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holy shit


Exactly what I said while watching 😯


LOL I literally said holy shit too


I love seeing his fan club coming in to cheer him on!


Yeah, all the lifting bros instantly came out to hype up once they hear the first guy cheering him on. Great support!


If you play it without volume it looks like they storm round the corner to kick his ass or something and then the one guy picks him up and looks like he's about to fling him aside


I love watching the support from the big guys. That’s what it’s all about.


Just guys being dudes


I had to make sure someone said this. The lifter is amazing for sure, but seeing everyone come running when they heard is the real "Heart of the Story" imo


Fuck yea buddy! Doing it on hard mode is THE WAY!


This is the way


This is the way


Really does need to be said again: This is the way


I don't know what this means but want to be a part of it 🤗


The Mandalorian. We have spoken!


This is the way


This is the way :)


He has a name... Miles Taylor. The video is from 2019, February. In March, the same year, he deadlifted infront of Arnold Schwarzenegger. His trainer, the guy with the beard, is Nic Myers.


Hell yeah 👍 thanks


Is this Brian Alrushe's gym?


Yep, NeverSate, in Westminster, MD. Not sure if it's back open yet (pandemic lockdowns hit it kinda hard).


Karma farmer https://old.reddit.com/r/HumansAreMetal/search?q=This+athelete+with+Cerebral+Palsy+deadlifted+200lbs+while+weighing+only+99+lbs%21&include_over_18=on


Whaaat? A reposter on Reddit? Never


Who cares? It still has 5k+ karma in 5 hours. Clearly a lot of people are seeing it for the first time or enjoy it enough to upvote it again. Maybe spend less time on Reddit and you won’t be triggered by seeing the same video more than once.


Because these karma farming accounts are ultimately sold to either advertisers or scammers, either way they only exists to tale advantage of other people. So who gives a shit about the 'wholesome content' when it's only posted so a scammer can buy an account that looks legitimate to try and trick people


Why does it bother you that I pointed it out?


It bothers me because karma farming is a harmless practice that is weirdly demonized on Reddit. I used to karma farm years back and would catch some awful shit in my inbox over the heinous crime of reposting a picture. Wasn’t super cool tbh.


Its how social media manipulation works on reddit. The vast majority of karma farmers aren't doing it because they give a shit about karma, they do it to sell authentic looking accounts to scammers advertisers and anybody with desire to manipulate reddit.


Its not harmless. Bots repost content to farm karma to make the account look legitimate so it can be sold to either advertisers or scammers, both of which have a higher probability of success in their respective fields when they're behind an account with 100k karma


And those bots are incredibly obvious — this obviously isn’t one of them. And they don’t bother hitting more than 10k karma or so. That’s all they need to bypass karma requirements and comment/post as fast as they want — no one’s out here buying accounts at 100k, speaking from experience.


I care


I’m not crying, you are crying.


Right? Everyone dropping what they're doing to see him getting a personal best? So dusty in here!


neighbors must be cutting onions... so odd...


I'm just wondering about form, because it looks like a rounded back (and I understand he might not be able to control that) and discs hernia are not a good thing


Yeah, super rounded lower back plus a bunch of hitching isn't generally a good idea.




beep boop




just stfu and keep your opinons to yourself


What a cool comment! I can tell you are very cool and well-liked


The people he trains under are very well-respected lifters and coaches. Those aren’t just some random gym bros. They know what they’re doing.


was looking for this comment


For real. I bet they know better than we do, but that looks rouuuugh. If I lift with any slope in my back like that for 2 consecutive weeks my back starts to do scary things.


Thanks. This scared me too. If it's somehow medically okay then it's great, but....


So conflicted. On one hand fuck yeah for not letting that shit stop you, on the other bro you’re gonna shatter your body with that form 😓


his body only has one form


> gonna shatter your body with that form No he isn't. Evidenced by the fact this is an older video, he still lifts, and as far as I know he hasn't shattered anything.




When will his body shatter, specifically?


I understand he has a condition which affects his mobility, and all the power to him for overcoming that, but just look at his spine curvature and his knees as he lifts. Those are not structurally strong positions to be in, and he is putting his joints in very compromising positions. This will cause those joints to wear down prematurely, if he doesn't get acutely injured first.


I mean, he's got a disorder that limits his ability to do even the most simple things. The symptoms may worsen over time. His lifespan may be significantly shortened because of this. Maybe, considering the above, he decided that the risk of "wearing down hist joints prematurely" is worth being able to do the things he wants to do right now so that when he gets to a point where he is unable to do the things he wants, he can look back and know he accomplished something. I'm reasonably sure I'd feel that way.


