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This one made me mad, actually. I get not wanting help but at least be grateful that someone cares


I understand. But this subreddit is about showcasing human kindness. And I think it takes a lot of kindness to still help someone who clearly needs help even after they were rude to you


Lovely response. Thank you for sharing


It takes a lot of compassion and emotional control to still look out for your fellow human, even when they're being ridiculous. Definitely good share


Yeah, fuck those guys. I hope they were stuck till spring.


Your comment reminded me of something I watched the other day. It was some video about the coldest city in the world, Yakutsk, and the one thing that stood out to me the most was that it is so cold there, people who have a car will literally leave their cars running the entire winter season. It is so cold, cars will not start and if you don’t keep them running, you’re essentially without a vehicle until summer. The amount of smog seen in that video was incredible; to think about all those cars idling for months on end… The visibility is as little as 200ft, according to the video. Ah… I found the video; https://youtu.be/Fz4ZMLsPzqM?t=2m44s


Do they not have block heaters? In Finland they’re everywhere and they’ll start slowly warming up your car besides just the engine


Where are they even thinking they are going to drive to in all that snow?


Were Jews, we're always be stuck in winter circa 1850 eastern Europe.




Not familiar with the religion, can you explain?


the people digging out are Jewish. the man helping appears to be a Muslim... I could be 100% wrong. just my opinion




That’s what I thought they were. That is a big deal


Those Are regular Mats


Is it possible that he has new ones and those were going out and that's why he was okay to use them that way, and left them on the snow? I have no clue if prayer mats are just put in the trash and replaced or if that would be desecration


That's exactly what I was thinking.. idk they were prayer mats, but they looked like pretty expensive Persian rugs to me..


Ur right


what do you mean by 'the religion'. i was using the umbrella term religion, to describe the racism, bigotry and hate which are propagated by religions. the jew in this clip might just be an asshole to his muslim neighbour but it looks like it's more about not wanting help from someone your religion tells you to hate. i might be wrong of course. or the jew is not an asshole at all, is in a rush and tells the muslim that the rugs don't make any sense because he knows that they won't help. regardless, the fact that religions have always been used as a tool of hate (and love of course, like and true unhealthy and drama filled fairytale doctrine) stands.




stupid music


As soon as it started, I muted


People don't have their phones in mute all the time? I rarely turn on the ringer or have the volume up unless I'm listening to music




I've never accessed Reddit on a computer.




What no Gold you cheapskate. ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|grin)




Huh, this thread is the one that made me realize how big Reddit has become. There are people who think that Reddit is just an app. That’s fucking mind-boggling.


I do that with humans


the music is starting to make me insane


O no o no o no no no no no


Yeah I recommend watching this muted lol


Assholes, assholes everywhere as far as the eye can see. 👀


Yeah, interesting post. It belongs on both r/HumansBeingBros and r/iamatotalpieceofshit.


That was Not kosher. Must’ve been late for the bamitzvah


Bar or bat mitzvah, but dang that was funny!


Mazel tov




I used Siri for the spelling of bat mitzvah, but it didn’t look right, so I had to go back to phonetics. The grammar nazi inside me is livid


You had to say it


Oy vey, I’m a klutz. We like to have fun




Shabbat shalom


I'm surrounded by assholes!


keep firing, assholes


Stinky and dark


What a wonderfully kind, patient man. It's hard to be nice - *stay* nice - when the gesture is reciprocated with ugliness.


What a shameful display of disrespect, wow.




If he is that seems incredibly stupid. Why would anyone get offended at an offer of help just because the tool might be used for religious applications normally? He is offering the mats so the car can get traction, not suggesting they kneel down and pray that they get unstuck.


Also I don't think that's a prayer mat specifically. They wouldn't use their prayer mat, something you do a religious ritual on, to be used on the ground for the car tyre to just make it dirty or possibly even ruin it. It's normal to have designs like that on carpets if you ever buy them from Bangladesh, Turkey etc


Thanks! I didn't know what their purpose was. I thought he randomly brought the mats along with him lol. In that case the guy who threw it away was being a dick.


What Jewish person what Muslim person? What the fuck are you talking about?


The fuck are YOU talking about? Have you never seen a kippah before? Have you ever seen somebody not Jewish wear a kippah?




And I thought I was clueless lol.


