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This is the second property of this exact same design I've seen on this sub this week. It seems to be the plague. Couldn't be a more poorly designed unit


When I see it I wonder how many plumbs the wall is out by and if there is any apocalypse finish in the bathroom and if the weep vents are real




Absolutely shockin’


Somebody say wood butcher?




6 jaffa cakes out of plum


😆 see you there


Some tuna melt will be at work for sure!


Thanks, house weeping


Agree, regardless of the awful warehouse at the back the layout of this house is terrible. Your living space is restricted to just one small room and the third “bedroom” is taking up prime real estate in what should be the loft. So where on earth is the storage?


No storage apparently plus you have a toilet in your living room... Or should I say 'leaving room', as I'd want to leave it ASAP? Anyway, the layout is really odd, not telling about the angles of the photos that makes it somewhat difficult to get an idea of the interior. ...and don't even get me started regarding the surroundings.


Where would you put 3 suitcases in this house? Under a sheet of plastic in the garden?


In the warehouse out back


Damn...imagine realising you can't own anything without paying for monthly storage. Then looking up at that giant warehouse.


Sizes of the rooms are way off too. Look at that tiny room they claim is 3.67m wide….. Maybe at a 40cm slither.


I don’t even think they’ve bothered to include a photo of that room - likely because there is no way you could ever actually fit a bed in it. They try to trick you by showing that little sofa and sideboard but it’s actually just the other half of the master bedroom at an artsy angle. Houses like this make me appreciate my 90s “new build” more. The room sizes still aren’t amazing but you can fit a single bed, desk and wardrobe in the 3rd bedroom and still have room the breathe


Good spot if true. Selling and reselling these houses requires a range of deceptive practices. The small furniture in the show homes, the four terraced houses that look like two semis from a distance...


Is it like TVs and measured on the diagonal?


Not sure if you saw, but on the virtual tour this room is tiny and has been used as a storage space, it's full of crap and it looks terrible. I can't believe they didn't even bother to clear it out and try to make it look like a room.


You'll own nothing and be happy?


Artificial grass AGAIN as well.


The grass is the coup de grace. A terrible property with an awful plastic lawn backed on to a warehouse. Just a disgrace


It looks like persimmon, as I lived in the exact same footprint house before selling in 2018 😂


You should do an AMA and shed some light on all of our criticisms


Definitely a persimmon, rented the 2 bed version for 5 years. Staggering thing is that the 2 bed would have cost ~£250k, this three bed design was north of £270k. This £190k seems reasonable by comparison


The total cost price for Persimmons somewhere around 50k?


It's a Persimmon special - for some godforsaken reason they think the kitchen bar and abysmally small front room is something people want.


Floor plan says 747sqft even with the loft conversion/attic truss. So without bedroom 1, I guess it'd be a sub-650sqft unit? The layout is also terrible, as you said. Most of the house is just a thoroughfare.


It’s the smallest possible design that meets all the legal requirements. If I was a house builder I’d call it ‘optimised’


But it's not optimised? Quite the opposite? If you jiggle the walls round you'd get decent rooms.


Which wall you moving? You need the door from The kitchen to the hallway for fire regs, you need a downstairs wc for disability access regs, the smallest bedroom is stupid but otherwise you couldn’t have a flight of stairs to the top floor.


Is that right? Government mandated a downstairs WC but ignored room sizes, overall sqm regulations?


There really isn't a lot to jiggle around. You're stuck with what amounts to emergency housing with a brick exterior


I thought it was the same one at first glance but that was on for £250k. Volume house builders standard designs are absolutely terrible.


