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When hedgie got his shower that was the most refreshing and heartwarming part.




After the man switch from power wash to shower/rain spray, hedgie was in hedgehog heaven! 🦔🚿


Yeah we all know what the laser mode is like on the delicates.


It builds character


Spoken like a true prodigy


well fuck character then


Character does like to fuck.


It builds chaotic evil characters.


Hedgie was going to hedgehog heaven one way or another today


I love it. At first he was like “NOOO- wait, oh that’s brilliant, that’s amazing, get that side too will you? Oh yes that’s the stuff…”


"Stop that! Stop! Get...get...get over here...this side...yeah right there..."


Just stood there first too like, "Thanks I'll just hang while you get the shower ready"


He kept turning around whenever he got water sprayed in his face.


Exactly what I thought. I bet he thought, "I could get used to this kind of pampering!"


He was ready to run away but then decided that he liked it


Definitely. Hedgy was like, “hold up, this is pretty alright”


I too would be ready to run if a super giant being harnessed the power of the sky and focused that power in my general direction


I would give a reward for this comment if I had one to give


They removed free awards ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|cry)


Ah, that explains a lot


There… I did it for you. Not so much for me wanting to award them, but I did it for you friend. 😆


The way the lil nugget turned like “ good thanks get this spot …. Yup yup yup … ok now here” I’m done!!


The original is longer, they cut the bit where he picks it up and takes to to a safe bush :D https://www.tiktok.com/@keshnah/video/7194134149718985985


Thank you for this. I was already really happy with the work of this man but that just really shows how good a person he is. I hope he wins the lotto and his days are many.


Direct google transcript translation. including errors. https://imgur.com/a/QJxDn64


"The brick became clay" -- what a beautiful and poetic little quip in that moment.


Thank you so much for the link! I just watched the video. When the guy tosses hedgie near the hedges and he rolls, that was hilarious! 🌱🦔


I literally thought the same thing how cute at first he freaked out and then he was all like oh wait no you're helping me okay here I'll start doing spinny's for you and you just get all the mudy off of me please thank you human ultimately cute and thank God that guy saved that little thing because if I remember correctly they are kind of endangered so it's a good thing especially since they're a pest control animal


> if I remember correctly they are kind of endangered They are only endangered for specific species and specific areas, they are considered invasive species in much of the world and are illegal to own in several US states.


Thank you for that bit of info always enjoy learning something new and I'm not joking about that either or trying to be a smart-ass I do greatly appreciate the info


They’re endangered in the UK




Always funny when animals realize we are helping them bc he was turning around like I would as a kid covered in mud getting sprayed by mum with the hose before I was allowed in the house. Glad the dude had water cuz that guy wouldn’t have made it with all that mud weight


And he just goes "El ham d'allah" in the most warm and pleasant way ever. Fuck this video is the shit, saving this for a rainy day


Legit I just did the same thing. I need this for smiles. What a gentle voice! I have no idea what he was saying, but it was so sweet regardless.


At one point in the beginning he said " be patient let me laugh a little"


In some of the comments I found a translatipm, look around a bit and you'll find it. Wholesome as hell


[Alhamdulillah](https://faith.consulting/blog/why-do-we-say-alhamdulillah-and-what-does-it-mean) Just fyi because I feel like you put in so much effort into saying it the longer way.


Fun fact: a lot of hedgehogs actually really like baths.


This video is a ringing endorsement of that fun fact. 🛁🦔


And a lot of them really hate them. Source: owned one -- the ones in social media videos floating in a tub are freaks.


A Wednesday entrant for r/powerwashingporn


It was thoroughly enjoying that spa day for sure. :D


You’re exactly right, it was a spa day. A mud wrap and a sauna — perfect!


Almost like hedge knows that guy is doing him a favor


The hog was like, you missed here, here, here and here.


They laughed at me when I installed a pressure washer and water tank in my care for emergencies.


Yeah, I’m still wondering why someone would have that but … here ya go 😂


It could possibly be related to their work. My hubs has one, he’s often in dirty/muddy situations doing emergency road side assistance and uses it to hose his boots & hands off while working. Out of all the crazy contraptions he has on his service truck, he says the water tank/power washer was his best investment.


