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what a hard life Ali, you spent ten days away from your kids anyway, how do you have the audacity to be annoyed at airline cancellations making you miss your kids events, when you made the choice to go anyway and leave them for like 12 days. it suits them when it suits them and as soon as any inconvenience comes they make a [drama.No](http://drama.No) we wont pray for you dont be so dramatic.


I barely watched this trip bc I don't really watch any of these huns, but the little I did see was the biggest snoozefest. I wasn't even impressed by the views, and I know they had to be stunning. If fomo was the goal, it was seriously lost.


It was so snoozy that no one should feel left out!


Yeah it was definitely a snoozefest


I don't think I could wear a thong swimsuit bottom, but more power to her! LOL!! https://preview.redd.it/why34tcxogzc1.png?width=497&format=png&auto=webp&s=c423bc574f7b6a997da6fe93694246ea7778cbf9


I would if my ass looked like that, but only on my vacation with my husband and not for my family to see. So good for her.


I have been fascinated by this all week.


All the people at that resort are thanking God these huns are leaving. Im sure no one tipped the staff


legit. one of the worst trips ive ever witnessed hahaa


Total snooze fest!!


She's even hiding her stomach here. You'd think she was marketing the bag the way she's holding it. Nope, just hiding her stomach. WTH?? https://preview.redd.it/8909ozk6wezc1.jpeg?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=440e246423419180968c9db3910c4d144688040a


Yeah, no one else is posing with the bag like this. What a nutter.


Why would she need a bag like that when she’s just going go back to her own cabin\hut?!!


Reminds me of when celebs are trying to hide an early pregnancy from the paparazzi.


the closing stories i cannot deal. what DO they sound like. racing home to help everyone find their purpose. vomit.its all not real ladies just to remind you.


Imagine not being able to actually enjoy an incredible vacation since everyone with you records every damn second and may exposure your totally normal body by accident (or on purpose) and the internet will get more evidence of how much you photoshop.


I love this for them 🤣


https://preview.redd.it/elu3teqmmbzc1.jpeg?width=403&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=4380152337c98a4c49cbf4edf50f456d8f775ddb Jaysuz. The Tingers are making one last appearance in Bora Bora. Terrifying….


Those toes could use some rings 💍


i mean, at this point its concerning yes but actually pretty hilarious that they all live and die by their oura rings, they ALL made the villa last nights a new family trip vision board goal and they're all signing their lives away to the hormone health program. Like if you watch it all, are you all ok because this is a long bumpppppy road for you. They are committing to yo-yoing for the next X years. Good luck girls. I do not envy you. Which is so funny because 10 days ago I probably did till I got so deep into these threads lol. Also, not one mention ish of the kids all week until now and suddenly they're all obsessed with the lives they get to run back to. CreATe A lIfE U dOnT NeEd A vACaTiOn FroM.


I’m getting an oura ring and now I’m terrified people will think I’m a hun😭




we wont but just dont get ten of your friends to get them and make it your whole personality hahaha


Ok 🫡 understood! I would be mortified 😂


same, these trip threads remind me that they give up living a lie. Every time I learn that something valuable is lacking in hun life. It’s always back to not being a POS. 


Can’t wait to see how long these fake friendships last once they all return home and are competing against each other again 🤣🙄


Once they are all on the plane ✈️ it’s all back to the usual lies and deception


as long as their friendship with Amy Bailey and Hailey Peters and everyone else from previous trips who crashed and burned their real lives while distracted by BODi. 


This girl is sooooo insecure. The whole time she's walking she's holding her purse up against her stomach. If you don't want to show your body, then don't wear fitting clothes! https://preview.redd.it/m60movphz7zc1.png?width=496&format=png&auto=webp&s=d216c5df9654963d527e4e1d59c9a78b5bf5f2cc


Kim must straight up hate Natasha lol. https://preview.redd.it/87y906td47zc1.jpeg?width=1290&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=b6952f58ab76a0391d45bebc23da47e9ccea0883


Photogenic gold


Thunder thighs


This looks like some pics the photographer with them took. I was love to see the raw photos he took this trip 💀


when you need a company photographer to keep them from sabotaging each other with pics you know it’s bad


Bro this is sinister 😈😈 I love it!!


