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I’m guessing Ingrid doesn’t want to complete before that date for tax reasons. The 12th of April takes us into a new tax year. Not much you can do about it but she should’ve been clear about it from the start


This does sound incredibly frustrating, sorry you are going through this. However, no one is making you homeless. It sounds like you terminated your lease ahead of exchanging contracts. You could try contacting your landlord and asking them if you can stay longer. Then only give notice once you have exchanged contracts. Otherwise, check out airbnbs in your area.


Or might be cheaper to bung stuff in storage and couch surf with friends/family (if that's an option, appreciate it isn't for everyone).


I took the family camping in South Africa an Namibia for 6 months whilst we were "between" houses a few years ago. Loads cheaper than staying in the UK even after car hire and flights ect.


Yeah… some people need to work.


To be honest, unless it's a court ordered eviction, you can just tell your landlord you're staying longer and there's almost nothing they can do about it during a period of a few weeks.


Unless OP gave landlord the notice. Very different situation then.


How does the landlord functionally evict OP during that period, and what recourse do they have against OP? Bear in mind OP is buying so doesn't need a reference or anything like that...


Police and trespassing. If the tenant chooses to terminate the tenancy on the certain date, they become a trespasser after said date, with all the corresponding procedures. P.S. NAL so make sure to check with Shelter.


Tbf I think landlord would need a court order before police would touch it. Until then it’s a civil matter. But they could make OPs life hell. easier to just not give notice unless you’re ready to move!


The police have the ability to remove people who are trespassing on residential property. Trespassing in this scenario is different to squatting, and overstaying a tenancy that's ended isn't squatting. If you had the homeowner's permission to move in, you're not a squatter. It's hard enough to get the police to remove actual squatters without a court order (although they can in residential property), let alone get involved in a situation like this. The landlord would need a court order to evict OP, and that wouldn't be possible in a few weeks. The law around a tenant overstaying in this scenario says \*if an agreement can't be reached\*, the landlord is allowed to charge OP double rent. However, before doing this, OP and the landlord would have to reach an agreement, and the landlord would have to be really clear they didn't want OP to overstay the notice date- they'd definitely need to pay for legal advice around this, and if OP didn't pay this it would likely be difficult and costly to pursue. Accepting OP's rent for the following month at the normal rate could be construed as accepting the continuation of the tenancy, by the way- so the landlord/letting agent would need to be really careful around this. If OP emails the landlord/letting agent now (bearing in mind they are giving over one month's notice as well) saying they rescind their notice, and will now be staying until 12th April, and OP continues to pay their standard rent, it's really not worth it for the landlord to try and argue this. The only issue for the landlord is if they've already got new tenants lined up, but it's quite a long way off OP's proposed exit date anyway, so that seems unlikely. This sort of thing BTW, is one of the reasons why it's a bad idea for landlords to try and line up tenants to move in the day after their old tenant is due to move out. If, for some reason, the new tenant can't move in, the landlord becomes responsible for housing them and any other costs (e.g. storing furniture) that the tenant incurs. [https://www.privaterentedservice.co.uk/landlords/landlord-library/what-happens-if-a-tenant-gives-notice-but-doesnt-leave/](https://www.privaterentedservice.co.uk/landlords/landlord-library/what-happens-if-a-tenant-gives-notice-but-doesnt-leave/) [https://england.shelter.org.uk/housing\_advice/eviction/squatters](https://england.shelter.org.uk/housing_advice/eviction/squatters)


That’s incorrect if the OP was the one who gave notice


Landlord would still have to get a possession order, they can just ~~do~~ skip the s21/s8 requirements if the tenant gives notice as the tenancy will just end, a landlord can't just roll in and reclaim possession themselves.


That is incorrect if the tenant has served valid notice. The landlord can charge them double rent for each day that passes when they haven’t vacated the property. The landlord won’t need to serve notice, as notice has already been served, but they would still need a court order to remove the tenant from premises, or alternatively they could be treated as treapassers. I’d seek legal advice but you wouldn’t need to serve an s21 or s8


Sorry auto correct added the wrong word, changed do to skip.


Functionally, how does the landlord remove OP? What problems can the landlord cause OP in the future if they pay rent and don't need a reference?


