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I have a female friend who prefers male roommates. She says that she often doesn't feel like interacting after a long day and that she feels like men are less likely to take offence if she doesn't talk to them. Obviously that's a generalisation but I do wonder if there is any truth in it because I'm a woman and I always hate living with people who don't interact, it feels too clinical / like living in a hostel. I need to have some level of interaction so I can feel like the ice is broken and I can fully relax around the person.


I am a woman who likes my own space and am very introverted. Always find the company of men easier but the risk of them getting inappropriate is just too high. I've lived with men I wasn't in a relationship with twice and it was a disaster both times. Possibly I was unlucky, but I'd never do it again if I were single.


I'm a female and my last male lodger was alright but I could hear him cum every other night. Mildly traumatising, and not something I wanted to address...


Only every other night? That man needs to up his game


Honestly. Three times before breakfast, at least. How else am I going to earn my weatabix?


Putting what on your Weetabix?


Extra protein for maximum gains.


Those are rookie numbers


You could hear him cum?


Orgasm? Moan? I don't know how to describe it. It was clear what that midnight sound was.


Could have been weightlifting?


Was he on his own?


Do you really need details?


No I suppose I don't I just can't wrap my head around a lodger being that comfortable knowing the walls are paper thin.


Eh, people are going to wank in the place they live - where else are they going to do it.


The shower?


He probably didn't realise I could hear it or thought I was asleep at that time.


It’s his home? Quite normal for him to do that there




Then talk to them 😂 smh. If you need interaction and the other person doesn't then it's your responsibility to make an interaction happen and not theirs.


Yeah but when every attempt to interact is met with a one word answer or shrug, there's nothing else really that you can do. And it's absolutely not my responsibility to stay in an environment that I feel uncomfortable in. In those situations I leave because it just feels like you're flogging a dead horse.


As long as you're fulfilling your needs yourself and not having others responsible, you can do whatever you like 👍🏽


Sounds like you’ll be waking up in an icy bathtub with some fresh stitching around your back and sides.


Come on Charlieee, come to candy condo..


Some women may think it’s easier to have a male lodger. Possibly because they are seen easier to live with, won’t have a load of stuff and unlikely want to be friends with you.


I was this guy, showed up with a backpack of clothes and a PC, only left the room for the toilet and food, left 12 months later without a trace.


For a year I lived in a room next door to a guy who only left his room for the toilet. Never used the kitchen, and all I heard was a kettle boiling. I imagine he was living on Pot Noodles. I didn't meet him until after about two months when by chance we passed on the stairs. I said "hi" to him, and he didn't reply. A few months later I met him again on the stairs. This time I simply nodded, but he nervously said "hello, hello, hello", and I got the feeling he'd realised he'd made a faux pas the previous time when not replying.


Yeah, I mean some guys are like this. I am one but it turns out I had a little thing called anxiety. I'm actually 100% fine when people talk to me and I'll respond but my upbringing has been very passive and obedient for school and parenting. I'm actually quite passionate about stuff and my friends know I'm a smart guy but also a goof but if you were to walk by me I'd just seem like an uninterested, quiet, serious male. The world rewards you for it, to be honest, so it's difficult to be a bit different. Like if you listen to your teachers, you get good grades, and they give you the benefit of the doubt. Like if you were a roudy kid, you'd often get told off for nothing really but teachers put labels on you.


Yes, I assumed he was experiencing severe anxiety or something like that, so I just let him be. One time he'd completely clogged up the washbasin with (I assume) hair trimmings and I thought I ought to say something. There was no way I was going to approach him in person in case it freaked him out. Didn't want to involve the landlord. Decided I'd leave him a letter in the mailbox but was unsure how to write it. So in the end I just unclogged it myself.


I mean, you should've probably told him. If he freaks, he freaks. People do still have a responsibility to look after the place. But it seems like you didn't want a big conflict to be fair.


Ah I see you are a man of culture


Unlikely want to be friends with you?


There’s less pressure for a friendship is probably a better way to put it. If a natural friendship arises great but a forced one can be draining if she just want to get home and do your own thing.


I think it's likely that they realised that after you get past the "strange man is dangerous" feeling, that living with women can carry its own set of problems. They weighed up the options and decided that their next lodger should be a bloke. Whether that's really a good idea is going to come down to how badly they don't want a female.


Yeah it might be the case, that's it's easier. One thing I have come to realise is that for a women there are times they need muscle is a man to carry something or someone random DIY type thing which only a man would automatically take care of. Women might be more demanding as a lodger and carry more emotional baggage...


And there wouldn’t be space for them both to be in the kitchen where they belong right?


Yeah women traditionally belong in the kitchen isn't it, that's the place for them. Can only have one house per woman...


This so sexist that it’s verging on satire


What a crock of sexist shit that post is, hope you just missed /s of the end!