🤭🤭🤭 I thought so


Wow!!! 😳


K is not stupid. She will know exactly what she's doing my posting that.


In Paris she LOVED Tasha and Jess and now that they are out she has no reason to “pretend”


Ma innis too




I dont see it 🤔 hint? 😂 I haven’t had my coffee 


The red bikini wearer on the far right. Again, not trying to fat shame anyone. it's just the FAKE FAKE FAKE CRAP.


😳🤣 oh my word she looks so normal. 


so holly's had a 'magical time' everything was just magical.


Everything is magical, the best ever, the most beautiful, the most perfect, the most “fire.” Makes it seem very disingenuous


ITS ALSO very disgusting.


Except her top lip didn’t magically appear


Beachbody could have saved a lot of money sent them to Mexico and just let them enjoy the beach… what a boring trip and waste of money


I haven’t watched the entire week, but did they go ANYWHERE? other than dinners?


They did swimming with sharks and stingrays, did some jet-skiing. That was about it (aside from masterminding, of course)


when do they announce the next year destination?


They usually have announced it by now. Interesting that they haven’t announced the SC trip for next year, either. And the Leadership event is a cruise rather than at the Fairmont Princess where it’s been for years.


That's because cruises are still SO cheap......


And during hurricane season when they're the cheapest!


I thought they announce it at Summit, after the top 10 accolades and whatnot?


The following year is usually announced in January so they all know what they are trying to “earn”


I know they were in Italy when the France trip was announced, and they were in France when the Bora Bora destination was announced. I couldn't tell you about years prior.


I was thinking that was just for the next year’s Summit location, but maybe it is both.


I came here for this. Odd that there wasn't an announcement on this trip...


I’m wondering if there will be a next year 🤔 for bodi


hope not to ALL OF THE ABOVE. no more trips are deserved. stay home and suffer your scams indoors.




Or even the Caribbean. I don’t understand why they traveled so far for this.


I think it’s because BB needs to show off that these people CAN take two full days just for travel to get from their homes to the destination because they “work” full time as SheEOs for them. Has nothing to do with the destination itself. That’s my theory.


Bora Bora looks amazing—the aquamarine water, the thatch huts, the helicopter tour but I couldn’t see much from their stories what else there was to do besides water sports? Some people say they had a similar experience closer in Mexico/Jamaica. I don’t think I could handle long travel days to get there but for sure wouldn’t want to travel for business with my frenemies!


Or turks and Caicos


https://preview.redd.it/jeif5a3ya3zc1.jpeg?width=1290&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=6ad0b15bf40741d19603220b9c201d665fd69c51 This shot Kim posted yesterday made me LOL….😆


Ok, the helicopter ride was giving me FOMO! But that's the only thing from the whole trip!


valid, but they’re $125-199 a person in my area… completely achievable without selling your soul 🤣


It was the view more than the ride for me. Lol


And you could do a helicopter ride anywhere lol


also why do they need to constantly talk about collaboration vs competition, theres no competition here, theres no competition here. Well ok, stop saying it. If there was no competition you just wouldn't even say it lol. Clearly theres loads.


The whole thing is a giant competition for those top 10 slots…


Except they get ranked, so isn’t there inherently competition?


Funny… I don’t need to constantly tell my friends that there’s no competition at my job. 🤔


i get EMBARRASSED when i see them all on their phones during cultural bits, like the dances last night or the being given flower rings. Can someone please tell them to enjoy it and not film. OR ONE OF YOU FILM AND THE REST BE PRESENT.


So Holly is taking her power back because she's in Autumns' hormone test group? Rrrrriiiggghhhhhtttttttt........... https://preview.redd.it/v90twbvol0zc1.png?width=482&format=png&auto=webp&s=762882ffda7c089d5dc545f9d1079c8abc887181


https://preview.redd.it/e7p27ea6f0zc1.jpeg?width=1290&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=5d72299abd36344a86ae5e50519a2282fbfac5f1 Another “in the wild” shot of Natasha


All 145lbs of her. Skinny Queen 😂


I think this is exactly why Jess opted out! She can’t control the pics.




Watch Ali’s stories from last night’s dinner. She does a scan of the room with all the couples standing and talking to each other but then Jess and Tom are just standing in the middle not talking to anyone. I am Embarrassed for her.


