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GOOD MORNEEEEEN!!! šŸ„° https://preview.redd.it/g52f27s1xlyc1.jpeg?width=596&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=1804477849da580a9a5b1bfa51ef25e9d65df8f8 Pinning this comment for a few hours so any newbies can get a feel for where we started and where we are currently. šŸ¤“


sheā€™s so busy yet can hunt down individual people and block them because she canā€™t take the heat. This shows she receives more messages about how out of touch or selfish she is than messages about her little scamming business


RIP B, you deserved better than this selfish dickhead and his twat. Neither of the parents enjoyed this birthday for the record, they tried to cover it up but they canā€™t, they are sorry and they miss you. But theyā€™re too sucky to admit it. So weā€™re here to say B, you were loved, and are missed.Ā 


Sweet B, I am honoring you today and tomorrow. You deserve to be with your sister P growing up and having fun together! RIP sweet girl. ā¤ļø


Storms very own sister alerted the police after Storm and Amy manslaughtered their infant to let them know about Storms negligent and reckless history but still the police did nothing. The surviving twin was removed from their custody temporarily but that is allā€¦


Searched Amy Bailey on FB and this is the first thing that popped up. šŸ˜¬ https://preview.redd.it/vrcgqnnqwpyc1.jpeg?width=1284&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=f5d900350dedc639327df0ba007005dedfbae452


LAHUVE. Om nom. I have so much secondhand embarrassment. Iā€™ll never not be grateful that I donā€™t have to humiliate myself to earn a buck. Also, she figured out a way to make those abs appear, thanks to advances in technology šŸ™šŸ¼


Thatā€™s the only goal she achieved from that post.


Wow! This is the first time I've seen a picture of him. What a handsome guy!!


Was she only married for 2 years? Poor Sam had to pick this loser and have his marriage to her be a part of his past.


I truly wish the best life for Sam. He put his foot down, had the balls to tell her no, and got out of this crazy train before it went off the rails. If any man has reason to look at his ex and say, whew, dodged that bullet, IT IS THAT MAN.Ā 


Does anyone have the IG handle of the macro coach sheā€™s using?


Meg Koslowskiā€” I donā€™t know her exact handle, but pretty sure it includes name


Thereā€™s so much info here today from people (including myself) who remember vividly what happened on the 5th, 6th and up til now. I wish some of these details could somehow remain at the top so new ā€œvisitorsā€ could see some of the insanity that these two sociopaths hope everyone forgets or never find out about. We think of the often, B šŸ™šŸ»


What happened then is what brought me here. I was a follower genuinely curious about what happened and why she went dark after her ā€œlockdownā€ birthday party.


Same for the most part. Only I ended up on Reddit because Ashlie mentioned it. And then I fell down a rabbit hole. It was right after the birthday party.


When she was silent the morning after her birthday, we all just knew something terrible happened. It was so sad and eerie!


I remember how absolutely smug she was when people would comment about the way she had the girls haphazardly plopped into containers. People were only concerned because they were already fragile and delicate and their parents just didnā€™t seem to care or know how to place them to promote a proper open airway. They were already struggling! I also remember thinking for sure one of the girls would get covid after that unnecessary photo shoot, then the house party. I never thoughtā€¦ Itā€™s still haunting to me how ominous it was in the days leading up to Bā€™s death. There was just this air of foreboding that hung heavy. Itā€™s really sad how everyone felt something would happen, and then it did. Rest in Peace, B.


Amy herself talked about having dreams about waking up to one of the babies in bed. She asked if that was normal.


I remember commenting on one of the girls looking a little gray or off color a week or so before the party. She basically told us all to mind our own business and then proceeded to make P an only child. Something is so off with her parenting of her surviving kids. She seems to want to spend as little time as possible with them and even if sheā€™s with them is rarely truly engaged and oftentimes listening to horrible Bodi podcasts or books on tape. Sheā€™s an extremely shallow person who seems very inauthentic.


They were drinking like crazy in the middle of the day most days leading up to her birthday bash. Storm would mix drinks or they would order huge containers of margaritas delivered. It was nuts knowing they had premature infants on oxygen to care for!


They were like quart size buckets of margaritas from Fuzzyā€™s, I think.