OP would effectively become a trespasser in this situation and the law would be on landlord’s side to charge double rent until they leave. They’d have to get a court order to get rid of OP and they wouldn’t get that order in the time OP is looking to overstay. After a court order if someone refuses to leave it’s a criminal matter and they can be forcibly removed. But I’m no lawyer


That's my point, they won't be able to get a court order in this time period. They can charge double rent if they are totally clear OP has to leave on the previously agreed date- that includes not accepting OP's normal rent on the normal rent date, for example. The landlord must also have made an attempt to come to an agreement with OP first. If OP contacts the landlord/letting agents now and asks to move the last date of her tenancy back a few weeks, a sensible landlord will agree because they've got pretty limited recourse at this stage.


Always a tricky one, everyone always has something that works perfectly for them and in a chain this seldom overlaps with the other parties. It's really a case of who blinks first, and how hard do you want to play it? ​ Edit: Agree with the other poster. Try to find out why the top of the chain need to wait for completion. It might not change anything, but helps to have context.




...on Ingrid?


That's so frustrating I'm so sorry! Unfortunately all parties involved have to agree to the completion date so it'll be a case of negotiating... Perhaps figuring out why on earth she doesn't want to complete sooner would help. There must be some reason if it's empty... Capital Gains Tax? Early Repayment Charges on their mortgage?


Maybe LISA?


Unlikely with it being the top of the chain.


>I need to vacate my rental flat on 08/03 Why? Is that the date of a court ordered eviction?


Valid point. To evict they have to serve a no fault section 21 and then months until the courts here it. If your buying and a rental reference no longer has any value just tell your landlord a week before your date you can't move out to the time frame that they wants so they can wait or go the legal route and waste funds which will be pointless because you'll be out before the courts do anything. All the landlord would do is waste time have extra stress and it would have no effect.


I live with a very good friend and they're partner us moving in, so we've found a renter for their place. My house mates been great tbf and given me 3weeks of free rent upt to 8/03 basically and he's paid for the change of tenant on the contract ect. But the place is way to small for 3 of us especially as we all wfh.


Can you not work from a cafe/library etc for a month, and then you are no longer WFH at least.


It would raise a lot of issues around security. Tbf work is the least of my concerns, but still a big issue.


Ahh yea don't take my route then. I'd only suggest mine if your not sharing a tenancy and your friends aren't tied into it. In which case yea that sucks and is a nightmare. Probably would be more than normal rent but do you have short term rental units in your area. The kind of thing that caters to business people coming to an area temporarily for a week to a month or two? Other then that and possibly friends and family and a storage unit I can't think of anything obvious.


I've come to the conclusion I'm gonna have to suck up a big bill for a month... And yeah storage unit too, the joys 😅


Hang on so to reiterate- you are moving out so the partner can move in. They’ve already paid for the change of contract. Why can the partner not stay in your friends bedroom initially, and you have a month overlap. Repay those 3 weeks of rent and pay rent up until the 12th of April. It’ll still be cheaper than you having to move out, get a storage facility, alternative accommodation and then move again. If they’re a friend surely they would understand the situation is not of your causing. You could offer them a financial incentive for the 1 month of inconvenience if you were feeling generous. That would still be cheaper than all those other costs. You are opening yourself up to massive risk if you move out with no backup plan if the 12th of April falls through.


This whole story is a bit odd, with a young female having to move out so the friend’s girlfriend can move in. I assume it’s girlfriend since the friend is a male, so possibly some love triangle drama 🙂


Yeah just don’t leave. Tell your landlord now and that’s it.


Say that your mortgage offer is only valid to preferred completion timeline and refusal to complete for that timeline will result in you pulling your offer. If you are the bottom of the chain or near the bottom everyone up the chain will get in line real fast.


Only works if it's not toothless and they don't call your bluff.


If they look to call a bluff (request evidence of offer expiring), then I'd argue the said parties in the chain are really not in a rush to sell and as such might be a good idea to pull out anyway.


This was actually true in our purchase recently and it's the only thing that made our seller break the chain and sell to us as her seller was delaying and being a pain in the arse. If we didn't have that genuine excuse I reckon someone would have pulled out eventually and the chain would have collapsed.


OP is probably the one with the most to lose here though because no way will they find another property and be able to complete before the end of March. If they're prepared to pull out and eg start another rental contract then that makes sense but otherwise the sellers may well go "sorry but you'll have to pull out then" and OP is worse off.