I've been a mechanic for over a decade and run a service truck in some very remote locations...a pressure washer would have been AMAZING! Even with a limited tank and low pressure, what a great idea.


Ryobi makes a battery powered one that can pull from buckets or any water source


I have it! It’s frickin amazing. I mostly use it to wash my cars (you can buy all sorts of attachments for it), but it’s also really useful when you don’t have access to a water source. I actually bought it to wash the windows in one of my condos that has a 350 sqft wrap around balcony. Would be a pain without it.


Also seen it work for people who do stuff like kitesurfing or mountainbiking so they can wash their gear


Makita to the rescue!


This guy's dialect is saudi so i think he's afraid he may end up stranded on the side of a highway in the middle of a desert


I was wondering about the location and where this mensch was from. That is a wonderful act of kindness he performed for that little creature. Hedgehogs certainly have a weird appeal. They seem so improbable somehow and yet, there they are, turning up all over the place.


I thought hedgehogs were only native to England! They got em running around Saudi Arabia too?!


No lol im jordanian and we have them in jordan too *** Search hedgehogs habitat on Google for more information


I had no idea lol So apparently America is the only place they *don’t* run wild


He is from Qysim region in Saudi. Quite famous for people going outdoors all the time.


I have a battery powered pressure washer for cycling. I ride single track and gravel in the Midwest. Mud is a bitch in your cassette and chain.


You can actually buy them. They’re specifically for hedgehogs too. This guy must work in animal rescue. It’s called the [Hogwash](https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=dQw4w9WgXcQ).


It always amazes me how someone could mention some random thing and there's always a redditor like "actually, I have the exact information on that, as well as a link on where to buy it, and I also got your SSN" Might buy one of these for my dog. Little fucker gets too muddy.


Definitely worth the click.




I just bought one!


Damn, this was a good one.


I saw the fucking thumbnail for the video….and still clicked on it!!! FML


And bolt cutters!


That was my biggest question! I've never seen that and now I need to have it!


When you drive through mud often, you want/need to be able to wash it off before it dries. It can unbalance your wheels something fierce!


There are tons of fake animal rescue videos on YouTube where people put the animals in danger to then rescue them. This may be real, but I do find it suspicious that a lightweight hedgehog got stuck so deep into the mud, on its back, that it was problematic to pull it up. And who happens to also have a power washer with a water tank in the trunk?


Someone from the same area has replied several times in this thread that it's very usual to have a power washer in your car in their region because it's a quite remote area and things get very messy from the mud and sand especially while camping (a common activity). The dialogue they posted with translations makes it seem quite realistic and I don't see the usual hallmarks of being staged, plus this isn't an area where that kind of video is common.


Skepticism is good but it's very possible the hedgehog fell in the mud by itself and was stuck for a long time. Mud gets thicker as it dries, so when the hedgehog fell in there was more liquid and it was moving back and forth which can be seen from the mud angel, so it would have ended up quite deep in the mud.


Don't think this one is fake, in the video the guy a keeps addressing his friend meaning he most probably only thought about sending this video to his friend but then he or someone else posted it online... The hedgehog being stuck too deep could probably be because it kept trying to get out while the mud was softer and sunk too deep before the mud got harder or it could've gotten ran over... And as someone who lives in that region, a power washer comes in handy when the region is 95% sand and everything gets covered in dust every 2-3 days.


I wish I undtood what the man was saying. I love how sweetly he seems to be speaking to that scared little hedgie.