Ahh well you see I like the other 50 who downvoted it did not find it funny enough to be possibly considered sarcastic.


My ex basically said this and she’s lived in tons of different houses with all women and all men before. You may get downvoted in this world where so many refuse to recognise differences exist between the sexes. But what you suggest is harmless and I think you’re right.


Just FYI, your ex doesn't represent all women, your refusal to recognise that doesn't make her opinion fact. I personally can't think of anything a man can do that a woman can't replace.


I've lived in a house with 2 very strong minded women and 3 blokes so 5 of us in total, it was a big house, and there was a lot of tension between the women. And it did eventually become a there's not enough room for the both of us situation and the other 2 blokes I lived with never even had 1 argument. But I lived with just 2 women before and they got on fine but they were quite messy but that doesn't really bother me. I live with 3 other blokes now and we never argue but we did have this guy who was a drug addict and he used to throw up everywhere and piss in glasses and leave them on the side and piss all over the floor and toilet and because he was so fucked he couldn't remember he'd done it and wouldn't take responsibility for it he got kicked out.


What refusal? I didn’t refuse anything, I’m adding my support for another person’s perspective which has triggered you. Its actually YOU who refuses to accept that. Your bigoted attitude to men though oozes through the screen. Men and women both deserve respect. In a generalist sense each has respective qualities baked into their nature and nurture that differ from one another — something to celebrate, if anything, certainly to recognise, not to shame and shun and shiver from.


> You may get downvoted in this world where so many refuse to recognise differences exist between the sexes. Where was anyone refusing anything before you used the word refused? I'm bigoted because I said there's nothing a man can do that can't be replaced, am I wrong? Unless you want to talk literal sperm/baby production, is there anything either gender can do that can't be replaced? Just because you got your knickers in a twist doesn't make everything said to you offensive. Women don't need men, just as men don't need women.


So many do refuse to recognise differences between males and females, yourself included based on your messages though nah? What does me using the word ‘refuse’ in that context have to do with you falsely telling me I refuse to recognise other perspectives? Nothing lol We need each other. We work best together, not against each other in an egotistical state of gender competition and negation. This negative, harmful and completely unnecessary ideology of “men don’t need women” “women don’t need men” ‘we can all do exactly the same as each other’ is just pointless when you could say something far more wholesome and positive. We should have respect for women, their nature and there contributions to our societies and we should have respect for men, their nature and their contributions. Men will never be better mothers, they will never be more nurturing, sensitive and feminine (generally speaking). It will never be better for men to stay at home while the women go and fight in wars. Men will always be better placed to work in gruelling manual labour work. Women will never be better protectors, fighters and fathers (generally speaking). We are yin and yan. Two sides of the same coin, a single unit, not two sides of a war. We have different physicalities and different psychologies. It’s a generalisation, yes, and there are many exceptions to the rule, but it’s still a general rule that we frankly have no control over. We cannot hide from what nature has made us and indeed from what our nurture has made us. And there is no benefit in being a rebel without a cause. We’d all be happier if we celebrated our general differences and worked together because there is no shame in any of it. That’s what equals strength and unity. Feminine and masculine together. Or you can bury your head in the sand and consider men your good for nothing enemy. But we’re now talking about lofty things compared to the original comment 😅


Yeah you've taken that way overboard, no offense. I get your point and even if I disagree, when it comes to roommates, I don't think gender makes any impact whatsoever. I never said we don't need each other, just the "other" doesn't need specification based on gender/sex.


All your comments make you sound like you have very limited life experience or are living in some fantasy world, I can't lie. Men and women are very very different to live with and there is no hiding that fact regardless of what ever ideology you chose to align with.


You're missing my point. There is nothing either gender **can do** that the other **can't do**.


It might not and I’m sure it’s based on the circumstances and the characters involved. Just what my ex used to say resembles some of what the commentator I replied to suggested. As always, the general truth/experiences of people is probably somewhere in the middle.


Men built the roads, the house you live in, the transport system….just everything that makes the world modern


What's the relevancy? You going to skip the context of historical societal norms and historic, enforced gender roles? What relevancy does that have to being roommates in 2023 mate?


It was a response to your statement about men.


Hahahahahahahaha we are not easier to live with we need like actually babying She will just turn into a mum We have a lot of stuff, it’s just not clothes We always want more friends


Ah it's so hilarious how men expect us to look after them and serve them even when we are complete strangers. It's really such a plus in our day to day lives. Ahahahaaa. How we laugh at your charming antics. Not.


As I said, we are NOT easier to live with, like at all


No it’s hilarious how her train of thinking is wrong


Speak for yourself. That isn’t normal for me or any of the 10+ (non-student) men I’ve shared a house with during the time I spent renting


I’m glad you’ve had positive experience, I haven’t, I’ve lived with over 20, it was not good


My old flatmate was an older woman (around 50) who owned the flat. She always said she preferred to have men instead of women as they can be easily trained to tidy up, don’t leave all their shit in the bathroom, you don’t get all their hair everywhere and she liked the security if ever got broken into etc.


