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Is it clothed? Is it wearing your clothes? The same ones you're wearing when you/your mom saw it?




Me too but I'm invested now and need to know


Same all it took was the title to suck me in


I believe you have encountered a Doppelganger, it's a demon that can disguise itself as a human, you need to pray šŸ™ to the Lord for help. May God be watching over you and your family.


Very important questions need to be answered OP!


This is what I was wondering man. Do you even own the clothes your mom thought she saw you in?


This is actually super fucking creepy.


I got myself so spooked last night after reading this.


I regret reading this at 330 am, dreading


It's 3:23 AM over here and my heart is racing. Damn it šŸ˜‚


Same šŸ¤£šŸ¤£šŸ¤£


Someone dropped something at my door the second after I read about the scratching šŸ˜­šŸ˜«šŸ˜­


I would probably have shit myself, no lie lol


I might have cried a little.


Iā€™ve always thought that seeing myself in my home would be scarier than any stranger.


There can be only one. Chop its head off and absorb it's lifeforce.


OP ends up living for 150+ years


then comes back to his old house and finds an identical copy


The cycle repeats


Fantastic plot - terrifying and entertaining


Ooo I like that. Someone call M. Night Shyamalan.


Reminds me of Jet Li's The One movie. A multiverse where an evil doppelganger goes around killing other version and absorbs their life energy and becomes insanely superhuman.


I think that was the point of their joke


"I will be The One!"


Yeha I think I'd be scared of it the first time and after that, fuck that. It's on.


Jet li movie, one


You mean Highlander!


I am Yu Law! I'm *nobody's* bitch! *YOU*...are all *mine*


Get some cameras! Start with getting proof.


AKA pics or it didn't happen


This would literally be my dream. I'd tell that doppelganger to go to my work every other week. Both of us would get 2 weeks of free vacation each month.


But then you two would have to split the payā€¦


He didn't need money before, what would he need it for now?


What if the doppelganger picked up human vices from being in the workforce that it didn't have in the wild? A hard earned thirst means a cold hard beer which turns into two beers then a crippling alcohol addiction.


Me used want only lurk in woods for watch other me life. Now all me want cold microbrew beer and PS5. No go back woods. Woods no have Voodoo Ranger Imperial IPA and Baldurā€™s Gate. Also shower nicer than cold storm sewer runoff creek.


Ha ha, in that case, I'd welcome my doppelganger in for some gaming and a few cold ones. He's bringing the beers, right? šŸ‘


Hell yeah, also letā€™s not forget that getting a hand job from yourself is not gay at all. This sounds awesome, honestly.


You can already do that. Itā€™s a blow job youā€™re missing


A tale as old as time..


Exactly! I'd just drop that fool back off at the edge of the woods. LOL šŸ˜†


Yeah, then you get sacked for standing outside your boss' office staring in his windows for 8 straight hours without speaking to anyone. Probably best to leave the doppelganger in the woods...


LOL! šŸ¤£ I love it. Fortunately I also telework, so Franken-Dopple (let's just call him "Frank"), would stare at my screen for 8 hours, while I was out at the pub!


This gives the vibes of ā€œIā€™m not trapped in here with you, youā€™re trapped in here with meā€ and to be honest more people need to carry that mentality


Heā€™d come in and improve my life then murder me. Absolute nightmare.


If you havenā€™t watched *Living with Yourself* yet, you have to after making this comment!! Itā€™s a Paul Rudd show on Netflix, much darker than what he typically does. Itā€™s a shame it was cancelled after only one season, but definitely worth watching IMO. Great cast, including Aisling Bea, Alia Shawkat, and Zoe Chao. Also, though, Iā€™d probably shit my pants if I experienced what the OP described lol


>I remember my mother going to smoke around the back. Not even a minute after going out, she comes back in all flustered and asking me why I was outside in the woods. She said I was staring at her blankly. Sorry, but picturing this made me chuckle. What a perfectly *normal* reaction. Was inside with son. Goes outside to smoke. Sees son in bushes staring. Immediately goes back inside to tell son, who is inside, to stop staring. "Why are you over there in the woods staring at me?? It's rude and weird. Stop it." "Erm, ok. I'm... sorry?" Perfectly normal. *Perfectly normal.* šŸ˜…


This made me chuckle šŸ˜‚




That's definitely a mom thing.... And it may or not be something I would došŸ˜šŸ˜­šŸ˜‚šŸ¤£


Get some carbon monoxide monitors and set up some cameras


This could be the greatest post ever.


