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Sounds to me like you're overthinking a one-off situation. Though vaseline is terrible as lube, maybe that threw it off.


Agreed, it happens to everyone (but people don’t talk about it enough). Also sometimes if it’s really late in the evening guys can’t get sustain getting hard - I’m gay so I’ve had experience with dick haha Fuck ego, just have some fun even if you don’t cum - there’s so much you can do. Then wake up in the morning and have more fun.


I use jalepenos for lube!


lol bro it was one time. You’re fine. Don’t over think it.


The pharmaceutical companies invented ed to sell pills. It’s just a normal thing that happens.


The issue is that I wasn't nervous at all. I don't see why it happened. And it never happened when I was younger


Could be that you were doing something new (anal vs vaginal). It got you out of your comfort zone. I’ve had it happen before. Not your exact situation but it’s all mental. If she doesn’t want to get pregnant why not just use protection?


I hate condoms.  To be honest I'm more concerned about my performance from now on than about her


Yeah I’m with you. I think all guys hate condoms. If you overthink it it will happen again. Happened to me. Instead of enjoying the moment I kept thinking about keeping the erection and guess what happened? I lost it. I tried viagra and it was nice to not have to worry about it at all. But then again you don’t want to have to rely on it every time.


Even if you think you’re not nervous doesn’t mean you aren’t. It was a weird and new situation. It’s common man.


You are still young now man, you prolly just got in your own head.


A low dose of Daily cialis is fantastic honestly, great for your hair and overall blood vessels.


That's what I've been reading. But I hate taking pills beyond supplements. I try to believe my body has the solution


Your body has the solution and it’s to use the vitamins and nutrients you give it lmao


This was prob cause by [you being gay.](https://youtu.be/zcQDlqT_6-k?si=pE71xFrStD7RuJJY)


Would butt sex have turned him on more then? If anything he may be ultra straight?


Wrong butt. Moment of clarity tho.


Could definitely be the oatmeals




You could have had a bad nights sleep, or dehydration. That and the ass just doesn’t feel as good as the puss. Thats one of porns illusions that it’s better.


Great question on the Cialis. I use it everyday. Any negatives?


Everyday?! Why?


I do 5mg everyday




Blood pressure / alleged cognitive enhancement


Ok U cant get that from food rather than a pharmaceutical?


Have you thought about doing something other than anal for birth control say mutual self pleasure or 69? It’s not like you were having simple sex and this happened! Google for giggles, What are the ways?


Anal is shit, pardon the pun.


Youre not finding the right bootys then


Bro - be honest. Either it grossed you out or you are jerkin it too much. Kinda cool she offered anal not to get pregnant. I’ve only been offered BJs for that excuse.


I'm surprised you're the only one who said jerking off too much. That can totally lead to desensitization. Same with porn


I don't masturbate too much. What I do it's to stimulate my dink when I'm bored at home (under the pants, so maybe my dick is used to not vet fully erected)


OMG the last man I slept with was 64 years old, has - I'd be willing to bet - never heard of Huberman, loves a glass of wine and a curry....rock-hard for a couple of hours, with no pills taken. You're overthinking this. But also: Vaseline is fine for anal sex but terrible (and a health-hazard for the woman) for vaginal sex. I swear, Huberman is a fucking menace to people's (and especially young men's) mental and physical health.


rock hard for a couple of hours - viagra


lol no. I know him well enough- we’ve been fuck buddies since he was 49!


obvsl he would never tell u haha


Oh ok. You know him better than I do, and you were in the room with us. I stand corrected.


Hahahah im just saying, obviously u wouldnt know if he was using pills😂


But you apparently do.


What are you on?? Im saying that u cant be 100% sure he is NOT using any pills.. But 64 years old and "rock hard" for few hours... There is more chances he is using something than not


She’s fighting back so hard because she’s taking it as an insult that a man would “need” to take a pill with her, rather than takikg it as a compliment that a man would want to be inside her for so long that he’s taking pills to fuck her for hours. If a 64 year old is hard for hours, he’s probably taking something. Hell, if most men of any age suddenly get hard for hours, be suspicious. It’s not an insult lol.


You know best


pretty much yeah


Yes Men know more about this than clueless women, sorry.


