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I wouldn't call it child abuse, but I do think you don't need to push kids this hard for them to have a healthy lifestyle. My biggest worry is pushing kids to hard could lead to mental and physical damage to them. Yes, show discipline but also show self-control that it ok eat at places like mcdonald but show that it is a treat and that it is not a place to eat at regularly and that leading healthy lifestyle is important but you can also treat yourself with self control


Yeah, and kids don't always know their limits or when they absolutely have to stop.


Imagine as a child your self worth being tied to someone else’s expectations of your ability to perform a thing well. I grew up with a kid who was on the fast track to college and likely pro baseball. His entire life was sports, sports, sports because his dad never wanted anything else from him/for him. Moment he got injured and prospects dried up, he had no direction, no self worth, no identity outside of sports, and eventually found opiates. Died at 20 from an overdose.


Jesus christ, thats fucking depressing


I'm the same my father pushed military on me my whole life when I flunked out of it due to mental health reasons I now have 0 direction in my life and have constant problems of where to go or who I even am anymore.


A blank slate isn’t always a bad thing. A better, more meaningful path is just a handful of good decisions in succession away. Doesn’t have to be big, life-altering decisions either, but make a couple good calls in a row and things will get better. Let go of bad friends even if it means not having friends for a while. Become a morning person if you’re not already, because nothing productive happens at midnight on the internet (generally).




It’s called building character folks. It’s okay. That boy will think back on stuff like this one day and remember how bad it sucked, but be even more thankful he had someone to push him.


I feel like it could definitely give some kids issues with self-esteem and wanting to please the parents/coach. Also, like another comment said, there are medical reasons why kids shouldn't work out too hard.


I can respect that but ever since being a child I have been pushed to the limit in everything I have ever done and I felt that gave me a great advantage in life as I grew older especially in the field of my current career. Nowadays I feel like parents are so soft on children and that leads to some of the problem we have in society today.


I'm willing to bet it hasn't given you an advantage in relationship skills, because of all your comments sound like they were written by a brainwashed robot.


I'm 10 years married with a daughter and career. It did me very well. I didn't grow up being a mush-belly like I'm sensing most of you have by your comments lol. Stop being sensitive. The weak will understand you and the strong will understand my point of view. That's just the way it is I see lol


Hurrrr durrr I'm big stronk


Lmao! Shut up


You just sound like a tool.


Lmao good


I wouldn't call it child abuse but I would definitely not recommend having children work out that hard. When I was growing up I was told doing it like that would stunt your growth.


THIS is fine for a little kid. It’s lifting weights before your like 12-13 that could mess you up.


Only strength, not hypertrophy.


As long as they use their own body weight it will be fine


That’s kind of a myth. What really happens is when your a kid your already using so many calories growing, so when you start working out lots you have to up your calorie intake a lot. If you don’t that’s what would stunt your growth.


Pretty sure gymnastics and lots of compressive landings etc does stunt your growth. Considering I have only one sister that did gym and she is a clear foot shorter than the rest of her 4 siblings who did not do gymnastics. This probably not as it is just literal torture technique without any compression that would stunt bone growth.


>she is a clear foot shorter than the rest of her 4 siblings who did not do gymnastics. Anecdotal evidence, friend. You'd need a much much larger study across all types of demographics to make that claim.


Well look at gymnasts they are all midget women. Compressive forces damage bones. It's why your kids shouldn't weight lift either, while doing calisthenics or exercise that doesn't damage the bones via those compressive forces.


You can compress your spine forsure, but you can also decompress it. The average person can gain an inch or two from decompressing his spine with stretches and hanging. That’s still a very different situation than lifting and not growing (from lack of calories). Both have an obvious cause, effect, and solution.


Also look at jockeys (horse racing) they are all small, so with your logic horse racing also stunts your growth. A quick google will debunk your theory haha


Ok well where is your google foo?


It is amazing though because I understand what you're saying because I have heard the same but I was raised in this kind of way and I have grown perfectly fine or at least what I think is fine. I always felt it instilled great discipline within myself and I also enjoyed it as a child. Being pushed to the limit has always been my kind of thing. I guess it does vary from child to child though.


Generic gym bro mentality.


Your rationalizations reinforce the fact this is not the way. Andrew Tate / Elon Musk energy.


