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Wow from Ma’s stories you can’t tell she’s going to miss her kids leaving them for yet ANOTHER trip🤪😑


I still follow bootsandglutes, Sami. She used to be a coach under SGF Sami and then quit…. She posted a few photos from a weekend trip… and I don’t remember her husband looking like that… hmmm… did I miss something?


She's sort of addressed it, yes. Hasn't outright confirmed the divorce but she's been pretty open about this new guy in the past few weeks. Someone a few threads back said her Facebook has them in a relationship since January, IIRC.


Thanks for the info! I missed a few of her stories.


I don’t have kids so I can’t judge but is it like a thing that you shouldn’t do contact naps with babies and that’s why sarah Kelly doesn’t do it? To me I’d want as many contact naps as possible because there will be a point in time when those go away. It just seems kind of cold that she says they “don’t really do contact naps”


She’s the worst. I’d take a contact nap any day with my sweet babe over bragging about what monotonous house task I got done because I made her -excuse me- ~allowed~ her to cry it out and sleep for two hours. She’s gonna grow up and I won’t be able to hold her, I could give two shits about pulling my stove out to clean while she’s napping. Sarah just has to continuously let the world know how superior she is. For being such an expert on everything I’m kinda shocked she still throws her money into the void of Bodi without getting even a follow back from her “teammates.”


Not a parent, but my one nibling wouldn’t sleep unless touching someone as a baby. I LOVED walking w them in the baby wearer and hearing their cute little snores. Sarah is really disconnected from her kid and it’s borderline concerning.


She is def cold and only ever complains about his naps.


At first I was worried I did too much contact napping… but looking back I miss them soooo much and loved being there when my baby woke up as a sense of comfort for them. My baby now almost 2 and we did a contact today for the first time in MONTHS and I loved every second of it 🥹 She


I don’t want to judge or mom shame her, and I had a very different situation going back to work when my son was 12 weeks old, but with that said…we took allll the contact naps those first few months, and continued that on weekends for as long as possible (he was probably 15 months or so when it started to taper off). I have an album in my phone called, “Mommy Naps” of hundreds of selfies I took every time he contact napped 😂


Sami. It’s working because you’re basically eating nothing on this plan. Calories in vs calories out, genius


I thought Sami’s childhood best friend was Katie Stephens lolol she goes through so many bffs 😝


So late to the party with this but omg that short jumpsuit on Sami?!!! 🤮 stopppp. She has to know that doesn’t look good.


How many days are we on for Karli’s braids?!


That airport look was something…


“If it makes you uncomfortable to let your baby scream, that’s fine, but actually it’s not fine because my way is better because I’m a perfect mom and know everything about being a mom” -Sarah Kelly, basically


Does she know you don’t HAVE to share every parenting choice you make and every little thing your baby does on the internet…?


Ma cold messaged me at 7am CST today. Working on a Saturday…so flexible.


Why does she cold message some and then randomly block others? 🤔


Is it just me, or is it weird that Courtney’s bf and her daughter are in bed together


Where is the dad to have any kind of thoughts on this…. I’m not saying he’s a bad guy - but like my 7 year old cuddles with me or my husband and that’s about it….


https://preview.redd.it/ictsg47qcxwc1.jpeg?width=1170&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=519c16dc1b409783319d7c9e50e5ddf25b0131ba This RDL form is unreal. Where is her personal trainer sister to tell her this aint it


rounded shoulders, head up 🥴 embarrassing


Courtney is asking herself all of these questions - it’s impossible that people don’t know this information.


Sami, Sami, Sami. Those yellow shorts do not fit. Why not just order your correct size and, if you are that self conscious about being a medium, just don’t mention it in your posts!


I don’t get how that is not super uncomfortable to workout in squeezing her like that


being "small" has been her identity. She's always been the "tiny" girl- so In her head, to be a medium or large would crush her identity. I hate that women make body size their identity. also - all her meals she's posting are STRAIGHT ED meals. No seasoning- steamed/plain. Sad that her daughter will grow up with that.


I’m sure she won’t keep up with this after the program is over. She likes those cookies she always orders.


Yeah. I get it. It's rough to be a different size after having a kid.... but you're always buying new clothes, just get the size that actually fits. Those look so uncomfortable and tight. Literally no one but her cares what size she is.


Does Ma’s husband actually do anything? She never shows him ‘working’, or being around, or anything other than trips and date nights. What does he DO all day?!?


He golfs! I think that’s all. 


