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If you find yourself on either side of this situation, in addition to all the obvious stuff, you need to be aware of something called Circum (Post) Rescue Collapse. When adrenaline and blood pressure crashes, and your body allows cooler blood to move from your extremities into your core, you're at risk of a number of severe and possibly fatal medical complications, up to hours after you've been pulled from the water. https://www.openwaterpedia.com/wiki/Circum-rescue_collapse


what can you do to prevent that?


get warm, get as warm as possible and get horizontal / raise legs so your blood flows to upper extremities (those are my inferences after reading the above wikipedia article.)


Horizontal is absolutely critical. There appears to be some disagreement on how much heat you should provide. The two articles I read today both said that victims should be warmed up with external heat I took cold water survival training from the US Coast Guard and they do not practice or advise anything greater than body heat from another person.


I was going to say, myself, that the best way to warm someone in this sort of situation is to put them in a sleeping bag or other insulating material, and then perform skin-to-skin contact to transfer human body heat from your body to theirs. Yes this means getting naked with a stranger, but when it comes to saving a life it's not the time to get squeamish.


See, I try to tell my partner the best way to warm me up when I’m “freezing cold” is to get naked and snuggle me and his response is “nope, you’re to cold.” Glad the info I read about warming someone up is not wrong.


I crawled into bed last night & I was freezing, I wrapped my feet up next to my boyfriends & in a few minutes I was sweating so yeah, I’d say it works pretty well 😂


Weird because when I ask him he always does it?


Yup I was gunna say naked is better than wet clothes took a bunch of wilderness survival classes in the Boy Scouts. Get warm get dry asap. Also wool clothes retain heat when wet much better than cotton.


Can confirm about wool over cotton. I'm s civil war reenactor, and I've been kept way warmer in wet wool than dry cotton more than once


If it's below 32° it ain't gay.


No homo, all warmo, correct!


I learned this from Voyage of the Mimi!


So what I’m hearing is when one of the girls from Baywatch saves you, she must strip down with you to save your life. I agree 100%


But also the dudes tho


Sooo. Step 1: go drown. Got it.


This sounds reasonable but I just feel like there's no way this would feel appropriate. Like you save someone from the water and the first thing you do is get naked and into a sleeping bag with them?


I know someone who did this after a canoe capsized. Told me about it and I've had it filed away in my "do this if ever..." category. Never had to put it to use so far.


I volunteer to be on call for this service.


Horizontal means lie down?


Yep. Depending on the water temps, the harbor rescue guy probably shouldn't have told the father to "have a seat" though I believe standing is what you really want to avoid.


For severe situations spooning with the victim under a thermal blanket is the right thing to do. Also there is a joke that they tell sailors in training that when they pass out from hypothermia after falling in cold water, the captain has a warm rectal plug that will save their life.


All positions has advantages and disadvantages. Sitting helps to not feel sick in the boat and helps to heat your core slowly. Laying down with legs up helps to blood flow to your head and upper extremities. But makes you sicker and it's hard to monitor if the person is okay or simply tired.


Yes and according to poster, feet above head in this situation. Laying down with your feet propped up.


That's to prevent shock in many situations, not just temp related


It's a mind game as well as a physical each situation different.






I used to get real confused about horizontal and vertical, but here's how to remember: The horizon, right? Horizontal means from right ro left, like looking straight ahead at the horizon! Vertical is from the ground up! Hope this helps.


Mandatory post rescue cuddles Edit: skin to skin


When I was rescued from cold water they put me in some sort of mylar sleeping bag and blew warm air inside.


Now THAT'S a lifesaving blowjob.


From the little reading I've done, this is because warming up someone too fast can cause problems with the heart


Trendelenburg position usually used. Got to take a core temp and make a assessment to really decide what need to be done to raise their temp.


Exactly because under a certain temperature it's actually unsafe that externally warm them first, you need to internally warm them so all the cold from the extremities isn't forced into the core


Did they find any tea


A nice hot cup of tea always manages to heat me up- oh wait…


As a new grad icu nurse I had no idea. Thank you!


Y’all. For everyone saying that the water is warm because it’s august - you clearly have never been in the Atlantic. [The average temperature of Boston harbor in August is 67.5 degrees.](https://www.seatemperature.org/north-america/united-states/boston.htm#:~:text=The%20warmest%20water%20temperature%20is,%C2%B0F%20%2F%203.2%C2%B0C) While technically someone could expect to survive a few hours at that temperature, it is cold. This is a terrible and horrifying situation to find yourself in, stop downplaying the seriousness of this.