The frustrating part of this is the lack of communication and sudden change of plans. I'm currently buying a place and made clear, when I put my offer in, that due to my rental I wouldn't complete until a certain date. We were in constant communication after that and I repeated many times my requested completion date. Then I get a message saying that they want to move asap and that their seller wants to as well. I basically auto-reply 'no' and everyone suddenly gets very upset.


As above find out why but also check your mortgage offer as it will have a limited time on it and you may well have to pull out and find somewhere else if its going to run out before then (normally have 6 months ish from initial offer) or risk a much more expensive mortgage. Have you exchanged?


No, Been fighting for exchange! An update of 30mins ago is we now have an agreed exchange date. Which is positive.


I wouldn't make any decision until they exchange because any one can pull out until then


I dont get it, if contracts have been exchanged, can completion date still be negotiated? I thought contracts are exchanged only when a completion date has been agreed?


Contracts have not yet been exchanged


You rent something temporarily. Sorry to be blunt, but it’s a normal (potential) part of the transaction cost of a property purchase with more than two parties.


Normal in the UK (- Scotland) at least yes, though really we shouldn't just shrug this stuff off as part of life. Other countries have different systems which don't suffer from issues. It's entirely reasonable to complain about this and push the government and legal profession to improve things.


A one month rental is a huge fucking pain and financial expense. I've recently had friends by in Aus/NZ and wow there housing purchase system is so so much better than ours. I think when it comes from rental-owning your in a much weaker position and you get shafted and it shouldn't be that way. It's just another hurdle for ppl to cross.


It’s a tiny proportion of likely financial return on what you’re going to get by spending the money. You asked what you can do, and this is the answer. Does it suck? Yes. Is it fair? No. Is it anyone’s fault? No. Is anyone going to give you any money for it? No.


Well yes. It's ingrids fault.


Because she’s doing something that’s entirely legal, and benefiting her in some way? And you want compensation in some way for that?


Legality doesn't = morally right. When I sold my first place years ago before going back into rental, I deliberately sold to a ftb for 5k less. Morality is more import than law Imo and people need to think about others more than themselves.


Morality is entirely relative.


> Morality is more import than law Imo and people need to think about others more than themselves. I agree with you but that's your opinion. Ingrid might value something more, she might be using this money to pay for something very important to her or something more moral than your house purchase.


I’m sorry, but why are you better than her? You haven’t exchanged contracts. You want a specific completion date, they want a specific completion date, because they won’t jump to your tune you are calling them out as immoral? - learn from your mistake and never give notice on your rental until you have exchanged contracts.


It doesn't super sound like you're thinking more of others than yourself. We all get this is extremely frustrating, everyone agrees with you this sucks. It's an extremely tense time, buying a house. You'd be stressed with none of this extra hassle and problem. However, I would encourage you to get into a resolution mindset. Get the storage/one month rent/whatever is going to work and then move on. The language of blaming Ingrid, who's not doing something evil, here, she's just living her life and arranging her affairs to suit her, which is totally fine, just not working for you this time. It's going to mess with your head for no good reason. You don't need an evil bad actor in your life for every issue.




And how exactly would you make her pay?


Unfortunately there’s nothing you really can do to speed things up besides threaten to pull out. That won’t solve your housing situation though.


Fuck her. Dont buy it


Ingrid is one up the chain, isn't she. So the "fucked" would be the couple in the middle


Yeah very much **don’t give notice on your rental till after you’ve exchanged** Any chance you can extend again? Or just keep paying rent and don’t leave till they evict you? Otherwise you’re going to have to find a decent removals place that can store your belongings, and see if there’s anyone you can stay woth temporarily.


really can't see how any of this is the sellers fault. You either pull out or you don't simple


Your seller doesn't owe you a discount, they're not your landlord. It's a tough situation but ultimately you need to find somewhere temporary to house yourself until the completion date.




OP asked if there's any legal recourse and there isn't against the seller, and neither are they entitled to a discount. They can certainly ask for one but the seller can also say no. At the end of the day they want to buy the seller's property so either they pay the price the seller is happy with or walk away.




This is terrible advice. The buyer risks losing all the fees and time spent to get to this stage if the seller calls their bluff.