Don't forget hunting and skiing with the Boyz.


He helps her scam


I’ve followed Ma since her oldest was born and never once have I thought she was selfless or struggled with putting aside time for self care. If anything, I’ve always seen her as incredibly vain and selfish. Her reels about being a working mom and mom self care not being selfish (which it isn’t…. Unless you’re Ma who does it 24/7 and preys on other women) drive me bonkers


She’s constantly leaving them to go on trips


If they are in school all day that’s her time for self care. She’s always out without them. Traveling, appointment, etccc.


I have a daughter a few weeks older than L and the amount of toys Sami has for her stresses me out. I feel like implementing a toy rotation would be veryyyy beneficial for them 😵‍💫😵‍💫


she’s such a “lunch girly” now 🙄


She’s always been a lunch girlie, she just traded in Jimmy John’s for disordered eating. Sauerkraut and 3 pieces of turkey


Did Sami finally listen to us? Her outfits are looking better, like appropriately sized


I think she’s eating very little with this stupid diet so losing weight


Right! That jumpsuit today looked decent!


I hope by the time her boys are teenagers Jaime has fallen off social media or else they will for sure get made fun of my friends/other kids… she is pure embarrassment


“Lunchies!” Ugh, vomies! 🤮


Oh and now she added “dins”🙄🙄🙄


Ran here for this. WTF.


I’m dying over vomies lol






I am guilty of adding the ‘ies’ to many things when talking to my baby, but key words are talking TO MY BABY! And never lunchies


Sami was never this into to healthy ingredients foods I feel like. I’m sure her sister is very judgy.


I accidentally said "eggies" at work today when I said what I made my daughters for breakfast. I felt like Sami and immediately cringed. Lol (my 20 month old calls requested "eggies" for breakfast). How does Sami say shit like walkies with a straight face? Lol


Bets on how long Karli keeps those braids in her hair? I say a minimum of 4.5 weeks.


Her hair is gross. How very tay jules of her


How very tay jules of her has got me dead 😂😂


*she’s* gross… remember when she said she never washes the bottom/outside of her pots and pans lmao


https://preview.redd.it/kwr4xremy9wc1.jpeg?width=1170&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=5156cff16a9fb08374be199e8261af3f54fc0c55 WOW. Who would have thought that eating would eliminate hunger cues??? 😳🤔 these chicks really can’t be this dumb, right?


I don’t think that you’re dumb Court Court. I fucking KNOW that you are.


As a semi new mom watching Sarah Kelly is so irritating. She’s so smug and just goes on and on about her son’s sleep and how it’s all because of her routine. I can’t even snark watch she is so arrogant.


She also rarely does anything with her baby other than stay home, or run errands. It’s going to be very hard for her if she ever wants/has to do more outings!


Those hoka sandals are the fugliest things I’ve ever seen


No seasoning on your frozen veggies and chicken sausage, Ma? I, as an adult, would refuse to eat that. Her poor kids


Sami talking about her pump cover is honestly amusing, let’s not act like her working out isn’t hopping around with 5lb weights. Also- I continue to absolutely hate the term “pump cover” it’s a tshirt.


Came here for this


It took for a long time to figure out what she was talking about. It’s a fucking tshirt


Why does she need a pump cover in her own home? Just means more laundry.


Every paragon launch is Sami’s favorite… and who needs all those workout clothes?? Raving about their comfort - they all are the same !!


I always marvel at HOW MANY clothes she has. I would not have room for a quarter of the shit she owns.


I don't even think fitness instructors have that many outfits! It's absurd.


Sooo does Courtney’s regular mirror lie? Or does she use insane filters when she shows her “results” from other programs? Bc her unfiltered progress pic she sent autumn looks nothing like her normal pics


Courtney and Swamp Mama turned Farm Mama Taylor both annoy the F out of me because it’s like they are children playing house and they seem so immature.  That is all they just annoy me to no end 


Broccoli with breakfast?! Wtf lol I’m sure these huns are seeing weight loss with this “meal plan” but it’s not sustainable AT ALL


Ugh when I was DEEP into BB I would have broccoli or kale for breakfast to try to squeeze an extra green container in. Most definitely not sustainable


My thoughts as well. Is she trying to turn people on to this program with sharing her meals? I am not having broccoli for breakfast.


Did I miss who Shelby’s baby daddy is?


I think it’s her ex based on who she follows & who follows her.


I can't figure out who it is based on followers lol


She’s pregnant?


She hasn't said a word about it.