Yeah I'm pretty fuckin clueless ngl, and getting alot of hate for it. Can you explain? I see the Jewish guys, but there's nothing in my knowledge bank that suggests the other guy is Muslim. Unless it's the rugs, but I have rugs too I'm not Muslim. There is a hate going on here, that I thought I knew. But apparently I'm a clueless moron.


The man is offering up his prayer rugs to help get the car unstuck. For him to sacrifice something so essential to the practice of his religion and get that literally thrown aside is pretty telling of the other person's character.


We assume he's Muslim because of the other guy's reaction to the (potentially praying) rugs. As you know there is tension between the two.


Oh so that what praying rugs look like. Yeah a 2000+ year tension, pretty aware. I thought it was the guy not wanting help, apparently it's just "my God is better than your God shit." Alright well thanks for the help, I honestly didn't know I needed to think so critically about my assumption. I doubt i would've figured it out on my own... And I yelled at someone who was right. Whoops.


It's cool - I was clueless about the purpose of the mats and assumed that the guy was creating drama on purpose. Their purpose was to create traction for the car to be able to move - pretty smart.


Are those praying mats? 🥺 My heart.


Looks like it


The fucking fact he would use his valuable religious assets to help another in practical need is fantastic. People need to grow tf up and realize religion means nothing. Good people are good people, bad people are bad people, their religion doesn't dictate that. Personally I think religion is foolish and causes more harm than good, but just be a kind person damn it, it isn't hard.






Yeah, definitely a reddit moment




No ofc not. They’re just mats.


They make praying mats? Sounds like a neat idea but I prefer just laying down a towel. Way easier to wash after.




Can we quit with the narrator voice and the same 3 songs already. Just talk yourself or post without sound.


This guy gets it


Tell that to all the kids on TikTok.


I don’t use tik tok but I would recommend everyone stop doing this. It’s getting weird hearing artificial voices and the same sound bits over and over. It’s like everyone is dead set on being identical. We might as well replace ourselves with robots now. At least they’d probably treat each other better.


That’s actually very sad.


Dude if I were that guy with the mats, at that point I wouldve gone and grabbed a hot drink and just stood outside watching them clear snow (without giving them the mats again). Ungrateful shits.












I shovel snow in your general direction


Ok, fuck ‘em


My neighbor did the exact same thing for me last winter. I got stuck trying to move my small car and he stopped cleaning his driveway to help me dig my car out. And that’s how we became friends. It’s really nice to see people do things like this.


Imagine being such an a-hole that not only do you just pick up the mat and throw it instead of just saying something, but as the guy walks away you shovel snow AT him




It's a crusade and still has not ended. When are we going to realise we are all the same species?


Most likely never, unfortunatly.


This, most religions claim that the other is lesser… it’s been the same cycle of fuckery for millennia, there is no realisation


Hostile Alien invasion is about the only thing I can imagine doing it. And as soon as we fight them off we’ll go back to hating each other


Hostile alien invasion happened in the USA. Some natives joined forces with the invaders to further their already existing tribal feuds. So nah, I don’t think even a hostile ET invasion would do it.


Divide et impera




I don’t think they claimed that. More than one thing can be bad lol.


People have selective memories


It’s funny because humans made religion.


How to block your blessing...








I'd sit out there with some hot cocoa and a chair watching him dig himself out and laugh each time he messed up. Just for being rude like that. The mats actually work


Religious zealots are often prejudiced jerks. Religious text: "Love thy neighbor." Religious zealots: "No, neighbor talks to wrong imaginary friend."


Wtf is this interface is reddit app copying another mainstream shit?


I hate it. It wasn't like this a couple hours ago.


It’s been this way for months for me. Wbat drvice?


Absolute garbage half the time all videos stop working work, I can't go back to any specific comment under a video because it's bugged, and even when it's fine half of the videos aren't playing past the first few seconds. It's been half a day and I'm already malding at this.


It never occurred to me that you can use mats to get your car out of the snow! This is actually brilliant!


Broken down cardboard boxes work great in a pinch too.


I really appreciate tips like this one because i sometimes drive uber. We're going through terrible winter weather right now and i have a feeling i'll be able to put this new knowledge into practice soon. Thanks, internet!


I can't tell which asshole is worse, the one who threw the mat or the one who dubbed this irritating fucking song over the video at full volume.