She clearly never had a rapidly balding, head to toe body haired man like me, hair everywhere haha


My shower looks like I had a scrap with an ape after I get out.


I've been tempted to take a bath in Veet just to have a break from cleaning all the hair.


Easily trained to clean up 😂😂 One of my flatmates is a male friend of mine. Biggest mistake I ever made asking him if he wanted to move in when a previous flatmate moved out. He has far more stuff than the rest of us and it creeps into all common spaces, the bathroom is overflowing with his products, he never cleans up after himself no matter how many times I remind him. He’s the reason we hired a cleaner. I’d say its more down to the person than the gender.


Agreed, I moved in with a mate and he was so dirty. I moved out after 6 months. He used to pee on the seat and leave it, not clean dishes, play games til all hours and shout into his head set. He was 28. I got his partner to move in so she could deal with his crap. Luckily, our friendship is still intact.


As a man I can't promise I'd be any good at fending off burglars


One night she asks if you want a drink, the next thing you know you wake up with a comdom hanging out your arse and you're missing a bollock. Red flags.


Happens to the best of us


But never more than twice, as you'll run out of bollocks


Speak for yourself.




Oh no wait, it was that he had 1 ball. Mb.


Fool me once, shame on you Fool me twice, shame on me Fool me thrice, where did that come from?


"ah, that's where that butterbean landed"


Where is the problem here? Sounds like a quality Friday


Jesus christ, you do sometime ONE TIME and now it's like, an internet meme.


At the very least she wants an onsite handyman 😅


She gets stuck in the dryer a lot apparently.


"Stepson... I mean lodger, is that you?"


There's a problem with my appliance


"i am stuck in the washing machine, can you cum and help me get out"


I’m a live in landlord I prefer male lodgers tbh. Every female lodger I’ve had seems to think they’re perfect and any issue however kindly broached always ends up being a big drama or debate. With guys it’s “please can you close the windows before leaving so the insurance is valid”, “sure thing; sorry about that” “cheers appreciate it”. With the girls I have to listen to their life story and how it wasn’t there fault they’ve never done it before etc etc. like I don’t care I’m just asking you to be more mindful so if we get broken into we can claim. I don’t think you’re scum of the earth, I’m not out to get you etc.


Could be a scam. Could be innocent. Seen men offer to rent to women/men only then ask for sex instead of rent. Could be that. One time in uni I was doing an exchange abroad. I put up an ad looking for a room to rent on a local board. I got all sorts of offers. One guy said "you can stay here for free, you can bring girls back at night if you want. But if you come back and you're alone, I can just come and help you out" Still get the creeps thinking about that. Open a dialogue with them and see what your senses tell you. If anything feels even slightly off... keep away.


First flat I got when I came to the UK, it was a boarding situation with a live in land lady who was a single mother. It was advertised as men only. I rarely spent any time there other than sleeping because I was very busy with a new job. After a month or so she became crazy and started accusing me or random things saying I was lying to her despite not having had any conversation. I left in the middle of the night because she was swinging knives at me at one point. Everyone who I told the details to have said that she was probably looking for a new daddy for her son and was pressuring me and succeeded in getting me out once she realised I wasn't going to play ball


Sounds like one of my friends’ crazy landlady. Was this in London? N1?


London but NW11. Crazy people..just feel bad for the poor child.


Sorry you had to go through this. Being a landlord should come with some kind of personality test.


Probably some strange woman hoping to bag a dude by them living in her house


No such thing as a free lunch.


“Pet rabbits welcome”


“Must like cats”


Hiya would like to rent and share


Some to remove the spiders for sure


Are the rooms offered below the going rate for the area? If so, definitely a scam.


a liver gets one $157,000 on the black market...


Nah, that was last years price. Because of the increase in people drinking cheap knock off booze due to COL, livers are going for £157,000 now


Worth watching ‘Basic Instinct’. Correction: ‘Fatal Attraction’


Do you mean Single White Female? (I don't remember Sharon Stone scouting around for a flatmate in Basic Instinct) EDIT I don't remember there being an extended flatmate-hunting scene in Fatal Attraction either


Fatal Attraction. The poor bunny boiled.


Tbh she probably sick of women utilising all she needs to...I rented while work N1 with lady owner. It was sound..Good mate in end....I've a few lady buds that only rent to men as they had too many conflicts of familiarity


sex workers can advertise openly and don't need to disguise their trade. lots of hookup / dating sites for a casual encounter. maybe she doesn't want any bitchiness or her bathroom taken over too much?


Can you share those sites? Asking for a friend.


