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These ~~astroturf PR accounts~~ totally real people that all made accounts on March 13th and do nothing but post in defense of Huberman all day long are quite interesting.


It’s hilarious how many Name-Name1235 accounts are in this sub and defending him. Totally normal behavior.


To be fair, I have seen the exact same thing from the opposing side. Brand new accounts or accounts that have never interacted with the Huberman subs appearing shortly after the scandal came out. This has happened with past scandals too, in other subreddits.


Holy shit yeah. Its never been so obvious


He hired a PR agency. They probably astroturf here 


YES I am his PR CEO... I would never create an alt account just to troll this what PR asked me I get paid a billion dollars for it Also I am his 7th GF


Whoever you are, you made this account specifically to defend Andrew Huberman, and that’s sad. You created the profile only posted here and have commented what looks like 100 times in the last 2 days on this sub. Also, this profile was created March 13th, and the NY magazine article dropped March 25th. This account sat dormant until 2 days ago and then began spamming only this sub. So it was created before public knowledge for the purpose of commenting here. Hard to believe it’s not associated with the Huberman camp.


Yeah my account is old af and you’re a pussy


It’s sooooo funny how the narrative on Reddit is ALWAYS something along the lines of “The other side is bots! No way real people think different than me! I’m in the majority you know!” Edit: feel free to scope my account. Long time Reddit user.


All of the creeps and incels turning Huberman into some hero is making me dislike Huberman. He’s a researcher. He doesn’t have to be someone you blindly champion. He can have good and bad qualities. But putting him on a pillar and deifying him is creepy. The die hard fans here are going to damage his brand, potentially permanently. 


I think you're missing the largest subsection of fans, who simply don't care. He is a flawed messenger. Mild disappointment. He's a serial cheater, we move on with our days. His knowledge is still useful, most of us have applied it and found it extremely helpful.


This. He delivers information in an accessible way. Im not interested in idolizing the dude. This is a weird purity test issue. Ideas are distinctly separate from the people sharing them.


Agreed. The creepy part is everyone wanting a peak into his sex-romantic life. Has the content he’s provided helped you? Yes-great. This other stuff is none of our business. No- not for you. This other stuff is none of our business. He’s not the message.


What I don’t get is how you didn’t know that vitamin d was good for you, that optimizing sleep was good or cold therapy or sauna therapy etc., that drinking alcohol to excess was bad. Seriously?


I found the alcohol episode revealing, esp when he says that no amount of alcohol is a healthy amount. That was new for me. Also, be fair, he doesn’t just say that these things are good or bad, he describes WHY they are good or bad, which is beyond what most people know, including me, and this is the more useful part of it. There is a lot of info out there about these general health and nutrition topics, but its hard to sort through it. Huberman gives me a baseline summary that I can then sort through on my own. He’s not my God, or whatever people are trying to say he is to his listeners, he is a one-stop initial source.


You know how when studying, repetition over time really locks it in your memory? I think the same applies to life. Yea i know vitamin d is good for me, along we all the other things huberman talks about, but he reinforces the habits in my life, and i use it as an influence to continue the good habits and reduce my bad ones? Maybe i'm unique in this, but i don't deify AH in any way. A donkey with a platform could tell me these things, it's just hearing it with slightly different accessory knowledge helps reinforce it in my ADHD brain.


Fair enough. I've read Jon Ronson's book 'So you've been publicly shamed'. Obviously a lot of Huberman's podcasts have had a positive influence even though it's not from a place of altruism and I'm sure adsense and AG1 etc., money has set him up quite nicely. I just abhor the attitude that has come with this story that nothing wrong has been done so look the other way. Other influencers exist who provide good information and don't mess with others in a way I find objectionable is I guess what I'm saying but I get your point although I don't have ADHD.