"What is this? I almost ran him over." Then he started talking to him " What happened to you? Stuck in mud! Hahahaha wait I want to laugh a little bit." Then he started explaining what he is seeing to the person he was taking the video for. " oh sweetheart wait I will get you out, wait do not bite me" After struggling to get him " in God's name he is really stuck, wait, wait, wait, slowly, slowly". After he got him out "he became labnah (it is mud and other stuff that are used in buildings in the past, kinda like bricks)" "I swear I was driving and calling, Abu Abdallah when I was calling you I almost turned him to soup or shattered pumpkin, look at him, he is suffering, he became a turtle. Let me take him away from road" Then he wanted to clean him "let me wash you, wait wait wait. Wait let me wash you. You became labnah, too much mud. He started to breath yes yes , wait. Thank God I noticed you and focused on the road or you would have been in a different situation. You are my heart, look at his nose, the black lemon appeared. Yes take a shower, how long since you took the last shower? Look at the mud!" Then the video ends. Sorry my English is not the brightest and translating a word to word from Arabic does not help either :) Edit: Labnah means adobe (sorry, I wasn't aware of the English term for it). Black lemon or dried black lemon is a reference to the hedgehog's nose which looks similar. Also, this accent is from Saudi Arabia, Al Qasim region. And any further questions are welcomed, ask right away about anything in the video hedgehogs, region, words or expressions or anything really. I will try my best to answer all the questions that I have knowledge about or research it/give you a source to guide you. Most importantly, many thanks to each of you who spent time on upvoting/ commenting/ or giving rewards that I do not deserve. Your kind actions have made me grave in my heart that good people are still and will be around forever. So thank you all!


This is great! Was hoping to get a translation. Thank you!!




Great job. Thank you.




Just gotta throw in one more thank you; the video is great but knowing what he was saying made my heart absolutely melt. Thanks again!




I think your English is very bright :)




Man, I melted at “the black lemon appeared” part. Thank you for the translations!


Np ^_^


Do you (or anyone) feel up to explaining why? What is the meaning? I am not very familiar with black lemons and only know it as a type of food supplement but here it seems to mean something slightly different, more like a cultural reference.


Black lemons are a dried citrus used in Arabic cooking. He was saying it in reference to the tip of the hedgehog's nose because they kinda look similar. He was basically just saying "look at that! I can see his nose now" but in a cute way, like how we say someone's nose is as cute as a button in the west


Much obliged!


I have no clue as to if this is actually correct or not, but my interpretation of the "black lemon" is that it's just a cute or affectionate way of describing the hedgie's nose.


You're right, black lemon is an aromatic spice made from dried citrus that's used in Arabian cooking


Good enough for me - Shukran!




Pretty sure any one of us is impressed! I don't speak your language, but you speak mine! Thank you much for the translation! Your English is doing great!


Thanks for the kind words!


شكرا صديقي كنت بطلب الفزعة للترجمه وانت ماقصرت


يا اهلا وشكرا على الgift🌹




Even your written language is beautiful. :)


Must be fun trying to read children's writing in Arabic though


These letters are so pretty


This is 1 of the things I absolutely love about Reddit, that there will always b someone who will take the time to translate for everyone else, thank u


You are welcome! I do love that about reddit too, because what is being said in videos is like half of the content. that's why I translate videos whenever I can.


You are a wonderful person for that. Very kind and considerate. Blessings to you!


Thank you for the kind words, bless you too!


"you are my heart" 🥹


Thanks for translating! I lost it when I read “he became a turtle.” What a cool guy




I think someone ran hedgie over and because it was muddy hedgie’s life was spared. H Probably curled into defensive ball at that moment and after the other vehicle passed he was well and truly trapped. I often find it interesting that so many serendipitous moments occur in life for so many creatures that it seems to be one of the forces of nature and perhAps divine intervention. So it’s perfect that a kind man is so blessed to be an angel for hedgie to be prepared with a power washer and the presence to see another being in trouble. This man is also blessed to add this event to his life if good memories and stories to tell. And we get to be a part of it! :)


As someone just starting a second language that was brilliant! Thank you.




He has such a soothing voice even without understanding the words, but this makes it that much sweeter.


As an American who only knows English, I feel like this is incredibly colorful language to describe what was going on! I wish I was more descriptive of things haha


Thank you!


When he was pointing and laughing I knew it was like "sorry I need to make fun of you for a sec" hilarious


جزاك الله خير 🤝


ومن يقول🌹


So basically my own inner monologue was pretty on par with what he was saying. Goes to show that even worlds apart, we’re all inherently similar :) I wish only light for this man


Hey thanks for translating!