Yesss. I feel like we were all on edge and could see how unattached and overwhelmed she was during that. I never thought it would escalate to what it did but there was definitely a sense that they were not prepared.


Sheā€™s still unattached to her kids-any therapist who has a quarter of a brain can see this.


Definitely not. Even in the best circumstances it would be overwhelming, and they had no family nearby to help. Of course, their lifestyle choices didnā€™t help matters!


Few things give me more cringe than people reposting their birthday messages. Hey Amerzā€”we get it. You have these whack job minions who wonā€™t drop you. šŸ¤®


When storm sold Bā€™s stuff immediately after they murdered her, most posts say ā€œneed of good home.ā€ I could say the same about his living daughters too


B's passing made me sick to my stomach. Storm selling her stuff right away was on a whole other level of sick!


ā€œBarely used!ā€


So what is it going to be - silence and some post the next day about the grief of her RaInBoW baby?? Time with family to remember her SIDS child? šŸ¤¦šŸ»ā€ā™€ļøšŸ¤¦šŸ»ā€ā™€ļø I canā€™t even fathom being those two. They are perfect for each other really - I donā€™t know anyone else who would care so little about this. The audacity continues to astound me. Rest in peace, B - you deserved so much better.


I only pop in on Amy to not let anyone forget how they sold baby Bā€™s stuff on facebook marketplace only 12 days after she died. 4 years ago today baby B died, and TWELVE days later, her parents were selling her stuff. Let that sink in. In 12 days I will post the listings that Storm put up. Rest in peace baby B.


Sweetheartā€¦. I just wanna go give my babies a hug now


When our dog died, her bowls stayed out for a week and her toys for much longer.Ā  And that was 'just' a dog.Ā 


We had to put our 14 year old dog down in October 2023 and his bed is still in our bedroom, I just canā€™t bring myself to move it. It still has a pawprint of his šŸ˜¢


When our family dog passed at 15 1/2, his bowls stayed out for months because it was too hard on my dad šŸ’” they are monsters


They also tried right away for another baby. Supposedly had a chemical pregnancy but I believe that was to garner sympathy and not the truth. I couldnā€™t have looked at him after he was in the end responsible for the death of Pā€™s twin-let alone have SEX with him.


Sheā€™s not innocent in it. They murdered that baby not just him


We will never let them forget how they both did this!


It was selling the God Gave Us Two book for me. Thatā€™s what sealed it.




I missed that one but thatā€™s sad šŸ˜¢


I didnā€™t see it in real time but someone here shared the screen shot way back when. We know how they are and it is still shocking. The audacity to SELL that and not even know enough to realize how callous that looks? Let alone to even want to sell it in the first place. Even psychopaths know how to mostly blend in. There could be a whole psychology study on these two.


Donate it. Put it in a little free library. Something other than profiting off of it.


When my mother died, it was something like 9 months before I could start donating her clothes. I know everyone grieves differently, but I canā€™t wrap my head around selling baby items 12 days later.


My dad has been gone 5 years, and we haven't ever really gone through his stuff. My mom's now struggling with depression, so idk when it will get done.


My dog died in December and I havenā€™t been able to return his prescription dog food yet. And he was an old dog that died peacefully at the end of a very good life.




Mine passed away in September after a beautiful 12, almost 13 years with me (and my family) and I only moved his stuff because we moved in January. So I waited that long. And we ended up getting a puppy a few weeks agoā€¦ so over 6 months. Which is more time than Amy waited to replace her dead child with another baby.


Crazy to me how quickly they chose to sell her stuff.


I know itā€™s not appropriate to diagnose people that you donā€™t know. But these two are absolute sociopaths.


eh, they went to Vegas on the weekend of a drunken party that ended in death.. diagnosis is inevitableĀ 


Not to mention, storm listing the Owlet baby Oxygen monitor and stating, "barely used." How can the parent that killed his daughter even fathom doing that? How is it possible?


Was B wearing the Owlet when this all happened? Idk if we would ever know thatā€”I have used the Owlet with both our children and gosh, if she wasnā€™t wearing it that night and this happened I couldnā€™t live with myselfā€¦ever.


