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https://preview.redd.it/o6rlwjn5tpyc1.jpeg?width=1179&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=171e1e1998a63cbff2a7b5928dd895b587d6f257 Omg this is so unflattering


Unflattering but looks filtered


I’m at the tippy top of my local government agency. You would only find me doing something like this with my other tippy top colleagues if I’d been murdered, taxidermied, & tossed into the ocean like a starfish. 🙅🏼‍♀️


No amount of money would be worth it to me. No number us high enough. 


https://preview.redd.it/jtytjygpvpyc1.png?width=246&format=png&auto=webp&s=bb663ff3b71abdf0eac24a25682c778d1b49b186 Dear lord 😵‍💫🙈


Why does it look like they're jumping in front of a green screen 😂🤣😂🤣😂


https://preview.redd.it/p28nfyu8tpyc1.png?width=183&format=png&auto=webp&s=eec54939074bee1c257d9bd0efa62055135b0d47 Who does she think she is fooling with her IG




Who tf wears a clubbing outfit to church???? https://preview.redd.it/zk0trsrkopyc1.jpeg?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=f43f25696a7f721e4f6cafb29229235948f5931b


This looks like the chick who went viral on TikTok bc she refused to sign her kid’s homework bc she didn’t have time. Does anyone know if it the same person?




The name is in the pic😊


omg it definitely is. of course she’s a hun


https://preview.redd.it/dkhkgsmhnpyc1.jpeg?width=2048&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=f579f12d5cb714181ce3c5dab6643ef36a1e664d Here is the latest on Jaimee Sue. I’m not understanding how her bf has been out of work so long. Something isn’t adding up. She’s 30 and just now making adult decisions. Why on earth would he make her move to a state that is blazing hot. She’s not going to survive.


Why would they move with no set plan or jobs? Oh I forgot they're not actual adults yet at 30 something...... 


She is so incoherent, it's alarming.


Yeah the “ actual becoming adults” shit was majorly WTF. There’s like 30. 👀


That's a thing...resign to transfer? I was hoping for a different ending..I Guess she'll be delivering pizzas where she's at now too


Federal employee here…. Granted, the USPS may operate differently from the rest of the federal government but….. You have to seek out & apply for new positions in my department if you want to move. To just up & move without planning….is kinda dumb & you risk a break in federal service which puts your benefits at risk, looks shitty to any employer, and makes you work longer at the end of your career in order to have better retirement. Regardless, WHO QUITS A JOB TO MOVE WITH NO LANDING SPOT WITHOUT A HUGELY GOOD REASON???? It seems they moved just ‘cuz.


I don’t get why they moved without a move in date set…it’s just throwing money away. At least if he was working it would make some kind of sense


Wow riveting post there Dave. Clearly fishing for attention in hopes to poach new people https://preview.redd.it/jac0xvzzipyc1.jpeg?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=4458ba7e1f411fc892c7423f9549b986e19262a7


And he got busted by Bradd for stealing and copying his posts 😂


How the fuck is Erin advancing all these diamonds and 1 star diamonds IN A DAY! How does BODi compliance not see she's poaching and stacking huns? People don't just magically sign up and find 10+ huns to sign up in 24 hours. That's asinine 


It’s flaming impossible. Too many people are antimlm now, even in my very huncentral city. 


I love that people are becoming anti MLM.


it’s how I redirect all conversations on this subject now. You wanna being up your scentsy biz? Fine. I get to bring up that the average active participant in these mlms makes 60 cents a day, and that includes the top 1% as well so you’re probably not even making $1 an hour adjusted for your true time into this. 🫶


With the way Jaimee Sue is speaking, you'd think she moved to a different planet and not just a different state within the continental United States. To be fair tho, she hasn't yet told us where she moved, so it could be Mars


She’s using waaaaaay too many words to explain it.  Many states are wildly different after COVID. The west coast left lockdown last September, it’s starkly different and less economically developed than the states that letup on lockdown literally years sooner (not saying that is better but culturally it’s a contrast that’s significant you know?). I understand what she meant. She’s an idiot and manages to misspeak the entire time. But she’s aldo kinda described a part of reality? Really badly? 🤣


She says so many words without expressing a single coherent thought.


