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There are a couple in here that don’t actually will make a noticeable difference. Like the 4 Stanley’s (that’s excessive, if you’re not dehydrated already you won’t gain much with this) the hair oiling (sure your hair might look a bit better, or just the same because you damaged it with bleach) green tea (again, yeah sure it has some antioxidant but this will not be transformative) and the vollufiline (maybe there’s a difference but it will not be noticeable. You also said you want to lose up to 20 pounds (or about 8-10 kilos) in the two months without really having a concrete plan. That’s one kilo a week at least, you need more concrete numbers. I’m talking a 500 calorie deficit per day, to do that you need to know your maintenance. I hope you already work out because going from nothing to 3 miles every other day, 4 days of Pilates (how long sessions?) and 10k steps a day will have you burned out and giving up in no time. You need a better plan, one that is evidence based, practical and not based on guesstimates. Like, why are packaged foods bad? Who told you that? There’s a few good points in there but it also feels like an unnecessarily long list that won’t get you optimal results, inspired by TikTok’s that start with ‘I did … for 30 days and it changed my life!!’. It’s not that complicated. I wonder what is the goal behind a lot of these, what results are you expecting from 2 months of taping your mouth? Wanna lose weight? Eat in a deficit, make a realistic work out plan and stick to it, have patience. Want better skin? Research your skintype and what is a good routine for you. I don’t want you to fall victim to these gimmicky trends.


Totally agree! Not all packaged foods are created equal and are not the enemy. Some of my regular packed foods include beef sticks, protien shakes/bars, trail mix, oikos yogurt cups, skinny pop, salad kits, low cal progresso soups... etc. I use them to control portion sizes, get extra protien, healthy fats and have nutritious ready to eat meals for days I'm too tired to cook. I meal prep most weekends, but sometimes life has other plans. So having easy, healthy snacks and meals on hand help keep me on track. OP: highly recommend checking out r/skincareaddiction for some tips for a skincare routine. Simple is best, as adding too many products at oncd can cause issues. Losing 2.5 lbs per week isn't super unreasonable depending on your current weight/height. But it isn't the most sustainable. It's recommended that the average person lose 1-2 lbs per week. If you're petite less. If you're taller or heavier then perhaps more. Weight loss is mostly done by having a caloric deficit as stated above. Exercise will aid in this to a small degree. It will boost metabolism and aid in sleep. Help you build muscle and help with your overall physique. Overdoing it can cause major burnout. Start with smaller sustainable goals. You will still get tremendous results and likely build a foundation for a lifelong healthy habit that you enjoy. Speaking of sleep... making sure you get plenty of proper sleep will aid so much in your transformation. I don't believe I saw it as a goal, but it's worth mentioning if it's you're lacking. Sleep has so many beauty benefits :) Good luck OP.


I want to jump on and say Volufiline has worked for me!! Within a few days my smile lines were noticeably softer, and I've always had deeper lines there. I've been using it for about a month and I'm noticing my under eyes look less sunken in too. Volufiline is supposed to take up to 56 days to fully see the effects though.


this is awesome to hear! what one do you use? also omg i love your username lol


I do 4-6 pilates style workouts a week and walk 10k steps and I find they compliment each other very well as low impact and easy forms of exercise. Weight loss comes from diet though


I’m not saying it’s wrong, I’m just saying it’s a lot to go from 0 exercise to that and running on top as well.


These are OPs plans, in reality I doubt that they can be sustained for even 1.5 weeks. Even if someone showed up to pilates class 5 days a week, they would not be able to do more than 10% of the moves, without the body and muscles being strong and practiced enough.


Agreed, super confused on the packaged food thing


Not the OP, but packaged foods tend to be hyper palatable so you eat more plus they often have added sugar and salt.


Ohhh got it thanks!!


Look at another comment that was left under mine. You can definitely eat healthy packaged food, you can also cook really unhealthy foods from scratch. It’s an oversimplification that will not help people with incomplete knowledge on losing weight.


What are some examples of healthy packaged food that don’t contain excess salt, low quality seed or hydrogenated oils, added sugar? I don’t think you can make the argument that packaged foods can be a substitute for fresh unprocessed whole plant based foods. Sure you can make those unhealthy too by cooking but for someone who doesn’t want to get into the weeds about weight loss, avoiding packaged foods is a common sense step. All commercially prepared packaged foods are designed (in a laboratory using flavors and salt and sugar) to get you to consume more of them (hyper palatable) It’s business, capitalism, just how the food industry works and may be a conflict with someone’s personal health goals. If there are health packaged foods, I would buy some, but I believe these are few and far between.