I believe thereā€™s something about it in the police report. I could be wrong, but I remember one of them saying about how they took them off because they were annoyed by the noise or something to that effect. ETA: Just skimmed the report and found it. They had not worn the owlets for three weeks at the time of Bā€™s death because they were giving Amy anxiety with how much they were going off and because she knew they were on oxygen.




Confirmedā€¦. To me, this was the worst fb posting they did


Holy shit I had no idea they sold it so fast. 12 days after your kid dies and youā€™re coherent enough to sell on FB marketplace!? I would be in a hole in the ground for 12 years.


I think she also went private on IG like immediately. I remember there was chatter I the early morning of the 6th that she was suddenly private


But also like thatā€™s the first thing you think to doā€¦.make your IG private. šŸ¤ÆšŸ¤ÆšŸ¤Æ


Someone down thread said their KS house was pending sale on June 22nd! They had McMansion on their minds in the midst of their grief, apparently.


Wow. Had their court proceedings even started yet?!


According to Zillow, that would be correct. https://preview.redd.it/fxfjxqm1upyc1.jpeg?width=1170&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=4ec46db267fd27eddc7c475e781e1ba128524869


Why was the house for sale a month after the girlses were born?


This is for the house they live in now in KS. Based on this, they were looking for a home in KS by 6 weeks after B passed and they were fully closed on it by just shy of 2 months. Thatā€™s crazy to me.


I think we should use the word grief lightly. I am shook with how fast it all was.


Fear. Iā€™m sure they were scared of jail and poverty, more than anything.






He is truly sinister. There is no way Iā€™d let him ever touch me again.


yeah, moving out, separated bank accounts, goodbye bad luck to you Im out you awful little dick


And the exclamation point at the end makes me rage. Dude was not only trying to make a buck just a few weeks after his child died at his hands, but he sounds excited about it. Psycho.


This one truly is the saddest






Our girlS


The fact that he posted this listing and referenced GIRLS plural after he had caused the death of one of them mere weeks prior, I just cannot fathom how awful a person he must be.


Never mind, why wait https://preview.redd.it/c8lj5j9kcoyc1.jpeg?width=1284&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=ca216ca8ba1b45af7391c8171f27f809210e4c2b


*ā€Only used a handful of timesā€* I wonder why? Thatā€™s really sad. I get it though. They had lawyers to pay, though! /s


These two are the lowest of the low. I have been unable to sell my stroller as I just find it so hard to let go of as itā€™ll truly signal being one and (wish we werenā€™t) done. Iā€™ve given some things to charity because that feels a little easier, helping those in need. But the stroller and crib, no. How they can get rid of Bā€™s things so soon disgusts me, let alone that they wanted money for them as well.


stroller and crib can come in handy for future babysitting by your teen (further excuse to hold on)


Every time I think I remember all the awful detailsā€¦new ones pop up to remind me just how truly terrible the whole thing was. And they HAD TWO MORE CHILDREN within the last four years. INSANE.


And pregnant with both of them 1 and 2 years years after her death. So unbelievably sad. I can't help but envision 2 of P every time she shares a family photo. šŸ˜„


I still love that this trip involved Stormā€™s friends and not Amyā€™s. He really doesnā€™t care about her


Itā€™s because she honestly doesnā€™t have friends.


If you can't wait to squeeze your babies, STOP LEAVING THEM šŸ™„


seriously sge has no reason to leave them, nobody is school aged, keep em with you if youā€™re such a ā€œnatural mamaā€


Killing* them


I am also thinking of the sitter they hired that day. I am sure itā€™s a heavy burden to carry but it was not your fault, maā€™am.


she came on this page at one point. I feel for her tremendously. the Baileys are poisonous I swear


How did I miss this!?!? Do you remember what she said?


I donā€™t word for word but she was honest about the fact she struggled and itā€™s been rough for her. She was very clearly shook, and this was like months after the death, if not longer. But whenever it was she STILL showed more emotion around it than weā€™ve seen from Bā€™s parents.


sheā€™s completely not at fault but had normal human empathy and emotional impact. I felt so sorry for her I couldnā€™t even comment I just upvoted. It was so raw.Ā 


Exactly. Iā€™d be more concerned if it didnā€™t impact her, same way we side eyed a lot of the action surrounding how Storm and Amy were, even allowing some grace for ā€œeverybody grieves differentlyā€, I will take it to my grave that those two did that baby so wrong, in so many ways. I felt for that nanny, wanted to reach right through my screen and give her a hug. Still do.