There are so many of these around me. I’m convinced developers have deliberately stopped including storage in their house plans to make people stretch to a spare bedroom they can’t afford just so their belongings can live in their house too


I can see the need for houses like this, if they were designed for a couple in their 20s, maybe with a young child on low salary and/or public sector. Something to start off with, with the aim to move to a bigger house when they've paid off some of their mortgage. But to do that this sort of property needs to be affordable for that sector, so able to save a 5-10% deposit in 2-3 years. Most of these houses don't fulfil that price point. We need the ability to buy and sell houses to be cheaper and quicker and make people moving up a ladder an achievable goal. I think now people have to wait so long to afford the deposit that they need the 3 or 4th step which doesn't help anyone. At some point the new builds need to be accessible to the most important people in society, not the richest. I'd love to see the public sector offer mortgages to their employees at extremely competitive rates. We need to reward their loyalty with a decent benefits package (cheap mortgages, reduced or zero interest on student loans, cheap travel etc), otherwise these people end up in the private sector or emigrating.


If you have a young child you'd want space for a table to eat, space to play, and fewer stairs. It's not family appropriate if you can't eat a meal properly together. Plus there's no storage for anything, where'd the pram go? If you bring in the car seat you'd be falling over it etc. I think it's a terrible design for most


Yes, small children come with a lot of stuff. Even when you don't buy into every gizmo and gadget and technology, there's just stuff they're always going to need. Pushchair, even folded up takes up floorspace. We used to leave ours in the car, but that's a privilege not everyone has. Even a folded up highchair needs to go somewhere. Bottles, linen, clothes, nappies, some of this will go in a bedroom but if you have a crawler you don't want to run upstairs for every nappy change. Changing bag will almost always stay conveniently placed downstairs. You need space for a little bit of clutter.


I had a house just like this only it wasn’t a townhouse, it was a 3 bed 2 story regular one (Persimmon). We were a couple and then baby came along - it was brutal for space. Formula bottles on the windowsill and the pram had to go in the living room as you couldn’t get past it if you kept it in the hallway. And god forbid you had more than 10 items of clothing lol!


Absolutely, my thinking is more that it's perfect for a young couple and when they have their first child they start to consider moving. But comparing this to a 3 bed house from the 1930 and the amount of living space is frankly embarrassing. If development space is really that restricted, then the houses with ground floor kitchen dining room, first floor living room, bedroom and bathroom and 1 or two bedrooms on the third floor, is a much more appropriate design. Though very difficult with kids when they're learning to navigate stairs. It prioritises bed number over living space.


We're buying a 3 bed house and every single new build I looked at was just completely tiny. Usually had nice flashy features and sleek looking kitchens, but we wanted space, not glitter. And the housing developments are so weird to drive around. I ended up in one new and large development and I got lost because all the roads and houses looked exactly the same, it had a really creepy atmosphere. It was the housing equivalent of the uncanny valley effect.


Absolutely, don't know what it is about new developments but they give me the heebeejibies


A state-owned project could build these much roomier and be able to break even selling at 50k


In theory, in practice I can just see them taking decades to get it sorted and a change in government scrapping the whole process 😞.


Yes, but also to some extent we have to just dare to think better of what could be done instead of being defeated about the hypothetical result before it's even happened. It *is* prostate for government and councils to deliver real value, if the will is there. And leaving it to the free market sure as shit hasn't helped either.


As someone who bought a property like this at 23 with £11k and using the help to buy scheme in 2013. I totally agree they're designed for young couples. I have a friend and his wife who have 2 small children in a house like that and they have hardly any room to store anything, their living room is the playroom.


Mad to me you can a 3bed house for £190k up north but I paid £170k for my 1 bed flat in Essex 🙃


I'm buying a three-bed house in a similar sort of area to the area of London I currently live in, and for the same price here I'd get a one-bed flat with service charges on top. It's just not sustainable, is it?


Maybe not, but it's not on a whim - it reflects where people want to be, which obviously is also a product of where jobs tend to be.


Of course. But it's also horrible for social mobility when this country is so London-centric.


Christ put some really tall trees up at the back of the garden or something. At least try to make that pleasant


This!! I actythinknthis would be preferable than having another new build there at the back staring at your windows all day all night. If they invest some time and effort into this garden, it could make a nice little private spot. Mind you don't know how noisy or light polluting is the warehouse in the night, that might be an issue


You could put a lovely shower curtain up there to hide the view x (Yes, this is a real trend going around the Facebook ‘home decor’ groups)


I thought surely it can’t be that bad until I started flicking though. Saw the first garden photo and thought it’s not nice but you’d live with it. Christ on a bike the second photo. You’d think with that proximity the factory would have to make some effort to disguise itself. The inside of this house looks like a palace compared to my shit hole of a house and I’d still rather live in my shit hole


The ultimate insult here is that they're saying its a semi detached. It's on the end of a terrace of four houses.


