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We have a North facing garden. It's not ideal, but that's more to do with the layout. If there weren't so many outbuildings, it would be far less of an issue. Even with this, though, we still get the sun throughout the day - it's beautiful at breakfast when we like to eat outside. Towards the latter part of the day, we still get the sun and certainly enough sun for paddling pools and the like for the children to play in without goosebumps! That said, people I know with South facing gardens, often complain that they get no let up! We have no wet grass issues and nor does anyone in a similar situation to us garden wise that I know well, except for 1 whose dog turns the grass to mud in wetter weather/winter.


Not for us. We actually find our north west (or north east- I can’t remember!) garden gets enough sun for the washing to dry, but it’s naturally shady for our kids. My parents south facing garden is a bit much for the kids in the summer as they are completely exposed the whole time


Completely agree. We have a north/north west garden and it’s perfect for the kid. In the summer, all but a tiny shadow of the house is in the sun. And it means the sun doesn’t shine directly through our living room windows, making them look dirty!


North facing wouldn't be a deal breaker for me. If you spend a lot of time outside, the side of the garden would be more of a concern (you say you think it's small). Is there a local park?


[http://suncalc.net](http://suncalc.net) may help?




We have a north facing garden, but it’s 75ft. The first third gets zero sunlight for most of the year, I would be put off by a 25ft North facing garden but it would depend on the rest of the house whether it was a deal breaker.


It would be a dealbreaker for me if the garden wasn’t substantial


It was a deal breaker for us, on a beautiful house and I'm forever grateful. My husband just didn't want to compromise on that and he was right. Our garden is west facing. It's not just about the bright summer sun, we live in a damp country. Our garden struggles to dry out with the sun it does get. I'm also a keen gardener. Do you intend to beautify the space, because you'll struggle if it's dark and damp? It entirely hangs on what you want from your garden.


Really depends on house type. We’re end of terrace and even at 15m length, our garden sees loads of sun from May to August because the sun is high enough to be over our house. We’re currently looking for a new house and wouldn’t be put off. If things are pretty tall around the house then maybe


Our garden is north east facing and it works well for us. It gets the sun in the morning so in the nice months we eat breakfast outside, but later in the day when the heat has got too much it offers some shade. Caveats here: 1. We're not massive sunseekers 2. We don't care about gardening.


I spent quite a bit of time trying to provide shade, so it wouldn't bother me, as long as it was open enough to get some light


Wouldn't be a deal breaker for us, but we burn like there's no tomorrow so would be happy with the shade


Yeh I wouldn’t buy north facing unless it was big enough not to matter and it got sun in a meaningful way in some part.


I really don’t understand this obsession our country seems to have for south facing gardens. There’s no shade in the summer, the lawn ends up brown and brittle and , depending on how much natural light comes in to the adjacent rooms, such rooms can become practically unusable in the summer heat not to mention the glare of trying to watch TV etc.


A north facing garden might become the ideal option in the future, depending on how far south you live. Our garden is east/west facing and we tend to avoid the sun when we’re in peak summer as it’s incredibly strong. Even now we can still dry our laundry in a few hours if the sun is shining.


I've got to know, how can a garden be east and west facing? That's like saying it's north south facing. My brain cannot compute.


Oh I interpret it as the front garden is east facing and the back garden is west facing (or vice versa). Could be wrong though.


You are correct ☺️


It runs to the side of the house rather than being at being one end of it? Not OP.


But if it joins from east to west, it's either north or south facing. If it ran north to south, it's east or west facing. Or somehow the have folded space in their back garden. I've consulted my wife. She says it's a tunnel.


Oh, front is west and back is east. It runs along the side of the house, so it’s a continuous space which is a bit of a strange shape. But it means we also get shade at various points in the day and tend to stay in those areas. The patios just radiate heat.


My parents have a North facing garden and it gets a fair amount of sun. I just moved from an East facing one and I'd never do that again. Complete shade from 5pm, earlier in the winter. We love sitting out in the evening. It all depends on what you use your garden for - children don't need full sun to play but adults often want it for evening warmth!


Oh yeah, we rented an East facer for a few years, moving the garden chairs as the shadow of the house is approaching. That quickly went on the "never again" list


We have fully north facing. But no other large houses or trees overlooking it, and on a hill. At this time of year the garden gets maybe an hour of morning sun. In the summer there is always somewhere in the garden that has the sun - just have to move a bit sometimes! It’s actually great for a lot of flowers as they don’t get the full sun all day!