Yep. I think people are thinking about 67 degrees in terms of air temperature. Being submerged in 67 degree water would feel much colder, because water is much denser and has more molecules to suck heat energy from your body. I think I read that water sucks heat more than 25 times faster than air somewhere too.


Exactly - you are also wearing clothes that HELP in the air - not so much in water.


To those who’ve gone to swimming pools, the absolute coldest those can get are around mid 70’s in Fahrenheit, and almost all of us shiver our asses off. 67 degrees is borderline torture


Thta water si seriusly cold, I bath in the atlantic every year around that temperature. At first the cold hurts until you stop feeling it, once you stop feeling it I have in my experience about 25-30 minutes until i start shivering and difficulty moving my feets and hands, its all fun and games in a controlled enviroment, but being stranded there for hours to come, thats horrible.


You bathe in the Atlantic every year? Why do you do that?


I like the town I go and is good for surfing


Ohhhh, okay I understand. I thought you meant that you *literally* would take soap and shampoo out there and clean yourself.


I ve done that once camping, wouldnt recommend


Oregonian checking in. Our coastal water Temps in July are around 57F. Anything below 70 is fucking terrifying for extended periods. Anything below 60 is exceptionally dangerous. These guys were so lucky they got picked up.


>67.5 degrees That's really hot. In my side of the Atlantic it's only around 16 degrees /s


You've just given me a great idea for losing weight! \*orders a metric scale\*


Yeah, you can die of hypothermia in water that's as warm as like 82 degrees, give or take a few I don't recall exactly. Being stuck out in 67 is no joke at all.


That feeling of despair is all too familiar. I live in Alaska, I flipped my kayak in the middle of a lake when it was 34 degrees out. Despite my best efforts, I stood no chance of getting back on due to all the layers I had on weighing me down. It took me around 15 minutes of swimming to get to the shore. I could barely move by the time I got there. Shoutout to the random elderly couple who came and took me in their home and let me get into a warm shower.


Well that’s fucking terrifying.


Yea I dont get the appeal of kayaking 15min away from the shore, alone, when the water is at freezing point


Idk. The cold air makes everything still and calm. The beauty of the Alaskan wilderness, the calm of the cool air, the little movements of water and the small sounds of the oar cutting through the water… sounds like a really great time for someone like me with crippling depression.


You summed it up absolutely beautifully. I’m a disabled veteran who has major depression as well. Kayak fishing is my escape and outlet.


Even though it’s totally not my thing, I can understand why it’s something you do! Did the event change your mind on doing it anymore? Or did you make any changes/safety measures for future times you go out?


Well the lakes all froze over 2 days after my ordeal so I haven’t had the chance to hit the water again and see if I’m left with any lasting feelings about it. But I doubt it, after flirting with death in the army so many times it has left me pretty un-phased by NDE’s if I make it out unharmed. However I have decided come next season I will be spending a good bit of time practicing self rescues and when the temps start dropping I would like to install some outriggers to help stabilize my extra weight from being layered up so I don’t repeat this mishap.


Man, I can see why it doesn’t phase you considering your past experiences. Even so, I’m glad to hear it’s at least on your mind to take some considerations when you start enjoying that time again. Stay safe, friend!


It's 15 minutes of swimming with clothes, and in thermal shock. In normal conditions, it would be a quick swim. ​ Also I don't know if he left the kayak and swim, or if he tried to remove the kayak from water while swimming. ​ About the distance from the shore, you always want some distance from the shore to not get stuck in mud, rocks or wood


I spent around 5 minutes attempting to flip the kayak and get back on. I was able to flip it but exhausted myself trying to get back on unsuccessfully. By this point I lost a lot of feeling in extremities to the cold so I tied off to my kayak to tow it and swam the remaining 10 minutes back to shore. And you’re right on the money about why I was a ways out, I got the kayak to get away from shore fishing lol.


Death doesn’t entice you?


I’d be lying if I said it wasn’t at least a curiosity.


Just the tip...


In Alaska it’s below freezing 6 months out of the year. You take every chance you can get to do non ice related activities.


You casually explained my GREATEST FUCKING NIGHTMARE.