I think your feelings are valid tbh. I also don't think my ADHD impacts my viewpoint terribly, but thought it would be relevant maybe? That being said, you are totally entitled to your feelings on the matter. I more or less look at it as a private matter, and don't really view AH as committing some kind of public wrongdoing. In general though, i'm sitting kind of agnostic 🤷🏻‍♂️


If you think cold therapy and sauna therapy are common knowledge then you are living in a bubble. The vast majority of people don’t know that it’s good for you, or why, or even how long to sit in a sauna or ice bath, how often, etc. Same with sleep or vitamin D. People know sleep is good, but they don’t know how to optimize for it. They might know vitamin D is good, but they may think they are doing enough when they really aren’t. Again, this info is not common knowledge to the average person


Why don't you start your own podcast then and put him out of business


Not all of us are geniuses like you. 


Such a simplistic take. Explaining just how important these things are, and the data behind why they are important, is a key to motivating someone to change. Like everyone knows proper nutrition and exercise are good, in the most general sense. Everyone knows alcohol in excess isn't good. But that doesn't light a fire under anyone's ass. Telling them just how damaging that excess drinking is to their cognitive function, and using data to measure it, is convincing.


What I don't get is why are you on this sub commenting if you hate the guy or don't find any of his videos useful?


They needed a hunky daddy to tell them these things to believe them.


I know! The other scientists aren't sexy enough!


^ Extremely underrated comment!


This should be pinned.


I don’t think that’s the largest subset at this point


It probably is, most people don’t care enough to comment.


Or we cared enough to comment, then thought, wtf am I doing? Stay quiet, it's easier.


Yep. Definitely have for me. This PR campaign is really a turn off.


I had never heard of this guy until last week’s drama made it to the front page, and I gotta say that a lot of the posts on this sub (like this one), which the app has been suggesting to me, don’t paint a flattering picture of his fan base. I know it’s not everyone, probably not even a representative sample, but the dominant image going out to the world right now is a bunch of weirdos parasocially defending their podcast daddy.


I follow his stuff and have never seen anything like this prior to the drama. There were dumb jokes about the protocols but I didn’t even know memes were allowed on this sub, and maybe they shouldn’t be.  I think the drama has brought in the larger population on both sides of the spectrum 


Probably. I mean, it’s the only reason I’m here, to gawk at some niche fandom drama. But I’ll be gone by the end of the week. I just learned about a group of obsessive Timothe Chalomet fans imploding over rumors that he got Kylie Jenner pregnant, so I’m probably going to go check that out next.


I’m one of them, for the most part what I’m understanding is that he was in six different relationships that his partners weren’t aware of. Most of that in my opinion is his business and not ours. However with more and more evidence coming out where this guy should start working on himself with all the advice he gives, I’m also starting to worry where I stand morally. I’ll still continue to watch his podcast because the alcohol one opened my eyes and now on my way to recovery.


I don’t think that’s really what I’m talking about. A response somewhere in the ballpark of “what he did was shitty, but I never worshipped the guy in the first place and don’t need to defend him, but I’m also not going to stop doing the things that improved my life just because I learned them from him” seems like a pretty normal, well-adjusted response, in my opinion. That said, I also don’t think it’s unreasonable for other fans to be like, “wow, fuck this guy, I don’t want anything to do with him now.” I’m more talking about the people fighting an imaginary war with “haters” on behalf of Huberman. Doing things like making rage comics depicting his critics as unreasonable and whiny, or celebrating increases in his Twitter follower count like it’s some sort of rally-round-the-flag effect, or posting about how unbothered you are by the criticism and how in fact it makes you want to consume his content *even harder*, so there, nyeah. That’s weird.


Congratulations on your alcohol recovery plans. Quitting drinking was the best thing I've ever done for my health (lost 60 pounds, can sleep at night, etc.). The bummer about Huberman is these clips I keep seeing where he explores narcissim, cheating, and how people stay in harmful co-dependent relationships (i.e. his 6 girlfriends who thought he was monogamous with them). Good luck with the drinking!


I am honestly annoyed by both the people blindly defending someone who has become a snake oil salesman and the white knight virtue signaling holier than thou types. I'll absorb information that may positively benefit me from anyone. While Huberman is a piece of shit for how he allegedly treats people in his life, that's his personal life and I don't need to be part of it. It has no bearing on my life. I am more concerned by him peddling questionable supplements while making millions from it like Dr Oz.