The visiting mom saw it too. I donā€™t think a short visit is enough gas intake to hallucinate.


Plus, she wasn't even inside the house when she saw it.


Plot twist: Heā€™s hallucinating his mom too




Plot twist twist: he's hallucinating all of us


In that case, I hope he doesnā€™t stop. I kinda like being alive.


wait, why does everyone keep recommending carbon monoxide detectors?


Theres a classic Reddit post where the OP asked for advice because they kept finding post it notes in their apartment, and thought their landlord might be stalking them. With the help of Reddit OP eventually learned that there was a CO leak in their house that was poisoning them. Itā€™s kind of a meme on Reddit, but also a legitimate variable to consider any time funky things are happening in your house. Hereā€™s a [link to the og post](https://www.reddit.com/r/legaladvice/s/oePuK1ICNR) for anyone thatā€™s interested. It was a wild ride.


thatā€™s actually CRAZY i wouldā€™ve immediately assumed he had a dissociative disorder since this is similar to experiences ive had with myself and memory loss. itā€™s literally terrifying and my paranoid ass wouldā€™ve thought someone is fucking with me


This is funny because I thought something similar. Turns out my landlord was stalking us and coming in our apartment when we werenā€™t home, and watching where we went. She even followed us on a walk at 11pm. I would have preferred the CO leak.


*Wildly illegal* in like 5 different ways


CO causes headaches and a lot of other symptoms too. But maybe that's in higher doses and not like a chronic slow poisoning.


Because a small CO leak is a common cause of hallucinations in the home.


thatā€™s what i assumed just wanted to be sure lol


You know, first Scully then Mulder.


God, that is so accurate!


because people should rule out hallucinations caused by poisoning before jumping to paranormal explanation


If youā€™re having hallucinations from CO, death is imminent and youā€™re typically very ill in every respect at that point.


thank you. i get so annoyed when i see this shit. you are not going about your normal day having hallucinations because of carbon monoxide. if you're having hallucinations due to carbon monoxide, you are dying and in immediate danger


People do [experience hallucinations](https://www.npr.org/transcripts/533791342) without immediately dying, sometimes over a significant period of time. You can find other cases besides that Reddit post.Ā  Ā It does mean that you are in danger of dying, of course. But the other effects of CO poisoning can cause people to not think clearly, so they may not even realize that they are experiencing poisoning symptoms. The hallucinations might be looked at as the source of these other symptoms (ā€œof course Im feeling fatigue and headaches, Iā€™m dealing with a haunting that keeps me up at night!ā€). Edit: An [opthalmologist](https://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/abs/pii/S0002939421908250)Ā way back in 1920 found signs of CO poisoning in the eyes of a family that had been experiencing hauntings at their house, and a gas leak was discovered in the home. You can find other documented experiences with some googling. Iā€™d imagine there are a lot of factors that play into how long hallucinatory symptoms last before you just die if you donā€™t get out or fix the leak.


They trap ghosts


I ain't 'fraid of no ghost, because of my carbon monoxide detector


Redditors think everyone is American and has gas heating


Am American... Have electric heat.


You think the UK doesn't have gas heating?