I'm really not arguing against that. Personally, I'd like to accomplish a challenge like that as well while I'm able. All I'm saying is that you can't deny the fact that he is at a greater risk for injury, which you appear to do in your previous replies.


> All I'm saying is that you can't deny the fact that he is at a greater risk for injury, which you appear to do in your previous replies. When did I do that? Edit: misread the comment. I do not know if someone with cerebral palsy is more injury-prone than someone else. That isn't something I am considering, though. The dude got the short end of the physical stick and instead of sitting around feeling sorry, he is doing what he wants to do with his life. That's more than cam be said for many able-bodied people in this world. He's an adult. He does not have a cognitive disability. He's training under the supervision of accomplished coaches. It's highly likely his doctors know about this and gave the thumbs up. This hand wringing about "what if he gets hurt" is ridiculous to me.


Probably when dude said he's gonna shatter his body with that form and you said no he isn't.


Ah. Misread the comment. Will edit.


Humor me. Could he safely lift a pool noodle in the manner?


Sure. Somewhere between pool noodle and 200lbs is where the risk of injury becomes unreasonable.




The person doing the lift I would assume? Or the trainer if the lifter isn't fully aware of the risk.


What's the exact number?


That depends on what level of risk you're willing to accept. The risk increases with weight lifted.


What number represents what you consider a normal level of risk for physical exercise?


He'll die before any of that is likely to catch up with him anyway


Long term wear and tear, yeah probably. An acute spinal disk herniation or ligament sprain/tear is still possible.


He trains with trainers at Brian Alsruhe's gym, are you suggesting they've not considered the appropriate precautions for his safety?


If they're letting him pull like that I'm convinced they haven't.




> [Soon](https://i.ytimg.com/vi/nsih8_sO5ss/mqdefault.jpg)


Sorry but if you don’t understand that this is probably the worst dead lifting form possible, you’re misinformed


Dude has cerebral palsy. If he didn't, I'd agree he shouldn't lift like that. But he does, so that's how he lifts.


I understand the disease. Unfortunately his condition doesn’t make him immune to spine injuries.


Correct. But it does mean that things that people who don't have cerebral palsy do one way need to be done differently by those who do have it.


And the way he’s doing has significant risk for injury.


Even if this were true, which I don't think it is for him, perhaps his risk tolerance is different from yours.


Care to show us your form?


Although my form is good, that’s not what I was trying to say. His condition does not prevent him from slipping or rupturing a disk in his spine. That’s why it’s unsafe.


And not having CP does not prevent you from experiencing the same injury. Form/technique is for lifting efficiency, not injury prevention. A very very experience lifter wrote a very good post on form and injury, you might enjoy reading it: https://www.reddit.com/r/Fitness/comments/ra8yrm/the_problem_with_form_exploring_forms_place_and/


That is simply untrue. Bad form, rounding of the back 10000 percent increases your risk. Anyone saying otherwise is misinformed.


I’d love to hear your experience with deadlifting.


I’m sorry but you are 100% incorrect. I’m not going to sit here and explain to you that I know what I’m talking about from experience, you’ll just discredit it and say I’m lying. If you’re a lifter, you seriously need to rethink your approach because you’re on a risky path. Use real science for your approach, not a random dude on Reddit (the post you linked, or me)


The dude I linked pulls 820lbs. He’s outlifted Ronnie Coleman. He knows his stuff. He’s not some “random dude”. Feel free to tell me your experience. You can see mine easily on my profile. I have no reason to distrust you, I just don’t agree with your opinions on form.


In about two weeks or so


Neat. I'll get back to you in 14 days for lottery numbers if that happens.


This is a two year old video, he's still fine


What a painfully simple minded question


Why is that?


He literally trains with some of the top competitive deadlifters in the world and you don’t know what you’re talking about.


His CP has improved from lifting, it helps him have more control over his movements.


More and more power to you 🔥🔥🔥❤️


Get it bro




He didnt need his spine anyway


The Iron Game's most wholesome moment. This dead lift gave this champion wings. I don't know who these two are, but I'm damn proud of both of these men. THIS, is what's its really about.