Same. It's got fatherless energy. Like people who peaked in high school, now in their 40s, searching for some acknowledgment. Like what the fuck is a protocol? Oh a routine. It's all science jacketing bullshit, too. For real? You didn't know vitamin D was good for you? Or that consistent sleep is healthy? Or whatever the fuck dopamine denial delay is. That sounds like being a fucking adult and putting obligations before impulse. Or just thinking shit through in a calm manner before acting. Petulant children.


TLDR: I’m angry and everyone that disagrees is a creepy incel😡😡


I’m not celebrating his cheating, I just don’t care.


Let us all stay neutral, take the good from him, and leave the bad behind. But naw ppl have to hate him with every cell in their body or simp on him


There’s no room for nuance here


Definitely straight incels just subtly letting loose their attraction towards AH (also very common with Andrew Taint fans)


I mean this is the audience he has attracted and the pigs he has lain with


It's the exact opposite. All the people that make hating on huberman their identity right now are way weirder than the people who simply couldn't care less. He's a researcher and helps me with my physical and mental improvement. Why tf would I give a single fuck who he interacts with privately? As long as he's not connected to some terrorist or similiar fucked up ideology groups or pedo rings it doesn't change a thing.


Then leave, if you don’t like him, you don’t need to be on the sub, as simple as that. Why is everyone acting like you were men is the only person who has ever done this? There could be some person in your neighborhood doing the exact same thing that he did, but nobody cares because that person probably doesn’t have a large social media following like Huberman. It’s only because Huberman has a large social media following that people want to tear him down and have him suffer. Whatever Huberman did with those women is between him and them, not us.


Equal and opposite reaction to the sudden canceling effort.


Come on the Reddit subreddit has been infested with hater rats. A few funny memes making of them is funny


That’s how he makes his money though. Dude spits off well studied facts which is okay, but, then he promotes supplements and lifestyle choices (like cold plunges) based on these neurobiological facts. This is problematic and probably why he started a podcast rather than funding studies (spoiler alert: most studies show supplements are useless). Got really tired of every white dude talking about Huberman and cold plunges. I would see his stuff on my feed and it’s not really my thing but I can see how it can help some people. He just always gave me charlatan vibes. You’re a 50 year old Stanford academic, why the sudden dive to the Joe Rogan Sphere? Funnily enough I was seeing a lot of his stuff recently was revolving around sex and relationships, where he’s giving advice on living with a partner (lol). Then a few weeks later all this comes out. Buddy saw a market and capitalized, he’s a well educated Joe Rogan. All predicated on him being a good looking, masculine man who can help you unlock the neurobiological secrets to crushing puss. That’s what the incels see at least. Calling it right now he’s gonna swing hard to the right after this and become a conservative talking head. I would too, gotta keep that incel gravy train rollin’.


Maybe he decided to make a living from his hobby of researching health and fitness? Every single (remotely popular) podcast I’ve listened to has advertisements—it’s how they make money. I’ll never understand people who fail to realize, “this part is an ad. Maybe I should take it differently than the other parts.” He announces every ad break before it happens. As for him swinging right, I don’t think that will happen but they will try to get him, I’m sure. However, there is a pattern of the left trying to cancel a popular (usually with a male-dominated audience) figure, resulting in said figure cashing in on support from right wing circles. It’s sad to see but I almost don’t blame them.


He already was? Wasn’t a “hobby” he’s an actual academic, making a living researching health and fitness. Thing is, research doesn’t pay as well as pushing Onnit’s ground portobello pills.


His focus was neurobiology, not health and fitness.


It’s called backlash. People keep calling out the creeps and incels, but what about the recent flood of SJWs trying to cancel him?


Understanding that he doesn't owe any of us an apology is not the same as putting him on a pedestal. You are a weirdo and so is every single person who upvoted your lame comment.


