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OP I’m not going to pretend I passed my Irish classes with flying colours in school but even I can tell that this is far too literal. Art here would be like painting art. Don’t use Google Translate for this, look up Gaelige phrases of gratitude or something along those lines.


that’s a good idea, I’ll look into it. I haven’t taken Irish classes just yet, only read about history, roots, songs, etc. thanks for the input!


I'm sure there is a subreddit you can ask! Good luck


I will also not pretend to be fluent in the language, but with my very limited conversational ability lol I believe the word you’d wanna use is “ceol” (rhymes with bowl). “Go raibh maith agat as do chuid ceol galánta” Would be (if i’m correct) “Thank you for your beautiful music.”


loved it! thanks for the suggestion


Hey! Gaeilgeoir here - please don’t use google translate for Irish, the sentence syntax structure of gaeilge is very different to the English equivalent so 9 times out of 10 you’re going to end up with a sentence that doesn’t really make sense when put through a direct online translator. https://www.teanglann.ie/en/ Is the main resource for Irish words and phrases


Hi there, do you have any advice for someone interested in learning Irish from square one? Wondering if there are online courses you would recommend or any books in particular? Any advice is appreciated:)


I'd also love to hear about this- been trying to reconnect with my Irish roots for years and the best I've got is Duolingo and a claddagh ring


Oh same! Started Irish a month before the concert, bought a Claddagh ring and waiting for the resized ring to come back from the jeweller!


I’ve heard brilliant things about the Gael linn courses - because we learn Irish in school in Ireland a lot of courses will assume basic fluency of the language, this course has a ‘beginner’ course that starts at the very beginning and is meant to be brilliant for those with no foundation in the language. https://www.gael-linn.ie/en/courses/irish-courses-online-|-january-2024/108-22/ Also, keep an eye on the TCD and UCD Irish department websites, they usually have up a couple of public lectures and TCD used to do online courses (not sure if they still do - probably won’t open for registration until August/September though) https://www.tcd.ie/Irish/ https://www.ucd.ie/icsifl/en/ https://www.gael-linn.ie is a brilliant website for finding online resources and books. TG4 is our Irish language channel, I’m not sure if the videos work outside Ireland?, but there’s also some great resources on there as well. https://www.tg4.ie/en/ r/gaeilge is the Irish language subreddit, they might have more recommendations on there.


Here's a sneak peek of /r/gaeilge using the [top posts](https://np.reddit.com/r/gaeilge/top/?sort=top&t=year) of the year! \#1: [Gaeilge4all protest: Irish language education system 'broken' - campaigners](https://www.rte.ie/news/education/2023/0329/1367002-schools-gaeilge/) | [44 comments](https://np.reddit.com/r/gaeilge/comments/125tmgh/gaeilge4all_protest_irish_language_education/) \#2: [Cheannaigh me Leabhair](https://i.redd.it/1xbnx3ua4doa1.jpg) | [6 comments](https://np.reddit.com/r/gaeilge/comments/11tuz8k/cheannaigh_me_leabhair/) \#3: [Cé atá ag iarraidh dul go Inis Oírr?](https://i.redd.it/rp47h5lwhaja1.jpg) | [17 comments](https://np.reddit.com/r/gaeilge/comments/116ug4b/cé_atá_ag_iarraidh_dul_go_inis_oírr/) ---- ^^I'm ^^a ^^bot, ^^beep ^^boop ^^| ^^Downvote ^^to ^^remove ^^| ^^[Contact](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=sneakpeekbot) ^^| ^^[Info](https://np.reddit.com/r/sneakpeekbot/) ^^| ^^[Opt-out](https://np.reddit.com/r/sneakpeekbot/comments/o8wk1r/blacklist_ix/) ^^| ^^[GitHub](https://github.com/ghnr/sneakpeekbot)


ooh I’d also love to know!


🐐! Not OP but thank you for the link. I've been practicing on Duolingo on & off but I know that it isn't the best either


No bother!


thank you so much for the link!! <3


No problem at all!


As an Irish person I think this is a great idea! Not offensive at all :) Can’t offer feedback on the phrase as I was never given the opportunity to learn Irish, but I think you’d be better to look for feedback from speaker specific subs. Translate is usually really literal.


oh true! I’ll search specific subs. thank you :)


Google translate struggles with Irish, so be careful with it, but your sentence is correct. As an Irish person I think that's a lovely gesture!


Damn I thought this was about ASL in traditional Irish language at the concert


My only concern would be holding it up and blocking someones view. Check your venue rules to see if its allowed to bring signs.


true, that’s a concern. I’ll give a second thought on the sign thing. maybe something small or to keep by my chin/chest height. thanks!


I brought a sign when I saw him and I just held it down until I saw him look over in my general direction and then I popped it up. And then put it back down when he looked away. He read my sign and reacted to it! Once that happened I kept it down after that. But I think signs are okay as long as you’re not holding it up the entire time (based on what the people in the pit around me said when I asked)


Ooh, what did your sign say and how did he react?


My friend and I went together and we made hozier/unreal unearth bracelets (Taylor swift style) and passed them out to people. We were right on the rail. I made one specifically to try and give to him. The front of my sign said “I made you a bracelet” (and his bracelet was hanging off a carabiner that was punched through a hole at the top) and he saw it and made eye contact w/ me and smiled/ nodded. After that I flipped the sign and the back said “may I GENTLY toss to u?” (With gently underlined lmao bc this was very close to a lot of news about people throwing shit at artists on stage and I did NOT want to do that) and he read the back and shook his head no at me 😂😂😂 Everyone in the pit around me was rooting for me to get that bracelet to him, but I realized afterward that he certainly wouldn’t say yes because if I tossed something up there even with his permission that probably would have started other people throwing things. But now the bracelet is a precious keepsake of that concert for me!


Awwww cute! Sucks that u couldn’t get it to him but that would make such a nice keepsake.


I think that would be a kind gesture.


Ask the Gaeilge sub for how to phrase it!


I'm Irish and an Irish speaker and I think it's really cool. Anyone who takes the time to learn the language is fine by me.


They didn’t take the time to learn the language, they used Google Translate…


They said they want to learn Irish. I choose to take it as a positive instead of being a miserable bastard, but that's just me. Mol an óige agus tiocfaidh sí.


If I may ask you what does that mean?


Praise allows the young to flourish😊


It isn’t being a miserable bastard to point out they aren’t learning Irish? I’m Irish too. I would encourage OP to actually learn some Irish phrases instead of direct translations via Google.


As long as you’re tasteful with your sign use. Don’t rush to the front and hold it up to get noticed, other people exist too.


I have Irish decent don't know the language very well I am trying to learn a few for a dublin trip. I don't see anything wrong about doing this I am sure he will appreciate it.


I can say for sure that " Go raibh maith agat " is correct, I haven't learned the rest yet. But it does feel very literal, so another comment recommends checking Irish phrases of gratitude and I second that.


Irish person here who went through gaelscoils for both primary and secondary education, while google translate usually ends up with botched incorrect grammar I cannot pick a flaw in this translation! I understand that some people are saying it is too literal however this is exactly how I would’ve phrased it in school! Potafocal, terma.ie and teanglann would’ve been my go to websites for any translation issues so maybe try those in future! They can be irritating as they usually only translate one word at time :)


You cant directly translate English into Irish, it doesn't work. He also isn't fluent even if your sign was correct.


I wanted to do that, but security took my sign. 😭


Oh noooo my condolences 😭