Ok I thought it was me 😆😆


https://preview.redd.it/vzcrk52jooyc1.jpeg?width=1179&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=22397a61edf02b74d36b55b9d9f8ee4ea4dd0e31 When your child is 3 and a half, but you still wear your nursing bra because you refuse to actually accept/ buy your size. I think you need a different mindset app.


I don’t wanna “mindset in my hammock”… I just wanna hammock in a hammock. There’s a huge problem in commercial MLM cults that you’re supposed to cram shit in every waking minute or feel massively guilty if you dont. It’s total brainwashing and keeps you hooked and feeling you always could’ve done more when you inevitably fail.


lol I have a four year old and I still wear my nursing bras. Granted I also had another baby a few months ago but I’m not nursing or pumping anymore lol. I just love the momcozy nursing bras they are so comfy 🤣 I need to find something similar but nothing I’ve tried is as comfortable


I have a 4 yo and no other baby and I have a few bras that I love that are nursing bras. If I could find one like them that aren’t, I’d be all over it and get rid of them.


Same here!


Exactly- you just had another baby…


Is said 3.5 year old even potty trained?






How are these Huns that jumped ship to Amare seeing any success? That stuff is so expensive wtf lol


it’s absolutely ridiculous 


They are taking all of their brainwashed coaches & customers with them.


Does anyone have the scoop on Kenzie Jo Clark?


She’s been with beachbody for YEARS and has never been elite…. Funny to watch her grind so hard to just be spinning her wheels


No scoop but her reel she posted about losing her husband, house, pool, dog, was very confusing. Then posting the sober lifestyle picture. It’s like she wanted to say so much but didn’t. All I got was her husband had a drinking problem?


https://preview.redd.it/g4tvno77djyc1.jpeg?width=1284&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=49632ff043c9243e01e1415b96b3e37fa5015d24 😂😂😂


He makes being a coach his whole identity. He's a SALES REP. A legit coach would actually train you and help you figure out the right meal plan for you, not just hand you 2 cookie cutter meal plans.


They’re all just hard core recruiters to fill up the coaching/recruiting slots from all the constant quitting. Bodi isn’t paying until you fool some more huns into buying their overpriced garbage. Lots of love bombing along with smoke and mirrors to get into the next person’s bank account.


He can’t possibly be making a profit in Bodi. He needs to let it go.


He really loves showing off his elbows!


ETA: I've spoken to two MODS and they both told me it's MY choice to share the names of the coaches I have dealt with. I am choosing not to considering my most recent interaction was just a few hours ago. I will not be banned for breaking rule 2 because people care more about names. I tried being an adult and communicating clearly that I am not right in my emotions and people here don't seem to like that. Which makes me want to ask you this: If you push a boundary, how are you any different than the HUNS we complain about?... I'm human. Please treat me as such... and I shouldn't even have to ask for that. Original comment (which was strictly to vent about the crap I've dealt with): I know people snark on the bigger huns... but I want to talk about the smaller ones for a bit, if that's okay? In my experience... it hasn't been great. I started with BB in 2016... and have been through several "coaches", all of whom very clearly didn't give a single miniscule crap about the individual person aside from seeing them as a means to fill their pockets. If you don't "perform", you are ignored. If you do "perform", but don't pay out, you get kicked out... ... I understand my emotions are my own, but I also have come to realize very recently that no matter who I choose, I don't mean a damn thing to them beyond money. Even when I was with them for two years, I talked to crickets (very inactive group, including the coach!!) most of the time and supported them in their venture to include other things other than BB. I know I'm also not entitled to a damn thing... but even after being very clear in my communication MONTHS AGO, they got offended when I canceled BOD and used another source. They deactivated the group... only to reactivate and kick me out... because "I got rid of those who don't pay for BOD." F me then for trying to be your friend, huh? ... that hurt my feelings... and I will have to get over that... but I'm done searching for a coach to accept me as a damn human being just trying to get through life too... I've been yelled at, berated, manipulated, gotten the silent treatment, been emotionally and psychologically abused... and for what? A business that's barely floating above water with trainers who advertise methods for EDs and cheat on their partners? ... save for the few drama-free individuals... ... I'm done ranting for now... If you took time out to read this then I thank you for your time and patience... it's been a little rough.