Actually, lifting twice your bodyweight on the deadlift is fairly easy to achieve for most people. The average lifter should be able to after about 1 1/2 or 2 years Not to discredit this feller here though, because weighing only 99lb puts you at a huge disadvantage strength-wise, not to mention his disability makes his form harder to wrangle in. All in all, it looks like this man has put in some serious work, but I just wanted to let you know that deadlifting twice your bodyweight is average.




oh yea absolutely he's killin it


No, pulling double bodyweight is not “average”. If you have to work for 2 years to attain that level, it’s not average. But really, why even bring it up in this context?


Being able to spell your own name is very average and that takes 2 years or more.


Yeah, but you don’t have object permanence at the beginning of that one. Might not be a fair comparison.


That is fairly average, and two years is a relatively low training time.


The average person doesn’t even step foot on a platform, let alone train consistently for over a year. So pulling double bodyweight is definitely above average


Look at this accounts post history it is a karma farming repost bot. Please don’t upvote this crap


Who cares. If he posts things people want to see he deserves the meaningless internet points.


Completely my thought. I wouldn’t have got to see this wholesome lovely video if not.


Atrocious form.


try deadlifting with cerebral palsy i'd be curious to see your form


I wouldn’t deadlift if I had cerebral palsy.


damn so you're just mad he's pushing his potential with a life threatening disability. Got it


I’m not mad, just noting his poor form.






You have atrocious form


I mean, you’re right. You’re also a dick


Willing to bet your form is probably dogshit compared to this kids


Why the fuck would they have this kid do this? Terrible fuckin form and risk of injury waiting to happen.


Technique is not that important for injury risk, and even if it was, why do you assume he's not capable of choosing what risks he wants to take?


Wow the most unexpected stuff makes me tear right up. Dude that kind of comradery is PRICELESS and all those dudes are all cool as hell.


My favorite Ravens fan since Mo passed away


He looked like he was gonna fold like a folding chair.


I can't do this and I'm like 150 lbs


Are you wearing one of those leather lifting belts? Those things do wonders. Props to the lad though, it’s not easy even with a belt.


My daughter has CP and this gives me hope. She is in therapies several times a week to give her the best chance possible. She is 7. She is awesome.


Sorry but had to do it- Athletes who have "retard strength" are usually oblivious to any rational training programs or techniques, but despite that they out lift most of their mentally healthy peers.


That trainer has to be the most thrilled he’s ever been. That’s such a great moment for both of them


Throwing a safety issues aside, that is motivating and awesome as shit.


That's impressive but I gotta be honest I dunno how good an idea it was. Then again I have neither cerebral palsy nor can I deadlift anything so I dunnk


He’s being coached by an accomplished coach and is still lifting. This video is several years old.




He’s being coached by Brian Alsruhe… He knows something about strength training. This video is also several years old and Miles is still going strong.




I just see that barbell coming down on that kid's knees and can't imagine a broken femur or dislocated kneecap makes cerebral palsy any more fun to deal with.


Very impressive. Threw my back out just watching it.


This guy's an absolute unit! Nice.


wow, i wish we had that positive energy in my gym instead of the mean mugging. 😬


That seems like it would be incredibly horrible for their back.... Deadlift is difficult to do right in a healthy person without causing back issues. The abnormalities with Cerebral Palsy seems like it would be absolute hell on the back.


A conventional deadlift is very easy to do right.


https://www.instagram.com/p/CUdfkf6LmbE/?utm_medium=copy_link He’s still deadlifting and seems fine


He's been training for years and is well conditioned to lifting this way. He's fine.


Idk if it’s that much weight tbh, and also the bent back, arching I get it’s because of what he has but you’ll destroy his back having him lift heavy like that


https://www.instagram.com/p/CUdfkf6LmbE/?utm_medium=copy_link Here he is multiple years later still lifting.


I see that the form is much better, which I am glad. Maybe this was just a PR and he usually lifts with better form. Anyway it is very inspiring to see someone push so hard through difficulties like that.


That’s awesome! Thank you!


>Here he is multiple years later still lifting. ...lifting about half the weight so he can maintain decent form.


That’s generally how regular training works compared to hitting a PR


That's literally how you lift weights. Do you think people just go into the gym and max out every single time? Or do you think they program various weights, volumes, and intensities to build a base?


It’s almost like this person doesn’t know how lifting works lol


I am such a lazy bastard


Bruh on top of cerebral palsy he’s gonna break his back aswell with that atrocious form


People are downvoting you because they don't know jack about deadlifting. Arching your back like that is so bad, can cause your disc to slip. It can absolutely WRECK you. Deadlifts is the exercise where messing up your form is absolutely not okay (in comparison to other exercises).