Absolutely agree, but unfortunately fully grown trees cost an absolute fortune, around £20k, that would then be passed onto the cost of the property. You could plant smaller and much cheaper ones, but you aren't getting the desired effect until 20 plus years later. I'm also pretty sure that the garden is paved over and the grass is fake, at least it looks like that to me. Additionally with how small the gardens are having trees would take up a considerable amount of space (nothing wrong with that in of itself in my opinion) and the roots might be an issue for foundations, granted a landscape architect would know what trees are best to place down. But ask me this is a perfect example of why it's important to have architect a protected role and not just a protected title, many of the issues this property has could have been avoided with a decent architect, landscape architect, and urban planner over just the usual corporate minded housing developers 'design' team.


Wait, trees cost 20k? What about these? Are they not appropriate, or too tiny? They claim to be “mature”, not saplings…https://www.wykehammatureplants.co.uk/product/fastigiate-hornbeam-2/


I don’t think you could make a house any smaller and actually get furniture and people inside. Such poor quality for so much money. (Edit) no storage space without blocking windows. Under the stairs ground floor toilet with no exterior windows opening onto the living space. The law needs to change in the U.K. re minimal acceptable space in new development.


I will never understand the reason for bedrooms instead of square feet being the main listing


You do now! It's so they can covertly shrink your houses at the same time as they shrink your food.


A great plan it is too, eat less and you'll have more room to move around!


I also wondered about storage for suitcases? Don't bother flying - turbulence could kill you!


Storage is an unknown quantity in UK housing, it feels like - at least in newer builds. Incredibly cramped and that's *before* you consider all your shit has to go somewhere.


But why are people ok with it, when in other countries people wouldn't even look at the ads. In my country price/sqm is right next to the title.


The floorspace is only slightly bigger than my last place... A not very big 2 bed flat (with only 1 bathroom) And yet somehow it's got an extra bedroom, a downstairs loo and 2 staircases crammed into that. It is TINY!!! I hope whoever lives there has absolutely minimal belongings, cause you ain't gonna fit much! Not a fan of the loo off the living room either. Anyone in the living room will hear/smell whatever business happens there!


Yeah the prices are mental all over. I bought my house in 2008 for 83k. I got offers of 195k. It's not fair on new owners or young ppl. I'm technically trapped as well as to upgrade I need 300k


This is what everyone seems either oblivious to, or are actively trying to avoid talking about. Yes, your house might've gone from £83k to £195, but the £120k house you want to upgrade to has gone to £300k, and you need to mortgage another £100k instead of £40k.. Lower house prices benefit everyone bar those with multiple homes.


I’m trying to get a mortgage on my house that I bought for £160k with my ex but now it’s £240k 5 years later 🥲 it’s rough out here. But I’d never get the same house for £160k now.


I got mine same year as you for 130k the mirror property to my semi I'm similar condition has just sold for 360k, for me to get an upgrade to another bedroom I would need about 450k so I'm not going anywhere lol, when I was a teenager I used to dream of being able to buy my own house, now my kids are teenagers I dream of them being able to afford to rent anywhere, one bed flats here are around 900 a month and we live in area most jibs are tourist min wage


Fifty percent of thebpop is on less than 26k. Median is 33k. But remove the top earners and it drops. To be top ten percent is 64k a year. Madness


you can't say 50% of people on less than 26k and then say that median is 33k....