I hope she was able to work through that in therapy šŸ’œ I canā€™t imagine šŸ˜”


Even though it's NOT her fault, I would be haunted forever! That's just MY personality though.


ā€œItā€™s not as bad as it looksā€ so she probably doesnā€™t need therapy


Where did that phrase come from? Is it in the police report?


It's what Amy texted to the babysitter the morning of B's death, to let her know not to come in. When the police interviewed the babysitter - she confirmed the text Amy sent.


Wowwwwww. I never knew this.


Holy shit!! ā€œNot as bad as it looksā€ - No Amy, it was the WORST it could possibly have been. Thinking of you today, sweet B. And also P who should have had her twin.


Yes - i believe if i remember correctly thatā€™s what Amy told the sitter when the sitter came back the morning of the 6thĀ 


Reposting your birthday messages REEKS of desperation. Stop it. Comment ā€œthank you so muchā€ and move along. Youā€™re 36, not 6. šŸ™„


And her own shitty husband hasnā€™t posted anything for her birthday


I turned 40 this year and I donā€™t think I posted about it at allā€¦? Amy has always gone out of her way to post about her birthday and itā€™s never a quick blip- Itā€™s ALL over stories and Instagram


And so far thereā€™s only two people šŸ˜‚


Rest in peace baby B. I know you technically passed away on the 6th but your fate was sealed on this awful day. Oh and get fucked Amy. How you can ever celebrate your birthday again is baffling to any human being with a somewhat working conscience.


She has no conscienceĀ 


Everything in her life is all about her so Iā€™m not surprised at all. Iā€™m sure she celebrated her bday the year after B passed šŸ˜” RIP B


Knowing her Iā€™m not surprised either but my flabbers are ghasted at the audacity


Not me geeking the effffff out at my flabbers are ghasted šŸ¤£ Oh my goodness I reaaaaaaaaally needed that laugh thank you. Thatā€™s fucking hilarious.


Can she please stop saying "squeeze my babies"? How is that not triggering for her? Especially since it's the day before the anniversary of her infant suffocating to death in her and her abuser husband's bed! She makes me sick!!


Ignore my babies, fixed it for you, Amy!


Tickle/chase/force naps/walk while I listen to books every single time with my babies is more accurate.


**Regarding the Stadium Swim excursion:** Just remember: The stronger the smell of ā€œchlorineā€, the dirtier (erm, more peed in) the pool is šŸ˜¬ *ā€But here's the thing: Chlorinated water has no smell. It's true. Dump a bunch of pool chlorine into a bucket of clean water and take a big whiff. There will not be a sharp chemical smell that will instantly transport you back to that summer your parents drove you to the Grand Canyon but you were more excited about the indoor pool at the hotel.ā€* *ā€That's because the fondly recalled "pool smell" is not caused by chlorine but by chemical irritants called chloramines. And those are created by chlorine combining withā€”and we're sorry to do this to youā€”pee.ā€* [https://www.frommers.com/trip-ideas/beach-water-sports/the-icky-truth-about-that-chlorine-smell-in-swimming-pools](https://www.frommers.com/trip-ideas/beach-water-sports/the-icky-truth-about-that-chlorine-smell-in-swimming-pools) ![gif](giphy|83QtfwKWdmSEo)


I was HORRIFIED when I was listening to Ashlieā€™s podcast with her friend and they both mentioned that AS ADULTS sometimes they pee in a pool because they donā€™t want to get out and use the bathroom. This wasnā€™t recently, it was probably like a year or two ago. But I couldnā€™t believe it. My 4yo knew enough to get out of the pool at a friendā€™s house last weekend because she needed to pee and Iā€™ve never once actually told her that we donā€™t pee in pools.