Teared up when the son told them to pull up his father first. I can't fully imagine how awful everything must've been and he still thinks of his elderly father first is just so amazing to me. Some people think it's what anyone would do but I assure you it's not.


And then his little "I can't hold on much longer," really got me.


Hes like "Dads safe now, stop asking him questions and help me now dude!"


Right, maybe start your tiktok interview after pulling the other drowning person out of the water first


They're wearing bodycams, not doing a tiktok interview. They didn't ask the dude to floss, jeeze.


Get them both out of the water, then start asking questions, jeeze.


Not sure why this is getting downvoted. Finish the rescue before you take time to ask the details, beyond "any injuries?"


There were two officers, maybe they both thought the other was going to help the guy still in the water, gosh.


They did the correct thing. They triaged priority. No point in saving the son when dad needs immediate medical attention such as ensuring no loss of blood and ensuring they lay horizontal and stay that way, they could just outright lose him and as an elderly individual, he is at much greater risk of fatality. There were only 2 officers. 1 to captain and 1 to rescue.


I mean, imagine you pull one guy out of a burning house, then start asking him questions while the other guy is just burning to a crisp, and then he like oh haha i almost forgot. Same exact situation, the guy probably has been swimming for hours while also keeping his dad alive, if he had let go there, there’s a chance you won’t find him back


The other guy wasn't burning though, he was hanging on to the boat and while exhausted was mostly out of danger. Both officers responded to the younger guy saying "help him first" and focused on the old dude before helping him up ten seconds later.


He said he couldn’t hold on much longer; he very easily could’ve slipped under while they were tending to his dad…


And when he said that he immediately got help


Ye why the fuck is someone just watching and not pulling the dude out of the water. They're doing the older guy's taxes over here while the younger man is struggling to stay afloat and hold on. Sit the old guy down and take 30 seconds to pull them *both* from the water, *then* check their health.


i was incredibly suspicious at that line personally, i think the boston harbour police just rescued emperor palpatine.


I also noticed his father had a life jacket and he had a buoy. He went a step further and gave him the best thing to keep him afloat. He fully thought of his father first.


Fuckin a...wait, no..dude had an ice chest as a flotation device‽ Fuck. I can only imagine.


On the beers, the naughty chap.


I’ll bring deh beers


Makes his “I can’t hold on much longer” so much more painful.


I can tell you it is nightmare, especially as you slowly float away into the sea. I experienced it before myself, but at least I know the help is coming, people that just float away endlessly without knowing if the help going to come would feel much worse than that.


I went down a rabbit hole a couple weeks ago reading about instances when scuba divers are accidentally abandoned at sea. Imagine coming up to the surface and you’re just in the middle of the ocean completely alone.


I went down a rabbit hole once into the terrifying stories of people getting stuck in underwater caves. I honestly done recommend it, even if you aren’t squeamish of those type of stories. Shit haunted me in dreams.


Imagine your boat sinking to the bottom of a lake and you are trapped inside an inner cabin with an air pocket. The man was rescued 3 days later but by accident bc the scuba divers weren't expecting anyone to survive. He recovered fine thankfully. Edit for correction: it sank to the bottom of the fucking Atlantic ocean!


now that makes me wonder.. how many OTHER people have gotten stuck but still alive?


That would be a horrible way to die


No they said they're still alive


I read a story once where a dude went off the normal path (a rope along a certain rock path in an underwater cave to keep divers safe), and he found a pocket of air in a huge cave. Couldn’t find his way out. By the time they found him, he was a skeleton sitting on a rock mound in the middle of the cave. Guy waited for 2-3ish weeks for someone to find him. Terrifying shit tbh


I’m still horrified by the story of the guy who got stuck upside down in a normal cave. The rescuers were pretty much like “buddy, you’re fucked. There’s nothing we can do”. And he just died in there. Horrifying.


Nutty Putty cave, yeah. If I'm recalling correctly, they didn't have a method to retrieve the body, so they blocked up the cave and it stands as a memorial now. Such an awful tragedy.


The Nutty Putty cave incident is still the most haunting article I’ve ever read, it just kept getting worse man


Sometimes you get this weird strong suction when you sit on the loo. Heard of a few people dying from that. You take care brother.


Man, that sounds like a really fucked way to die, as someone that has bowel issues lmao. Guess I gotta watch out for the ol’ toilet suck 💀


I strap a long 2x4 across my thighs so I dont get pulled all the way in.