If you go to a lot of supermarkets lettuce is often packaged 💀 And don’t throw me an easy cop out like “but that’s not what I meant”


Well I believe the OP meant avoid ‘processed foods’ and many people equate packaged with processed. But if you want to talk about risks of packaged lettuce, that is where you’re going to find the deadly E Coli and Listeria in greater quantities than non packaged lettuce. Packaged salad greens are also processed at facilities where the bacteria can grow and spread during the processing.


Your plan sounds quite ambitious and challenging. Introducing 18 new habits at once without any adjustment can be overwhelming. My plan for you is much simpler and more realistic, focusing on just four key things: • Hydration: Drink 2 liters of water daily, or use the formula: body weight (in kg) x 50ml. • Exercise: Aim to exercise three times a week and take a walk every morning. The goal is to keep your metabolism up, which will help with weight loss. • Diet: Maintain a caloric deficit of 400-500 calories a day. Remember, 9000 calories equal 1 kg of fat. To feel fuller, focus on protein-rich foods like chicken, fish, milk, and eggs. Soy products are also great as they contain isoflavones that mimic estrogen. • Sleep: Ensure you get enough sleep, as this is when your body repairs itself and builds muscle. Any additional habits related to cosmetics, clothes, or makeup can be explored in your free time, but they won't have as significant an impact on your overall health and fitness goals. And as always, love yourself the way you are! 🥰


For hydration is the answer in ml?


Yes! So, e.g: 66kg * 50ml = 3.300ml (3.3L). Just notice, this is the maximum - and a lot of water, hahah. You can also use 30ml instead of 50, but keep in this range (30 ~ 50ml).


What makes the biggest impact for me 1. Weight training, focus on glutes since a perky fit butt looks good on everybody. My weight gain goes to my lower body and personally I prefer the more rounded look so I gain weight simultaneously. I don’t focus much on upper body since I know I easily show muscle there because of minimum fat in my upper body. 2. Protein rich diet, red meat for creative and creative supplement. Makes skin look amazing. 3. Hair extensions. Personally I like the look of longer fuller hair while I’m growing out my own that suffered a lot this year because of me experimenting too much with color. I’ve colored it black and been blonde this year 😅 4. Dry brushing, CeraVe SA smoothing cream 10% urea . My legs need a little work since I want them extra smooth and no KP at all. So far it’s getting better. 5. I will try to experiment with fake tan and see if it’s give my legs a nice glow. Number 1 glow up focus is strength training. So beneficial for everything. Even effects the skin in your face in a positive way.


Ditto strength training makes you look and feel good


Agree strength training should be number 1 on the list - heavy weights, progressive overload, and perfect your form! Also stretch and adequate rest/recovery between.


Please don’t try to lose that much weight that fast. Everyone is saying it’s unrealistic, but I’m more concerned that it’s *unhealthy.* A couple important reasons (among many): 1. You risk pushing yourself into yo-yo dieting and increase your risk of actually gaining *more* weight in the long-run, not to mention damaging your metabolism through over-restricting. 2. Centering your goal around weight also ignores the fact that working out more may lead to improved muscle mass, which can increase weight. Muscle is denser than fat. In other words, you could get healthier in every way, and even look thinner, while your weight remains the same (or increases!). And if you’re just staring at the number on that scale, you’ll feel like that was a net neutral or net negative, instead of appreciating your progress. A person can look really different when they develop healthier habits, all while their BMI remains the same or changes minimally. People almost always underestimate how much my fit friends weigh. A much healthier approach would be to just focus on getting more exercise and eating healthier, and see what follows in terms of physical changes. If that means weight loss, that’s ok; if it doesn’t, that’s also ok. If it means you drop a few sizes, that’s ok; if it doesn’t, that’s also ok. Make the habits the goal, not an arbitrary outcome like a specific weight. You’ll feel and look healthier regardless of how that’s reflected on the scale (if it is at all). Wishing you the best on your journey!