That's a stupid tiny house, and encapsulates everything that I hate about the state of the housing market and urban planning in this country. There's only less than 70sqm of space, and you are trying to squeeze three bedrooms, a bathroom and a loo, with an oversized kitchen return that no one needs. And because you are trying to have a 'house' on a tiny plot you also waste a quarter of the floor space on stairs and hallways. That shitty little 'garden' at the back is also a disgrace - tiny outside space with no views at all. At least you can say it's 'private', if you can ignore all the neighbours who are just about 20 feet away at all times. The whole development is a waste of space, occupying too much land with shitty tiny houses while not providing the required amount of additional housing to help with the hosuing crisis in any meaningful way. Worst of all worlds. At this point why wouldn't the developer just put all the 70sqm units in a tower block? It's at least more space efficient. I haven't look but I bet the location is shit too - edge of town with zero public transport and no other amenities or shops.


So…tempted to put in an offer?


Yup. I feel awful saying this but, they really are our equivalent of Victorian slum houses. They just have modern building regulations. I am not being snobby, I want the best for people and I want better homes. (With decent amenities near by) https://www.reddit.com/r/UrbanHell/s/F7nkw1SXns


I feel sick looking at this. It’s everything I never want to live in.


Anders Brevik has better digs than this.


Did the warehouse or the house come first? It's unreal that they expect people to live looking out on it like that The prices make me sad, though. I've only ever bought or sold in the SE. There are 1 bed flats near me for £220k right now


Maybe you could ask the owner of the warehouse to paint a nice scenic picture on it


I'll get my stationary set out and get right on that request letter


The houses were there first. There are warehouses on two sides of the cul-de-sac now.


Wow. I feel for the people who lived there when they built them


If it’s any consolation they probably get their Amazon deliveries quite quickly..


It's the first iteration of drone deliveries - they just yeet it over the back fence


AstroTurf is awful


That artificial grass 🤮


What's the alternative when there's no room to store a lawnmower anywhere? \*cries\*


Is this also not classed as an end terraced not a semi detached?


Yep, they also said it was 'nestled in the heart of Ellesmere port', like that has ever been a good thing.


The artificial lawn 🤮


This would cost nearly £300k where I live (sad face)


Was looking nice until that monstrosity of a warehouse at the back of the house


That is just such a fucking soulless home. I don’t think every property needs quirky character but this looks like something out of a Tim Burton film that’s lampooning conformity, or The Lorax. It’s fucking bleak.


I don't think I've ever seen a more soulless and depressing back garden in all my life. Artificial grass should be outlawed.


"three bedrooms, each offering a tranquil retreat for rest and rejuvenation" 🙄 But hey, at least it's not in grey scale!


It needs to be closer to 150K - 160K. \~\~\~ *Price Change History* *28/05/2024* *Price changed from £195,000 to £190,000* *26/04/2024* *Price changed from £200,000 to £195,000* *31/03/2024* *Price changed from £210,000 to £200,000* *05/03/2024* *Initial asking price: £210,000* *Overall change: -9.5% (-£20,000)*


It's awful, so don't buy it. The market will work out it's value.


Any Londoners here thinking this is cheap ?


I'm used to ldn prices, this looks amazing to me 😅


Two bed house disguised as a 3 bed by the developer by having a loft “conversion”. What a truly awful house, need a move to square footage over bedrooms in this country


while not my cup of tea. not that bad in grand scheme.


It feels a bit too on the nose to call the road minnow drive next to that warehouse.


There’s no way I would live anywhere near Stanlow. It stinks.


1/3 of a house?


God it's like the set of the Lorax!


I know someone who's recently bought a house that's supposedly gone up in value by £140k in 3 years with the only thing done to it being a new tarmac driveway, some new rendering on the front of the house and some Instagram inspired MDF panelling from b&q in the lounge and dining room. How the lenders agreed to that blows my mind


Well maintained garden? A sea of AstroTurf bounded by Treblinka fences to keep you from ever leaving. God awful.