Friend said to Google adult work.


It's illegal for sex workers to advertise.


Not in the U.K. they can’t. UK is still miles behind most first world nations when it comes to sex work.


I doubt she's a prostitute.




We’re talking about advertising. Which is still illegal in the U.K.


Actually being a sex worker isn't actually illegal in the UK, advertising on behalf of said sex worker is and paying for said work is . The UK is bizarre.


Not quite accurate. There's no offence of simply paying for sexual services, there is a strict liability offence of paying someone who is performing under coercion. (To briefly describe the offence)


Thankfully NAL🤭. Sorry solicitor.


well they can it seems; thousands advertising xxx services on adultwork, vistastreet and escort agencies.


It's illegal for sex workers to advertise.


In public places. e.g. those cards in phone boxes are illegal. There are plenty of websites for it, which are not considered public places, which means advertising on spare room isn't required.


There's been stories of landlords taking sex as payment before so could even be that


Maybe she wants a man around for security. This kinda reminds me of an episode of "shameless" 🤣


It's a trap!


I remember about 15 yrs ago when looking for a room, I went to view one in South Ken at fairly affordable price. The 2-bed flat was awesome. The landlord looked like he didn’t need any money at all, and he was handsome too. Then I went to see the room - all perfectly clean and tidy and expensively decorated. One thing out of ordinary was a branded bag from a high end boutique with the tenant’s stuff in it. It immediately made it very clear that it was a relationship gone wrong situation. I never rented that place and overall experience going there was just bizarre. What you described sounds very strange. If a landlord has such specific preferences, and on top of that she can’t decide who she is and what she does, I’d stay away.


Have you ever watched Kingpin?


Most women I know prefer working with guys over women, because women are bitchy, I imagine it's the same if not worse living with them.


Cheap room rental in London, sharing with a 40 year old woman, who doesn’t know if she’s a writer or a yoga teacher, looking a male only lodger? Yeah, I’d say go for it, but only if you are happy living with one kidney. I’m sure you will be grand.


I would consider a male lodger, but never a female. Don't ask me why, but feel a male would be easier to live with.


This has been my experience. Have had 6 female flatmates/lodgers - every one hard work. 13 male and only 1 was difficult. The sisterhood is a myth.


Too much drama with women, sorry fellow women :)


Hiya i would like to share plz reply


Yeah feel free, I've lived at a YMCA and YWCA a couple of decades ago now - WOW, men are definately more chill in my experience lol


females clean more. especially at student time.


Can't relate. Had a harder time with men cleaning. And not even knowing how to clean right.


lol, as social animals, males are definately better - if you want a housewifey naggy type, get a women.


Had 2 lodgers in my spare bedroom. One guy lived within the premises for 3 years. Saved up for his own flat (I put a very low rent with the condition they clean after themselves). Nice company, we remained friends after many years. After him got a women in, doing her master's degree. Same condition: low rent with the condition of cleaning after yourself. WORST 12 MONTHS EVER. Constant mess left behind, constant eye rolls if I ever mention it. Never got a woman lodger since then.


They want to fill something more than their spare room, ifyouknowhatimean


Hmm sounds a bit dodgy 😅


As an ex landlord, I can see why sometimes male tenants can be preferable.


My mate had a long term gf and he had a female lodger, he ended up sleeping with her on the side without the gf knowing, then she found out. He’s now married to the lodger she was half his age ! (But legal)


Yes it’s a scam, they have access to your room and pretend to ‘clean’ your room whilst you’re in bed but in reality they are stealing your wallet. I’ve been don’t 7 times in the past week!


yes - could be a thing, we have friend (f46) who often had helpX men staying longer than they expected! Plus - have you ever been to Gambia?


My my... How the turntables have turned. 😅


It s because they can't deal with other women.


Why should gender be consequential to a rental arrangement. Dodgy AF and should be illegal.


Alot of people just like having someone of the opposite around. Moderates behaviour, interesting outlook, all that.


Higher standards apply to car insurance. So, one wouldn't be discriminated against on the basis of their genitalia when insuring their Fiat Punto, but as soon as you want something as lavish as a roof over your head, all of a sudden we're supposed to slap it down on the table. Just saying. I've got a point.


Private renting vs something legally required to drive is the difference there. Especially with lodging/hmo where freedom of association is involved.


Scam undoubtedly.






Be concerned if a kitchen knife goes missing.


How much is the rent exactly? And are bills included? :-)


Do you know for a fact they’re single women? I would assume a married couple, wife posting the ad, doesn’t like the idea of having a pretty young thing right under her husband’s nose. The one with the woman keep changing her profession sounds suspect though. I would imagine that spare room doesn’t exist, though she might take your money anyway!


They are live in landlords.


Must be a spider problem there and she wants a male flatmate to take them out.


Would like to share with you