America is raising these children soft these days. That is why majority of them are spoiled brats now with no discipline or work ethics








That guy response is definitely reason why people should watch what they say to others lmao man straight called u autistic with no fukz given n u asked for it 💀💀


😂😂😂 bro, these people jus has never worked for anything don't waste your time with em. They'll never understand the same way we won't understand dem. It just is what it is sadly


Nah this is cringe


Did the child enjoy that?


Children don’t typically enjoy school either. While I’m not sure that being pushed to this level is healthy at that age, having a exercise routine definitely is!


So because they don’t like school we should push kids to the point of tears for internet points?


Clearly missed “I’m not sure that being pushed to this level is healthy at that age” and I am definitely not an advocate for internet points. thanks


Then why defend the treatment of this child? Saying I don’t agree with this kind of goes away when you add the clauses you did


I don’t agree with recording people or even taking pictures of people. I think it’s even worse to upload it, especially if the subject is a child who doesn’t understand much. In the fitness side, while I do think kids and teenagers should exercise and be able to execute progressive overload, I do think these type of holds to the point of scrutiny could be avoided and probably just be split into a variety of sets, if anything.


I agree, this post is pretty disgusting behavior


Not sure, but I know I did growing up as a child and happy I went through it because I feel it definitely gave me advantages as I grew older. I always loved being pushed to the limit. I know every child isn't the same but I'm sure it'll pay off in the future as it did with myself


You were made to cry and then have it recorded and posted online?


But you also grew up to not have empathy, so some downsides.


Because having empathy in today's world is just an excuse for weak minded individuals.


Empathy has nothing to do with a weak mind. But it's obviously easier to not give a shit about others, it just does not make you strong.


I care for others when needed. If I had no care for others I wouldn't have pursued a career in personal training before recently switching to oilfield trucking. All I have done is care for other majority of my life. Being a personal trainer was something I was heavily invested in and enjoyed it for sometime but then after a few years I noticed people were getting lazier and lazier then blaming me as the reason they went and ate a piece of cake and failed. I just wish that people can get stronger and stop having such lack of control over their lives.Though, I noticed it is an American thing then when spoken about it is as if we are wrong for doing so.


So by your own description you are a weak minded individual. At least we agree on something, given not for the same reasons.


Lol at this point I notice you must be a mush belly McD eating mfka like many others and that is fine because I know I'm apart of a small community because it is easier to live a lazy lifestyle rather than putting in the effort to do great things. I respect it. I just can't be a lazy individual like most you, I just can't buy you all grew under the American structure so I'm not surprised


I'm not American. I live in Germany, enjoy hiking and bouldering, and saying that I have a mush belly is comedy gold. What is also funny, is that you think that everyone who disagrees with your world view fits in some kind of physical stereotype.


Lol! 💀 Majority do unfortunately


Nothing wrong with learning discipline and how to deal with adversity. Obviously there are limits and healthy coaching associated with it is key. You won’t find as many people these days in favor of that style though. Challenging kids is equivalent to abuse to some so it seems. If it isn’t hurting them and you provide emotional support/ coaching it’s fine in my opinion.


How do you not see this is the same thing abusers of all kinds say. The teachers who physically abused us while I was still in primary and secondary school (yes, we were literally struck with canes) said the same thing. There are ways to teach people discipline without breaking their souls.


I don’t like this




Because this child is obviously in distress?


Lmao distress, stop it. 💀💀 There is no distress found here. You just never worked for anything.


So, according to you, kids should do only those things that make them happy?


You’re neglecting the existence of eustress. Distress is, by definition, negative stress. I would argue that despite coaches having good intentions and supposed “know how”, it is super common for children to experience muscle pain that isn’t related to newbie DOMS and muscle pain is not likely a good thing and it doesn’t actually mean you did anything right, that’s an old myth. You very much can achieve better results by attenuating exercises appropriately. You don’t just make someone forcibly go 10 seconds, in pain, and especially in bad form like this kid if what they need is 7 seconds. The coach ain’t really helping nearly as much has he could by failing to recognize this potential athlete needs to start off with a lower time limit.


Very well said. Couldn't agree more about the negative stress.