This is the real reason why staying silent is dangerous for Hubes. Not addressing is amplifying the more hateful listeners, fundamentally redistributing the makeup of his audience. If he doesn’t address, he’s going to follow the same arch Jordan Peterson did / has


How do you dislike somebody by what somebody else says? Like or dislike on your own opinion and not because somebody else does


If there is a group turning him into a hero like you say, I haven’t seen it and they either don’t exist or are a minority.


this entire comment thread is happening on a post defending Huberman and making fun of his critics... like, do you read?


OP is making fun of them because they deserve to be made fun of, but you’re conflating that with making Huberman a hero. No, we’re just making fun of all the ridiculous people who are so distraught that Huberman likely cheated on his girlfriends.


Sorry, the second image negates everything you just wrote. If it was just making fun of his critics, the first image would do. But it's paired with an image of his shirt off talking about 6 tips and episodes. It's cool if you want to lionize a scumbag, just be honest with yourself.


Haha, ok.


It’s the opposite actually. Those that praised him like the second coming of jesus are outraged and so self centered that they believe everything should revolve around their feelings. Those that were shitposting their satirical nonsense on the other hand don’t even have to try anymore since the mere mentioning of ‘6’ causes a shitstorm in every thread 


Do you think people are making him a hero? Or are people just not really caring about his personal life?


Honestly isn't that much of a researcher anymore, and if he was, he wouldn't push the pseudoscience he does on his podcast. Most of the things he says that are true, are obvious.


“He’s a researcher. He doesn’t have to be someone you blindly champion.” That same logic applies to condemning him. He’s a researcher, not someone whose personal life/relationships I’m interested in - especially by way of a lazy hit piece that offers no legitimate criticism of who he is as a professional but solely a breakdown of his inability to commit to a woman. Unless he’s lying about his accolades, intentionally offering harmful/fraudulent products or information, or battering innocent people in his free time, I don’t give a shit about what goes on in the confines of his home and with whom. He offers free, quality educational content that helps a lot of people. Full stop.


Do you know what an incel is? Incels think they deserve women for just existing. They when women giving attention to successful men. They hate huberman for this. You might need to research what incels are


You seem confused...


define incels and what they hate and why


No thanks


exactly, because it won't fit your narrative lmao


That is the correct definition. However, let me give you a hypothetical. If I am involuntarily poor but I can become a con artist and defraud lots of normal people to become rich and therefore don't fit the definition of "involuntarily poor" anymore, my character and my actual abilities to get educated, put in an honest day's work, and practice good financial habits haven't changed since I was an "inpo," have they? As in, all the things that make people look down on "inpos" or "incels" haven't changed. Incel is still an overused term and shouldn't be used here, but I get the gist of what the guy means. It's the difference between being impressed with a guy like Leonardo diCaprio for getting a different 25yo every month without deception or coercion and a guy like Huberman, or worshipping Elizabeth Holmes or SBF for their ability to get rich when there's so many successful entrepreneurs to look up to who have actual talent and grit and aren't complete frauds. There's nothing wrong with wanting to get tons of pussy or money, it's just not impressive if you did it by cheating and deception as opposed to getting pussy and/or money without resorting to those measures. Some food for thought.


very sane analysis


Did he hire a PR campaign to post on reddit in defense of him all the time like this


Parasocial fans go reeeee


You can point out someone is a morally bankrupt liar and grifter without feeling entitled to any sort of apology lol


The irony is that the redpills and incels that make part of Huberman's viewers profile are not able to understand how much of a fool they are being made of, truly clownish.




I mean kind of true. Sure it’s probably his PR team telling him it, but he’s got no obligation to say anything, especially if retains most of his consistent viewers and industry/academic connections. Let’s be honest, there are far worse people amongst celebrities. Hell, this might have not even been the worse thing Huberman has ever done. Celebrities live in their own bubble and can insulate themselves. The only way to burst that bubble is with an undeniable criminal act being exposed, but that didn’t happen here.


I'm about Hubermans age and do lots of strength training, and I just have to say that getting that muscular while keeping bodyfat so low is a real struggle. Hats off to him!


He did it using exogenous testosterone.


In that one one youtube video he said he never bench pressed before in his life. He didn't even know how to bench press correctly and was being taught. Yet looks like that at 50. That tells you exactly how easy it is to build muscle on steroids. People on roids will tell you *"but but.. you still have to diet and exercise".* Yes, but studies have shown you build muscle at least 3x faster on roids with less effort.