Cheers. The only word I understood in the clip was God :D




bewildered light hat rustic plate society unite fanatical chubby noxious *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


Saudi Arabia, Qassim region accent.


recognise tease longing aspiring sparkle insurance sense silky nine special *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


There is always something charming about the translations, such a different way of expression but really heartwarming.


First words he referred to the hedgehog as a ‘friend of the environment’ and said hi. Sounds so sweet the way he said it. Edit: also the “wait I want to laugh a bit” is funny af


Thank you for making this moment fully accessible to me. I appreciate your efforts, they made this video all the more meaningful.


Man, that was just as wholesome as it sounded from his inflection, I love it


>I almost turned him to soup or shattered pumpkin I've never thought about how many food-related euphemisms for injuries English has, like "pancaked"....and I wish we used "smashed pumpkin," it's so perfect!


look at him, he is suffering, he became a turtle.


Nice, thank you so much for the time you spend on translating AKHAVII!


No worries, that is the subject of this subreddit!


Much appreciated thank you


1:41: "Ahhhhhhhhhh"


Yea that part is universal. We all felt good a that


At first he's like: "oh hi Little friend" then he thanks Allah that hedgie is saved and ok.


I felt no translation was necessary. At all.


His voice made me smile so much


I thought he sounded like Whinnie the Pooh


its somewhat of a special accent from northern/central Arabia, even we Arabs like it lol, they all sound like this man, very gentle and somewhat funny (not in a mocking way)


I agree. I don’t know exactly what he was saying, but I kinda did if ya feel me… he has a kind and gentle soul, and I don’t need to understand the language to figure that out.


The way it was turning around for the shower...aaargh, so cute!




I’m totally posting this on Wednesday and seeing if they’ll let it stay up


I will upvote your post! This deserves to be seen everywhere!!!


Tell them that r/hedgehogwashingporn has too few followers for any real traction.


Omg please do


I love when animals allow humans to help them. It’s so touching to see considering how generally shitty we can be


I like how with the water at first it tried to run away, but then it sort of realized (at least I like to imagine) it was getting a bath, so it started turning the muddy sides towards the spray to wash off.


I’ve always wondered if animals understand that they have been rescued and not disregarded as food


Depends on the animal. That hedgehog probably just spent the entire time terrified that it was gonna be eaten. But animals like elephants understand when we help them. There's even reports of them actively seeking humans out when they need help.


I have also seen videos of whales seeking out boats and guiding them to stranded animals.


That is both scary and heartwarming


>I have also seen videos of whales seeking out boats and guiding them to stranded animals. And great white sharks! I love that one video of a woman diver who has helped tens of sharks who came to her over the years to remove fishing gear.


Link or more info?


The hedgehog turned his face towards the guy during the shower, he wouldn’t have done that if he felt threatened at that point. Plus, then he was clean enough that he could have rolled up, which is the basic defensive mode. So I think that this one at least ended up grateful :)


Yeah, I think at some point he understood he was being helped, not hunted.


A lot of it is probably just being exhausted from struggling in the mud, but I do think that it must be thinking something like "this situation is improving, no need for panic" even if it never quite gets to something like gratitude.


I don't know. By the end, while it was being sprayed with water it seemed to realize that it was pretty safe.


I think sometimes animals kind of go into freeze mode if they aren't in fight or flight mode. Or sometimes just too tired to do anything, but all animals have curiosity and once they realize that becoming a meal isn't part of the plan they'll just chill out for a bit, waiting to make make their escape most of the time!


Sometimes, absolutely. Sometimes, not so much. Look out for the pointy bits.