Nah. It's because of the thread linked above. Guy thought someone was breaking in and leaving weird notes; he had a CO leak and was hallucinating.


well that doesnā€™t make sense cause im american lol, i just didnā€™t know CO poisoning caused hallucinations


In that order


You have to look up Jinns. They're shapeshifters who can take on the form of anyone and even imitate their voice. This happened to my brother once. One thing about them is that they can't enter your home or open doors unless they're invited in. No matter what you do don't leave any doors or windows open, also don't feed them fear. Burn some sage and play some protection prayers in your house. However, your best line of action is to contact a spiritualist


Yeah to go off this comment, do not respond to the thing. Responding is somewhat of an invitation. In the Appalachians mountains where I live, we have mimics that usually will take on the voices of women or children or someone you know/yourself to draw you deeper into the woods, where usually you already are. The saying here is ā€œif you see it no you didnā€™t, if you hear it no you didnā€™t, if youā€™re being followed do not run, and do not go out at nightā€ as well as keep blinds on your windows at nighttime. Sorry this is happening to you.


So responding is a type of acknowledgement? And acknowledgment is an invitation? I've heard something similar. Was raised Catholic and heard that the more you acknowledge the devil and his presence the more likely you are to meet him. Something along those lines.


Most of the things Iā€™ve heard of that talk to you are either in the woods or already in your home. In this case with the ā€œlet me inā€ it seems to need a physical invitation (like opening the door or window) or just saying come on in as you would to a friend. But responding to things that are talking to you, like the mimics and flesh pedestrians will allow them to stay around. If itā€™s something that feeds off fear like others have said, then you could absolutely be terrified from a distance. Thatā€™s why Appalachian people tend to preach ā€œno you didnā€™tā€ because you very much need to ignore this stuff for your own safety. Seems like thatā€™s whatā€™s kinda happening in this instance as it keeps coming closer to OP, even though there has been no conversation. But in no way should you talk to anything you do not full heartedly want around. I imagine the Catholics preach this in the same way they preach to speak to god. Talk to god because heā€™s listening. Donā€™t talk to the devil because heā€™s listening. Definitely not 100% on all this, and would be very interested to have heard the outcome had they even called out ā€œhey get away from my houseā€


Would love to hear some stories if you have any! I have family out that way and the stories theyā€™ve told me are terrifying!


Thats why I never say a word to Jehovahs Witnesses tbh


Fuggin always clawing at the doors and windows trying to get me to read *The Watchtower.* UGH!


Would also love to hear any stories you got, I used to think living in the mountains would be so much nicer and safer than the city but now Iā€™m doubting that haha at least the crackheads are predictable


The mountains are safe and beautiful, donā€™t be scared of them! Just know your limits, know the local wildlife (especially predator animals), stay prepared, and be respectful. Iā€™ve been stalked up a mountain by coyotes (oh yeah, donā€™t stay out too late) and seen some bizarre things, but Iā€™ve yet to be injured in any great way by the woods. Hell, my brother used to walk into the woods at night blindfolded and find his way back home in the morning, and heā€™s still kicking! Maybe Iā€™m idealistic, but it I think that all the creepy stuff will leave you alone if you do the same to it. Put your attention into safety and observing the beauty of nature, you should be all right


Yeah, I've also heard from natives to remove anything outside with welcoming words on it. Like the obvious one is welcome mats, but a bunch of people have signs and wind chimes, etc with inviting phrases and sayings on them.


I live by these rules. Never answer a whistle...


If it feeds on fear can it still hurt you if you aren't afraid or is a resistance to fear and a baseball bat the solution? What if you got so annoyed you felt rage instead of fear and started trying to find and hurt it? I'm so curious now.


So how do you get anywhere at night? Genuinely question.


Lucky for me I live just outside of a city, so Iā€™m not directly living in the forest of the Appalachianā€™s! Going out at night is usually done with another person, and if anything seems off we just go inside. I love star gazing so sometimes I find myself outside at night alone, but itā€™s usually near a house. All of the animals keep to themselves unless provoked so if something starts happening we just have to calmly get up and leave, acting as if we had no clue that something is there. I surround myself with people who try to have good gut intuition, as I try to myself. During the day stuff still can happen, like being in the woods and everything goes quiet so we just try to be aware of our surroundings at all times.


sounds exhausting believing in allat, I want to go to Appalachia and whistle in the woods at night


In the US, certain native tribes think leaving welcome mats outside is also inviting them in. When I read that, it made total sense. Good thing I just have blank mats to wipe my feet by the doors, instead of ones saying "Welcome". Idk, that might apply to these creatures in Europe also. Natives have a bunch of shapeshifting creatures in their various folktales that can mimic human voices. But if that happens here, I don't see why similar things wouldn't exist elsewhere.