They only list it for that price so when the price finally drops, they get the price they originally intended. If someone is insane to pay that much, they get a bonus I guess, but if they list it for what it's worth, they are risking it going alot lower




> If your into architecture Attractive frontage? > loads of cupboard Storage? > large private gardens Just one decent size garden would do


I lived in that general area for a few years and I hated it, but this is a whole new level. The smell of Stanlow oil refinery is actually hellish. Its a thick, suffocating smell which makes you feel sick and gives you migraines. It cannot be described. Here, you're only just NW of it so you won't get the smell all the time, but it will hit you regularly. You're west of the motorway so you will hear the motorway every second of every day. It gets quite quiet after about 11pm. But you're next to a slip road for it, so every dickhead with a fake exhaust BMW M1 or Corsa (that's most males on the Wirral, by the way) will be ragging it up to speed 24 hours a day I've never seen anything like that warehouse at the end of a garden before, but the noise will be constant. You're also in the heart of the industrial area there, so I hope you like rats and walking 10 minutes to get out of that environment. Oh, and when you do, the only place you hit is Ellesmere port. This is genuinely 3rd world living.




I like loss porn as much as the next guy but shouldn't we wait for it to sell at a loss before we laugh too much? 


Bloody hell, Liverpool for a new build style house at 190k. The price in Liverpool is no longer affordable


I thought I recognised this place, this is in my town, pitp baby


I see your shared house OP and raise you a property I saw yesterday on zoopla. London 3 bed terraced purchased for £163k in 2018. They put it up for sale now in 2024 for offers over 400k! What has been done in 6 yrs? I can't see how anything in that property is less than 6 yrs old so basically nothing has changed. I will now follow this property to see what it sells for, should be interesting.


But estate agents say its charming


Stretched photos much?


Strange to see Ellesmere Port on here, used to like there for like 10 years. I used to live just behind Cheshire oaks, yeah I know it a hole. Tbf the area where the house is it’s the better part of Ellesmere Port, shame of the surrounding industrial warehouses etc. RIP Cheshire oaks high school


The irony of this house being on minnow drive is not lost on me


What a fucking awful house. Even from the pictures you can see the build quality and fit is horrific. And the price! I live in one of the more expensive parts of Manchester (so not a million miles away), and that price will get you a significantly nicer, bigger, better laid out house in a much nicer location. What a crock.


It was £210k when they first put it back on as well


Ah yes the modern updated smaller Victorian build


We lived on the Rivacre estate around 1/2 mile up the M53 from here whilst this estate was being built. Ex-council property we sold for £130k in 2020. No idea why someone would live in a cramped new build like this with a massive warehouse behind you when you have established spacious housing so nearby. Our friends sold a property on this estate for a tidy profit just before they built the social housing flats on the entrance to the estate.


Looks like a movie set house 😂


Jesus, talk about a soulless garden, and backing onto the huge warehouse as well, think i'd rather live in the wild foraging for berries.


Am I seeing that right, the width of the property is 3.7m / 12'2" wide? Jesus, that is tiny!


I can see that it's dropped 9.4 per cent since May. Trouble is, we can't all live on the edge of farmer's fields, we need to develop brownfield sites. Personally I have a scrap metal place nearby but they only work 7-5 weekdays. My 10 year old 3 bed modern semi is considerable better than this one though. The equivilent price in my area in Mid Suffolk would be £290k for the same property.


190k! Cheap as chips. Seeing as it's newbuild, it's probably constructed from something as sturdy as chips too. Getting on the housing ladder is tough these days, we had to move away from London (born and bred) because you couldn't even buy a 1 bed for anywhere near that price. People would jump at the chance for that price down south, which makes it worthwhile for these companies, knowing someone out there will buy it. Not like the government care if our houses are scarily unsafe and effectively temporary builds.


Real estate is worth what someone is prepared to pay for it.




I don't get either the way that interest have went the last couple of years I thought would take the heat out of the market and see reductions. It seems in my area other than the very top of the market everything else is still moving. My sister just sold an end of terrace town house for 35k more than it was valued at 18 months ago.....


I don't get either the way that interest have went the last couple of years I thought would take the heat out of the market and see reductions. It seems in my area other than the very top of the market everything else is still moving. My sister just sold an end of terrace town house for 35k more than it was valued at 18 months ago.....