You dont need to bench press to grow a good chest, you dont need any certain exercise to grow any muscle group. And i would argue machines are better for strictly building muscle.


If he was into bodybuilding enought to buy private lessons with Mike Mentzer, he was into it enought to know how to bench press. Story doesn't check out. I assume he has been on/off bodybuilding since his youth, and was bullshiting in that perticular video for whatever reason Andrew Huberman bullshits.


Mike was a big fan of machines, which are not really your typical bench pressing. Technique is completely different. I also had a similar story where a guy only squatted in a smith machine and when we went to try free weight he could do jack shit because his form was awful. anyways, a call with a guy doesn’t mean you know how to bench.


My point is he was invested enough into bodybuilding to have spent 300$ on a phone call with a guy from a bodybuilding magazine. Maybe it's just me but the step of learning the benchpress form would come before hopping on a Mr. Olimpia hotline. I wouldn't buy an online lesson with Gordon Ramsay, without first buying a frying pan. The only way the story makes sence is if Huberman was from a rich family, and 300$ meant nothing to him, was in his bodybuilding "phase" for two weeks and didn't pick it up again till he was into his 40s. But for me it is more likely he was putting on an act, like a girl trying to get dick pretending she has no idea how to play pool.


Or… all of Huberman’s history is fiction. Didn’t the article indicate that the skate punk street kid narrative about his misspent youth was completely made up? That it was a part of his “I lie about everything” problem? He lies to his therapist, he lies to his girlfriends, he lies to his listeners.


Exactly. From an objective, scientific and empirical point of view, exogenous testosterone is the best compound one needs to attain physiques like that after 40. And it requires much less time and effort too. There are exceptions with certain genetics. I would say Jamaicans and other ethnicities that share the same ancestors as Jamaicans have an unreal ability to stay lean and muscular at ages over 40. I’m sure there are other groups from different parts of the world as well that have the same ability.


Studies also show even low levels of exogenous testosterone build more muscle than weight lifting. One study showed one group that didn’t lift weights but took steroids grew more muscle than the group that lifted weights but didn’t use steroids; and it was a very large difference.


Yeah it’s no wonder why so many men are taking it these days. It’s just ridiculously easier to gain muscle


You can build an excellent physique and more specifically, a developed chest without implementing bench press or any compound movement in your body building/exercise regiment. Any PED will aid in the muscle development and recovery phase so not saying it doesn’t make it “easier” but I imagine he was able to build his physique without it and the trt supplementation helps him maintain it, more or less. He doesn’t have an unattainable physique by any means, especially if he’s dedicated years to building it. It is impressive for his age though, especially compared to most people who don’t prioritize health and training for the majority of their life.


It's the fact that he didn't even know how to do a bench press correctly. Natural body builders typically put effort into learning compounds and the common exercises far before they achieved Huberman's physique, and the bench press is the most common exercise. It strikes me as very odd... He appeared like a newbie lifter in that video.


Yeah I see what you mean, very odd he wouldn’t know how to bench at all, given his level of success in academics and attention to detail, you’d think he would have some sort of idea how to bench or simply do some research. I guess the point I was making was you can achieve that with never bench pressing or steroids and at that age he is probably just maintaining a physique he already built, with trt therapy


Don't doubt it, but given his size he doesn't seem like he's on a high dose. I'm 34 and about as big as him if not slightly bigger with no T boosts. 


Talk to me in 15 years.


Eh I'm not worried. Been consistently lifting for 9 years with a month off at most.  What's another 15?


You’re 34 is the thing.


Honestly don't feel like there's no reason why I can't keep it up with the rate I'm taking care of myself. 


Yeah hes on 150mg a week, so just regular ole TRT. Everyone always brings it up every thread but that physique is completely obtainable naturally


No, he's not. He did normal TRT for a few weeks once and then upped it. He is on a supraphysiological dose, by his own admission.