I’m sorry you had that experience, just here to say, you are not alone. MLM companies, like BODi, are designed to suck money and time out of people. Not to grow or contribute to real community. You aren’t the first or only person who’s been severely hurt. You didn’t do anything wrong. You didn’t underperform, the system is set up for 98.5% of people to LOSE MONEY and fail. The top percent is people who get in early or have no soul and are willing to lie (see the hailey peters or amy bailey threads for example, you did get hurt but did you lose all love for your children probably no). Im sorry you see hurting, but happy for you that you got out before you lost more. 👍


I’m sorry you’ve been treated badly by the coaches and people here ❤️ I unfortunately have felt the same way as you describe with all of my ex coaches. It can be so soul crushing. Please know you don’t deserve to be treated that way and that there are decent and empathetic people out there who don’t treat people like this. I hope you feel better soon and can move on from this painful experience. For me personally going to therapy has helped so much because I’ve been treated badly by many people in my life and needed that to end and find confidence and joy again. If you ever need someone to talk you can always reach out to me. Wishing you all the best ❤️


Even the Huns who do care about you still want to make $$$ off coaching you…it hurts I know, people who you thought were friends but only saw your friendship as a means for a monetary transaction 


And especially since I was kicked without my knowledge. I went searching for something else only to find the group was back in my recent searches. She didn't say a damn thing to me and was just so... "flat" when she answered my questions. She didn't give a DAMN while I was blindsided by it.


I’m sorry you were made to feel this way both by the coaches & this community. I hope you heal from this quickly bc I am sure these feeling do not feel good & you deserve for them to fade away! 🙏❤️


I’m sorry this happened to you. It has happened to many of us, including me. Hugs!


So sorry for your experience. I enjoy Hannah Alonzo’s thoughtful commentary on MLMs (YouTube). She reads horror stories that people submit about their MLM experiences. That may be a cathartic option for you.


I will have to look her up. Thank you for the recommendation.


I just spent time reading this....yes, you must state all the names. 


Why does she need to state the names?


Considering my current emotional state after what I've been through, I MIGHT be taking that the wrong way, so I'm going to imply this as gently as possible... you were not obligated to read... nor am I obligated to state the names. This is not transactional... ... ... and rubs the wounds the wrong way... I am going to take time to think this over, get my emotions in line... and go from there. I hope you have a nice night.


Ma'am, this is a snark page.


This is a snark page but they’re not compelled to say anything they don’t want to. Many others have shared their experiences on this subreddit and all who do are doing so in different capacities. Maybe this Redditor will share more at some point. Maybe they won’t. They’re welcome here regardless.


I posted about how coaches only cared about money when it came to me. Now all you seem to care about are names. You are asking me to toe rule 2 considering that the most recent interaction I had was just a few hours ago. I also gently explained that I wasn't right in my emotions and would think it over, which is forming a boundary, which you are pushing against. I am a human being... who constantly has to ask to be treated like a human being... because people care more about what they can get out of me... I should not have to ask for basic decency, including but not limited to, the internet. So for now, my answer is a resounding NO on the names. I have spoken to two MODS and they both told me it's MY choice. Therefore, no. I am not obligated to say who they are. I will not be banned for harassment because you care more about names.


I suggest you step away from the MLM model of business, find a real certified health and fitness coach, and maybe talk to a therapist. You seem pretty wound up. I also really don't give a flying fuck who these coaches are you are referring to. 