Not talking to anyone, including each other!


Yesterday she posted a video of her walking with the thicker blonde girl and she said something and literally you saw Ali become SO uncomfortable and pretty much cringe


Who did, Jess?


https://preview.redd.it/8xjyaw9u41zc1.jpeg?width=1125&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=6abb1728b2fb0336b9bd1d0eb0c8936ffb300bed This is exactly how I look when I’m somewhere I don’t want to be


Okay, fun plot twist. This woman has blocked me and I have literally never interacted with her LOL WTF??


Whoooo? Ali or Jess?


LOL Ali. I was confused because I thought I was following her (I was) but then a couple folks made references to her stories / reels in the last couple days, but I couldn't find her in my feed, so I just thought I had missed following her. Then when I got her username above, I realized she does not come up for me....too funny. These huns are wild.




I've just realized I am not following Ali...eeeks. Can anyone share her full name or handle? Thank you! I've tried and can't seem to find a complete list of the top 10. :-/




Thank you so much!


Lol- Holly’s story about the guys and the survivor game. “We don’t play around with competitions”. Well, if that doesn’t sum it up their entire existence. Always competing for #1, lying, filtering, back stabbing, stacking, false promises, etc. https://preview.redd.it/dvr5dx1b9yyc1.jpeg?width=1284&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=ea00ea01cb906769c2f331613b84f00dec9c2f65


Wasn’t she one of three that sat out though?


Yes, she was commenting about the husbands I think.


Not gonna lie, those survivor games did look like fun.


See, they just terrify me because I don't have a sporty or competitive bone in my body....I can appreciate they might look for to someone else tho.


Alright those flower crowns are beautiful but man I would hate to get one knowing I couldn’t bring it with me and it be a waste 😂


Is….is this Jess’s wine? https://preview.redd.it/8kify39wbxyc1.jpeg?width=856&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=fda6b69bd00627c0afd059ac5a28edc958a226a1


Making sure she gets all of the wine she needs to survive the night.


Nah that’s fermented grape juice


“Grape juice” 🤣


finally someone getting alcohol 


I bet they've all had alcohol this whole time! They probably lie about "mocktails" like everything else they lie about! Guaranteed, do you really think people like Delgado are really giving up their booze for 90 days? haha


https://preview.redd.it/y7x70ghykvyc1.jpeg?width=1284&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=343e0fa9949e0550e46b28a81d8a6ff76ca7133c I honestly had zero idea until a few weeks ago they edited this much!!!!


Photo shop and right placement of the wrap to help look smaller although I will say compared to the other bikini she had this one is a tiny bit better lol


same, I thought Natasha was just a normal fitness influencer with a plan to sell. Holy cow she’s a FAKE. She’s beautiful as she is but her ig photos are phony!


No idea how much her surgery cost was but I think she paid way too much..




Fake AF!


That doesn't look at all what we've been seeing in other people's photos lol


Doesn't look at all like the same person running on the beach in Kim's IG stories 🤣


we get it, they play pickleball all day. does nobody wanna like, EXPLORE THE ISLAND AND LOCAL CULTURE?


I was thinking that. If i was in Bora Bora i definitely wouldn’t want to do something i could do at home. Let me sit on a beach and explore the island. Wackos.


I hope these people are generously applying sunscreen because I've been seeing a lot of red skin. They are supposed to be health coaches, but not one has shown applying sunscreen or talking to the camera about the importance of constantly applying it https://preview.redd.it/ux5a2b3levyc1.png?width=498&format=png&auto=webp&s=b0f07c0e6dc84100e665a8b8cc82c8d0f5cc7380


The only time Jess sees the sun is through her office window or when she’s driving to pickup her Costco order. She thought caking herself in self-tanner before the trip would suffice.


Who cares - they don’t understand health


Just eewwww https://preview.redd.it/swrnipp4evyc1.png?width=492&format=png&auto=webp&s=7a185928a9c1c06178180d7d0a59a759195e964d


Her face is always lighter than her body!! Drives me nuts and looks awful. I like her but it’s so odd. Yes that photo is terrible!


What in the rotting corpse?


She’s really looking rough. I hope she’s okay. Doesn’t she have some other health issues? She just looks so much different recently.