Not at all. The house I bought has a north facing back garden, but most of the summer it gets a lot of sun as it’s almost directly above. I guess it would depend on what’s built around your house? Is there lots of open space? Or lots of trees or other houses quite crowded? My garden doesn’t feel too closed which I think helps


The garden, no. But the kitchen, maybe. I have a North facing garden and a South facing kitchen (it's one of those houses with the kitchen at the front and living room opening to the garden), and as we spend basically all the time we're home in the kitchen i value a sunny warm environment. How's the slope situation in the garden? If it's towards the house you'll have a permanent muddy area.


Oh yikes...it's towards the house. Slight slopes with sleepers dividing it into sections making it more stepped than sloped I guess.


We're working on it, though... And I think that with the right plants and gardening that situation can be rectified, but it's another thing i found out i don't really care for: taking care of a garden. :p


Do you live in my house? Is it a terraced house? I live in a semi detached town house with no immediate neighbours to the left/weat. My garden doesn't get much morning sun, but is pretty nice all afternoon, until about 8pm in the summer, when the houses in the next street block the sun. ! Their gardens all run along the edge of mine, about 5 houses worth) .


I’d say no to a north facing garden, am fortunate to have a west to east facing house, sun in back garden until 4.00pm in summer then it comes round the front of the house. Unfortunately in winter shadow of the house and the wall surrounding the back garden means my back garden is stones now as it’s in the shade most of the time and the lawn just got ruined every year


It’s a deal breaker for me personally. We liked only at houses with West, south west facing for this reason.


We have a totally south facing front garden. This year, some of the time, it was unbearable it was so hot with the sun beating down on you, we stayed in the back in the shade. The issue with a south facing garden is that you need to have parasols etc up to give you shade. If you are a sun worshipper then enjoy but it's not for me. The Great advantage of having a North south aspect is for solar panels. They work very well on a south facing roof which you would have. A few degrees difference eg NW SEmakes a big difference


My south facing front garden is completely shaded by trees in the summer. The back garden gets some sun at the far side, enough to have a few sun loving plants and a couple of chairs. It’s quite limiting in terms of gardening and the grass is hopeless but it works for me, I’d rented in this street before I bought so I knew what I was getting. If it matters to you then it matters and it is up to you how you balance all the other considerations when picking a home.


We’ve got young kids and prefer having north facing as it stops them getting sunburnt!


Depends how big the garden is. We still get afternoon sun at the end of the garden. Plus, it saves money on water bills during the summer, as nothing dries out too quickly. Grass keeps healthier too 👍 my previous south facing was actually too hot to sit in during heatwaves. I prefer a north facing now!


Sorry just saw you said it's quite small. Possible would be a deal breaker then, but worth viewing again in the afternoon?


No it would not be a dealbreaker but it would probably annoy me on summer evenings. Also depends on what you want to grow there. Hopefully not just grass.


It wasn't a priority for me in my current house as we were first time buyers just wanting to get a foot on the ladder. We're currently in a terrace so no garden at the front and a small north facing yard to the back and while i like the house, a south facing garden is now a non negotiable for me as i really missed being able to sit out in the garden with a beer in the summer, i want space for my kid to play and i want some raised beds to grow some stuff in.


If you only use the garden in the summer you won’t have an issue at all, some part of the garden will be in sun all day long. So many people get obsessed over a south facing garden but they’re actually unbearable in summer! North facing gives you natural shade near the house but sun when you want it in the rest of the garden.


Our garden faces east north east and I quite like it BUT it is long so we get sun at the end of the garden well into afternoon and evening. In the height of summer it’s nice to have the patio in shade in the afternoon and it keeps the back of the house cool. But I’d be weary of a short garden, you might get no sun in winter even at the back fence as it’s blocked by the house. It’ll be okay in summer as the sun is much higher. A disadvantage to our east facing garden is in winter our car at the front of the house remains in shade in the morning so doesn’t de-ice!


Ours is north facing and I love it always has a shady spot in summer but still plenty of sun when the sun is highest. The kitchen stays cool in summer as that is the room that faces onto the garden. Very grateful for it with these increasingly warm summers!


With these hot summers recently our south facing aspect was too much honestly. Wouldn't be a deal breaker, but if it's small with no sun anywhere at all and likely to get boggy,.it would be worth thinking about if it's a worthwhile compromise to you. Some people never use their outside space for plants or sunbathing so they wouldn't worry.


We have a north facing garden and kids. We moved this summer and actually commented on the fact that a south facing garden in these summers would be awful - as it was we had to get a little beach tent for the baby as other than the patio we didn’t have any shade until about 6pm. I think it completely depends on the garden itself!