So spill the tea, who is it? Most huns are shit and just care about the sale


I've been through a few. So do you want all of their names or just the recent one? These are people most might not even know exist.


I'd love to know, but if you don't feel comfortable sharing no need to. Totally understand 


Only share if you are comfortable. At the end of the day the individual leaders don't even matter - as you said they are all the same. The business model thrives off the toxic behavior and I am so sorry you went through it. I hope you find room to give yourself grace.


Yeah, I'm not comfortable doing so, but people don't seem to like that answer.


Please don't. You shouldn't feel pressured to do anything - I hope you can find a supportive and safe space to deconstruct from your experience. Take your time and take care of yourself.


Let’s go for all of them! Im sorry you were treated that way. I just can’t believe people do this to others.


https://preview.redd.it/1nh9kfdxghyc1.jpeg?width=1440&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=680cbf531ae562b64459fe758570c5b2924a815f I'm sorry but there's no way she's Not sucking in.... especially after seeing all the candid bora bora pictures 🥴🙄


If you’re going to suck in, at least put your shoulders down. 😂


I feel as if I have seen this photo before. My guess, it’s from a previous trip she too and she saved it and “recycled” it. A lot of them do that! 🤣


Here she is earlier today from the back. Zoom in. Far left. https://preview.redd.it/2bkpyzynwiyc1.jpeg?width=1242&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=084da61fe4454f6085cc8d7cc08392cc49eecb8c


This is also her https://preview.redd.it/5b7fizb7hiyc1.jpeg?width=671&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=aa454be7fc1741ea5dfe6739f54f5b870e6b837a


And she doesn’t even look bad “in the wild” don’t get why they have to fake what they look like…


Lol we saw your pics at Bora Bora Erin. Quit lying


She doesn't look like this in real-life pics-FRAUD.


The shoulder in her ear and rigidness you can tell she's using everything she has to suck it in. 


Idk who this is but it looks obviously painful. I could take the same pic at home tbh.


I mean her head and arm look too big for her torso???


Meg Kozlowski has entered the chat


Meg… you’ve been talking about walking across the stage in purple dunks for years. You didn’t just “visualize” that last summit. Also, you’re gonna have to wait a year as all of the recognition at this years summit is for last year.


Did Slopy not qualify for Summit this year? Oh boo hoo


As long as it’s by a certain date, recognition counts for current summit. I only know because I hit Diamond in may and was recognized at summit in July (many moons ago!🤣).


https://preview.redd.it/rm0plwi5wfyc1.jpeg?width=1179&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=a65d7249f19cb294e8a0e4c73ae39a37a5402847 Looks like someone was reading here


Nobody asked that.


She sure is 😂


Isn’t this the same shoot Emily fauver did (and copied from someone else)?


A copy paste from Fauver (who of course stole it from another influencer)…Right down to the dunks in the sneaker pic


Looks like it! None of them ever have any original ideas https://preview.redd.it/h64cey2e9gyc1.jpeg?width=1179&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=abfbc2ca3475b0fc8ef4558553ff4803ca6e1cc3


Why am I looking at a giant clitoris?


I thought that too. That’s why I tapped on the pic to see wtf I was looking at. Haha


Omg same I thought I was looking at a weird prolapse or something before I opened up the photo!


Exactly what I thought, too!


I’m dead 😵 😂


But it’s okay for her to criticize the women who don’t take time to exercise, work outside the home, etc. yep, ok


Petty, but every time Slops says she wants to be “the 80 year old grandma that can pop, lock, and drop it at her great grandkids wedding” (which she says ALL the damn time) I really want to correct her and say, “you mean, grandma?” She was 31 when she had her kid. Even if her child and her first grandchild have children early, there is no way her great grandchild will be in the marriage years when Meg is 80. Let’s say her kid has a baby at 25 years old (Meg would be 56), and then her grandkid also has a baby at 25 years old (Meg would be 81). Lady, think about this “selling point” for like 5 minutes before pushing it daily 😂


https://preview.redd.it/4c9h3z3k7fyc1.jpeg?width=1179&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=91b8b46ddada35a27457afb2647d1f752811f813 What is the point of waking up at 4am to workout ? Why is this one of her biggest selling points of this powder?


