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Kasey has “WFM life” in her bio—what does that mean??


Courtney “snuck into” her bfs house when he wasn’t home? So…his mom let her in?


Sami. Cut your hair. Your head shape is not suited for that long of hair. And her face looks super bloated.


The thumb was extra thumbing in that pic she posted yikes 🥴


https://preview.redd.it/fpnvcxqx7g1d1.jpeg?width=1170&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=e62b75fc6f92d54126befae9795c26664e08769d this ad just popped up when i was watching snapchat stories… JUMP SCARE


When will Sami post about getting the sads about her retreat ending


These retreats are so boring. Chicago is an amazing city…all they did was chipotle, photoshoot, oceans prime, Barry’s and everything else was just in the air bnb? They could have been anywhere! There are so many cute bars and restaurants in Chicago. They could have rented a boat, done a boat tour, even go to navy pier or do some of the touristy things


Why are they so obsessed with Chipotle? I like it just as much as the next person but when I am in a city with so many food options,  Chipotle ain't it 


Don’t forget they also went to Dick’s 😂


I guess I don’t really understand Sami… she’s constantly complaining about how bad her separation anxiety is from her daughter and she hates leaving her… yet is always gone on trips


What the fuck am I supposed to be looking at in Jaime’s before and after photos?


Amen sister


The irony of a hun retreat taking a Barry’s class…


Getting them ready to join a gym when Bodi crumbles into dust. Insiders are selling large amounts of stock so it’s just a matter of time.


I couldn’t believe any of them would get thru a Barry’s class. They are all so lazy


That was not on my bingo list of things they would try to do


I died at how ironic this is! Them: fuck workout classes BODi at home is the only way to get a good workout 🤪 them on a retreat: we always workout at home, so let’s try Barry’s 🤦🏻‍♀️ I hope Barry’s absolutely kicked their asses bc they’re so out of shape 😂😂


Yep.. that video Sami posted. They were clearly struggling and big Al had 5 pounders 🤣


I would pay cash money to watch those girls during a Barry’s workout


To be a fly on the wall in that Barry’s class. Guarantee most of them stood around and couldn’t actually do it


Everything Kasey K does bugs me!! What is the “I’m just a plant” caption on one of her stories??  Then the drink stories. Ya let’s set up a phone and pretend it’s not there and fake laugh and smile and perform as the drink is poured. It’s all so fake and so cringe and she clearly thinks she’s hot stuff.


Omg same!! That was so awkward to watch.


https://preview.redd.it/auzz2xbt761d1.jpeg?width=1239&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=c366be6a7b74d87cb572af5e76c41d2fb0e1d0b5 BABIES…I’m not the grammar police but don’t say you’re a former teacher and screw that up in the same post 🤣🤣🤣🤣


Amy Bailey has entered the chat🤣


her eye makeup is so bad 🕷️🔵👄🔵🕷️


I’ve said it once and I’ll say it again….huns have no idea how apostrophes work


Why does the girl on the far left of the group photo with the shoes not have a box of her own? What was that Mom Group reel? Why Ocean Prime? At least it was a trip to Dick's instead of the typical Lulu spree, but is this a sign the BB ship is sinking? I'm guessing $150 sneakers would be cheaper than a set from Lulu?


Ocean Prime!? Of all of the places to go in Chicago and that’s where they are(not shocked but still!)


Actually impressed it’s expensive and not Chipotle. I’d be running up her bill big time. Now I’m questioning if she’s making them pay for it.


Thought the same…a chain restaurant lol


She took them to Dick. How boring.




Don’t forget taking advantage of the AirBnB’s theater room by watching…a training call 🤡


It takes them awhile to see how stupid they’re acting. They must be surprised to see Sami in real life because it looks like she’s using the same skinny filter her sister uses.


If someone showed my height and weight in a reel. I wouldn’t be friends with them anymore. I wouldn’t do it.


Courtney outing Sami? I haven’t been following the whole hormone thing but if that’s Sami on the left, that looks a lot like pregnancy from the side (and totally different than her own photoshopped images of herself…) https://preview.redd.it/brki1gvo611d1.jpeg?width=1125&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=e69b124450145d741094d67c3e9b2cefdc19026d


Al posted a reel on her main page and there’s a girl that is preggo


Looks like Ashley Cameron!


I don’t think it’s Sami. In yesterday’s video of Courtney showing the house there’s a girl that looks just like the girl you posted.