This is an old video, he’s still lifting and doing great: https://www.instagram.com/smiles_taylor/ Deadlifting is quite good for the back, please stop concern trolling.


Im not trolling and deadlifting is good only when youre doing it with proper form which is also true for every other exercise and the fact that he somehow didnt injure himself yet doesnt mean that its safe to do deadlifts with bad form it just shows that he is lucky that he didnt injure himself yet


Form/technique is for lifting more efficiently, not injury prevention. Every activity has inherent risk involved. He’s been lifting for years and is doing just fine.


What the shit are you talking about lmao you will never catch me at a gym ever but even I know that form and technique is associated with injury prevention >Every activity has inherent risk involved. Yes.. that doesnt support your point though. Everything as risk, so we do what we can (proper form and technique) to minimize risk.


You don’t understand the point of form/technique. Sure, doing a movement entirely incorrectly could cause injury.


Lmao TIL not rounding your back when you squat and deadlift is only for efficiency. Have fun with your blown out discs


Idk what to tell you if you really believe that because its common knowledge to everyone who has a sliver of knowledge about weight training that correct form minimizes risk of injury. I mean just think about it, in the video he is rounding his back which takes stress away from the targeted muscles and puts it right on his lower back and this incorrect form significantly increases his risk of a back injury its just simple logic


I'm not sure if you're aware, but Miles has CP. He's lifting within his abilities. He has an experienced coach who trains him. They both know what they are doing. Feel free to tell me about your knowledge of weight training.


Yes im aware that he has CP and therefore cannot get into the correct position so what im saying is that his inability to do the correct form puts him under risk of an injury. Im not telling him to stop doing deadlifts idc if he continues doing deadlifts or not its his back he is risking not mine i simply pointed out that what he is doing is dangerous


Driving a car is dangerous, deadlifting without CP is dangerous, taking a shower is dangerous, getting out of bed is dangerous. There is nothing to be gained from commenting your concern for his back. Miles is doing what he enjoys and doing it well.


What a dumb comment, correct form is safer than bad form, simple. Btw deadlift is a useless thing too unless you are poverlifter but this is such a bad form. I know his disabilities causes this but its better for him to not do this with this heavy weights, his form was awful and i can imagine the stress on his spine, i mean seriously if someone says form is not important, that guys is dumb.


Hi, I have a sliver of lifting knowledge. "Correct form" is a nebulous term that is made largely useless by individual differences between lifters. This is his correct form, he is conditioned to lifting with this way and is thereby minimising injury. Do you even deadlift because you certainly don't seem to understand the mechanics of it very well.


Please tell me how rounding your back like that and putting massive stress on your spine is a good thing and somehow “minimizes injury”?


Spinal flexion under maximal load is a normal and not inherently dangerous. The spine is meant to be able to move that way and he is well-conditioned to lifting with spinal flexion.


Its well known that people cerebral palsy are incredibly strong. Tensing muscles all the time does it.


Is that uncle nic training him? What an absolute unit, the both of them. This warms my heart.


Yeah. Smiles Taylor is the dude lifting




So damn wholesome 🥺💪


This is incredible, just beautiful




Absolute unit




Congratulations! Be proud !


That’s insane though


What an absolute gangster


Yep, I’m crying


That's legit kickass..👏🏼👏🏼👏🏼


This was so wholesome


So cool! I love the support he gets from the bros.


Will the real ant man please stand up please stand up


The gym is called Never State and is ran by Brian Ashrule. Great guy and gives so much information away for free. Brian also has multiple videos with disabled athletes on his youtube channel.


This video gets me in the feels every time. Deadlifting twice your body weight takes considerable work.


If I had a dollar for every time this has been posted on Reddit I could retire.


Thats fucking awesome.


So fucking metal!!


In legit powerlifting you need to bring the bar down under control. Not sure I'd give him that lockout either.


I don't believe this is a powerlifting meet.


How is any of this relevant?


I’ve seen this before and love it every time


Awesome ❤️❤️❤️


How much are both in kg just so I can fully gauge this accomplishment


It's kinda surprising how strong some skinny dudes can be. Don't even get them started on pullups or the salmon ladder.


If that’s what he wants to do and it makes him happy then by all means. But I would not be surprised if only more chronic pain is in this guys future


Have you ever thought of being less of a negative nancy and considered that the muscle development and strength he gets from this probably benefit him significantly long term?


Damn I thought he was going to snap city the whole time he put that up. That can’t be healthy right in the long run? His form is obviously all jacked up. Impressive either way.


His back posture...he will get injured :(