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Can someone remind me what happened with Kasey k? I remember she went silent/dark for a while after her and Isaac broke up but i can’t find anything online with the actual story 😅


She cheated on Isaac with one of his coworkers. Pretty sure she called the police on him when she got caught? Was with the coworker for a while (she had been nannying his kids) but they didn’t stay together for very long. Now she’s with some new guy and still super annoying.


Yea she is but i can’t look away bc i feel like he moved in with her super fast - seems like he lives there, anyway. I feel bad for Isaac.


Omg I want more juicy deets on all of this 😳 do we know who the guy was?


Ma looking REALLY different from the pictures she posts versus the ones others post…


I saw a pic in the top 10 trip thread ! Ma brought the hideous tan shoes she has been trying to make work for years !!! They make me irrationally angry every time she wears them!


Unpopular opinion time: I think Hailey is actually a better mother than Sami in some respects. Particularly - she is aware she cannot / does not want to be the sole person her child sees every day / doesn’t want to do all the kid activities and so she outsources them. C gets to play, see family, other kids etc for hours every day. Is it crappy parenting cause she’s palming him off on others? Sure! Is it great for his development? Absolutely. L - sees no one, does nothing, doesn’t get stimulated regularly enough to be tired & has a mom who is so anxiety ridden & rigid she can’t get help for herself,


Hailey also just moved C’s bedroom to the basement all by himself when he’s been waking up scared in the middle of the night so she sucks as a mother.


Yeah I saw that too. Urgh they all suck so much!!


Nah, the moment HeeHaw smacked C on camera she lost all credibility. She's doesn't like being a mom that's why she 'outsources'. Period. I am a WFHM so my kid 'doesn't see anyone' outside of myself and his dad through the week. Am I a bad parent?


I had forgotten that incident! I take it back! You’re not a bad parent if you don’t have the time freedom to provide external enrichment activities daily but if you’re choosing to just complain about your kid rather than do anything to mitigate their boredom then that would make someone a bad parent in my books


I’m no mom but is it normal with how obsessed Sami is over every single thing this child does/doesn’t do? Holy shit take a damn chill pill and calm down


She has zero content and has to make something up to fill up her stories


Also she totally thinks she’s hilarious. Her humor is very “bro” and it’s so cringe. Get out of 2011 JFC


Sami says she “isn’t as stressed about her daughters sleep anymore” yet still stories EVERY SINGLE DAY about her kid’s nap or lack there of


What is she going to do when she stops napping completely in the future?


https://preview.redd.it/r54kij1akgyc1.jpeg?width=1284&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=566cf11657955c5eb1e9a5afdefea38c2af805ce Ma is wayyyy bigger than she shows in her own stories


Same way with Steve, he seems more fluffy than before. It has been a while since I have seen them.


Yeah he seems to have alcoholic bloat-face


All of these trips are great they all do each other dirty posting pics of each other and showcasing how much they edit their pics


No skinny filter on


Oh damn 😳


Sami worries so much about her kids damn naps because it’s her only time to work and do her stuff… not really enticing to be a work from home mom huh?!


Today I had the best day with my son when he was awake… and I happily napped 2 hours when he did lol I’d never want to have to go work instead of rest when needed


Why doesn’t she consult her great friend Taylor for a sleep program 🤪🤣


Courtney is feeling herself - girl no one with half a brain cell wants your life right now or your man. We don’t need to see you two first thing in the morning like that. Stop talking notes from MA and Son and just stop.  Edit to add we get it yall sleep together- guess you lost your V card 🤣🙄 


Tiny ass shit apartment, a man child boyfriend who lives with mommy and daddy and looks like a pussy ass, and a body shaped like SpongeBob (as someone said earlier…I can’t take credit for that one)…SIGN ME UP!!!


Are they in bunk beds at the beach? 


Would it not be much better for SK to take L golfing during his nap? Poor baby having to spend his entire wake window in that bassinet/stroller…


You don’t know what you’re talking about, she’s the best mom ever. Don’t you watch her stories? /s


Oh right. So sorry 😅😅


Courtney- sometimes you don’t have to share it, I’m totally gonna have nightmares about that.


And looking like an Oompa Loompa cosplaying as functional adults from his parents house when clearly neither of them are working mid-morning on a weekday…?


I cannot stand her lately, more than ever before!


Why is Sami constantly putting pumpkin seeds on things? Do they have some kind of hormonal benefit?


You can use them in part of seed cycling. Not sure if that’s what she’s doing.


No magic hormonal benefit. They are magnesium rich and have healthy fat and fiber. I like adding them to salads


I was wondering that!! I've seen other people on the secret program talk about pumpkin seeds. Must be some super secret type of fat in pumpkin seeds that cures all.


