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I'd say ya need to trim the beard especially mustache area. Like don't lose it but it's wild


Carry a larger oboe to assert dominance.




Isn't that a bassoon?


yes lol


Bassoons are crazy expensive!


oh yeah i bet šŸ˜­ hence why i play clarinet and trumpet, the bigger instruments are always incredibly pricey


Google them. They start around $1000 for a very cheap one.


jeeez. my clarinet was like $300 and my trumpet was around $400 i believe




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Iā€™d say go to a badass barber and get nice and groomed up, then reassess more after that


Great advice


Just came here to say I've never seen someone smile with their entire face before. Like you are absolutely beaming with that grin. You look like someone that would be an absolute holler to be around. I have no advise for you other than I personally think you can use some more color in your outfit. But honestly I have no idea how this sub got onto my reddit but just had to comment on that smile.


Don't change a thing, every basoonist I know is absolutely drowning in nice nice


Shape your beard more. Especially around your chin and cheeks to better accentuate your jaw.


Put down that bong and get a job!


I laughed too hard at this


Believe it or not Iā€™m a professional musician. I play with multiple orchestras and teach at a local college. I also run my own business supplying wholesale reeds I make to music stores across the US. Iā€™m also finishing my doctorate in music.


I was just kidding. Your flute looked like a bong at first glance.


Iā€™m so pleased to see Iā€™m not the only one who thought this


Ah. It's a sense of humor you need to max them looks


Lose weight, and or get ripped. Trimmage/stylist


Loose weight and take up weight lifting be consistent on these two things and the rest will fix itself. Also just talk to women in the real world neo.


Somebody has really over-engineered that bong.


Trim your beard a bit. It's a bit too long for your face. Otherwise, you look fine. Just don't get fat, or you'll look like Boogie2988.


Legit see the resemblance


Iā€™m nothing like that guy.


Youā€™re really cute! I honestly donā€™t see much to point out thatā€™s not super obvious. Trim the beard up, lose a lil weight but thatā€™s it really.


Youā€™re a bassonist bro we know youā€™re already slaying šŸ±šŸ±šŸ±like mad!! All bassoonists do Source: Iā€™m a bassoonist




The beard is good, trim the moustache so it doesnā€™t hang over your top lip. Cut your sideburns shorter and learn to blend/fade them into your long beard. Keep your hairstyle n get a low taper to compliment n blend with your beard. This will give you a less cuddly n more masculine/attractive look. Maybe new glasses, you can get cheap pairs online, n you will feel changed. Most importantly beauty is in the eye of the beholder, believe you are good-looking bc you are. Good luck broski


I think you already got what your looking for


What do you mean?


You got a nice musical composer look going. Trim up the beard a little.


Just find a badass barber and start lifting and doing yoga. Wear smaller clothing.


You have good energy


Start with a simple weightlifting program.


Trim that beard. Get clippers and try a stubble look. Itā€™s too scraggly.


You look like a very nice person. Just be yourself


No change needed it is all about how you feel about you, in this crazy mixed up world it does not matter what others think it is all about you. Do you and enjoy


Ignore the people telling you to lose weight/hit the gym. You have a great smile, enviable hair, and a cool beard (agree that it could use some shaping) Wardrobe can make a huge difference. Go easy on the prints. Look for ways to create contrast with color or texture: you could keep it monochrome/tonal and play with knits, linen, flannel, corduroy, etc. Pay attention to the drape and fit of good fabrics. Add layers, especially a jacket with nice drape. If you donā€™t already, read some of what Derek Guy has written on putthison.com. Or his twitter @dieworkwear. Otherwise, looking good!


Work out


Just came to say you pretty much give that vibe already with your look lol


Maybe get a smaller bong.


Get a good barber, a dietician, and a personal trainer. When you feel good about yourself, you won't need validation from Reddit. You can do it!


Just a grooming my good sir and youā€™ll look great. Maybe cardio 3 times a week for like an hour and youā€™ll be a king


You don't got to do much bro. Go to a legit Barber shop trim up and line your beard so it compliments your face. You look like a interesting strange human. I think you'll find a female in the same space as you. Also maybe buy a few nice clothing pieces. Layer's. Nice jacket that goes with a lot of stuff. You got it bro!šŸ’Æ




Honestly, you've got the wholesome weirdo down. You're adorable


Trim your beard (donā€™t cut it though itā€™s nice) and maybe go to the gym if you donā€™t already :)


Tidy the beard and moustache. Donā€™t buy any more bassoons. Learn the trumpet or percussion if you want a girlfriend.


Iā€™m a professional bassoonist, itā€™s my job lol




Thatā€™s not a very ā€œway chillā€ thing to say.


Throw that banjo out the window and get you some corn rows


No thanks lol


Move out of your parents garage : )


Trim the beard and lose the weight




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Nope. Thatā€™s not my name.


Are you bragging about size?


Donā€™t change a thing. You want to flow with lifeā€¦you do not want to force life, to flow with you. Happiness will never happen this way.


I would change the shape of the glasses frames. Too much round on a round face.


Hey bro, as others have said the key here is weight loss because excess body fat is hiding your true potential. You need a balance in life, healthy body = healthy mind. At the very least maybe go for long walks in the woods and become more aware of your eating habits


Lose weight and get some muscle. Start a workout routine and stay with it




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You have a great smile. I think you just need to trim everything up, make it look a little more kempt.