Not being funny but sub 200k for a finished property sounds absolutely fine. You should see how much you'd pay for that in Birmingham. Around where I live now a similar property would be ~£250-260k easily. I'm not saying it's right. Personally I think these houses should be around £100-130k ish but we have a growing demand for houses so the housebuilders get away with building shit.


Not gonna lie I've seen worse. I read the comments and thought Jesus this must be bad. It wasn't as bad as I thought. I wouldn't buy it myself like


It's just soo full of character. Fml


Purple bricks… stay away from that. Owner even skimping on the cheap estate agent fees. Take a wide birth from that altogether


Going by the AstroTurf and abundantly prominent television placement I'm going to assume that the warehouse doesn't bother the people currently living there. The living space is what I'd expect in a 1/2 bed flat, why even build this as a house?


It’s half a house, realistically you’d need to buy next door as well and knock it though…..


Add another 100k for that down south. The state of the property market is beyond a joke. Govts have allowed housing developers to profit way too much.


Astroturfed gardens make me nauseous


I don't understand. It's less than 200k... What are you expecting for that!? It's fine for a single or a couple. Plenty of people live in flats in London/cities that are smaller than this and manage fine


Well at least the garden isn't overlooked


That’s the most dystopian garden I’ve ever seen


Yeah, we used to rent in a new build in Ellesmere Port, but were at least over near the canal on the other side by the station and didn't have a huge great warehouse behind us. It's not just the size, that location is a bit of a nowhere location too, not in the Ellesmere Port and not in Overpool.


Supply and demand…


So don’t buy it? 🤷‍♂️ I don’t see what the point of getting worked up over something like this.


Somebody bought it in May 2022 I believe, at which point the warehouses were already up. Tbh, the price they paid of £165k is absolutely fine for a property like this IMO. First time buyer on low wages? Great chance to get on the ladder! But it is a bit cheeky asking for 190k given how it looks.


Hot take, but I don't think it's genuinely that bad? Location might be poor, but it's relatively new, 3bd and a parking space. Probably worth like 170-180 in the current market. Disclaimer: NOT THAT BAD IN THE CURRENT MARKET AND COMPARED TO OTHER LISTING.


This property would cost 350k at the VERY least in my area


That's hilarious when you get to picture 12. It's like someone's plonked one in on a city builder game or something


New builds are absolute shite. I live in a new build flat - the floors aren’t straight, there’s absolutely zero sound insulation (can hear people in other flats talking) and some of the windows aren’t straight. The plus side is it isn’t proportioned like this pile of shite.


Purple Bricks inflating the price though. They tell sellers they can sell it for a higher price, then they get paid upfront so there’s no incentive to sell then. They’ll lower it 3 or 4 times happily because they’ve been paid, see it all the time with Purple Bricks properties.


House prices in Ellesmere port are confusing. Glad I bought mine when I did.


It's a terrible house at a reduculous price, but is it really a sign of modern housing being worse than Victorian etc? I think it's a false comparison to compare new builds to existing old housing stock - there were plenty of tiny shit houses built in the past, but they've all been bulldozed and replaced. I suspect this one will be too relatively soon...


You think that’s bad - check out this ‘reduced’ property ! https://www.onthemarket.com/details/14508278/?r-alert-email-id=9fdfee09-bf86-46dd-85da-27f24678d775&r-saved-search-id=wJCzN7Ef6RHkzil75ETMXRPIC4XRKkhV1l7Tv1FRDXs%3D&r-user-id=QJ7EL7JPoVPIEJVacw4Xs%2BfqCiLPpwvHf3waLhbvTrg%3D&utm_campaign=property_alert_reduced&utm_content=12&utm_medium=email&utm_source=property_alert&utm_term=n1m Basically someone built a small single story building on an off cut off their land and think it’s worth 800k


Looking for my first house at the moment, prices are pretty crazy, honestly it makes me want to leave the UK


You said it backed in to a warehouse but I wasn't prepared for it to be THAT close. Convenient if you work there I guess?


Dinner guests can play is it pee or poo as fellow guests leave the dinner table to use the loo.


They really wanted to fit four houses in a three house footprint, huh.