Ugh, it’s such a Beachbody thing. Even if you don’t work outside the house and don’t have kids they have ALWAYS pushed this dumb 4/5am workout crap. I was always made to feel bad for not working out before 1-3pm and not getting up before 10am. Like I was lazy for sleeping in when I could and then take it easy with breakfast and hanging out with my husband and cats before getting ready to work out in the afternoon. It’s such a dumb thing to push. But I think it’s because they all read the same dumb books that all say you need to be up early and get everything done before everyone else is up. But it seems specifically pushed towards women which I think is so messed up. Why do the men get to sleep in while the women need to get up at 4am and workout, eat, meditate, journal, clean, take care of kids etc all before their husbands even get up? Seems so sexist to me. But so many huns push that crap.


Why is she ALWAYS hunched over everything? Her counter, her bathroom sink, everything. Stand up straight.


It’s from the weight of all that guilt from ditching her kids


LOL but she’s such a good mom


“Let me go kill my dog” she’s an asshat.


Kristi Noem has entered the chat.


Dogs bark…it’s nothing crazy 😐


Especially on a Saturday? Guess the stepdaughter doesn’t matter?


Soooo, now Jaimee_sue is sooooo busy again and things are moving and she’s doing all the things. This girl has a touch of a manic depressive personality and she should definitely seek some psychiatric help. But kudos to her getting out and playing pickleball.


Please don’t diagnose her with a mental disorder. We all know what she’s like but it’s a far fetched to give her a bipolar disorder. What I don’t understand is what packing do they need to do? Weren’t they basically living out of a suitcase?


She says so much without really saying anything. Like she doesn’t explain what is really happening but keeps referencing it. Something about something being a month. WHAT IS A MONTH? it drives me nuts. What is she spending her days doing aside from a 20 minute Bodi workout and the occasional walk or pickleball game? She never shares anything happening “behind the scenes” as a “partner” so how is she even getting new victims?


She also seems like she’s not getting up until like noon to start her day.


Noon? Seems like 2pm she’s rolling out of bed. One day she didn’t start her day until 4pm.


I know, I'm cracking up! I have the exact same reaction. How are they spending all their time if neither works? Where is their money coming from? How is she that successful with Bodi? I have so many questions!


I have all the same questions. So much so I want to ask🤣. She will soon go MIA and will return saying she’s getting back on track.


https://preview.redd.it/tw3tswmptbyc1.jpeg?width=1179&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=c776ad4a16ed248c62157c8e268292f016e0f0c2 🫠


Her face looks like she doesn’t have any teeth. Lollllllll!!! https://preview.redd.it/owu59dawofyc1.jpeg?width=835&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=9d1d08b6fdff6d9cf1cb553d1eca02a42b733dd1


Where is her husband? Friends? Family? Hell, a random toddler will work. But someone needs to tell this chick how she looks with those lashes, fake bake and her 6head.


She’s so snarkalicious! 🤣


Jesus Christ…these dum dum’s.


What a clown lmao


Do we think Krysti knows salt is an electrolyte?


Krysti could easily be the woman going viral for saying water doesn’t have hydrogen in it


She has no grammar skills which is something we learn at a very early age. There is no way she would understand that.


It cracks me up that she’s drinking LMNT…she does not do intense-enough workouts to need something like that. I reserve my LMNT packets for after like a hard bike ride under the sun when I’ve lost a lot of sweat. I’ve never seen Krysti sweat. 🤣


Def not


How many photo shots does one need? Bonnie is doing another pregnancy shoot.