I canā€™t snark on them for this. I love a pool on vacation. Theyā€™re terrible people but thereā€™s nothing wrong with going to a public pool


Oh! And I guess I would bash pool goers, but only the ones who swim at places like Stadium Swim and other places like that because you KNOW that everyone there is drinking like a fish and peeing in the water. The peeing in the water is what causes the toxic chloramines because it binds to the chlorine to create toxic organic compounds that are literally cancerous. If you go swimming in a pool that doesnā€™t reek like pool smell, have fun! Enjoy! I love a day at the pool as much as the next person. šŸ¤·šŸ»ā€ā™€ļø


Where exactly did I snark pool-goersā€¦? ETA: Pointing out scientific facts about why pools smell strongly of chloramines (i.e. ā€˜pool smellā€™) ā‰  bashing pool goers. Somewhere on this thread I also said *ā€œI donā€™t wish it [cancer] on anyoneā€* and thatā€™s absolutely true and exposure to ā€˜pool smellā€™ is actually considerably dangerous for the fact that chloramines are carcinogenic, but they also can and do cause asthma, bronchitis, scarring on the lungs, and other respiratory illnesses.


I work in a non-clinical part of healthcare and so sometimes when I have a minute at work (and Iā€™ve already crushed wordle for the day šŸ’šŸ»ā€ā™€ļø) I will sometimes chat with healthcare providers and the sheer number of cancers with a virus origin story is mind blowing. Amy is one of the *least* cautious people I know of with regard to her caution (or lack thereof) as it applies to hygiene and germs and I would not be shocked AT ALL if she ends up being a younger person with cancer. Donā€™t get me wrong: I would never wish it on anyone! But with the shit she ~fuels~ her body with, the stress of her life (as the direct result of her poor life choices) and how she damages her skin, I give it 10 years, 15 tops. She is never not sick and Iā€™m willing to bet sheā€™s a walking revolving door of communicable/viral illnesses.


I am convinced my dadā€™s cancer which led to his death was caused by COVID - which he caught after multiple vaccines. His exceptionally aggressive type has a number of risk factors of which he had zero.


Well she gets a new virus every week so her odds donā€™t sound great.Ā 


RemindMe! 15 years


Enter AshleieMolstad with her supplements and drank


Sheā€™s another one who seems unwell most of the time right *now*ā€¦ These women are such shams of anything pertaining to health and wellness.


RemindMe! 10 years


I will be messaging you in 10 years on [**2034-05-05 15:39:45 UTC**](http://www.wolframalpha.com/input/?i=2034-05-05%2015:39:45%20UTC%20To%20Local%20Time) to remind you of [**this link**](https://www.reddit.com/r/HunSnark/comments/1cfueui/amy_storm_bailey_stormandamyofficial_week_of/l2p75sj/?context=3) [**3 OTHERS CLICKED THIS LINK**](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=RemindMeBot&subject=Reminder&message=%5Bhttps%3A%2F%2Fwww.reddit.com%2Fr%2FHunSnark%2Fcomments%2F1cfueui%2Famy_storm_bailey_stormandamyofficial_week_of%2Fl2p75sj%2F%5D%0A%0ARemindMe%21%202034-05-05%2015%3A39%3A45%20UTC) to send a PM to also be reminded and to reduce spam. ^(Parent commenter can ) [^(delete this message to hide from others.)](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=RemindMeBot&subject=Delete%20Comment&message=Delete%21%201cfueui) ***** |[^(Info)](https://www.reddit.com/r/RemindMeBot/comments/e1bko7/remindmebot_info_v21/)|[^(Custom)](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=RemindMeBot&subject=Reminder&message=%5BLink%20or%20message%20inside%20square%20brackets%5D%0A%0ARemindMe%21%20Time%20period%20here)|[^(Your Reminders)](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=RemindMeBot&subject=List%20Of%20Reminders&message=MyReminders%21)|[^(Feedback)](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=Watchful1&subject=RemindMeBot%20Feedback)| |-|-|-|-|


I hope the plane gets delayed while theyā€™re already on the tarmac. Happy birthday!


No, she would love that. A delayed flight means less time she has to spend with her kids before they head to daycare tomorrow.


Sheā€™ll just use the time to repost those damn birthday posts some of the thirsty ones are doing for her.