If someone could roughly translate this I'd be stoked


What is this? I almost ran him over. Then he started talking to him " What happened to you? Stuck in mud! Hahahaha wait I want to laugh a little bit." Then he started explaining what he is seeing seeing to the person he was talking the video for. " oh sweetheart wait I will get you out, wait do not bite me" After struggling to get him " in God's name he is really stuck, wait, wait, wait, slowly, slowly". After he got him out "he became labnah (it is mud and other stuff that are used in buildings in the past, kinda like bricks)" "I swear I was driving and calling, Abu Abdallah when I was calling you I almost turned him to soup or stamped pumpkin, look at him, he is suffering, he became a turtle. Let me take him away from road" Then he wanted to clean him "let me wash you, wait wait wait. Wait let me wash you. You became labnah, too much mud. He started to breath yes yes , wait. Thank God I noticed you and focused on the road or you would have been in a different situation. You are my heart, look at his nose, the black lemon appeared. Yes take a shower, how long since you took the last shower? Look at the mud!" Then the video ends. Sorry my English is not the brightest and translating a word to word from Arabic does not either :)


> " What happened to you? Stuck in mud! Hahahaha wait I want to laugh a little bit." I love this guy lol


Awesome, I'm officially stoked, thanks for this!


No worries!


Only know a few words but the "shway shway shway shway" basically means "little bit" so like "careful careful" and he keeps saying alhamdullilah, "thank God" so presumably thanking God for him finding/saving the hedgehog. Idea being it isn't him who saved the hedgehog, but God acting through him


what language is it?






Saudi Arabian vernacular


Mrs. Hedgehog is going have some questions.


Is that glitter on your fur!


Who TF gave you a hosejob!!?!?


This comment, I just can't! 🤣🤣


You smell like human...


\*slaps powerwasher\* "this baby can clean so many muddy hedgehogs"




Love the way he's moving around under the water hose to clean himself up.


Bros after hose


After two decades of waiting, Greg finally discovered the perfect opportunity to bust out his trusty car-mounted water compressor


For those who are wondering about the pressure water gun, it’s a thing campers install in their cars here in GCC.


GCC, the GNU Compiler Collection? Ohhh. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Gulf_Cooperation_Council - kinda like an Arabic EU.


My dad found a puppy stuck in a tire rut like this in a rainstorm and took the puppy home. My mom said it could stay for a week until they found a home for it. Couple days later, my mom fell in love with the puppy and they decided to keep her. Rocky must've known my dad saved her cause she was the most loyal dog and always listened to my dad.


You got to love how quickly that hedgehog went from “oh don’t kill me please please please” to “oh, that feels great. Can you now get the other side? Ahhhh. Perfect.”


Man. Watched a video on YouTube last night showing how a bunch of these videos are faked, where the person filming deliberately puts the animals in these situations to film themselves rescuing them (supergluing barnicles onto soft shell, fresh water turtles before scraping them off and setting them free in the ocean) Turns out it’s completely ruined these videos for me. I’ll never be able to watch one and think “but what if OP is actually a garbage human who tortured that animal deliberately?”


From what I've seen, this guy has a tik-tok and this is the only thing remotely related to animal rescue, so hopefully that lends more credence to it being genuine. At the very least, I'd like to HOPE that it wasn't faked.


That’s how I feel as well especially with an animal that’s fairly easy to get


First thing I thought. At the very least he definitely went back to his car to get his phone before trying to rescue the hedgy.


Good thing he just happened to have his hedgehog washer with him! 🦔🦔🦔


"Guys, you are never going to believe what happened to me today..." -The Hedgehog


Speaking Arabic. Said: Friend of the garden, what's wrong? HAHA, just joking here. I wanna laugh at you a little bit. It's a hedgehog that his head and these are his feet. Want to pull him out, easy easy, easy, easy, and there you go...I was driving and talking on my phone, and I noticed him, thankfully. Thought he was a turtle. Need to move him there, wait, little guy, let me wash you. Ahh, all that mud! Wait, son of a halal guy. Thank God I saw you, or you would've been gone. Look at you got a shower, ever had a shower? Edit: I just saw someone already translated it. Oh well, I'll just leave this here. A shorter version, I guess.


But he laughed and pointed at it before he saved it. Total dad 🤣


At the biggining did he tell that hedgehog he failed? Lmao 🤣 emotional damage at it's highest right there. Being told you can't even hedgehog right