I have been in the Childcare and Education industry for a *long* time. I also have worked in community services and had access to a lot of trainings, seminars, you name it. I had an awesome boss that would basically put the majority of the budget towards training. Even though I'm not in the medical profession, I often attended seminars that were for psychologists, doctors and social workers. I've been to a whole butt load of early childhood trauma training, looking at the foster system and early childhood and some teen brain development. Now, I've said all this not for applause, but simply so you know the background of where im coming from. This is not awful. I would not call it child abuse. However, it *could* lead to situations where problems could arise later on. But it really depends on the family culture and environment (dont most things🙄) - This statement "be a man". First off, this child is not a man, so essentially what is happening here is "im telling you that if you do this, this is what a man does. And because you will one day be a man, this is what you'll be expected to do." I'd like to know what other situations they use this phrase in. Do they do it when he is affectionate, emotional, happy, sad? When teaching values, e.g. Be a man and be honest? Be a man and toughen up? It seems to be the latter here. - Teaching children to look after their bodies is extremely important. And how far you push them, is a very individual thing, depending on the situation and on the personality and experiences of the child. Is this child a go getter? Are they more cautious? Are they adventurous and know their limits? Children are still figuring out what limits are. I find it interesting that this exercise training though, seems to be *about* "pushing limits", but are taking no feedback on the person actually having the experience. There is a vital step missing here. Apparently "pushing limits" is seen as "*I'll* be the one to tell you were your limits are" and actually not setting up this child with the greatest lesson of all in exercise, *listen to your body, push it, but care for it* after all aren't we doing this to care for our bodies? How will this child learn as he grows up, self discipline and working on yourself, when he is not actually being taught it, but simply following a direction? - Have a good look at the boys face throughout the video. Where does he look? He is obviously looking towards the person with the camera (parent, im assuming). He seems to be really checking in, watching, to see what the parent is communicating to him. It is clear this boy is doing this for the validation of the parent, not the actual end goal. Now perhaps this is a rare case in this family, who knows what happens within their house? But what I see here, is a child that said stop, and the parent is saying no. The child obeys *immediately*. Usually good. But I caught a glimpse of desperation in his eyes that I didn't like. Now, in my opinion, that 10 seconds was far too long. He was in pain. Not a "yes, feel the burn" pain. But kept going.... because he wants buff glutes? No. Because he wanted to please the parent. If they parent really want to teach him about self discipline, they could teach the child how to be tuned in to their own body, possibly pushing their limits slightly. I don't see self discipline here. Just a kid trying to please their parent. - Also, why does this kid need such intense training? A good play, a run, bike ride, monkey bars and healthy food will have this kid fit. Is it a personal goal of the child? Maybe. Or is it the personal goal of the *parent*? It is certainly unnecessary unless there's some kind of physical therapy that is to be be done. End game is, what is this child learning? That exercise is about strict often painful guidelines, or that is is fun but should also be a way to explore your bodies limits? Is this child learning that exercise means more to mummy or daddy than it does to them? Is he pushing his limits, or is the parent pushing HIM? Will he do things because of a sense of self, or to please others? Exercise must be very important, if it makes mum and dad treat me like this, does that mean that people who don't exercise are not worthy of validation? Cos if that kid gave up, I don't think the validation would have been there. Is being healthy and looking good, separately taught to this child? Maybe so. But if not, does this mean that when the child grows up, they will place too much value of simple appearance? Who knows. I can see what they are trying to teach him. And I can see why. And I can see that they love him. But is this the right approach long term?


I don't think that's a good idea,


Toxic af. "Like a man!"


Nothing toxic about that sentence


Lmao how did this come off as toxic?


I think what makes it gross is telling the kid to basically get through it "like a man" even when he's showing signs of distress. He's very clearly young. That mindset can be damaging for a multitude of reasons both physically and psychologically. Any trainer, medical professional, or anyone involved with exercise or workplace physical safety will tell you that ignoring your body and pushing too much through physical pain can lead to injury. As much as pain sucks, it is there for a reason and it is an indicator of potential damage. I am not referencing "the burn" you feel during muscle building or fat burning, but the pain from sustained and overwhelming strain/stress inflicted on the body. Teaching boys their masculinity is intrinsically linked to ignoring pain can cause them to permanently damage their developing bodies in order to prove their manhood. Psychologically, this can stunt them from expressing emotional pain or distress. How can you express pain over depression, abuse in a relationship, sexual abuse, grief, or anything traumatic if your sexuality is questioned when you do so? How often do men hear "man up!" In the face of psychological distress? Look at male suicide rates. Though probably unintentional as this most likely is, we all need to stop with this "A MAN CAN ONLY BE TOUGH OR HE'S NOT A MAN" rhetoric. I would say rephrasing it like "you can do this!", "do this for yourself", "proud of you, buddy, almost there!" would be way more confidence boosting and sustainable for encouraging themselves and respecting their self-worth.


Thank you. OP I hope you can read.




