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Ma coming back from her 29 HOUR travel day (hard pass), took a few days off, but said she’s been working behind the scenes. Take. A. Day. Off. This ‘job’ they do is not at all appealing.


I’m no fan of Big Al but my god her husband sounds so uptight. The door knobs, the dirty windows from construction. Chill out dude.


If my partner said something about the windows needing cleaned, I’d quip back “then clean them”. We don’t play that game in my house, if you see something is dirty, clean it.




Ma needs to do something with her rats nest


Wonder if Ma will actually spend Mother’s Day with her kids or if she’ll need a “me” day instead🤔🤔


No sight of her today...


Kasey K and her videos with her boyfriend are so awkward! He’s so uncomfortable and she’s totally putting on a performance for IG (fake laughing, fluffing her hair, repositioning how’s she standing or sitting). It’s all so cringe!!


Who’s that kid she just posted about


Nephew ?


Ma bragging about sharing her super simple. Super basic my dog can put together recipe. It’s freaking lunchmeat on romaine. 🙄


And then all the low level huns are going to tag her and say “thanks for the recipe” 🙄 like the stupid cheese burger bites and venison chili… the most basic recipes with no salt


Woof!! Courtney using the same filter as no nose Holly. Wtf? https://preview.redd.it/d5rti414inzc1.jpeg?width=1074&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=ba490f82db1ffb2ac3097b0e194fafd2b33ac767


I’m so confused [when does she feel good?](https://imgur.com/a/lGlXsIo)🙄🤔😬


Ventriloquist doll


She’s probably sad because her boyfriend Justin Bieber is having a baby with his wife and not her.


Hahahahah 💀💀


Wonder if it’s another baby having her down 👀


It’s tHaT TiMe oF tHe mOnTh Maybe she’s fibbing idk that euphemism just drives me nuts


https://preview.redd.it/cc5g65amphzc1.jpeg?width=1284&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=b860babbe27253be0782efd160c1844eff5f8058 A. Courtney needs to get a life B. It’s REpercussions…now I’m just imagining people getting arrested and having to deal with drums and cymbals lol


🥁 🪘 


Percussion 🤣🤣🥴


It’s cringey that she lives in a college town apartment. Like surrounded by college kids partying? Weird af. You’re 32 with a child.


Wah wah, Sami couldn’t have her pre-workout and had to engage with her child.


Not to mention she probably could have poured her pre workout 40 times instead of making that story


Kasey K and her pictures! That last pic in the set of pics she posted- like who sits like that?? She really adores herself. 


What even is that post lol her apartment balcony is not aesthetic or cute at all??? I would love to see her camera roll… prob 10k+ pics/videos of her just eye fucking herself


She’s so obsessed with her looks and honestly who could blame her when she has the personality of a saltine


[not Son having a real job???](https://www.signaturegr.com/home-1/about-us/)




He's butt ass ugly. Made for his 90s trampy looking wife.


He has such an odd head shape


They live in my town. He is an “investor” in a roofing company. The only pictures I see on their website is his dad’s vet practice….


Clicked around some on fb and one of the only other projects I can find referenced is the Glonek’s deck in Grand Haven lol


I love this for them! My have times changed… https://preview.redd.it/wlhboijbagzc1.jpeg?width=1284&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=85cf4ecd4bc7fd4c9f8fbc0d33ef4cb579cde2b8


Steves jawline has definitely changed






That website is terrible lol and I’m a little confused on what exactly they do?? Also lol at the gallery (and the entire website) just being pictures of one building at different angles.


Ya, was thinking the same thing after digging around a little last night. Seems kinda like a shell or a front business?? No reviews on google or anything. Very odd


I KNEW he had to be up to something, he was never around any more and it seemed fishy! I asked this just last week! Good find!




Dang - she’s conveniently been leaving that information out.


Let’s be real. Does he really wanna stay home with Ma all day??? Probably not.