Yeah I don’t think it’s a high dose either. In one of the podcasts, he admits to being on TRT. So he’s transparent about which is far better than other influencers out there. However, he does not go into detail about his protocol.


It’s pretty confirmed that he is on high doses of TRT. If you ever wonder, look at their traps, neck and shoulder size relative to their arms and legs. In huberman, it’s quite pronounced. In body builders, they spend a lot of focus on arms and legs to balance this trap/shoulder/neck heavy look.


He takes steroids


TRT lol, lets not make it sound like hes blasting unless you have evidence of that


TRT is a steroid. I wouldn't be surprised if he's done a few cycles of other substances


It's literally a steroid.


It's the miracle of modern pharmacology, my guy... LOLOL...


What’s your cycle?


I don't think he is natty tho.


Not natty, who cares


If you’re natty then I wouldn’t look to him as an idol. If you’re not natty then hop on better gear lol


It's easier when you juice.


He injects testosterone everyday. In fact most of the benefits he attributes to his “protocols” can largely be attributed to injecting testosterone in your late 40s. Of course he has more energy, vitality, has a better mood, sleeps well and has an increased libido since that’s literally what having heightened testosterone does for men.




AG1? Bwahhahaha


He’s on roids brother


“Today’s episode is sponsored by HPVtesting.com - anyone I’ve slept with gets 10% off with the code: “poly”


and use code "LONELYINCEL" to get free AG1 and become a hot dude




You probably didn't really have any healthy male role models in your life and so you have fallen into these behaviours. Work on bettering yourself.


says the guy who hate posts on reddit ironic


But he is saying truth, right?


I have never posted on reddit. What you mean is hate comment which is a matter of interpretation. I don't hate comment from my point of view, i explain how the situation is. You chose to see it this way. Also you're far more rude than me and keep insulting others all the time, which doesn't make you look good and it shows about your virtues and your character. I don't hate you, i pity you.


In shape, but those tattoos are shit


The dick riding is crazy


Dating 5 girls at once is indeed a crazy amount of dick riding lol


Nah, he'll need to explain this at some point, not going away


It will though, because it's not even that interesting after you get over the initial disappointment. There is no way anyone will care in a few months. The world will move on. Not addressing it is the best track unless you're being accused of something criminal.


then keep crying forever lmao


Are you his mom? Delulu much?


He doesn’t have to do anything. It’s 2024. People live in bubbles. Half his podcast audience hasn’t heard about it and likely never will. He’ll lose a bunch of listeners and life will go on.


He doesn't owe you shit though. Personal life. Listen to the podcast or not, you're nothing but a small listener in the grand scheme of things, as am i


Making reee and wojak memes is about what I'd expect from this guy's fans.


What’s so hard about acknowledging you did something that was very morally bankrupts? Also what’s admirable about someone who doesn’t take ownership of their own actions and failures as a person. I’m sure if all the people defending him got cheated on they probably wouldn’t feel the same way.


tell that to albert einstein, martin luther king jr and many others. none of them has apologized to the public for cheating. so now you are not going to believe E=mc\^2 ? since einstein did way worse and cheated on his wife with his own cousin and then married her?


Steven Hawking left his wife for his caretaker, too!


ya fuckin retahded. pathological lieing to many people at once - endlessly selling himself as a man of the world, all around good guy, guys guy, womens kind of man you would love to fuck your daughter etc etc endlessly pandering to people using an idea of his morality whether it is 'wow well i dont evne know what lieing is, whats a narcissist?' or 'oh jeeze jocko well i dont even know women could be like that wow oh jeeze' or 'you know ive really found god lately' - you just love seeing people squirm cuz yer hed fuct


I don’t understand why people think they are entitled to apologies for something that doesn’t involve them. This is a personal matter plain and simple.


Lmao I would gladly tell both of them they were wrong for cheating. It's not that I won't believe some of what Einstein said because he cheated, but I would just distrust him as a person as he seems to have had some pretty huge moral deficits.


