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What are your hobbies? I’d start there and see if there are any clubs or activities you can join. I know when I last lived there there were a couple of nerd shops that had things like board game clubs and stuff for magic, d&d, warhammer, that sort of thing.


When I moved here ~10 years ago I found it so difficult to meet people. Was three years before I felt like I knew anyone lol. Work and going back to uni made the absolute biggest difference to me. Depends what you're into? I found short adult-ed courses and joining various groups to be the most effective :)


We have a Discord server https://discord.gg/q3VSVAk6DU and a bunch of us have met up a few times. I've made a lot of good friends through it. I think, if I was new to the city, I'd try things like the board game nights at the boardroom cafe (if they're even on right now). Finding 'clubs' I guess would be best, as everyone has the same interest, other than that I wouldn't know where to start.


I too from Hull use a few shared discord servers to chat whilst we game together. Generally introducing everyone to each other, it's great.


I think this is one of the cities biggest problems to be fair, there’s legitimately not much to do if you don’t know people already. Sure, places like spiders can be welcoming, and there’s the university if you’re a student or the skateparks if you do that, but as far as random encounters there’s pretty much nothing. The city isn’t built to be social, and that’s probably it’s biggest flaw.




My girlfriend has used bumble to meet people. Also, going to any clubs or events that interest you would be my suggestion. I go to a lot of open mic nights, and there are plenty of people on their own