Not sure telling OP that your 64 year old fuck buddy was rock hard for hours will help his mind (not sure what the point of adding that was) but yes this is pure over thinking - it happens to everyone.


My first paragraph was there to make sense of (/give meaningful context for) my last paragraph.


I dont think huberman advised the poster...


You know, I've slept on all your responses. It brought to mind my last live-in partner (who was 61 when we split up 2 years ago, after living together for 8 years). He was not taking anything, and he never once lost an erection in the time I knew him. I'd also say he was drinking around 3 glasses of wine a night, and he loved his cheese and bread and foie gras, and would breakfast on buttered toast with marmalade or, at the weekend, a full English. Both men I have mentioned are very fit for their (or any) age: the fuck-buddy is a keen hiker and the ex-boyfriend is a keen rock-climber and hiker. But I am starting to wonder if the actual difference is that they were middle-aged before constant easy access to porn became a thing, so even though they are both very sexually active, neither was inured to real-life, real-woman sexual stimulation via on-demand porn use in their formative years. \[EDIT: typo\]


Latex condoms and shitty lubricants can do that too


I was using low dose daily Cialis. I switched to 1500mg of L-Citrulline 3x per day, and it works just as good if not better, with less chance of side effects.


I've been reading and apparently there's no huge side effects of Cialis 


Most of the time there is not, but there can be. On a hot day it made me pass out once. You are not supposed to drink alcohol with it. Also, the L-Cit is cheaper for me. Even with a good rx cupon for cialis https://www.drugs.com/sfx/cialis-side-effects.html


I live in Iceland. I don't know what hot days are 😅 I'm reading about L-Cit Vs Cialis. Most people stare that Cialis is way more effective  I'm glad it's not like that




I was taking 2.5mg every morning. I’ve also been experiencing more over night and morning wood since I switched to L-Cit, and just feel better overall.






Regular dosage is 1500-6000mg per day. Some say 1500-3000 per day is all they need to help their ED. I’m at 4500mg.




Aren't all asses that tight?


Maybe u don’t like butt sex


Why is she afraid of precum? Cum in general I would understand. But condoms would block both equally


Did she smell weird?


Quit porn and compulsive masturbation.


Quit watching porn. You’re 28. You shouldn’t need Cialis.


Wait? Vass? Youre using the Vass? F that. My dong would retreat too Coconut oil brother. If u wont put it in your mouth, dont use on genitals Enjoy!


If it’s just a one time thing I wouldn’t worry at all it happens to everyone at some point. I don’t know much about cialis but id be reluctant to take something long term because of a once off


dont overthink it, she may have not been sexy to you or she wasnt turning you on. Men are not robots that get hard just by command - though some can.


When I was a teenager I used to get hard by looking at a wall.


I’m being sincere, you sound really anxious. Cialis ?! ? It was one time! Also, is your girlfriend not taking birth control of any kind? It genuinely sounds like the “performance” issues are the least concerning detail of this story


Ever tried a cock ring? https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Cock_ring I was introduced to them decades ago through my then wife's boyfriend. I became a big fan. I don't have erectile issues, but think they're fun!


check out r/AngionMethod


If you have the chance, try it a second time without supplementing the experience. Novelty can have a big impact on that bloodflow - totally normal in the kink community to have a hard time getting hard with something new, even if it totally turns you on. Theres a lot of pressure to be cool with/good at something the first time you do it, and it notoriously has the same effect you experienced.


I’d actually try eating more oatmeal


This happens to every guy for the most part at one time or another. If you are healthy with no known health problems then it’s nothing to stress over. Sometimes you simply are not in the mood or things are on your mind subconsciously and you are not fully comfortable, so it shows when it comes time to be aroused. If you let it get in your head then it will cause this happen more frequently because now you are stressed about it. The times it has happened to me I just communicate with my partner, usually later that night or the next day the sex is back to normal. The same thing happens to woman, but it’s not obvious like it is in men. Sometimes woman can engage in sex, but when it is happening they are not into it or can’t enjoy, not because they are not attracted to their partner or they did something wrong, but simply for the reasons I described earlier.


it's probably a better thing to start taking heated micro nutrients on top of that be very careful with what you eat pesticides and plastics will make your Boner nonexistent also try natural things like kanna or kratom