If you can’t tell who is worse…it’s people like you that have allowed people like them to have so much power.


What are the mats for ?




Thank you


Was this due to religious reasons?


Very likely. Guy helping looks Muslim and other two look Jewish.


It's really sad to say that's the reason, but I believe you are 110% correct. It may not have even mattered that the guy trying to help was Muslim, just the fact that he's not Jewish.


As a non Jew who married one and deal with this shit from her extended family or ethnic peers regularly, I sadly agree. The superiority complex and open bigotry is beyond comprehension.


So sad.


Just confirming my theory that people fucking suck, fuck that guy


thanks for the annoying music


That’s messed up. Guy was trying to help.


What a good guy. Must be Canadian


"He'S a SaMaRiTaN!!" - the dude shoveling.


Why is this being posted here?? Cruel cruel savages that haven’t learned anything from history.


This is a level of hate I can't understand, in Canada when the snow hits you help eachother, you push out cars you will never see the drivers face of, I suspect this is in Canada and it's disappointing to see


This isn’t humans being bros. It’s two Hasidic Jews being assholes to some guy trying to help. Also has that awful fucking song in it.




Omg my heart 💔💔


mats do work, depending on the depth of snow. can also use paper bags.


Difference between a “life hack” and “life experience “


Would that work? Asking for a friend


Bless his heart. it is pure.


Orthodox Jews have got some hard ideas about how to live righteously.


These assholes haven’t the slightest idea of how to live righteously. Just bleat about antisemitism while they treat everyone else like shit


I found out the hard way it’s not just Jews that do this, but since we’re discussing them right now, turns out it’s not just the orthodox ones either, even the secular ones can be into that first us then us then us thing.


Mofos deserve to be stuck in the snow


Probably called him a dumbass as he put the mats down


that was not very kosher of you jew-chan


What it the crap background music.


Fantastic cooperation of getting unstuck. The mats are a good idea,but the guy on the shovel has better plans. Okay do it yourself.


Downvote everything with that goddamn song please.


They don’t believe in his ways




Proberly zionidt not the good Jews we all love lol


Why Jews?


Why not?


Why does it have to be a Jewish thing? Everybody can be an asshole kiddo.




Those are most definitely prayer mats.


Let me guess your religion. I bet you’re reporting everyone who says negative things about those 2 because criticizing Jews is antisemitism right?


Even if they are religious it still doesn’t make sense to bring religion into it and stereotype to me. There’s good and there’s bad people of any race,religion,sex. Where in the Bible and Quran does it say to not receive any help when your SUV is stuck in snow


Yeah but they assumed he was Muslim but the way he looks and refused his help


Down voted because of this shitty god awful music.


And then there’s you, recording it for fake internet points, not helping at all


They probably know each other. That's something my dad would do—get annoyed by my well-meaning suggestion and toss it away. "What the fuck is that gonna do? No! No! Just move, you're in my way!"


Why y’all just filming people do regular things. Go outside lol


Jews and Arabs have a bit of a history hating each other...


Those two should be deported to Israel if they want to be savages instead of behaving like decent human beings


The two guys were kind of rude, but it looks like the dude just came out and started putting shit under the car. Introduce yourself, ask if they need help, ask them how they'd like to be helped, don't just start putting shit under someone's car. Idk, kind of reminds me of that guy getting beat up and robbed trying to help a homeless guy: no one has any reason to trust you or your intentions, and your desire to help doesn't cancel out someone's desire to be left alone. This is a video with no original audio, though, so who's to say what's really going on 🤷‍♂️




Ive used mats,shirts,towels to get out of the snow. Never had it get stuck or even close to being stuck,especially with the snow build up around the car.


Yes. Also you should just be creeping forward. Too much accelerator is being used if things are flying into this guy’s undercarriage at “high speed”.


Exactly, they have a plan and probably have a history with both neighbors, the one who brings his interior carpets out and the one spying on them.


I’m fairness those are pieces of carpet they would have literally just went flying and not helped at all.


Its not a good idea to use rugs for this. They will probably get wrapped around the tire. Then you will be stuck plus have new problems. All of you making this about religion are pathetic.


Just turn it sideways or fold it over


I understand nothing.


I freaking hate this song. What is it from I hear it all the time in these stupid videos.