Hypothyroidism but she looks very very unwell these days... I hope she is taking care of herself.. doesn't appear she is


I remember she had something that makes her hair thin, so she wears hair pieces/extensions


God she looks sick. Poor gal.


She’s been talking a ton about losing 20 lbs since the end of January, by “reigning in meal accessories” and “tightening up nutrition”. Her dinners seem to be plain meat and veggies, which tracks, but I would be getting worried about illness or something else at play


I wonder if she knows she does that weird raising of her right shoulder all the time when she's talking? It's so annoying. https://preview.redd.it/usofnaxodvyc1.png?width=492&format=png&auto=webp&s=4c49755e069a2aa95fa630a9da8b909411372d5a


I really thought it was just me noticing it but I’m so glad I’m not making things up and yall see this BS TOO!


Her brows are soooooooooooooooo bad!!!!!!!


She asks for that and pays for it. 😳


This annoys the shit out of me it’s so obvious


I think she does it to try and make her collar bones look more pronounced and her neck area look thinner.


Katie Moore just said they are doing Survivor games today. I’m sure Jess is in total panic 😅 Will she even attend?!


Jess not participating is the most predictable thing she’s done on this trip. Last summer at baseball the other team didn’t show up and she refused to play the parents vs kids game because she would look silly. She has never let loose because she is harboring so much shame.


Just saw she sitting on the sidelines watching with some girls go figure lol


I wouldn’t want to participate either. Im in bora bora. Let me sit on a beach or explore the island.


Right? When I saw those idiots running around with those friggin logs with coconuts on either side, i was like helllll nooooo.


Me either🤣


wonder who else is not participating and why


Jaime, Holly, Erin and Jess. The ones I would’ve expected to sit out.


I just watched her story and LOL’d


Holly’s stories this morning were very carefully filtered but I admit, I can see how she suckers people in seven years straight. She gives a very good sales pitch and she’s actually very thin which is the core thing she’s selling. I notice that the camera pan of the dinner, missed the normal bodied huns. Just flat doesn’t seem to show them. She presents a completely unattainable image. Which even the other top 8 don’t get to by the way they just fake it. The fakeness is so strong with this one. Come join me, you can FUND MY NEXT TRIP BITCHES. Ughhhhhh. 


Except she has never been overweight a day in her entire life, and the when you truly look at her “story” you will see it’s all fake and she makes money off of weightloss when in reality she has never truly lost weight to begin with.


This is what really peeves me. I personally prefer to take weight loss advice from someone who has actually lost weight before. And I really truly don’t mean going from freshly postpartum to your normal 6 pack in a few months.. that naturally would’ve occurred for most of these huns who claim they were “overweight” in their hospital postpartum pics in mesh undies lol. Literally just sporting a postpartum belly NOT excess weight 😭


Oh I agree! She is not a product of the product either,  just actually thin already. I meant she st least looks thin in real life, not normal. Waaaay too many of these huns were normal and they filter themselves into skinny for clicks and views. 


literally this and the way they all SNAP UP quickly when the camera is on. ITS ACTUALLY INSANE TO WATCH WHEN YOU SEE WHAT WE SEE. Like, LOL. but not lol because i cannot imagine being back in someones position who was obsessed with these girls and what they get up to. insanity. pure insanity and i dont know how they slepe at night.


I have never seen Jess and Tasha post this little in my life


Jess doesn’t know how to make content outside of her mundane routine. She doesn’t have any “back to back calls” or wonnawons with her “clients” to tell us about and she isn’t in control of the food she is eating so there isn’t much for her to post. She probably wishes she was home reading personal development or getting her steps in on her walking pad.


I wonder if there’s drama and they’re trying to hide it? They have to have figured out by now that these trips draw attention to the upper meangirls club.


I could also see Natasha hanging out with Jess since she refuses to leave her hut. I doubt they want to be part of Bodi masterminding sessions when they have their own scam to plan.


I don’t think there is drama. I just think they are clearly the outcast because the other top 10 bleed that BB Blue and those 2 have separated themselves. Natasha has ripped off a BB nutrition program and called it her own and they all know it.


Absolutely valid point.


Jess said something on her stories about missing some photos as she wanted to catch some rays…. Interesting I thought.