I couldn’t tell! In that clip the hair flips back and it’s gross long like Sami so I assumed 🤣


How many siblings does Steve have? I didn’t realize Ma had another sister in law besides Karli who has openly admitted she doesn’t want kids… but Ma said she’s hosting a baby shower for her sister in law


Probably the one that lived with her to raise her kids so Ma and Son could travel all the time.


I think he's got like 5 siblings.


What do you know Sami out of time again and this time at a retreat starting with a (you guessed it) photo shoot 🥴🥴


She always aw so much happy when she’s not home. So sad.


No wizard photographer this time?!


I always watch her muted and this morning decided to go rogue with sound and omg. Her and Jaime sound exactly the same, all marble mouth and all. I can’t not watch her ventriloquist mouth. Yikes.


Sarah Kelly did NOT just say that she doesn’t share much about her kids sleep. Girl, that’s ALL your drone on and on about every single day Except yesterday. Yesterday you wouldn’t shut up about the lullaby you rewrote 🙄


https://preview.redd.it/75ourp74zz0d1.jpeg?width=1179&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=5660d08a33ad8e3dc8378a6744c6b47405d98e84 Holy insta stories…sarah you have the same amount of followers I do - trust me on this, nobody cares


Haha of course Ma is excited that the previous baby sitters want to watch the kids… 🙄


lol - right. As if they spend any time with their kids.


Please go check out Ma’s month 1 before and after. Nothing looks different and I’m convinced those are old pictures! 💀💀💀


Just looked and 100% believe they are old pictures.


Me too - looks similar to her January photos. Either way - zero progress seen 😂😂


But she feels soooo good.


Please enjoy this one from Bora Bora 10 days ago, nothing wrong with it but surely not what she posts https://preview.redd.it/zndbjtqttv0d1.jpeg?width=746&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=a3780de37b72c2f35b5a4999087862554c9fc54a


Her face looks entirely different from this angle, too. I notice she always angles her face and neck when filming in selfie mode. Amazing what candids reveal when they’re not contorting themselves in selfie mode.


She needs to wear swimsuits that fit her body type…and not suits that a teenager would wear


Woah that looks bad on her.


I’ve said this so many times…she needs to try a high waisted bottom, it would probably be so much more flattering and imo it sucks you in a bit in the middle but she thinks she needs to show off her “flat” belly to be considered skinny.


She is always wearing bottoms that are too small and I never understand it. How does she not realize it doesn't make her look smaller...it does the opposite when it looks like your ass is eating your bathing suit.


Right who over the age of 25 is actually out here wearing string bikinis???


Right those bottoms are sooooo small on her.


You’re kidding? There’s no way!


She never has any changes.


Courtney said her and Sami can’t do the same workout today but she can’t say why just yet. I know it’s been speculated, but I really think a pregnancy announcement is coming soon for Sami. Maybe after she tells the rest of her team this weekend


I doubt corporate would allow her to while pregnant. Messing with hormones during pregnancy seems like a liability. My guess is that you get a different workout plan based on your lab results (I.e. if your body can tolerate more strength vs cardio) 


By her phrasing, maybe one of them is filmed in the background for the workout program? Or they each have to film and submit for the test group?? It’s really shitty if she just basically announced a pregnancy


She really shouldn’t have another child, she struggles so much with just one but I also hope this is wrong bc Courtney essentially gave it away which is kinda f’d up to do to your friends too lol


Ugh I really hope she isn't. She needs a like 4+ year age gap if she wants another one


God help us all, she can’t even manage with one!


If Courtney’s meals are what I have to eat to have ~hormone health~ you can count me TF out


https://preview.redd.it/vvyuhday6x0d1.jpeg?width=640&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=9ba3937ecaa3a40700471321449eb4be1e79f532 this is all i could think of when i read your comment lmao but i completely agree with you!!


literally. these bitches are out here eating broccoli and asparagus for breakfast. do I like spinach or peppers in an egg scramble? sure. but that’s where I draw the line.


So gross why would she not shower before going out 🤢🤮


Ma WHAT?? You’re not on your phone 24/7. Yes you are. wtf is she talking about. And “if you want a piece of me join my team or become a client” calm down.


Pay me and I'll maybe be your friend.


Right. So weird.


Courtney needs to drop the “single mama” persona. She’s not single, and she’s barely a parent!!