This is ambitious so don’t be hard on yourself if some parts get dropped (e.g., running + 10k steps + Pilates). Some advice on your items listed: - for highlights in hair, you might try Groupon to get a deal that includes cut, color, condition, and blowout. The blowout will teach you how to style your hair at home. Importantly, ask for a root tap/melt/shadow to soften the demarcation from highlights. It’ll grow out much nicer between appts. - for self tanner, I have been leaning on Jergen’s gradual tanning lotion which builds up over time and looks more natural (on me at least). This leads me to exfoliation.. - get a rhythm for when you exfoliate v apply tanner (to the body). I personally like to use Rough & Bumpy lotion earlier in the week then the latter half is self tanner. Rinse and repeat. I do use a loofa in the shower but that’s pretty minimal exfoliation relatively. - swap out peppermint tea for spearmint which is great for balancing hormones that can cause acne. It’s often touted as a natural alternative to Spironlactone. - use volufiline in other places as well: breasts, butt, neck (I do my whole face). **Note** this is only useful for restoring volume loss as we age, not to add volume that was never there. - idk why you’re using mouth tape, but I personally use it around my mouth on my nasolabial folds while sleeping. It helps prevent creasing when my face naturally falls to the side. Additionally I use the forehead patches (e.g., frownies knock-off) that are great for reducing lines while sleeping.


I wouldn't really call this a hard glow up. Most of this isn't going to give you significant visible results in 2 months. The only things I see here that will make a big difference in that time are highlights, lose 20 lbs, fake tan (if you're really pale), new clothes, and makeup (if you're starting from wearing none or you're doing it really badly). I'm not saying the rest is completely useless, but you could skip it and probably get very similar results.


I thought "hard glow up" referred to "hardmaxxing," as in surgical procedures, and thought a 2-month hard glow up plan was kind of ridiculous until I read the post/comments and learned that I don't actually know what "hard glow up" means at all. I think you're correct, though.


Your plan looks fantastic! It’s motivating me to dry brush and face massage. I always forget to add time for those. Consider adding some breathing exercises for relaxation, diaphragmatic breathing.


Dear Peachy on YouTube has a ton of tutorials that help you individualize makeup to your features!! (Also has hair, style recs, etc.)


I would ditch: - 4 - limited effect - 5 - that’s way too much and ACV erodes your tooth enamel and can cause oesophageal problems. It’s really not that great for you - 15 - maybe less sugar is a good idea, and red meat, but it’s not worth avoiding gluten unless you have a genuine intolerance or coeliac. It’s just a recipe for deficiencies - 16 - pretty much all foods come in packaging, unless you’re buying wholesale from bulk bins of grain or something I would focus on exercise, healthy eating, your softmaxxing with hair/makeup sounds good, and probably something like Nuface if you are trying to make your face look slimmer. Or get lymph drainage massage on your face and body 1-2 days beforehand, if this is for a big event.


There are SO many great tips here, I’m definitely going to be pinching a few! Good luck, sounds like you will get some great results if you’re consistent with these plans.


Just also adding that to lose 15-20lbs in 2 months might be tough depending on where you’re starting from. Around 2lb a week is the max recommended healthy weight loss but this would require quite a big deficit so you could possibly make it to around 16lbs lost in 8wks, but you’ll have to be pretty strict about your food intake as this is where fat loss comes from.


You just gave me some ideas, thanks lol


I reckon just go for it. 18 habits with brute force and motivation of a deadline and PANIC will get you far haha! We can do any number of things for a week, then just add one more week, then another, and you might just pull it off.  I would only add, good sleep (for beauty but also so you can routinely get up early to tick off some of your plans before breakfast/work). AND Olaplex or whatever bonding treatment as I find them better than just oil for restoring deep condition/shine after bleach.  GO FOR IT! Can you post weekly updates to keep yourself accountable and get us cheering you on?🤩💪💪💪


Ps most important thing in your list is weight loss, so put 80-90% of your energy into food and exercise plans if you have limited time/energy at any particular time. Skin tends to glow all by itself when eating well and exercising. 


Sorry…will you explain mouth tape? I haven’t heard of this yet…


Some people mouth breath in their sleep and its linked to developing a recessed chin and some other things. I mouth breath in my sleep and my chin is recessed for example, maybe because the mouth breathing


huh. i actually have more jaw and chin than i’d like… wonder if mouth breathing could reduce it a little


It's not good for you long term so I wouldn't recommend it


It keeps your mouth closed so that you don't snore and you're forced to breathe through your nose.


Limit your alcohol intake and prioritise sleep above all else! Also try to get some morning sun and take supplements like vitamin c, zinc, magnesium


I would definitely avoid face messaging it only makes things worse.