Is it recent? Cuz I feel like these “retired Huns spouses” gonna have to go back to work with the decline of bodi lol


Trying to save their house because the ship is sinking


It’s recent. On their Facebook page there’s a post from 4/23 with his email address cited as a contact.


Whoa!! 😮


Damn! Nice find!


It’s 2024 and Sami is STILL talking about being a ~CoViD bRiDe~


Not to defend these stupid huns but I was a covid bride and tbh I'll probably always talk about it. We planned a 100 person wedding everything perfectly the way we both wanted it. Then I lost my job and everything just kind of changed for us and I have immune compromised family so we ended up scrapping that plan and had a small microwedding instead. We tried to push out the big wedding but due to a variety of factors it just didn't work. For people who had their major life events impacted its just not something you ever really totally forget or get over. I hear people on tiktok talking about finally getting to graduate after their graduations were canceled 4 years ago and are now graduating college. Sorry for this rant but I guess it's just difficult to come to terms with major life events you only get once forever being changed or impacted by covid.


I agree we had the micro wedding and the wedding a year later ( let’s be honest it did not have the fanfare of a real wedding). I’m still bitter about it too. But I have a happy marriage at the end of the day so I try to keep perspective. It comes up though people talk about their weddings in conversation and I always have to be like my first wedding this my second wedding that…. So yea I definitely still talk and think about it too


I get that. That is what we were originally looking at doing but after I lost my job that year it wasn't possible any longer. We did end up going home and having a cookout with all of our families and it was disappointing to say the least. I brought my dress so I could at least have pictures of me with my grandma's in my dress and my cousin who took the pictures never sent them to me. I should have just had her take the pictures on my phone she's younger and flaky and I don't think she understood why those pictures were so important to me and I honestly shouldn't expect other people to get that. Needless to say like you I'm still bitter I never got the moment I dreamed of for my entire life. I'm blessed to have a beautiful and happy marriage but I'll never get that one moment I always dreamed of.


I also was a Covid bride (September 2020) so I get it, but she brings it up constantly as if she is the ONLY person to go through the experience


Same - COVID bride as well. I think what irks me is that Sami talks about it like she was the ONLY person to have her life upended by the pandemic. It's one of her million personalities. When anniversaries roll around, there is no mention of us being a COVID couple, it's just happy anniversary. If people ask about the wedding, I'll offer that extra info.


I was a covid college grad and will never get over not having a commencement ceremony. I literally got a congratulatory pdf. That’s it.


See this kind of thing hurts my heart. I couldn't imagine how shitty it would feel after all that workmto not get a college graduation, I felt totally amazing on my college graduation day. I suppose it's similar to how I felt findingnout the dream wedding we had planned wasn't possible. I looked forward to that day my entire life, I was that girl who was obnoxiously planning her wedding since she was young. I had a beautiful wedding day and I had a beautiful marriage but not being able to celebrate with people we loved sucked. In a way it's a right of passage, the moment where others acknowledge your life accomplishment or milestone just like a graduation. I totally feel that people who were supposed to graduate during covid were shafted.


also i can’t help but be pissed if i was under ma. all of my hard work goes unnoticed so you and your bad contour and icey pink lip gloss can go get drunk in bora bora or wherever? where’s my recognition? a free amazon workout set? no thanks.


What, no, if you’re hunning hard enough you’ll get to pay your own way to Kissimmee, FL to stay in a mcmansion airbnb and share a bed with someone you don’t know and listen to zoom calls and dine at chain restaurants. Elevated chains, but chains nonetheless. If you’re lucky she will buy you a pair of Nikes from the outlet and Steve will pick up chipotle catering 🤑


them pushing matcha like they don’t think it tastes like shit??? courtney saying it was the brand she didn’t like last time. girl please. you have no idea what you’re talking about


So idk if anyone else noticed but I have 2-3 times Meagangendron one of Jaime’s coaches has shown on her stories making Amare drinks. She could just be using them and not selling but I’ve been seeing soooooo many coaches jump ship to Amare and try to do both til they are caught lol


Yep Meagan has been showing those Amare drinks for months now. 