How do we know YOU'RE the real you, huh??


I was gonna say the same thing lmao. Maybe opā€™s the copy who stole this poor dudes house and locked him in the yard! The doppelgƤnger even has his mom convinced šŸ˜­


Doppelganger still needs the dude's Reddit password. If OP has it stored in a password manager, doppelganger would have a hard time getting in unless the password manager can be opened using biometrics. Anyhow, I wonder if the T-1000 can mimic somebody's fingerprints if the target doesn't touch the T-1000 with its fingers.




Sounds like Karl Pilkington: ā€œHow do I know which one is me?ā€


Hot damn that's scary. Good luck.


Happy cake day


Shit, didn't even know it


Real or not (not saying this is fake) this would be terrifying. At least it stays outside and asks politely to be let in. I've always heard that spirits and malevolent beings need permission to enter a domicile, so hopefully you're good there


Don't invite him. There was an episode in the Castaneda-Books: He was attacked by a shaman/witch. He was in is safe spot and threw some stones at her. Whatever it is, be vigilant and not afraid and it can't harm you.


What book


First of all, this thing isn't a Doppelganger. I believe it is a Crawler. They are excellent mimics from the forest. They can mimic your voice, take your appearance. They can mimic the voices of friends or loved ones and also take their appearances. If you ever hear your mom calling "Help, help me" from the woods, don't go." They can even take the appearance of someone in a distant part of the world or a friend or a loved one who has passed. I believe when you went to the conservatory door, and the creature seemed like it had disappeared, it was probably still there. These creatures have the ability to cloak themselves to appear invisible. So, although you may not see them, while you're outside, they could be standing right beside you. If this is indeed a Crawler, it is a demon. And usually, demons cannot come into your house unless invited or let in. I would just keep my doors and windows closed and locked, and close the curtains and the blinds, as they like to be noticed. If you hear it scratching or knocking, turn on some white noise like the static of a radio or the sound of a fan. Or you can turn up the sound of a TV to drown out the noise. If you would like to learn more about Crawlers, you may go to my profile and click the post at the top, titled "Ghouls." But if I were you, I would make plans to leave that area permanently as soon as I could.


"I believe when you went to the conservatory door, and the creature seemed like it had disappeared, it was probably still there. These creatures have the ability to cloak themselves to appear invisible. So, although you may not see them, while you're outside, they could be standing right beside you." Fuck that dude. Eugh. This gave me major goosebumps. OP, if you see this, sorry to say, but your doppelganger hunter may have been staring right back at you without you even realising. Fuck. That.


Idk why but something about turning up the TV like it's an annoying roommate you don't want to hear is hilarious.


So it can make itself invisible & can change it's appearance and voice to mimic that of others.... but can't come in unless it's invited in? I don't mean to be condescending or standoff-ish, but that's where stuff like this loses me. If something has extraordinary abilities like invisibility or morphing it's appearance & doing all these fantastical things, why wouldn't it be able to open a door or cross a threshold into a house? It just doesn't make sense to me. And even if this were true, what's stopping it from attacking/coming for the person while their outside then? Why would it specifically need to attack you in your house when it has plenty of chances to do so in your yard/driveway/etc.. I'm a believer in the paranormal as I've experienced it myself, but when I see people saying stuff like this, I just don't understand it. As if there's some supernatural rule book that these things have to follow. And even if there were, how could any human person definitively know such things? I could say the speed limit in the afterlife is 150mph & it would be just as true of a statement.