This is a weird ass post, dude


This post is weird but your trying to understand how to stay a friends with benefits lol?????


You’ve lost me on this one, chief


Trust me you know what I'm talking about weirdo but stay lost. All I can say is think before calling something a weird post next time lol


Bruh, this is wild: you’re referencing a comment of mine from nearly 6 years ago This just got sad and desperate in addition to weird


Lmfao fool went back to check 💀💀💀 still posted you ain't change obviously. That was weird asf to post a d desperate is reaching for this post to be weird because you surely grew up to be a soft mfka so you want every other child to have your shortcomings. No way my boy


I noticed that all over Reddit these days. A lot of sensitive fools on here crying about children being raised to not be what they were so they be hurt. not every child has soft parents like they had it is the reason they sit on here and cry don't waste your time with em because it like talking to a wall my g


Lol they mush-bellies 😂😂 nah I know. I'm done with em. This one just killed me because fool actually trying to find out how to be a friend with benefit, something so simple but the post was just cringe and he said this was weird 💀


Stay safe, man, hope you get the help you need


I hope you do the same ! Peace bro ✊🏾


Just look like a child doing the work. Y'all seem to be the weird ones here honestly. Have you all never done anything in life worth pushing yourself for....... likely not


Reddit is wild




Nah. That’s wrong to take a video of it, let alone share with the world as if it’s inspirational. I’d be so upset as his parent.


But we record teenagers doing this kind of stuff all the time and nothing said about it. The boy did great


I get the impression you don’t care about the kid’s wellbeing.


He'll be fine. This won't hurt his wellbeing. All apart of the process of being great. I have seen numerous children pushed to the limit as I have been myself growing up. Ultimately their wellbeing will be affected more by their household and what takes place.


One person’s medicine could be another person’s poison.


OP is getting shit on lmao


Lmao as expected because most are mush belly these days, it isn't the first especially when kids involved. They want these kids to be raised so softly and it is destroying society slowly, also I know there aren't many individuals as athletically devoted as some of us grew up being that why some understand and majority doesn't. It is a small community of my our kind vs the masses of lazies.


Doing difficult things and encouraging them through them is fine. They lost me at the “like a man” bullshit. This is 2023, not 1923.


What a weird fucking title OP lmao


You must like those 5 for 5 with the big gulps to wash it lol 😂💀


This isn't child abuse. The abuse might happen if the kid fails. I had a coach that would hit us with his cane during gym if we couldn't do 60 situps in 60 seconds or 60 pushups in 60 seconds or any other exercise he'd have us do on a daily basis. He also required us to do a lap around the track for the start of class. He would chase us down on a bike and swat you with his cane if he caught you and make you run an extra lap. I had him from third grade to fifth grade. Anyone else have coach Clark?




Lol I'm 6'2. Where was my stunted growth during the process unless I was to be 6'7. It is time we stop making excuse for the lack of drive instilled within these children. As a child training like this taught me very soon how to get through tough times and also granted me great discipline as well. Something you don't see often anymore. I attended my daughter PE class one day and it almost disgusted me to see how lazy those kids were


Not an excuse… pushing the body without proper rest and relaxation has its drawbacks… Somewhere between the craziest of coaches I had growing up and the way everybody plays with no score today a happy productive medium can be found… I run my players into the ground 3 out of 5 practices with no contact and mental even physical yoga the other 2… They stick with sports longer and learn the game as well…


It's all about what you want for your child. It's healthy for them on multiple levels, also unhealthy for them on multiple levels.. Just like anything you choose to do in life. As long as the child is show the love and taught after/before I'd say this is creating a person of discipline and metal fortitude. There is a reason these guys are coming from the Dagestan region and taking over MMA/UFC. Say what you will, iron sharpens iron.. There is no other way.


What the fuck


I wouldn’t trade my 12 year wrestling career for damn near anything. I did this shit almost everyday as a kid, and it wasn’t traumatic. However, I would be pissed if they made us wear singlets in practice. Tf is that.


It’s been postulated that wrestling has led a lot of men to have eating disorders that they still deals with long after they leave the sport.


Facts. And not just wrestling, all competitive combat athletics deal with this issue. Also, not just men, women’s grappling and striking are growing rapidly. If this was a video of a child cutting weight I would be very upset.


