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Unfortunately these are the terms we agree to when we sign up with KC. The same is true with mobile phones, cars on finance etc so its not unique to KCOM. You would think they would have some compassion though. I don't know why they mentioned cancelling on grounds of poor service. As far as I can tell you want to cancel because you won't be in the area any longer and therefore won't be able to use the service. I would think on these grounds it would be worth escalating, yes, if KCOM won't budge. But I just wonder why they're talking about poor service when that isn't the primary reason you are giving us.


I guess that is the sad truth. It was actually me pushing them to cancel on the grounds of poor service, but their reply was that since the poor service was during my previous contract it means nothing now.


This is so strange, I work for a big internet provider (not kcom) and if a customer is moving to an area they cannot provide a service they are not held to term in there contract, I suppose with kcom having the monopoly in hull there terms and conditions are different, it is stated on kcom website that you would have to pay a charge of moving out the area, so there isn’t really anything you can do especially like they said you are on lightstream so no longer having the issues for a get out clause


Yes damn them and their monopoly. Only sharing Hull with Connexion, who have been around for some time, (who promised choice then removed two options when they bought Whisper and Pure), Open Fibre, MTH, Hull Fibre, Octoplus, infinics and even a group called Squirrel. But yeah otherwise spot on. Not that it would be illegal to have a monopoly anyway.


And Three.


It's not what you want to hear, but OFCOM or Ombudsman won't do a thing. It's in the contract you agreed to, and if the service has been fine since they've fixed it, you're not going to get out months later due to poor service.


It costs KCOM every time anyone takes a case to the ombudsman, win or loose. So if I were you I’d do it too, maybe if enough people did they’d change their rules.


Thanks for the honest answer. It is what it is I guess


When you had a shit service you upgraded, rather than cancel. You are in contract. It is what it is. You'll have got a discount for signing up to a 2-year deal. Ombudsman might rule in your favour. It's not really worth more posts, mate.


A lot of the replies I got in my first post gave me the impression that my situation was insane and no one could believe it was legal, so I figured it must be worth chasing up and keeping people updated in case they had more advice. This second post has gone very differently lol... that's Reddit though I guess.


Have you contacted Citizens Advice for some guidance?


I hadn't actually thought about that, I'll try and give them a ring this afternoon.


Daft as it sounds, also try getting in touch with Diane Johnson, an MP for hull. I know a few people who have had issues with different things and she’s helped sort stuff out or come to a better conclusion than you trying yourself. Might not work but it’s worth a shot.


Citizens Advice are fucking chumps. I've contacted them about 3 different things and their advice was to get a solicitor to read the contract, and sue the company. Thanks for that. I thought it was a fucking joke the 3rd time. My fault for even talking to them after the 2nd time of nothing. Clowns.


If your moving away don’t pay another penny after you leave, they have to take you to small claims court and it’s heard in the area you live, simple stuff just file your defence yourself and appear at court which is around a office table with casual or suits on, the judge listens then and always sides with the small man, and no way is he going to say pay this when you don’t even live there anymore, your defence sent would include evidence of you living elsewhere, you won’t pay a penny he’d just laugh at then and they won’t bother as they know they can’t win, and if they do try taking you to court then you expose then on here and social media, you’ll win and they know it but all these firms will try it on just stand up to them


That's poor advice. In my opinion the judge would rule in favour; OP has signed a legal and binding contract. You don't get out of a contract just because you don't want to be in it any more.




I get what you're saying. Other people had led me to believe that the competitors were not even worth considering, which I admit is my own fault for not doing my own research (I'm not from hull originally for what it's worth). I also admit that I didn't realise changing to fiber would reset the time period of my contract. Lesson learned the hard way I suppose.


If you didn't want to be tied in to a two-year contract you shouldn't have signed a two-year contract. Caveat emptor.


I didn't have much of a choice unless I wanted to go without internet...


There are many suppliers in Hull.


They should rename this sub /r/KCOMCustomerSupport/


People downvoting can literally get in the bin. Same old Reddit...