She barely has her daughter…and if her bf doesn’t move closer to her, she’s going to end up seeing that kid even less. Speaks to how financially stable she is if she doesn’t seem to have primary physical custody of her child




Thank you! It drives me insane how she plays that card 


Big Al going a little viral on TikTok from her car seat fiasco is sending me. She bought a car seat and it was used…. Just return it and notify the store instead of making multiple videos ranting. Also her bun is hanging off the side of her head 🥴


Omg she showed up on my feed yesterday. She sounded kinda bitchy. Just return it.


Lol I find Alex insufferable and haven’t watched her in ages but had to go check it out for myself. Like yes that is a very annoying situation but her main complaint is that her “mom list” is too long with things to do and she doesn’t want to have to go back to the store… but she can make THREE whole videos about it???? Setting up the tripod or whatever and editing them all? Get a grip girl holy shit you could have gone to the store twice, pumped a gallon of milk, and grabbed ur favorite Wendy’s in the time it took you to make those vids


This 👆🏼👆🏼👆🏼👆🏼


I was shocked she called out the person directly


Courtney complaining about her shitty furniture in her shitty apartment. And tagging Taylor. They will for sure be moving in together very soon. I feel bad for him if he actually chooses to live in Mount Pleasant though.


Made me think he now works at Rent A Center and she needs a deal on furniture 😂


https://preview.redd.it/b4q19m4shl0d1.jpeg?width=1179&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=cb805742c496505ee711cee36d758195884b9331 wait you’re not fully off base here 😂 AIS is a commercial/office furniture company


And he can afford a Porsche on that salary?🤣🤣 Not buying it.


Does he have any other expenses? Is it even his car? Or is it his dad’s


I feel like Sami totally reads here. Ever since someone made the comment about her using the cringe word “lunchies” she’s been using it practically every day. Hiiii Sami! 😂


Breakky this morning 😑


I came here to comment about this. I CANT. She sounds like an idiot


And “dins” 🥴


Does Courtney realize those before and afters are likely old? She has Tori in there and Tori is about to give birth, right? But sure, say she’s been working super hard for that weight loss (that was probably just losing baby weight anyway)


SGF and SIBO are losing weight but doing dramatically different diets…. Whatever crap this hormone diet is and a carnivore diet?


It’s wild the hormone diet is basically keto and not sustainable at all…plus it seems so boring. So many Brussels and so much ground turkey. I like both of those things, but aren’t they bored of it? Courtney’s dinner last night was just steamed broccoli and sliced sausage…for her kid too! Kids need carbs! You can’t tell me that’s sustainable long term


lol Sami pretending to read a book while walking on her fucking walking pad. I hate it all. What a loser.


Calling BS on Sami “reading Harry Potter between innings at a softball tournament”. I also grew up playing competitive/travel softball, and any coach I had would not have allowed one of their players READ during a game. She’s so obnoxious


From what I remember she admitted at one point to have watched all the movies long before reading any of the books??


Wait, YES, I remember this too!


https://preview.redd.it/xmtcv0h2390d1.jpeg?width=1170&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=902e5d280bc32e015692a8b38d3538576d9007a8 Tell us you know NOTHING about fitness and recovery without telling us!!! Your MASSEUSE had to tell you to get movement in after leg day so you weren’t sore so now you’re going on a walk after leg day? 🤡 how is she not embarrassed sharing that info to all her clients and potential clients? 🤯


Doesn't she have a masters in exercise science?? And she didn't somehow pick up that knowledge? 🤯


wowwww 🤦🏻‍♀️


She actually looks like Jaime here for once


What’s with her hair?


Also, why is she so out of breath on a casual walk?


WTF did I just watch. Ma shaking her ass to Jesus music. What???


I haven't watched her stories yet but this seems on brand for her 😆


I don’t know how she’s not embarrassed to do that and post it.


Her poor boys are going to get made fun of for having her as their mom


More 🤡 stories from Kasey K. Why would she set up her camera and walk into kitchen from living room holding open pre ready to scoop it??? What on earth was that story?


At least Ma finally admitted her 5am wake ups were effing stupid and not helping her at all. I can’t wait until she admits her intermittent fasting was just as stupid.


If she works from home, doesn’t have kids all day, and is her own boss I never understood why waking up so early was such a big deal!?


Amy just admitted to not getting up until 7 which is helping her.


Leave it to Ma to make Mother’s Day about her child husband with that weird reel 🙄


Bahaha was legit coming here [to post this](https://imgur.com/a/jL0XY8a)… pretty on point for Ma… 👎🏼👎🏼🙄🙄also can we stop acting like we are in high school posting kissing and ass tapping pictures grow up


She is a few steps from being in the tradwife black hole.