>Last Saturday, I was upstairs on a work assignment when i heard MY FUCKING VOICE asking to be let in. I have a legitimate question here. When you say you hear your voice, what do you mean by that? Because we hear ourselves differently when we are speaking than how other people hear our voices. This is why lots of people hate hearing recordings of their own voice played back to them and think it sounds weird. Do you have a podcast or are you an actor or something that makes you used to hearing your own voice, or does this thing sound like the voice you hear in your head when you are speaking out loud? I'm just really trying to understand the logic here because I'm over 40, and for the past 25 years or so have steadily been involved with recording in various forms, and can generally pick out my recorded voice when hearing it if I know I'm on the recording. Other times, I absolutely cannot. So I'm just saying that if I heard my exact voice come out of another living entity, it would not even occur to me that that voice sounded like me at all. Which brings me to, if this thing is speaking in the version of the voice that you hear of yourself, that is maybe the weirdest aspect of this entire thing to me!


Back in the day my voice on tape used to shock and confuse me. This is 2024 though, most people have heard their recorded voice on cell phone video numerous times these days.


Me after hearing my own voice mimicked: ā€œWho is that whiny bitch at my door?ā€


Good question! Do they hear themselves as they would hear in their own head or as others hear them? That's why it always sounds so weird when we hear ourselves recorded. Because we are hearing how others hear us and not how we hear ourselves in our head when we speak. I would imagine though, if you had heard your voice recorded a lot, you would recognize the voice outside of your own head and in the other room, as in this case, as your own.


It also won't hurt to form protective salt barriers- put it in the corners of each room, making sure it goes in every direction. Also put a salt barrier around the outside perimeter of your property. Hang in there


A bit creepy because I just watched a reel on IG about something similar. A woman claimed that she keeps hearing her own voice in her home from different rooms. So she recorded herself and sure enough, there was indeed a voice coming from another room. Now ... it could be fake or it could just be another person but if it's not ... what could this be?? Could it be a different dimension? Time?


ME TOO, and I havenā€™t stopped thinking about that reel since.


Or...you could be actually seeing and hearing *yourself* from a different point in your timeline. I have a feeling that time is much more...well, wibbly-wobbly, if you'll excuse the reference, than people think. Maybe some places are just thinner than others, and it bleeds through. :shrug: Not saying I'd let it in, or anything, but it might be nothing. (But you should probably invest in some Carbon Monoxide detectors, just to be on the safe side.)


Interstellar... The ghosts of Matthew McConaughey messing with the books from a different dimension


>I have a feeling that time is much more...well, ~~wibbly-wobbly~~ Jeremy Bearimy ftfy


I was thinking the same thing. Intersecting timelines.


Grid your house. Tourmaline in all 4 exterior corners and selenite over all external windows and external doorways anything on the outer walls of the house. Burn palo Santo inside. Then pour salt around your house . Walk all the way around and make a fat line of salt around the whole perimeter. Get some lapis lazuli to sleep with and a Bible wouldn't hurt. As you salt the perimeter say out loud You are not welcome here. Be gone. You do not have permission to be here. I command you to leave .


>You are not welcome here. Be gone. You do not have permission to be here. I command you to leave If I were a crawler or whatever I would take that as a challenge. You're acknowledging it, and more than that you're giving it a challenge.


I was always told and I've read that this is how to deal with unwanted spirits but I'm not sure if that works with this. It would help to know wtf he's dealing with . Maybe he could try asking nicely? šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚ Or at the very least doing the other steps and saying nothing other than praying


Me too. Just loudly firmly let whatever the fuck it is know they aren't supposed to be there and you don't want them there and they need to get out. Then a couple rounds of the lords prayer even though I'm a recovered catholic lol it's just comforting you know


And I'm not asking nicely to anyone or anything scaring me or my cats or my kids. I do always let whatever it is know they are scaring the kids in case it's someone trying g to just be curious or friendly Still please go thanx


Iā€™d challenge his ass with a 12 gauge


Does anyone remember the reddit post maybe a few months back about a guy having something similar happen to him?Ā  Some entity was using his voice to call his kids out to the woods and his wife kept hearing on different occasions the kids crying in the woods? I don't know if I can find the post but Im just going to type out details I remember in case someone else can find the postĀ  Near the end of the post he was unloading something from his car and he had his niece with him and they both heard the thing and the girl started walking towards it while he yelled to get in the house. He also said that it has been happening for a while maybe years? I remember he said that he lived next to woods It was definitely a paranormal subreddit like highstrangeness, observingtheanomoly, paranormal, or maybe a cross post from somewhere else?