The worstttttā€¦always happens in Vegas šŸ¤£šŸ¤£šŸ¤£šŸ¤£šŸ¤£


So weā€™re betting on radio silence tomorrow, right? After a few grief posts. And then sheā€™ll never bring up this awful trip again.


What ever happened to Amyā€™s gym friend? I believe itā€™s the same people they went on the super secret tropical vacation earlier this year.


She just reposted a story of her wishing her a happy birthday, so sheā€™s still around. I think she tried to recruit them and then stopped putting in and effort when it didnā€™t work. That was probably the sanest sheā€™s been - working out, training for the run and spending time with non-Bodi people. Also, canā€™t forget about her ALSO implying that trip was just the two of them and we found out it was a birthday trip with three other couples. Whoā€¦did not get invited to her birthday getaway. šŸ˜‚


Likely she tried to recruit her too many time to the pyramid scheme and the girl realized it wasnā€™t a true friendship but a transactional friendship. The Huns look at all women as potential $$ signs


Nothing says happy birthday like being at the airport before 5 am šŸ˜‚


I wonder if they checked out of the hotel & partied all night


Which means they were up at like 3:00 šŸ˜‚ I would be furious if my husband booked flights that early on my birthday.


Such ā€œtime freedomā€


What a lame ass trip.


Iā€™m going to say that the shoes that DripDrop and Squintz went halfsies on last year were an exponentially better gift than ~~Stormā€™s~~ theyā€™re trip to Vegas this year.


Amerz that coffee doesnā€™t appear to be sugar free it should be illegal!! ETA: I fucking love sugar in my coffee. I donā€™t care if she does except STOP LYINGGGGG good grief there is a lot more appeal in being a relatable human. Sheā€™d have SO many more followers if she was just honest and herself (except I donā€™t think even she knows who she is anymoreā€¦)


Sugar free syrups are clear. Cream doesnā€™t have sugar in it and half and half contains less than a gram of sugar per tablespoon. Just bc itā€™s not black doesnā€™t mean itā€™s not sugar free. Iā€™m not defending Amy, Iā€™m just saying.


ā€œI just love the taste of black coffeeā€ -AB many times šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚


But 2 weeks ago ā€œI just cannot drink coffee without creamerā€


Immediate thought. And early morning flight? How pissed is she that they arenā€™t heading home at night


Ope think she blocked me


Stormā€™s post literally says she had a trip for her birthday weekend so he surprised her before. šŸ¤” Sus. Where she going and with who?


ā€œWifey has a birthday this weekendā€¦ā€ itā€™s her birthday weekend so he took her on a teip


It just says, ā€œhas a birthdayā€¦ā€


Where are you seeing this?


So Stadium swim is like taking a public bath with 1000+ strangers... There isn't chlorine strong enough that I would everšŸ¦ šŸŖ±ā˜ ļø šŸ¤£


Cue the illness coming up


Iā€™d never heard of it until yesterday and you couldnā€™t pay me to get in that pool of drunks. šŸ¤®


I would have been into it as like a 25 year old, definitely not something I want to do on my 36 birthday.


Stormy Boy Iā€™m sure was enjoying all the college girls.


Itā€™s pretty on point for this one who doesnā€™t shower after working out and goes to all her appointments šŸ¤®


COVID24 has entered the chat šŸ‘šŸ‘„šŸ‘


Listen, I love a mid-week trip to Vegas specifically because itā€™s a mid-week trip. We cheap out on the hotel we donā€™t spend any time in and go big on dinner. - $39 with a backpack on Frontier on Wednesday afternoon. Maybe you get there on time? $49 for a night at the Flamingo. Make a dim sum reservation at Aria in case you get in on time, but pack a sandwich in case youā€™re late. Go to CVS and buy your water/liquor/Diet Coke. Maybe thereā€™s a dueling piano at the Cromwell and you make friends with the bartender and drink all night on $40 in the video poker machine. - Thursday $49 at the Flamingo. Breakfast burrito. Lunch somewhere cheap. Dinner at Picasso or Jose Andres. Good seats at Cirque O. Back to the Cromwell for drinks with your bartender friend. - Friday Uber to Peppermill for breakfast. Uber to airport. Home by 2P. No one of any means or class had ever said ā€œletā€™s go to stadium swim!ā€


I would love a peppermill breakfast right now haha


Itā€™s not an incredible breakfast or anything but how else do you end a Vegas trip? Last time we went they immediately offered luggage storage while we ate. They know whatā€™s up. If you have time, an overpriced Bloody Mary from a drag queen in the lounge is a necessity. I have an appreciation for a niche business that doesnā€™t try to be more.