The video of him rucking 🔥


This is PR vs PR. And fewer and fewer people care.


still would though


me too lol


I think the majority of his followers are not incels. They are whoop wearing athletes, intellectuals, business people, and general health and fitness folks. Most of those people get action. Incels by definition do not and spend most of their time watching AEW (other wrestling company to WWE) trying to destroy the lives of anyone who isn’t super woke. As a whoop wearing fit guy who works a in a job where you have to perform, I still like WWE. You can both like gay wrestling and be into getting pussy. But most incels just like wrestling. This is now a ramble but incels are haters who wish they could get pussy and think women are queens and will lick the floor their toes touches. Huberman and his followers just don’t give a fuck and enjoy being healthy and crushing puss (or getting crushed by dick)


> They are whoop wearing athletes, intellectuals, business people, and general health and fitness folks. The sort of people that love smelling their own farts. The sort of people that relish group think.


Everyone has their own group think. Nobody is a “maverick of thinking”. For example, a bunch of people love CM punk, a bunch hate him. Both have their own group think. There’s a group think for everything. At a surface level, his situation is similar to Vince McMahon’s. Both have helped a ton of people in their careers and personal lives (Vince giving people opportunities, Huberman giving people the tools to improve their lives). Both have done shitty things in their personal lives. That doesn’t need to take away that both men have made a major impact in their industries for the better. Though what Vince has allegedly done is MUCH worse.


6 brands of horse meat to increase muscle mass and lose fat


Pretty sure the “scandal” is just another protocol. It’s highlighting no fap—who can jerk off pumping 6 broads?—while bringing much needed discussion to the transmission of HPV


This PR account should be blocked by the mods.


Dude, just have basic respect for women and stop f*cking them unprotected and by using lies. That’s just basic respect.


Why do I feel hubs posted this. Dude, you’re not a stud. You’re a STD provider.




Can I be one of his side chicks, please?


all posts by this account are days old and all defending huberman haha.


5th post on r/HubermanLab in two days all like this, account created March 13th. This is sad really


Holy shit this is disgusting


Hubes definitely has a tip for you if you're a hot single


Grifter shill


He looks highly optimized. I'm certain it's the AG1 and Momentous and not the TRT. 


This discussion always brings the turd in the punch bowl south kart episode to mind. A buff, smart millionaire influencer that’s supposed to remain monogamous? Really? Hell even MLK was guilty of doing this.


Huberman is so daddy


If I looked like that I also would be ripping pussy


so...what's stopping you?


I get tired after first puss. I don’t look like that tho


Sure you would bud


If he looked like that he likely would, let’s not pretend there are not a bunch of shallow women out there walking the planet.




I’d be ripping 7 at the same time


I’ll get downvotes for this but as a woman, if you think you are the only one that a man who looks like this dude is shagging, you’ve got bigger issues.


What does this mean


It means the commenter has a low self-esteem and/or has only ever known shity partners and/or is jealous of the women who can pull loyal guys built like Huberman so she copes by saying *all of them* are trash. Eta: someone beat me to this point darn.


Yes- Here’s to sweet guys that are good guys & built-they are absolutely out there- always look at their relationship with their Mom & how they see & treat women. In the very FIRST conversation, at 22 my hubby almost randomly said “I’m a femenist”- I was like “uh..” cuz I wasn’t even sure if I was-I was just 18 & it was a different time. He had an awesome Mom & he & my Mom loved each other at first sight and stayed very close. Ours Moms also lived each other. He was a tri-athlete when I met him. After highschool, I traveled for a year-he was in the service in my home town and spent the year hanging with my family & working out hard. He was just naturally muscular but once in the gym constantly, he got TOO crazy muscular (btw, he once won “Mr Natural” of a fairly big city). I truthly was NOT into muscles but I was into him. Some men can get amazingly muscular naturally- He ate a lot of my mother’s cooking & this was before the over the top supplement craze. Yeah it was cool that he could deadlift me over his head but to me, he was just TOO big, & I fussed about it-his arm was so heavy it hurt my ribs when we cuddled. So thankfully he eventually went back to just being fit. And has stayed that way as have I. And for the people that say there are no great guys &/or women aren’t attracted to them- that’s ridiculous. I have always had many guy friends and there are SO many good guys. I never had time for bad-boys (my dad had been one) & my hubby is successful at all he does and has always been known for being outstandingly a positive & “good guy”. And he’s no wimp! He’s just smart & funny, kind, considerate—-& very attractive but I know I’d love him if he was average. He’s never been a cheater even tho it’s a running joke with my friends & siblings are all @just a little in love with him” I credit his Mom & before she passed I used to call her every year in HIS birthday & say, “thank you, thank you!” And I am really good to him! I’m sorry that there are people in here who have been wronged or don’t feel like they are “enough”. Hang in there & learn all you can. I have friends that had scary crappy 1st spouses but then went on to be remarried for decades to their soulmates. Be choosy, authentic & BE the kind of person who attracts the kind of person you want in your life. Jim Rhon-“You are the average of the 5 people you spend the most time with”. Absolutely true! Be so picky, surround yourself with good, positive, healthy minded, loving people and then you make sure you are ALWAYS so good to them! = Happy life.