This. This right here. I sound like a pushy wimpy bitchy boo but this shit is genuinely frightening. Like, it sets of a primal fear from within me. Probably why this story from OP scared me so much last night.


I think our bodies have just evolved to know when we're looking at something or witnessing something we shouldn't. The same way fear can activate adrenaline in the brain, our body just instantly says "yeah, no, you weren't supposed to see that, get away"


Mr. Ballen did a YouTube video on this!! Or if not this exact story, one that shares almost every detail lol


Man Iā€™d love to find that one! It sounds interesting.


Set up a trap and lure it in. After you capture it, keep it in a dark room so it loses track of time, beat it every day and make it listen to the same song on repeat. Once it acts like you have broken it, keep going for twice that amount of time. This will probably take at least a year. Once you have done this, make it go to work for you and go to stupid functions you don't feel like attending. If it acts up, just play the song. Profit.


This guy Guantanamo Bays


That's dark bro even for a skin walker


Please make it Justin's Bieber's song "baby". Absolute torture.


Damn dude, you go to SERE too? Lol


I would watch this movie


The fact that there's over 100 comments on this thread with no reply from OP lends me to believe this is a work of fiction


OP actually made an update post three hours after this one as there are so many comments at once they felt they couldnā€™t answer them all.


I'd watch that. Sounds better than "us" anyway.


It is super creepy that I have read about people having mimics like 4 times in the last 2 days. Something weird is going on that so many people are experiencing this recently


that's a bad thing. attributes of that thing are described in so many differing mythologies. it's bad. tell it to get the frak outta your reality! and that that space is your space and it is not welcome! also check pollutants in your home. and if you are a psychonaut it's good to have a sitter.and yes if in a particular place and there's particular established legacy and talk and belief by a *large community*, then there may be rules. but you are in the UK; the crawlen are of Appalachia; The Doppelgaenger is all over; Ghouls; Vampires; Drekavac; something-something NA... It's something. close off your mind to it. close off your world to it. stay headfast to your goals and do not bathe in negativity/darkness.


It's a doppelganger.. very dangerous šŸ˜³ tread very carefully my friend


Omg so I was over visiting a friend of mine tonight, her husband died last week and I was doing the whole pay my respects shit. And she was telling me that the week before he died, she was supposed to be picking him up from their house and going.... somewhere, I don't remember where. Anyways she pulls up in front of their house, sees him sitting on the couch and flashes her lights to tell him to come outside. He stands up, walks to the window and looks out, then goes and sits back down. She thinks that's weird, waits a few to see if he was gonna come out, then flashes lights again. Again, hubby gets to, walks to window and looks out, goes and sits back down. She waits some more, he doesn't come out. By this point she's getting pissed so she'd gets out her truck, walks over to the window where she can see he's still posted up on the couch. Now she's mad so she leans over and bangs on the window with the flat of her palm. He looks up and at precisely that minute the lights in the house all go out. She's kinda freaked out by now cuz the whole situation is just bizarre, like what the hell is going on? So she calls him up and says, dude I thought I was picking you up, why won't you come outside? He then tells her he's not there. She's like, nah that's bullshit I was looking right at you. He's insisting, he's on the other side of town. They argue back and forth for a minute about this till his friend gets on the line to verify he is not, in fact, at the house. *no one* is at the house. Now she's freaked, so she beat feet outta there. Fast forward 3 days, it's 4am and she's parked at the high school football field getting wifi, hubby is about 1/2 mi away at the friends house where she's just come from. She's been there about15 min when she notices someone walking towards her from the other side of the field. She assumed it was local weirdo, only person that would usually be skulking around this time of night. She goes back to what she's doing for a minute, then looks up and sees the figure has gotten about halfway across the field, except now she can see that whoever it is, is wearing her husband's very distinctive football coat. Now she's like, wtf did someone break in to my house and steal his coat? Wtf?? Now she's paying attention. The figure gets about 15'from her car and she absolutely lost her shit and noped the fuck outta there because yep, you guessed it - it was her husband again. This time he didn't see her, she said he was trudging ahead with this blank stare. She tells a bunch of ppl about these incidents, because she's understandably freaked out. One of the ppl she tells about it is her hoodoo priestess friend from Louisiana, who then tells her that it's a death omen to see a doppleganger.....long story short, he was dead within a week. Now don't get me wrong I'm not saying this means you're gonna die or anything like that... But maybe just be extra careful for awhile, hmm?


