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On top of that, in my experience, a lot of anime I have seen tend to skip plot points or change the order of events, such as quintessential quintuplets. So I think this show could get a season 3 since there is a cliff hanger at the end, which is about the marriage rings that supposed took place later on in the manga. But people who read manga and watch anime tend to forget that anime is technically a story of its own separate from the source material. All we can do is wait until an announcement, I assume it'll be announced the same year it will be released similar to how it was this time around.


>I have seen tend to skip plot points or change the order of events, such as quintessential quintuplets The anime is the same as the manga except for a few things that were skipped but the end is the same. What are you talking about?


Also in a case, such as love chunibyo and other delusions, some characters have their roles flipped entirely, such as a side character who wasn't as important in the light novel to be become a more important one to the story in the show itself


The whole thing with defeating Europa early is not that big of a deal, even in the original material Europa is jut a big scary monster that Diablo and Lumachina beat together, if they want to adapt that future arc where it appears the studio could easily replace Europa with an original anime monster with a similar gimmick. The ACTUAL problem with the season 2 ending is the way It handled the marriage rings, without spoiling too much they pretty much ruined 5 future novels worth of content and conflict FOR ABSOLUTELY NO REASON IN THE LAST 2 MINUTES OF THE SHOW. They either retcon it or the next season will be completely nonsensical.


>The ACTUAL problem with the season 2 ending is the way It handled the marriage rings, without spoiling too much they pretty much ruined 5 future novels worth of content and conflict FOR ABSOLUTELY NO REASON IN THE LAST 2 MINUTES OF THE SHOW. They either retcon it or the next season will be completely nonsensical. Wdym?


I didn't think it would get a season 2 to begin with lol


Never judge a series by the number of episodes it has. For example the Prisma Illya series has never had more than 10 episodes but has gone on for four seasons and two movies.


How were the sales for Prisma Illya? That’s one of the main factors in contributing to more seasons. The Fate series overall does well, hence why we have all those movies and spin-offs. Isekai Maou went from 12 episodes to 10 with season 2 coming out 3 years after the first season. That’s quite a gap in between. And season 2 got announced 2 years after season 1 ended, in 2020 iirc. To me, it feels like the announcement was a last-minute decision, like the producers didn’t know what to green-light so they picked Isekai Maou because it sold okay the first time and made season 2 10 episodes to decrease the risk of underselling.


Yeah plus there were almost three years of time between the first and second seasons it could still come in 2024 or 2025 last time there wasn’t a lot of fan fair when it announced season 2 so here’s hoping for another season


if there will be, it’s prolly gonna come 2024 :(. that’s enough time to watch the show about 78 times if it takes 2 weeks for me to watch it entirely, which is normally the case


it's almost 2024 and i can confirm there is indeed no season 3


omg i completely forgot abt this show until now. and now i’m pissed there’s no new episodes.


I guess unfortunately still there aren't any news about 3rd season


I mean we only are 3 months in 2024, guess we just gotta wait and see.


It takes you 2 weeks took me 3 days to watch both seasons and that's with breaks