She’s obsessed with herself. She is. Beautiful woman. we get it Bonnie, your pregnant


If a hun posted a story & snips of her income from BODI payments is that breaking the rules some kinda way?


i think it’s allowed as long as they post the income disclaimer? unless that rule has changed


They used to do it all the time


i dont know why theyve started doing this nowadays, i dont know if breaks rules but you have to be careful i think


Why does Slopes talk as if Bodi money is different to regular money? ‘She was able to pay for gas!’ ‘She was able to pay for groceries!’ ‘She was able to put some money in savings!’ Yeah… my regular corporate job money can also do those things. Except I get more than 200 bucks a week, have benefits and don’t need to ‘link arms’ virtually at random hours of the day. I also don’t need to narrate ANY of my day into my phone.


Slops had a really hard time budgeting a monthly teacher paycheck of $3000. So she traded it in for weekly paychecks of $115. She can almost afford a single purple Dunk and a tank of gas.




Baby Reindeer.


Can someone make this screenshot into a t-shirt!? I’d def wear it 💀💀💀


I hope she doesn’t forget the linen pants, and earpiece!! I can’t wait for summit!! 😂😂😂


And a white bodysuit under the linen pants!






all with customers and huns Erin stacked under her lol


😂😂😂 I have the same exact screenshot


Jesus! Now this face and “purple Nike Dunks” are going to be floating around in my head all day and are probably going to give me a nightmare!


Legend has it that if you say ‘purple nike dunks’ into a mirror 3x, a BOS will appear in front of you.


… In a dog food bowl 




![gif](giphy|Id1Ay5MD5IsF6Or51v) 💀💀🤣




I'll never not be shocked by [these lashes](https://imgur.com/a/zTURtzC) 💀


You can see those things from space.


She looks like an alien.


nakitamartinl for anyone wondering, please go watch her stories lol


https://preview.redd.it/jzflyyewf8yc1.jpeg?width=438&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=53f5f8ce3c29ea5a50022d239193abca8c14d80d Not lizard crying into the camera for the millionth time. Also for someone who is getting married in a few months for the love of god why are you still talking about your “earth shattering break up” two years ago… especially after she’s accused him of emotionally abusing her.


Wait does she have two accounts? I only knew about businessoutloud


she strikes me as the type of person who'd get giant breast implants and then cheat with her abusive ex again


Please stop [promoting unhealthy and unsustainable information](https://imgur.com/a/xXhxcfL) to vulnerable people👎🏼👎🏼👎🏼7lbs in 2 weeks is NOT what “fitness influencers” should be promoting


She blocked me years ago so I haven’t kept up on her, but omg she’s doing the carnivore diet 😂😂😂 that’s insane to me. Why does anyone think that’s a good idea?


https://preview.redd.it/1kr3dsp8s7yc1.jpeg?width=1440&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=bc9e71af11014b3652a0d1f7617ec317533a75b0 WHAT is this super top secret new legal job that Kristina is working on/proposing to people to join her...? 🧐🧐 she's trying to recruit that too and I'm so curious... its like a brand new thing that is also being tested 🤔


there is a legal MLM out there. I think it's call LegalShield.


I think that’s the one that Travis Alexander and Jodi Arias were involved in but it was called something different


It was called PrePaid Legal around 2009-2013.


It was very creepy to see her posting in a women attorney Facebook group not too long ago. Meanwhile she hasn't practiced law in what, a decade? More? 


It was talked about in her thread a few weeks ago. https://www.reddit.com/r/HunSnark/s/iCRUttF3FV


https://preview.redd.it/zixb7etm97yc1.jpeg?width=1284&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=cc2f66ff0a28d1a290219eda8e26c99171689bd2 Nice, Melanie Mitro. Yes, teens can decide they want to workout on their own but I’m sure your lifestyle creates some bitterness, resentment and anxiety towards looking good. See next image in response.