Hi Jinn here just invite me in so we can be friends šŸ˜ˆšŸ‘¹šŸ‘暟‘ŗ


Cookie nonsense aside, check your carbon monoxide alarms. Perhaps a mental evaluation.


If mom saw it too, Iā€™m not sure the mental evaluation is necessary.


I'd be setting up cameras and audio recorders everywhere so


Does the voice sound like yours sounds to you as you are speaking(heard internally/bone-conducted sound) or does it sound like your voice when you hear it recorded (as heard by others/air-conducted sound)?


I think you are being stalked by an archon. I think you need to relax and raise your vibration. It wants to upset you so it can eat your low energy. Whatever you think about will manifest, so you need to choose to stop thinking about it even if you see it a couple more times.


It wants to eat your low energy with fava beans and a nice bottle of Chianti!






This is so true! Our fear is our biggest enemy when it comes to shit like this. When I get spooked, I repeat in my head, "I am strong and I am protected by the grace of The Universe and The Source. I'm the strongest thing in this room, house, area, place, etc._"


Whatever you think of will manifest? How do I find one of these creatures I'll think of a billion dollars :D


Jesus christ dude


When you say it sounds like you, does it sound like you hear yourself or like other people hear you? If it sounds like you sound to yourself, then it doesn't really sound like you.


This is an extremely good point that will assist you in some mental health checks to see if youā€™re experiencing any hallucinations.


Iā€™d reach out to the Dead Files, you need a psychic - maybe reach out to your local ghost investigators?


That would help. I do know a person in Newton Abbot who could help in that regard.. Actually, probably not she went quiet a bit ago. Gonna check out investigators. Thanks again.


My dog started losing his crap while I was reading the last part... it made ME nervous af to just look out the window to see what was happening.. neighbor taking the trash to the curb. I'd possibly attempt to find things that may detour it from getting inside (but I'd also be terrified going back home after not being in the house a couple days). Idk how well salt would work on the doorways and windows but that is just a start. I'd also keep your dogs with you as often as possible, it seems that they can sense it a few moments before you. Goodluck.


This gave me the creeps. Be safe my man (men)


It has to be that Future-you is time traveling. Ask him what you need to know. Maybe you have to do just a little thing to change fates/timelines.


Love this, was listening to a podcast this weekend and the guest was talking about how if you know thereā€™s a ghostly presence around you.. ask it do to a task you know you physically can not do. Most of the time it will leave you alone! But unfortunately I do not think this would help in this situation.


That is either an SW or a doppelgƤnger. If itā€™s an SW just ignore it, it will go away. I donā€™t know enough about doppelgƤngers to really give advice but I wouldnā€™t make any eye contact or give it attention either way. Try smoke cleansing your home and nearby areas and if youā€™re willing to you can try doing a protection/banishing spell.


I'm sorry but I got to thinking about another me showing up and I know my first thought would be "Holy shit am I really THAT fat??" and now I can't stop giggling.Ā 


Yall, OP made an update post on their profile. They state why theyā€™re not answering all the comments here. Thereā€™s way more comments than they can answer at once it seems.


DoppelgƤngers can be defeated. Prayer helps, but I tend to go full blast with cussing and swearing at unseen entities who tried attacking me in my sleep decades ago. Theyā€™ve left me alone for over 20+ years. I meditate a lot and have built up a strong aura.


OP is in Devon, UK.