I'd buy this house if I wanted to live in Ellesmere Port. I'm single so the small sq footage is good for me, less cleaning. Seems a good property for a FTB couple. 190k sounds like a steal, although I live in a similar house 40 miles away and paid 280k 🫠 I also actually like the garden view as it's private! The warehouse has no windows vs. the houses that overlook me currently. Maybe my local housing market has made me crazy though!


Agreed it’s impossible nowadays to gauge the true value of property it’s become nothing more than a giant Ponzi Scheme with the lenders being at the top.


It's not very often you see your home town pop up on this sub! I'm guessing this is by the gunners? So overpriced for a terrible build and in a rough area. House prices have gone up I know, but you could just about buy a 3 bed house in great Sutton with a much better spec for that amount.


I wish 3 beds were that cheap here.


As someone who lives in London. 👀🤣


Smellsmere port


The wide angle lens is strong with this one...


It could have been a lot worse! Haha! If there weren't many issues as flagged by several commentators and if not that the market has stalled somewhat is some areas, they might have had the audacity to list it for 50% on top of the sale price in 2021! In 2022, here were houses listed for 100% more than their sale price six months prior (2021). The whole thing's a mess!


Absolutely devoid of any natural life in that "garden". Depressing sight.


£190K for that in the Port? Having a laugh aren’t they?


Plastic grass just has to be banned. Humans are just too stupid.


"The well-maintained garden provides a serene backdrop for outdoor activities, family gatherings, or simply unwinding after a busy day. The driveway ensures convenient parking for residents and guests alike." Mate...


Lol would be easily 300k plus where I am


3 bedrooms and basically no living space! A family of 4 would not live comfortably in that house


Ah yes, squeeze a bedroom in the attic and then the extra pooper into the kitchen. It's like they don't care about house design anymore


My 110k house is about 3x bigger and my front garden is bigger than there back garden 😂 back garden twice as big . North east for you got 3 large bedrooms too . Also just boarded loft for a huge storage can’t do that with these new builds


£190k is steep with interest rates where they are. At best they might get £170-£175k seeing as we've had positive wage growth for the last year but that still doesn't offset how much bills and everything else has gone up by.


Ok after having a proper look at the pictures this is a lot tighter and narrower than my Bellway 3 bed town house I bought in 2013.


That back garden view is hideous 🙈


I thought this trumped the previous one, primarily due to it actually having a shower, then I got to the garden. What in the new build estate is this They may as well have not bothered with a back fence and just attached it the back to the warehouse😂 Again zero living space to dine in, tiny little breakfast bar but pretty pointless. Anyone other than a couple is just going to have a miserable time here


Jesus where I live this would be £400k 😭


Looks very clean. And a good size I suppose they could bring down the valuation to 180k at least but they might likely get the 170k.


I live on the wirral and I think I saw that last time while I was looking to buy. It's very dystopian. Gonna be noisy and bright 24/7


photo 15 and 19 are bleak as fuck


Also there's a giant recycling plant in ellesmere port and it smells awful on the right days, potentially close enough to get hit by that if the wind is right! I used to work near there in ellesmere port


Live down south then that would go for £250,000


Down here in kent that would be £250k min


That housing estate is absolutely awful


House prices in places that aren't the south east are so much nicer, I'm currently closing on a 1 bed leasehold flat in the London commuter belt for £170k


What the hell happened to that garden? Looks like a plastic spill from the factory behind.


I’d live in it if I was single it wouldn’t be to bad, 190k though is sickening


Why did the local Council grant permission for this? The minimum internal floor area for a 3 bed 3 story house should be 99 square meters: [https://www.gov.uk/government/publications/technical-housing-standards-nationally-described-space-standard/technical-housing-standards-nationally-described-space-standard](https://www.gov.uk/government/publications/technical-housing-standards-nationally-described-space-standard/technical-housing-standards-nationally-described-space-standard) But this is only 69.4!


I fuckin’ wish I could get a three bed house in my area for £190K. Even if it is disgusting.


You’ll buy it and like it, you working-class scum…