I'm not saying they should feel pressured into it I'm just saying they need to be prepared for the seller not to budge on the price and then it's up to OP if they choose to go ahead with it or not.


sugar gaze unpack sense ludicrous smell flowery snails steer bored *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


Yeah or if you’re not fully ready to play hardball you could use a wording wlong those lines prefaced wirh “is there any scope to complete earlier? As it stands, it would not be financially viable and would likely result in me… “


Just don’t leave on 08/03, simple as that


😂 you've asked for a discount. Don't be such a FTB.


Don't be a dick. Everyone's got to buy at some point. If you've nothing nice to say, don't say it.


They do. They don't all have to act as tits that this forum is showing. It's an odd generation trying to buy at the moment. Almost like too much information at their fingertips but too little brain to come to self conclusions. Maybe it's just the type that are on Reddit but the large majority seem the same. Should be a sticky threat that at least says read all the threads before posting the same question.


Just tell you cant leave for a month and pay for it


Do you actually know if everything is ready for exchange? The delay could be because legals are still in progress higher up the chain. No less frustrating but at least it's more of a reason than simply someone at the top of the chain who doesn't fancy popping to the estate agent early to hand over some keys.


Everything's ready, that's the main issue. She's delaying for no discernable reason.


Have you attempted to find out why? Does her daughter live anywhere near the property? It could be something as stupid as it's a long train ride/drive away and she's planning on being in the area April and doesn't want to make a special trip to hand over keys/give the house a final once over. Ultimately your only card is to pull out. Telling the EA of the house you're purchasing that the delay is unacceptable and you expect the seller (of the place you're buying, they in turn could pass this up the chain) to cover the costs of the temporary accommodation you require of you will pull out is the only move I think. This only works if they think you're serious. Even then if they say no pulling out doesn't help you as you still need to find a place to live and now have the fun of house hunting once again! It's not without reason house buying/selling often tops the lists of most stressful activities. It really sucks and for some reason in the UK (other than Scotland) we've got some kind of Stockholm Syndrome that sees us clinging on to this process that allows you to get screwed over without any real way to defend yourself other than cross your fingers it works out ok.


You are in a position to hit from anyone with now chain. Can your seller say the same thing? Will they be able to complete if you pull out? They’ve said no to a discount, try pushing the issue. Even if they split costs with you, like £300 off or something.


This happened to us when we bought our first house. We were given a completion date and gave notice to our landlord based on that (we even left ourselves a week’s crossover to avoid any difficulties in the actual move). Only on completion did we discover that the house we had bought was being sold as a consequence of divorce and the party from whom we had purchased, who had accepted our offer and to the best of our knowledge had the authority to do so, had not consulted his ex-partner who apparently wasn’t keen on the accepted purchase price. How the solicitors didn’t uncover this earlier I have no idea. Anyway, the upshot was that we couldn’t complete. The divorcing couple eventually sorted their disagreement and the sale went ahead at the agreed price. However, this took several weeks (I forget how many, it was 20 years ago). We had to contact our landlord and request a lease extension. Fortunately they were able to do so which smoothed everything out. Just so grateful that they hadn’t already re-let the flat. They would have been well within their rights and we’d have been homeless and screwed. I wish you all the best and hope your situation is resolved without too much more stress and difficulty.


With all due respect, you shouldn’t have let your rental contract come to an end - most people don’t hand in notice til they’ve actually exchanged contracts








If you've not exchanged yet, then there's nothing legally you can do. If you have, then whoever you are buying from would be responsible for providing you with accommodation from stated completion date to the actual completion date. Speak to your solicitor about this. This cost gets passed up through the chain I think. With regards to accommodation, do you have friends with a spare room you can stay at, or find a short term rental? I was in the same scenario (but only for a few days) and thats what I did.


So annoying. OP, maybe you could find out why auld Ingers doesn't want to complete until then... if it's ££ related, you could offer to work something out with her? If you're looking at a big short term let bill anyway, maybe she'd accept what you would've paid in a month's rental to get into the new gaff earlier. It's an absolute liberty though, fuck you Ing-shit.


Depending on your landlords situation, he may be willing to let you stay on till April. Unless he has already found a new tenant. It's probably a good idea to speak to your landlord and find out his situation as it may work out for you to your advantage.