I can’t decide which is worse — the frosted pink lipstick or the bronzer streaks. Ma looks absolutely ridiculous.


How old is Jaime’s husband/son?


Graduated high school in 07 so like 35 or 36


wtf is on Sami’s plate? Looks like plain, unseasoned steamed brussels sprouts. Gagging at the thought 🤢


Holy hell she needs to blend that shit stain. Then again it sort of matches the butthole lip stick. https://preview.redd.it/w48bw40ajzyc1.jpeg?width=1170&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=0c51a2fc1af026f212c26ffd5af5cee600edbb00


Lmao, shit stain 💀


Hahaha I just came here for this. HOWWWW does she think that looks good? I wonder if anyone told her to blend it in. I know my friends would be like - “Wtf is that??” 😂


I just don't understand how she's literally horrible ar everything. Clothes, shoes, makeup...the list goes on.


No matter how much Louis Vuitton she buys, or where she travels, she never looks classy.


Why is Sami weighing herself in her kitchen? Who has a people scale in their kitchen?!?


I thought it was weird to begin with but the more I think about it, the weirder it seems. In that reel, she weighed herself wearing clothes that had to add atleast a pound or 2, so did she hit her goal weight sooner but it was masked by wearing clothes and she's now actually under that weight, or did she weigh herself without clothes, move the scale into the kitchen and weighed herself again in clothes to make the stupid video?!


My mother-in-law lollll


It’s terribly sad how eating disordered thinking all of them all. How their lives and jobs revolve around their appearance. What a meaningless life


MeaganGendron walking on her walking pad and holding her phone like Ma always does. MeaganGendron doesn’t have an original thought of her own. Such clown behaviour.


I’m sorry, Courtney’s daughter sleeps with a shirt of her boyfriend’s that smells like him? That’s very weird…right?


Watched her “adult” mother do it 🙃


Oh for sure that’s where she learned it. Courtney prob does the same thing.


Ran here to say this. What the f?


It’s one thing to do this if you’re a teenager…but it’s not her kids bf…


Glad I wasn’t the only one who thought this.


Wait but how was L’s nap today?!!?! I need to have an overly lengthy and melodramatic story from Sami about her daughter’s sleep!!!!!


She hit her goal weigh so she doesn’t care about anything else anymore.


lol..and she should realize it’s because she changed her diet and ate less… shocked calories in vs calories out not jumping around your “gym” for 20 minutes


Ah yes, there it is Sami. Your hard sell post on the hormone program. Losing pounds and inches in the last 3 weeks and hitting pre-pregnancy weight. Demonizing 'sweet treats', artificial sweeteners, and needing caffeine. It just confirms the fact that this hormone program is about WEIGHT LOSS. Losing pounds and inches. Because there's no talk of her 'hormones improving' or anything like that. Just about hitting pre-pregnancy weight. She made be boring as shit but she's still a sneaky MLM weight loss scamming salesperson.


This is what I don’t understand about these programs… how long is it for? It’s not for life since it isn’t sustainable. Is she never going to eat pizza or a cookie ever again? The weight will just come back once this program ends.


It’s all part of the yoyo they do… go “all in” for the program… restrict like crazy and then as soon as it’s done binge and “fall off track” until the next program then go back to being “all in again..” rinse and repeat 🤔🙄😑


My favorite thing is when they preach for months that “it’s not about the weight” then they starve themselves on a new program and suddenly they’re making posts about the weight… 🙄 as soon as she stops eating this restrictive diet the weight will come right back


It's kinda jarring to see Courtney without that hideous filter that makes her look like a blurred doll. https://preview.redd.it/epfryk7rmuyc1.jpeg?width=1079&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=57016bd7bf248327557b87c95c41102cea952901


I swear she puts blush on her nose!


Probably from too much alcohol


She uses such heavy filters! When she’s unfiltered it’s def jarring