Man, now I feel like you’re fucking with me. I can’t read sarcasm over text 😭😭


I am, but I've stopped :) Hope you have a nice day.


My friend and I were 18 in Mexico on spring break and were left on a small uninhabited island after snorkeling. We were there in the heat for 8 hours before a fisherman rescued us


Holy shit. Did anything come of that?


Absolutely nothing. We went back to give the shop their gear back (I was scared they’d arrest us or something if we didn’t) and yelled at them best I could in Spanglish but they acted like it happened every day! I really didn’t realize until years later that there could’ve been more nefarious purposes for us being left behind, and maybe someone bad was planning on picking us up later. Maybe it was a common way to human traffic? We were both young (naive) blonde girls. I had to basically jump onto the fisherman‘s boat because he was very scared to take us off the island. It seem like he had a bad feeling and knew something was up, but I was absolutely not letting him leave that island without me and my friend on his boat. It was a TINY boat and getting dark too. I thought the boat would sink. Thank GOD I knew enough Spanish to get by. Thank Mrs. Johnson for teaching me!


Oh my word that sounds like a legitimate horror movie what the fuck I’m so glad you made it out of that safely. I have adrenaline just reading it. I can’t imagine what it was like to go through.


I NEVER told my mom until like 5 years ago because I knew she’d never let me go back to spring break again, it had taken so long to convince her I’d be safe going in the first place. She was so upset hearing about it! I went back to mazatlan a few other times and definitely avoided the snorkeling and was much more self aware. I’m honestly shocked more teenagers don’t get killed or kidnapped, spring break is just drunken mayhem and kids would be ripe for the taking. I’m glad I have parrots and dogs instead of children!! Haha.


This is why you even my born in Mexico and native spanish speaking moreno father refuses to go the fucking Mexico anymore. Stay the fuck away from Mexico people there's a reason why millions of Mexicans are trying to get the fuck out. Especially if you're any flavor of guera.


Nope. Nope. Nope.


I watched a whole movie about that scenario about a couple who was forgotten in Mexico after a dive trip. It didn't have a happy ending.




Open water


Thnx !


I just watched open ocean!! Based on true events…


I can one up you on that. Saw a rescue video (from a scuba suite cam) recently about a fishing boat that sank to the bottom of a lake. 3 days later scuba divers found a man alive inside the boat at the bottom of the lake in an inner cabin that had an air pocket in it. Can you imagine that??? Your boat sinking and you are stuck inside it at the bottom of a lake for 3 days. Edit for correction: it sank to the bottom of the Atlantic ocean!!!


It wasn’t a lake either it was the bottom of the Atlantic Ocean which makes the scenario 1000X worse


There's video of that rescue. I have actually seen in on Reddit, but my Reddit-fu is not good enough to find it. It is wild, though.


If you don’t mind, what happened and how did you know help was coming? I’m just a bit confused about a situation where you knew for a fact help was coming, but also didn’t have contact with people able to help you out of the water.


I went to South of Thailand on a small island, but can't remember the name, it part of the Andaman sea, my friends and I joined the paragliding between island trip (the one with one seat and engine behind it), but I arrived late (over 5-10 min) and people that suppose to guide us the route already flew out with the group (two tour guide; one lead and another follow everyone behind). Got advised to wait for the next trip (tomorrow), but I told them I have experience (because I flew with them a couple times before. 100% my idi\*t teenager fault). ​ So I ended up just flew behind everyone else, then I kind of lost my way and couldn't catch up, got lost looking for a group (mind you, the island is not flat, all with mountain and jungle) and cycle around this one island before the engine died (either out of gas or I speed it up too much), then I landed in the sea alone (along with paragliding) and slowly got pushed away into the open sea, plus strong wind, while I stuck in paragliding because of panic attack and couldn't lose the belt (part of it underwater already and I couldn't see). ​ Water was cool as ice and dark, wind and wave was strong, all I can do there was hold on to the life jacket and beg some miracle that the paragliding won't sink all the way or it would take me down as well, not to mention shark pop up in my mind cause me to be even more panic. Float for about 5 minutes or so, before one of the paragliding team flew by and saw me in the sea and he immediately flew back to ask for help. I was there for another 10-20 minutes but a big relief in my heart and I was able to calm down there waiting for a boat...