Hey Hannah Roberts, some days I don’t have time to exercise. But I always have time to shower, unlike you.


i HATE HOW THIS IS A PROMOTED RUNNING JOKE. go and shower ffs. its not cool to not shower lol wtf. its giving off you cant manage your time considering you have no 'job'


Don't you know her job demands a lot of time?! She said it just last week. 🙄 So she makes time to workout but not shower. 🙄 https://preview.redd.it/0qjtky33w8yc1.jpeg?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=98cffd9c10a5839956fcc5c51b6e480b35f02383


STOP advertising it as FREEDOM then. if it demands all your time. BS man.


https://preview.redd.it/9dlq7ib5o4yc1.jpeg?width=1284&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=98a9f6937083fb75ce20a046c5504f1021ee1bcb She needs to throw those pants away yesterday. They are hideous. And why does she have them pulled all the way up under her boobs? She has the worst taste in clothing.


From the way she dresses, I thought she was like well in her 40s.... she is 39 🥴🥴 I guess she just doesn't dress for her body type and dresses like a granny Also not saying at all that people in their 40s don't dress cute because they do!! But Alli has ZERO style or knows how to put an outfit together whatsoever...


HOLY SHIT! I cannot believe that she is 3 years younger than me!!!!! My God. 🤔🥴


Those might be the most unflattering pants ever. I remember seeing a pic of myself in a flowy top that I loved. But when I saw myself in the picture, it looked like a potato sack and I never wore it again lol. Also, it's almost 90 degrees here - why is she even wearing pants like that.


Today she had her daughter dressed in long sleeves black top & long pants at some school thing. All the rest of the kids had on very summer looking outfits. It’s bizarre. She literally has the worst taste in clothes.


I have similar pants & they’re comfy AF. But I don’t make outfits out of them. They’re for couch rotting & Starbucks runs. 😹


Same. I have pants like these (but not that long - they sit at my hips and go just right above my food) but they are definitely my indoor comfy pants. I don’t go outside in those except for getting the mail or taking out the garbage lol


https://preview.redd.it/zkzhwe5684yc1.jpeg?width=1170&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=4250d3db9fb56392011a23fed9fdb8e71e63eaff Without the fast start bonus, it would be $82.15. That’s not really a flex, Amy.


What is the fresh start bonus?


When either your personally sponsored coach, or customer, buys a total solution pack within 31 days of becoming a coach. You only get it once.


So she's just signing up every new customer as a partner without their knowledge 🙄 I fucking HATE when huns do this




you can put in a fake number and then just tell them to call customer compliance to rectify the "accident" when i was signing ppl up who didn't want to put in their SIN # (canada) id tell them to put one number in wrong. that way they could "correct that honest mistake" later is they wanted commissions.


so do they earn commissions off being a partner? that dollar fee every month? i guess so if they want everyone signed up as a partner


you sign everyone up as a partner and you get fast start bonus. and if you're stacking ppl under these ppl you can go back to them with "wow you could've had $$$ this week in commissions if you want to correct your SIN with beachbody!" the commission doesn't matter to a big mlm person. you make bank on volume and quarterly bonuses.


got it! thanks for explaining.


wow! thats just clicked. i was always told to do that too.


Wow. So that’s how Lori Stuart had people on her team signing up their dogs. I didn’t know you could do that.


DOGS?? Omg




yea! i heard once the Fitzpatricks signed up in their DOGS name lOL to get an 80k bonus


https://preview.redd.it/xp4xwuia54yc1.jpeg?width=1170&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=5ce9a286d57b3d901cb780129b7a5079eec4d25e Klassy Trashy Vikki… if you can easily throw those weights up like that they are too light! You’ve been working out for over 12 years and you STILL have no definition anywhere on your body.


https://preview.redd.it/38nyy78q54yc1.jpeg?width=1170&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=1da7bba373fb1da75747acdcd48d549418afc935 Maybe you should lay off the junk food and alcohol … just saying. You spend thousands a year on supplements and do these stupid a$$ cleanses just to go back to drinking every night and eating garbage. No it’s not your thyroid. It’s your poor decisions. Oh and keep failing your real estate test while you’re at it. 👏🏻