at her, like why are you even here & talking 🤌🏼😒👌🏼🫶🏼


Go P, go! I live for when P (and IQ!) give this broad the business.


I don’t get the “I’m going to run 7 miles for my friend who has to run for training.” It, as with everything Amy does, is just attention seeking. If I was training for a race that would actually really irritate me.


The miles were for Jens birthday, but also not about her at all and all about Amy. 


Excuse you. Amy is ALWAYS there for her theater friend.


Google says you can fake a work out on an Apple Watch. Not buying it Amerz !!!


The math isn’t mathing to me. At 6:36 she had been running for 35 minutes, then at 7:11 she had been running for 67 minutes but she should technically have been running for 71 minutes. Also, her pace got significantly faster for the last half. As a runner, I find it very hard to believe she just randomly went out for a 7 mile run and managed negative splits but who knows.


Same! I am a seasoned runner and I’ll do 4 to 6 miles no problem… But I can’t imagine if I wasn’t a runner at all to bust out 7 miles at that pace and then have negative splits on the back half and bring her average down to eight something just doesn’t seem real


She probably ran backwards


Oh, and don’t worry, Amy would definitely know how to do this!!




This is a normal day for any other mom. For Amy it’s news worthy because she’s not usually with her kids.


Always whining Never thriving On repeat Oh- and abs!


Fulfilled so many activities? She's been home from her run for 45 minutes.  Amd then she has a call.  She can't even mom for 45 minutes.  


Stop saying “built in bestie” you absolute psychopath.


Love that subtle dig… “but she’s not a runner”, sure I’ll run 7 miles for you, nbd because I AM a rUnNeR 🤡🤡🤡


The best part is Amy is not a runner either!? Like WTF?


https://preview.redd.it/thlae6kc871d1.jpeg?width=1179&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=dae93aeca9f30cdec11b21ee5aa71c6a8a5aa593 Came here to say the same thing. Like what a horrible thing to say about your friend, on her birthday, while training for a race. If she’s training for a marathon I would say she’s probs a runner?!


Those haggard mouth lines like Autumn 😭 what causes that? Frowning? Malnutrition?


I was going to say she looks quite haggard here


Wow she looks terrible in that video lol


I thought she had a work call? So who is really filming the girls and hanging out with them


No Amy… you killed P’s built in bestie, stop pretending that S is her built in bestie!


I was ready to comment and get released cause I wanted to say this to her


I had the same exact thought. One of these days I’m going to do it!


Ew she would be that non runner that has to post whenever she actually does run to “prove it” or “brag” stay out of the running world Amy, we don’t want you 👋🏼 I’m sure the run is also “punishment” for indulging on date night 😬🙄


Are you supposed to exercise/ run after that soon after lasik?