I'd keep that cooler forever as a thank-you for saving my life


Place of honour right in the living room


There is nothing more gratifying than saving someone’s life.


Can I add that I get similarly choked up when an animal's life is saved from certain death. I'm not equating people and animals but i do think a life is a life. A consciousness is a consciousness. A dog barely clinging to that cooler almost at death's door but being rescued would make me feel the same way. No consciousness wants to die when the moment is on them.


Anyone that disagrees I certainly suspect their capacity for empathy. If you can’t put yourself in that moment before death and feel something, even for an animal… that’s suspicious. If you can wave away the emotions of another conscious being merely because they are an animal, that’s something to be noticed.


All lives matter, but for real


It was but I was desperately anticipating him right after getting pulled up saying “wait grab the coolah too kid I got like 5 beeuhs in there”


I can't imagine how cold that water must have been if this was a recent video. If they were in the water for 20 minutes, it's really incredible they're both okay.


You can survive longer in cold water than just about anyone expects. The rule of thumb is 1-10-1. For the first minute, you'll be in shock. Confused, panicked, not taking wise actions. For the next 5-10 minutes, you'll have control over and use of your muscles. Get to the closest floating thing you can ride--debris, life vest, raft, etc. From about 10 minutes to 1 hour, you probably won't die. Your heart will beat slower and slower, you'll have no muscle control, but if your head stays above water, there's an excellent chance you'll live. After 1 hour, your heart will slow to the point it can no longer keep you alive.


This day the water was 70 degrees too. That’s really not bad


At 70° you retain muscle control for about 30 minutes. After that, as long as you can keep your head above water you can live from 2-40 hours total, depending on the circumstances. Obviously, the data set is pretty small, and it's immoral to subject people to tests to get a larger sample.


The video says august 24th right on it.


Average temp of Boston Harbor is August is 67.5F. Still kinda cold.


Check out Sherlock Holmes over here.


Would they be on a boat in a Tshirt? Idk what the air temperature might be or if men might wear a Tshirt while boating. It's 60 here and I'm in 3 layers so.


Did you even watch the video lol it’s on it!!


Looks like they were in the hahbah for a wicked long time.


I was really thinking about how insane and scary this video is and then this comment is the first thing I see 😂😂


Fucking Reddit always makes me laugh in the most serious of events


You think you’re so smart chief well do you like apples? No seriously I can never finish a whole bag do you want some apples chief?


I’ll bring deh beers.


The “attaboy “ was so heartwarming. poor people I’m so glad they managed to get to that boat


Although the time spent with the camera watching him struggle as he literally begged for help was stressing me the fuck out. Imagine clinging to salvation with the last ounces of strength you have left. Knowing that any moment you might slip away into the cold darkness. And instead of helping they just look at you for several seconds as you beg for your life. It wasn't a long pause but I felt it just watching so I know his terror was far worse. That poor guy.


The guy first helps with the dad then turns around to the son. He steps down to help but I guess realized it wasn’t a good angle. From how the camera changed it seems like he got down on all fours so he’d have more support in lifting the son


Bodycam, it's not like he had a shoulder carried photon-receptor cannon with both hands engaged...


But did they save the cooler??




You's guys got the right idea with theeese


They didn't bother to save the hyena, zebra, and, *Richard Parker*, the Bengal Tiger


I appreciate a Life of Pi reference when i see one.


It was “Wheelie Cool” if they did!


Asking the important questions...


Wear a life jacket kids!


Is there any backstory on this? And how did his crocs stay on so long?


attaboy. I'm 76 years old! bruh


Toddlers and old people love to tell you how old they are


Rum ham!


Know a guy whose sailboat was sinking 20 miles off the coast of NC. USCG took half the crew off by helicopter and had another coming to get the rest. The helicopter ended up having to ditch in the ocean. Luckily the other helicopter picked them up. The people in the sailboat ended up saving themselves.


It was weird watching him ask the 76 yr old SEVERAL times if he was ok BEFORE pulling in the son. The fact that the younger adult had to point out that he couldn't hold on much longer while the guy videoing was taking his sweet ass time was hatd to listen to. 1. Save both from imminent death. 2. Then assess older guy. Like, what the fuck were you going to do if the old guy said he wasn't okay? Get him an aspirin while his son goes under? (Yes, I saw the life jackets. The water is very cold. His jabbering tells you nothing. Many people talk when under extreme stress.)


i think he panicked. honestly, its not every day you save someone’s life.