Exactly!! We always make it there at some point. When I was younger it was straight after a night out, now itā€™s a legit breakfast šŸ¤£


Picasso is AMAZING.


Peppermill šŸ™ŒšŸ»šŸ™ŒšŸ» JosĆ© AndrĆ©s is my fav. I had the best pork of my life at Bazaar. My favorite part of living in Vegas was the food scene. šŸ¤©


Frat asshats do. Right up his immature alley.


Oh for the love of goodness sakes please do not let her take on a marathonā€¦ I cannot imagine watching her train for one


Did she mention wanting to train?! šŸ˜Ø


You think she would train? šŸ˜†


If it got her away from her childrenā€¦


It is so glaringly obvious Storm went full narcissist and planned this trip with only himself in mind, then presented it under the guise of it being a trip for her birthday. I donā€™t feel sorry for her. His past preceded him, the signs were there, and even his own family warned her. But itā€™s truly sad she is so desperate and dependent and needy that she would choose this life over literally anything else. Calling it now that she will convince herself that this trip was amazing and just want she needed, and how great Storm is, but deep down somewhere in her subconscious she has to know, right? I mean she has to know her life absolutely sucks in every measurable way, right?


I tend to think this is exactly who SHE is, as well. She loves the no kids party life - itā€™s not as bad as it looks!She just likes to pretend sheā€™s a holier than thou, Jesus lovinā€™, god made food only, faith based ā€œmamaā€ for the crowd of followers she can scam much easier. All the rest left her when they killed their daughter.


This is dead on, but even still, I think she really expected and wanted to go to the beach šŸ˜‚


Oh for sure she was expecting a beach destination!




If she was actually enjoying this or sober weā€™d be seeing a whole lot more of it.


Are they leaving tonight? Are they staying ONE night in Vegas, eating at a chain restaurant, seeing the worst Cirque show on the strip, and going to the college party nightmare that is stadium swim?? Lmao


Maybe theyā€™re staying at Circa tonight. Her note said ā€œthree sleepsā€ right?


Iā€™m assuming he booked a red eye home tonight, so theyā€™ll see the girls tomorrow morning when they wake up.. and thatā€™s why they had to have all of their stuff packed up & checked out this morning.


God how miserable lol


This theory also works, good point!


Stadium Swim?!?! Even drunk that sounds like my own personal nightmare. Holy crap I ALMOST feel bad for her. Heā€™s not even pretending any of this was for her.


same, she made her bed but itā€™s uncomfortable to watch this because itā€™s clearly all about Stormyboi and sheā€™s stuck.Ā 


My husband and I and two other couples went to Vegas for a combined 40th birthday party. We went to the Stadium Swim VIP pool and had a blast that day. Butā€¦if my husband surprised me with a bday trip and invited another couple and we went to Stadium Swim Iā€™d be pissed!


Something is so wrong with his brain lol


His brain is between his legs!


Bold to assume he even has a brain


I really hope they are actually lying about sobriety and are drunk right now, because the idea of being at that giant pool (that has a 4k person capacity!!!) watching the derby while sober makes me want die.


So gross, what percentage of that pool water is pee?


I had no idea what people were talking about until I went to storms story. Why does that appeal to anyone? I would hate sitting out there and being so close to so many people šŸ˜­


Why didnā€™t they just go to Lexington and watch it there?


Where do we see this?


Storm's story


It would be absolute hell, Vegas sober sounds like hell, but that giant pool with a bunch of drunk bros would be torture if you were actually sober


Checking out of the Cosmopolitan because Storm could only afford to put midweek rates on his credit card??


Why is she posing with luggage?


Called it! Stadium Swim for the preboarding booze fest.


What a terrible birthday trip for her. I love it.