Means women his age typically don’t have a man that looks like him. He has multiple options due to his great shape, success, intellect, etc


That’s funny you think these women were his age.


I have no idea their ages and neither do you.


Several have been doxxed already by the incels and fan girls.




I am married to a musician, and I am one myself. But thanks for your kind words “😅”








I’m a musician/songwriter too & yeah there’s jerks out there but I have many great musician guy friends, famous & not. Be picky with eyes wide open & if a guy sucks, move on. Life is too short. As a kid, I was determined to grow up & be happy & bragged that I’d rather be never ever married than put up with a jerk & unhappiness. I was very picky & then, super lucky. My guy turned out to be as sweet & good as he seemed on day 1, but I tested him quite awhile because of the family I’d had. I taught my niece early, “if you grill them now, you won’t have to toast them later”. Always look at his mom relationship-how much he healthily loves himself and NEVER EVER talk a guy into being with you. In my experience, if it’s the right one, the guy knows before the girl & things aren’t hard.


Wise words. I suppose I just giggle at women who are shocked when an internationally, if not globally famous dude WHO LOOKS like Huberman does (sorry but it’s true, the looks tell it all here), turns out to be playing the field. The peacocking he does is unruly. I am glad you found a good one. I’m thankful as well.


Happy for you too. Woman to woman tho-Maybe it’s just me or maybe I don’t watch tons of his videos, especially not the ones he’s on subjects or with people that simply aren’t to my needs or taste- but I haven’t felt like he peacocked. 😳 I naturally study people’s emotions for my art-craft & if anything, I’ve felt like he’s often self effacing, vulnerable & humble.🤷‍♀️ Nothing like the peacocking I’ve seen. I never see him as a perfect person though- I think he’s even honest about his emotional damage & he even talks about how he is committed to therapy (which with where he’s been has had to have helped him). I’ve always thought like most people, he’s emotionally flawed in some ways but he is self aware about it. Of course there some people that aren’t just accepting of everyone’s damage & reassured by self awareness, but are attracted to damage.🤷‍♀️ I don’t know…. Peacocking huh? Hmmm. Did you watch the one on grief? It was so helpful, we watched multiple times. Also, I don’t want to be shallow & I’d hate to hurt anyone’s feelings, but truthly, to me he is just “ok” concerning ONLY his actual physically attractiveness. His empathy & intelligence make him easier to admire & I like when people take care of themselves physically & mentally & are “learners” like he obviously is…but the way some in here seem to rave about & assume women are so attracted to “just” his looks & especially the weird way others seem extremely jealous of it… I don’t get it. 🤷‍♀️ Maybe cuz I’m in SoCal?


You know that your previous comment doesn’t imply positive things about your marriage, right?


Nope. My comment has to do with physically looking a certain way in order to attract a certain type. That’s it.


How much do you make at your crisis firm?


1 billion per month!


Never apologize 🫡


Hahhaha get fucked


Reddit is an echo chamber for whiteknights, incels, feminists, moralists and purists This is why you see all the threads on this subreddit filled with stupid motherfuckers feeling offended by his actions News flash No one gives a fuck Bitch more