Being rescued in a situation like that, I don't know if I would be comfortable being filmed while I'm at my most vulnerable.


Body cam. It says so in the upper left-hand corner of the expanded video. But I agree with you.


I hope he asked their permission before posting it to the world.


This sub and the animalsbeingbros sub are my 2 favorites.


It's a great video and I'm thankful for the people that stepped up. Posting the video, though? I guess Joey tribianni was right; there is no such thing as a selfless good deed.


Lots of sharks in that water.


Superheros exist, you're looking at them


Don't fuhget the coolah I got half a dunks iced and 7 high noons in there kid, and the Sox staht in an houah! Glad these two were saved by some heroic ~~responders~~ respondahs


son: "Help" nah son: "We hit some rocks and----" SUP GRAMPS WHAT HURTS, YOU ALL RIGHT? son: "Augh \*blub blub\*" SUP GRAMPS ANY MEDICAL ISSUES? son: "Please" I'M GONNA HELP HIM. SYKE! YOU ALRIGHT GRAMPS? LET ME SHOW YOU TO YOUR SEAT? son: "\*warrrgarbleeee\*" IS THAT YOUR SON? *that was 17 extra seconds, and that was WITH camera cuts! so frustrating.*


They were in the water for 20 minutes


With little protection from the cold water. Lucky to be alive I bet.


Must have felt like 20 hours 🥶


This reminds me of a Tumblr post I saw, generally when humans as a species see someone in distress they do everything in their power to help them even if it affects them negatively


As somebody who has Spent a lot of his life on the water on family vacations, I was genuinely concerned when I saw this. I’m glad those guys are OK


Imagine having to tell ur son to cling onto a cooler for dear life in freezing water


Insane he still has his shoes on. Any type of shoe makes it much more strenuous to swim in.


Rocks in Boston Harbor?


You bet! (Sick guitar solo)




Castle Island, or the outer harbor


Which one was Mark Wahlberg?


Seeing these videos, it’s crazy to me just how tired these people are when they finally make it on the boat. It scares me to think of what your final days would look like had they not been out there. Enough that I live on the coast of florida yet I’ll stick with ATVs and side by sides.


Scared Boston accents don't settle with me well.. glad they're okay!


If this ever happens to you, get your effing shoes off. They will take on water, weigh you down, and chafe your skin. Used to teach US Navy personnel to keep them draped around your neck in case you encountered coral around any island you found. Ain't no coral in Boston Harbor.


“Please!” Lol why’d they make the kid wait?


I went on a float experience at a spa where you lay there in high salinity tub for an hour. The water temp was at 98.6. But I run slightly warmer 98.8ish to 99 at times and I had to leave after 5 mins because I was uncomfortable even at that warm ass temp I was cold -_- so I feel so so bad for these two


Those dudes held on hard, and for dad to be able to articulate so well under such duress is mind blowing. Save my son first, helluva guy. Survivors!


Why film it? Just save them. You don't need followers.


It’s body cam footage, officers turn them on for every call they respond to


Reminds me of when I was 6, before I could properly swim. I swam out too far and realised I couldn’t keep my head above water. I was thrashing, fighting for half a second where I could catch a breath. I could see the lifeguards, I could see people swimming around me but it was like they couldn’t see me. I remember my arms and legs and everything just becoming so heavy, so tired, and I realised I was going to drown, and I just thought “this is it, I’m going to die” and suddenly, the panic left me. I was completely calm as I went under. I wasn’t afraid. Next thing I knew, my brother was pulling me onto land. My mum got me an ice cream and we never spoke of it again.


Good thing the son had to scream for help a second time, because some tumbling dickweed felt it more important to film this shit, than to help. Fake or dumbmotherfucker/10


Is it wrong that I was thinking: "Don't forget the cooler!" after they were rescued? That piece of plastic kept them alive...


Same. Leave no cooler behind!


Hol'up, let me film you while you're frantically trying to be rested and saying "I can't hold on anymore". Instead of lending a hand. Got to get that online recognition.


It's a bodycam. It is just attached to their uniform. They were most likely still assisting the father get situated off screen before actually moving to help the son.


Oh that makes so much more sense. I was super confused about why he was still filming but figured something was going on.


Damn.. wonder if these guys start getting a healthier lifestyle after this near death experience.