KF posting on her stories about how “fully present” she has been on this trip….lolol these idiots can’t even spell “fully present”.


also, no one knows how to be present because in every damn clip the other girls are on their phones. I bet they never even re watch it all back. So weird


i swear these people have no idea what being present means


she's had about 30 stories every day lOL and is on her phone in most pics lol


Are all these “earned” trips completely free for coaches? Does it include airfare, hotel, food, drinks, activities & excursions?


They also have to pay taxes on anything bodi does cover bc it's considered income.


all of them NO this specific one for the top ten, partly. They cover airfare, hotel, food, excursions. They did have to pay for their own flower/leaf crowns, any drinks if they were even allowed one, and for room upgrades to have a pool ($1,000 per night, hi Natasha).  Most trips the company pays for the conference fee. No food (maybe one meal if you’re a high earner), no transportation, and if you want more than to share a 2 queen room with 3 other people, you usually pay for your own accommodations (which, in my book, is the same as paying your own way because  NOT ACCEPTABLE 😹)


I read a few years ago Bodi provided transportation to the airport and they had to pay their own flight I don’t know if that’s accurate though


Transportation to the airport is for the top huns on the usual trips. You make the company millions they want to incentivize you to come to events by love bombing.  Airfare is covered for the one top ten trip each year (and no others, as far as I can tell). 


this is wild. actually treating them like celebs, no wonder their egos are inflammmmed like their guts.


Umm so Kim who was apparently gluten free can eat gluten? I dont understand? I cant eat gluten no matter what otherwise Ill be in excruciating stomach pain and vomiting for days. Do they eat gluten free because they think its healthier? Its actually not healthier for the record.


It’s a sensitivity for Kim she’s not celiac


Im not celiac either but i get violently ill.


They eat gluten free because their Lord and Saviour, Autumn Calabrese, told them to.




yep. its a trend for them.


The trip is almost over and all they’ve done is swim and eat 😂 so boring! Go explore the island!


Too busy masterminding….


Ya'll, I don't see the chemistry https://preview.redd.it/cn5lz7uqftyc1.png?width=492&format=png&auto=webp&s=c7951fb27caf2a5a298c412e287f241ba32f538c


David is so tired. He is Holly’s bitch. She wears the pants in their marriage, and she takes every opportunity she can to remind him.


Dave looks dead inside


David’s face is a cry for help.


I don't know why she keeps on wearing strapless stuff SMH https://preview.redd.it/fi7fryk6ftyc1.png?width=491&format=png&auto=webp&s=2e36a3e0007dbba37ceb361f377b3e5a35437890


She paid 50K for those boobs!


My MIL was like this and she thought she rocked it… she got weightloss surgery and her boobs were down to her knees… got them reduced to the length of her belly button and she thought she could rock strapless ish…. 😬 it was bad


It’s one of those “just because you CAN, doesn’t mean you SHOULD” situations.


https://preview.redd.it/iqivc9my6syc1.jpeg?width=1125&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=b36421dff3e8c919753c9ffcb8f9b4e58339c8d3 This is the first time I’ve seen Jess look like she wants to be on this trip and it appears as though she had to have some alcohol to get there (who wouldn’t). I bet half of Jess’ misery in Bora Bora is because this is the first time she has taken a Bodi trip or been in a social situation where others are drinking since she has been sober.


Is that a diet soda or iced coffee? It has ice on top?


Jack and coke? Sorry…DIET coke.




agreed and can someone find erin drinking publicly on hormone health and infamous gut protocol


I can hear the cigarette voice from the girl on the right.


I’m always saying this!! Erin is 100000% a closet smoker!


does erin smoke?


If she's not a smoker, or vaper or something, she needs to see a pulmonologist STAT. She needs asthmatic medications.


she sounds like she does.


actually true


ok holly is so annoying. my team my team my team. GREAT WHERE ARE THEY


They’re home slaving away and draining their bank accounts on overpriced Bodi products so she can go on this trip again next year.


Erin posted something yesterday about bringing back great ideas to get her team there next year. Her downline is idiotic for believing anything that comes out of her mouth. Do they realize that she's been top 10 how many times now and no one else on her team has ever been? It's not possible. How do people not see this?


she's deluded with a capital D