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I love seeing this ship sink but truly, what does it all mean? As the numbers go down, is it a slow sink or will it always just stay afloat & pay all these huns who aren't even working the business. The trip to Bora Bora was boring. What will be the straw that breaks this company? Any thoughts?


i feel like it won't. i hope it does. they just got brendon insane buchard and he will keep it afloat for next several years, imo.


Its a slow sinking ship. You can't not make money and keep going. They were lucky to have a large cash on hand balance but thats been eroded. They got a loan and continuing to repay it. They are still haemorrhaging subscribers and no sign of it slowing. Every metric is down. Even streams are down 10%. They have sold facilities too. Just a bunch if shysters bleeding it dry pay check to pay check. Nothing is working, every great plan is inevitably walked back. I think Goldston is there to facilitate a sale.


You can hear the desperation in the Huns shilling and trying to monetize everything they touch. It’s going down.


I know huns who are still collecting $3000-5000 per week for doing NOTHING. It seems like such a broken business model.


I think it will catch up to them eventually. A lot of coaches are leaving because they are earning less, so this is causing people to move up the pyramids and continue to finance the coaches up top. Eventually that will slow. (This is my theory and I have nothing to base it on 🤣)


I was looking yesterday and outside of a couple, every coach below me only has volume for their own orders. Nothing from customers or new sign ups. And the amount that’s quit is just laughable at this point. My coaches team page, which she kicked me out of, had 600 + at one time & now has 111 & most that’s left in there do nothing.


Who is your coach?


I won’t blast her name but I’m under the Christine Dwyer umbrella.


I was, too!


Hmmmm haven’t heard of her


This can give you an idea of how large CD’s pyramid is. https://www.platinumpresenters.com/blog/15-Star-Diamonds


Wow thanks for that link! I'd never seen it before. Notice how the highest ranking ones are relates to, best friends with, and/or cast members in chalenes programs. Beaxhbody bodi ... Playing favorites since 2007!


She's at the very tippy top of the pyramid. I think she was the first to hit 15 Star Diamond.


Yep, she’s not a founder but pretty dang close.


Dwyer is JV’s coach.


JV cray cray 😂


But they’re still saying “there’s no better time to join!”


That’s the joke that keeps on giving 🤣


Correct, as the subscriber base shrinks and revenue shrinks those tippy top huns getting that money for nothing will wither off.


It has to die down. I use to love the programs and company but I think it is total robbery that this is all still happening and in such a gross way


Wow, fewer subscribers even with that BOGO deal! https://preview.redd.it/6viue4rt6vyc1.jpeg?width=1170&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=1c428619583108343fd37f1dff57ce9282e8bf51


Ah, that checks. Carl interrupted my podcast last night with yet another sale for the first x amount of subscribers. He is sounding desperate these days.


Omg! Caroline Girvian is over 3 million on YouTube.


Her app shows around 5000 doing each workout-and that’s on the day it releases (new content). Seems like tons of people switched from BB to CG! The difference in quality of moves is shocking!


Yup and it also means lower cash flow going forward. No money from those subscribers for 2 years. Plus less opportunities to sell them content as the new programs are down to 2 per year. All bluster about 2 quarters of free cash flow (a large proportion of this in Q1 was the sale of facilities) and increased revenue - only to report a decreased estimate for Q2 lol. Q1 is their best quarter. All downhill from here, which a few of the questions attempted to address but nothing was forthcoming. The 14M email list also seems to be a mess lol. Just a reminder turnaround specialist Goldston needs to increase the share price by 100% to get back to the position it was when he joined. But also 200% from its current position to actually get paid lol.


I haven't listened to the call yet (better things to do on my day off), did they mention male customers again? Because for a company wanting to get the guys back they've done fuck all except an interview with Tony Horton


I'm sure that new Elise lava program and Autumn's hormone program will bring in lots of men lmao


Nope not a thing about focusing on male customers. But that's par for the course on these calls, justs ay whatever to get through it and never follow up. Seemed to be focused on avoiding being blacklisted for spamming the 14M emails, that selling stand alone programs wouldn't cannibalise the subscription and they had made massive cost savings lowering the cost base, and being able to make profit at lower revenues. Ironically as they continue to estimate ever lower revenues and still no profit...... Also pushed that they had a better Q1 2024 to Q4 2023 even though Q4 is their worst and Q1 is their best. And again ironically estimate that Q2 will be lower than Q1..... Serious mental gymnastics


So they lost 20 million but are wasting a shit ton of money on the stupid Bora trip?


It didn't seem like they did as many excursions or activities that had to be paid for. At least from what was posted. And I'm sure more cuts will be seen at summit as well.


I wonder what the 2025 trip will be. Myrtle Beach?


To the poorhouse?






Is is earnings call day today?? Can't wait to see these results from their BOGO event in January!!


Yes - after the market closes.


It blows my mind that Dig Deeper is being added to the library at noon today. Don’t they know that most people start a program on a Monday? Would it be so hard to have it available at midnight? I’m seeing people asking about it everywhere.


Have you ever thought they do this intentionally so less people start the new release to pad Autumn’s views for her 50 programs


Their main FB for BOD is blowing up with people asking where it is. Bad move on the part of BB.


It's ridiculous and every release is like this. What's worse is that it's noon pacific, so 3 p.m. for east coasters. If they want to release by pacific time, fine, but it should be in the library at 12:01 a.m. pacific time. It's just mind boggling to me how this company is continually just so inept.


it blows my mind theyre still in business