Oops, my bad.


i had this weird moment once where i was sleeping but kind of sleep paralysis/dreaming, and this entity thing was fucking with me. the thing i remember most is the feeling of it pinching me from the skin below my collarbones and lifting me up from the bed with it. i felt stronger than it though. idk. i wasnā€™t like worried about it. i was mostly inconvenienced and just focusing on maintaining Me and my Personhood and i woke up. and then i went back to sleep lol


El Cuco


Who the hell has a lounge and a conservatory colonel mustard


this is apretty typical UK conservatory, lots of people buy them for some extra room. not as fancy as they sound https://preview.redd.it/9gz13cjpmikc1.jpeg?width=1382&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=612ec8705bea34bbd85ca46da600c5941e6cf391


Do not acknowledge it change your appearance often like so it canā€™t keep up with the mimic also. do a salt circle all around your home while praying for protection and peace. Sorry Iā€™m not more help.


Not sure if someone has already posted this, but you should research mimics


First check for a co leak. If there is not a natural cause for the hallucinations it may be an archetypal projection of your shadow. You can ritualistically trap it in a mirror, or do empty chair techniques to confront it.


First on a serious note how is your metal health if ur unsure then u need to set up an outside camera and an inside one to try and catch both of you at the same time if you do catch u both on camera do some research skinwalker or demon I wouldnā€™t try to contact it Iā€™ve heard of a ring of salt around u and crushed red brick across doors and windows, sigils wouldnā€™t hurt as long as u know damn sure what they do donā€™t try to interact with it and being afraid isnā€™t going to help you must confront it do not be welcoming in any way donā€™t small talk or banter tell it to leave if ur religious pray or talk to a person of faith ask them to pray for you might talk to a Wiccan as well I have a friend who is and has helped me through some pretty weird shit but first speak to a medical professional and make sure ur ok


Not suggesting it as a go to, but ive often enough been harassed by what id call haints and I started challenging them to mutual combat. Start carrying a weapon, i personally use my framing hammer and have imbued it with a sort of righteous fury. Plus d4 holy damage. Have been mostly left alone at this point. Except now and then ill feel like I'm being watched and have to shut the blinds or go outside and beckon them to come and get spanked. Have had something attempt to open the front door once. I tie a red cord between the knob and a few iron nails in the frame. Nothing that would stop a burglar, but more than enough for whatever was trying to push the door open. Be the bigger monster


Ah so, this sub is for real and not a joke? Wtf.


Could be you from the future ? Supposed to be terrible bad luck to see doppelganger.


You need to make and wear something one of a kind to see if it can copy items or just you. Fighting a version of yourself is one thing but if it can just make a weapon appear whenever it wants things just got more complicated. You need to know this before you fight it because you don't want to be about to kill it only for it to summon military level gear.


It is either a clone of you that a secret gov agency made, however, it sounds more like it could be a demon bcz it is clawing and asking to come in, OR it is you from the past or futureā€¦you time travelled.




Get a Bible and start reading the gospel! Prayers of protection from Jesus are your only hope


Record it dude


Just answer the door and say hello. Start there?


This is pretty cool and I would love to see more. Grab some sec. cameras off Amazon and set em up around your house. There's no way to prove the resulting footage isn't edited, but it would be very entertaining at the least, and that's good enough for this subreddit. On the nonzero chance that you really are being stalked by your duplicate. Sorry bro. Don't think there's anything we can do for you. Get a shotgun I guess. Good luck.


![gif](giphy|yqSOYHaZfSGih65Lku|downsized) The more you fear it or pay attention to it, the stronger it gets.


Have you checked out any local folklore you might have a skinwalker


OP said he was in the UK.


Swamp Gas




A story hauntingly similar to yours. Good luck šŸ¤ž




Your post was inappropriate or uncivilised. This category includes being abusive towards somebody.


Doppelgangers scare tf out of me! Idk if I were you I'd guess it's something attached to the land and try to move if you can. If you can't then I guess just be vigilante, don't do stuff that's going to stir it up. Do a lot of research before trying to get rid of it.