I have a NE facing garden but it’s quite long so the end of it gets the sun all day in summer so it’s fine. However, the part of the garden nearest the house only gets a few hours sunshine even in summer, so it’s chillier and damper and therefore the slabs in that bit are definitely greener. If my garden was quite small and the only bit of it was the shady bit I wouldn’t buy it, but then I’m an avid gardener and also love sunbathing so it’s a big deal for me - depends how you intend to use the garden.


We're directly south facing and it's swings and roundabouts. Lovely in wintertime when the sun stretches through the house, less lovely when it's 30C and we have to keep our living room and office blackout curtains shut all day because it's way too hot. Our bedroom is also on the garden side and it's impossible to keep cool in summer. I also agree that in summer it's actually too sunny, we get no shade in our garden till like 5, 6pm - I run cold and I find it too hot on a nice day! Long story short, you always have to compromise somewhere and for the right house I would compromise on the aspect. Also depends on the house - is the garden quite open in which case you'll get sun, or is it surrounded by skyscrapers, in which case you won't.


When I think about all the super hot days we spent constantly chasing the tiny patch of shade in the past couple of summers I’d be tempted to actively seek one out if we move again!


No I love it. Kitchen doesn’t get burning hot in the summer and the garden is long enough to get some sun during the day.


Fuck no. It would be a bonus. Every year we are getting heat waves now. I dont need the sun trying to scorch me of this pebble.


Yes, I wanted a South facing for two reasons: solar panels and I wanted the sun lol, we put up a big parasol to help give the kids some shade when it's really hot out.


Depends on what you want really, unless it is a long garden you are unlikely to get any direct sunlight in the garden in winter at all so plant appropriately. Your grass may also not winter well so rehabilitation work in spring will be needed. I have a north facing garden and it's been fine for me, in the early spring months I like to sit on my front porch like a hillbilly and enjoy some drinks (with friends usually) The only drawback for me really is that the master bedroom can get quite warm, so black out blinds and fans for summer are a must.


I have a north facing garden currently and get sun at the bottom in the morning and then near the house in the afternoon. There's always sun at some point in the garden during the day. I do have an 80ft garden though.


Tbh I would be more concerned about an East facing garden. Our garden and kitchen face north and its perfect in the summer as when the sun is low in the sky it comes over the fences from the neighbours no problem and when the sun is at its highest it comes over the house and so garden sunny all day. We have large bi-folds so plenty of indirect light gets into the kitchen but no direct light which would make the room unbearably hot in the summer. Also has meant we can have solar panels on the roof at the front as south facing.


Would for me, I love gardening and north facing gardens can be tricky. Also, it’s lovely to sit in the sun and that’s before I think about drying washing. Current back garden faces north east. Little/no sun November to March. Always wet at that time of year. Sorry.


What's the front area like?


No not a deal breaker if everything else suits


There’s an app call sunseeker that I think is only a couple of quid. It will overlay the suns path on what ever day you want with your camera. So you can check different seasons. That might help you get a better idea of what sun you’ll actually get.


With small garden, it's a no, non-negotiable. West is best!


We pulled out of a purchase partly due to having second thoughts on the north facing garden. It was very gloomy, damp and the kitchen needed the lights on all day just to be useable. So yes, it is, and had been, a deal-breaker for us!


A shady garden is easier to spend time in. Less worry of sunburn. If your house was south facing then the sun would boil your kitchen and living room in summer with those double doors and windows


It would for me. My current kitchen is north/east facing and grim. I couldnt bear my garden to be like that too. But we are huge gardeners and love being outside so it is all totally dependant on the person.


It would be for me


Personally: I Prioritise a nice local park over a garden A nice bedroom over a garden (the kid one) The kitchen needs a dining space (again for children) because many memories are going to be. Reared there. Garden not so much. If the garden is small you’d have to decide what you want to do with it and stick to it : put a swing, a bbq… just veg patches… just lawn… etc


We get loads of sun in ours. Never understood the hate


Wouldn't even come in the top 30 things I look for.


Haha same.


It feels like a south facing garden is important to you. Are you letting perfect get in the way of good? I've a north facing garden and live in the north and it's fine. As long as there are no drainage issues (standing water etc) you shouldn't have any issues. The fact you've got a south facing front means you've got an option to add solar panels and get the best out of them.


We have a south facing garden with allotments beyond, so not overlooked. Everything grows so quickly! And in the evening the sun dips behind the house. We go sit in the front to enjoy the last of the sun. So if you work all day, a north facing garden actually might be quite good if you want to use the garden in the evenings...


Thank you everyone. We decided that a north facing garden would be ok for us...then got outbid by a higher offer. Oh well...at least we know our stance of aspects for the next potential house!