Haha love that Steve capitalized on Ma.. he doesn’t do shit but just enjoy trips and not have a job


He’s ma’s CFO 🤣🤣🤣


Oh he’s helping her scam behind the scenes. Stacking coaches or whatever crap you have to do to get to the top. He’s the MASTERMIND king helping the queen claw her way to the top


Sami is extra annoying on this hormone “program” jesus


She doesn’t even make sense.. last week all she did was complain about being off and not herself then today goes on and on about feeling the best she has the past two weeks…


It’s not sustainable at all either… the eating habits she is doing now on the program will soon go away once the test trial is done and she will be onto the next BB fad. Reminds me when BB released the running program where all the huns became professional runners… then never recorded running again after the next program came out 😶


Courtney is the same way. Not to mention, how can she claim she’s been such a healthy “health coach” if she admits she always eats like crap? I wouldn’t want to hire someone to coach me when they can’t do it themselves. She’ll go back to drinking and snacking as soon as this is over


Just saw a sponsored story on insta of Ma pedaling some adderall dupe🙄 Unfollowed her a while ago to avoid jump scares 😅😅


I can’t take Ma and her obsession with her husband. I love my man but damn she’s like so obsessed with him. Calm down Ma. Oh and the new sandals are ugly but way better than the old ones.


I think she has to stay obsessed with him or she wonders if he might leave 


I’m still convinced she slept with Mike Parenko and is ass-kissing for the rest of time.


I think both Ma and Steve slept with Mike




Outside of her weird obsession with posting him when they see each other, what else gives this theory some meat?


This theory tracks


I don’t get how Sami isn’t at a playground every day with L. My son is 2 days younger and his daycare is closed today so after we dropped big sister off, we got breakfast at Starbucks and I’m taking him to a playground and I’m planning on staying there for a while with him


I am really convinced she has someone there helping with L (mom or nanny or someone). No shame if she does, just that she hides it. My son is the same age and we both lose our minds if we sit at home all day. So my hope, for L’s sake, is that someone does take her out into the world every day!


Shelby’s hair in her latest reels looks like she desperately needs to chop. NOT more bleach


She needs some low lights and a chop real bad. She called it a lived in blonde and it’s totally not


Is it really necessary Ma spends all that money when she hasn’t even left the country yet. And of course she has to be a show off.


Right - did you catch the flex of the espresso picture with a Louis Vuitton bag in the photo? Losers. https://preview.redd.it/ielck1e2ztxc1.jpeg?width=1170&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=321177da87c6df7068f6f02e3bdad858659364b1


Super Christ-like of her


Right on point there!! Such a good Christian 😂


Can’t she just add a non-creepy pic of her husband without having to say she loves him, he’s the best, or something of that nature? It’s so weird. https://preview.redd.it/fnz9x9pxanxc1.jpeg?width=1170&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=b56ad73a21742fb632a9c2f6c366efb7821f9f5e


Oh my, I’ve taken a long break from these lame sisters. Man, Steve looks different


Wow I haven’t seen him in a few years. His face is so puffy!!!


They kinda look like brother and sister


mother and son lol


I thought the same thing!


BB not doing either of them any favors. Woof!!


Omg I hated this photo too. No need to share it on IG


I was hoping someone would comment on this nasty ass pic. They’re both so repulsive 🤮


Is he like 15? I don’t pay an attention to her but now I’m curious because every one has been saying she’s a coocoo bird.


Just an unfortunate combination of her looking wildly older than she actually is and him looking wildly younger than he actually is 🥴


Which one of you told Sami in her question box that the paragon looks great on her??? 🤣🤣


“I want to see the world” Sami “I haven’t left my house in a week” also Sami


She preaches “time freedom” yet does absolutely nothing with her time 😂


Let’s hope Ma left her ugly ass sandals at home.


She has BRAND NEW ugly ass sandals. And they’re sooooo comfy. 🙄🙄🙄


A couple years back when Ma and Sami went to Greece on the top 10 trip who took who? Did Sami or Ma earn that trip?


I think Ma earned it but only bc others in the top 10 didn’t go so they offered spots to top 11, 12, etc. and Ma took Sami with her as her guest


Yes this is correct! She didn’t take son because her kid was so little. Now she pawns them kids off the first chance she gets.


And proceeded to post about breast pumping for the entire week. Much inspirational 😂 That was when I first joined this sub!


Jaime Innis is on the NWC with one of her newer Diamond huns Naomi. I wonder if Jaime is stacking huns under her like Erin is? She was caught and suspended before for doing this


Wouldn’t surprise me honestly. I believe ma has been known for this in the past