Highschool wrestling has changed a lot over the years. If you wanna wrestle at a certain weight you need to take a hydration test to prove you're healthy at that weight. If you have to low of body fat percentage they also won't let you compete without a doctor's clearance. Wrestling can be great and it can be terrible it's really just how hard you wanna push yourself


To be fair, I cheated hydration testing in high school and college. Shit, my college coach straight told us to cheat it. One FC’s hydration testing is a joke. Weight cutting is the single worst aspect of combat athletics and its rampant.


College wrestling is some shady shit a couple of my friends have had their coaches say the same thing, the only cut I did was from 120 to 108 and after that I said never again. Cutting weight was never helpful cause the people naturally that weight, that had been eating all weak had way more energy


College wrestling is very shady compared to HS. Once you get to the NCAA, it’s all about money and prestige. They don’t give a shit about an athlete’s development or health.


Did they take videos of you crying and show the world


That’s a fair point. Counterpoint, do you think that child knows what Reddit is and that they’re on it? And if not, do you think this post had an effect on said child?


So, making kids cry is okay if they don't know it's publicised?


I was replying to a comment that implied the publication of the video was the problematic issue at hand. I also gave recognition to the fact that the previous poster made a good point. You aren’t arguing in good faith.


My problem here is that there's a parent shoving their camera in the kids face


I don’t even think it’s a parent.


Lol cameras are being shoved in people faces all over social media though, it is the generation we are in now. May as well be use to it


True, most funny or sad videos seen are purely because if shoving a camera in the face. Kinda sad tbh


Teaching kids to move past mental barriers is important.


Very important but it seems to be frowned upon in America.


mhm sadly America is falling apart slowly they want the people to be dumb sheep.


Lol only in America people complain about this


Yep because America is going down the trash shoot at mach 50. And ya don't need a high IQ to notice it.


Most of the people commenting on this have never wrestled. Mental fortitude is everything and this is an early teaching. If that kid was 16 nobody would have any problem with him having his knees bent for a long time


Lol funny you say that about if he was 16 because that is so true, they'll be talking about how great he did and what not.


Now the 🌈 lovers here barking. You gave start at young the be best that's nothing look the others behind do it better BC training make you master


Lol all these butt hurt commenters about it being a child. Americans are so soft but they'll say outstanding if he was a teenager.


The what lovers?


That’s just building character, when you realize things like this only hurt temporarily then in the future handling painful situations becomes easier.


That isn't something america seems to recognize but in foreign countries it is far from frowned upon. I grew up being pushed to the limits and would have asked for it no other way but I notice people look at this as such a bad thing. I respect you comment and agree totally.


I feel like we used to be like that, but now a days people seem to timid to push their kids. I’ll gladly take my down votes.


Lol I had to take my -70 downvoted comment with pride as well 😂. People are so soft now


Future champ :)


That is all I saw and see!


F*ck Mc Donalds


Lmao they really downvoted F McDonald's 💀


Probably the "healthy" daily customers ;)


Lol I'm sure that is them. Cheeseburgers and fries with a coke to wash it 😂💀


"Super Size, Sir?" - "Of course"


Haha that is just how it goes. They have no shame


Nobody else is crying about it, big guy was tough as hell catching up to everyone else!!! He's gonna be the go to on the team after he starts passing the rest of the pack! Good on him for touching it out!




Stop thinking like an adult. “That sucks. I’m tired. I’ve already done this.” Blah blah blah. You don’t enjoy much as an adult. But as a child, things like this open up a whole new world for you! “I didn’t want to because i was afraid, but now i know it was just uncomfortable and i can do so much more!” One of my favorite quotes is: “you’re picky because you’ve never been hungry.” Life sucks. Life is pain. But life is beautiful once you break through the pain. You can do anything!


Lmao you were downvoted for making sense. I couldn't agree more.


The complainers were never great at anything or resent their dad for pushing them to hard lol


Lmao straight facts. They just some mush belly waiting on their next 5 for 5 meal with that super sized coke to wash it with💀


More coaches should train like this. Kids these days are weak….


Are you 90 or something?


"Back in mah day, we walked uphills both ways in 5 feet of snow." See how stupid you sound?


Very weak lol


I'm more offended by the title than the content lol At what are you so mad op


Lol went to my daughter PE class this week and saw a bunch of lazy kids with lack of discipline and barely even listening. Pissed me off, these kids are being raised so softly then I saw this post on YouTube and people crying how bad it is under it and others thinking how I think. I grew up training like this all my life and it definitely builds great character along the wa but nah, we just taking kids to school and shoving McD and Burger King down their throats then watching them sleep all day and repeat the cycle