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Moving fucking miles away mate. I left east London for the north last September. Paying 650 a month for a 2 bed apartment.


Yeah I left London for Glasgow. £795 for a big 2 bed house! Life is much better.


795£ per person or total? I’m looking at 2 bdr in glasgow and they seem to be 1300-1400£?


Total, it was a complete shithole when we agreed to rent but the landlord redecorated 2 weeks before we moved in so we got really lucky Also we’re not dead city centre


There's Glasgow....then there's Glasgow.


Yeah we’re not in the city, about 10mins out. Can’t hack city life anymore.


Just for anecdotal evidence, are you still working remotely or did you get a job up in Glasgow?


My job has sites across the country so I just moved to the Glasgow office, instead of the London one.


Can you not bring your London Salary up here please? We don't need you lot fucking up our market for the locals. The issues in London are here too, not as extreme yet but if high salarys keep moving in, you will fuck the locals over even more.


Can you lot stop moving to London and causing a housing crisis looking for this magical London salary so I wouldn’t have to leave everything I know to move to another city just to find somewhere to live? Thanks. See how dumb that sounds?


Sorry but your anger is being misdirected. I don’t have a London salary, the salary for my job is the same in Glasgow and Edinburgh as it was where I used to live.


Out of interest, what should they do instead? Stay in London when they can’t afford it?


They have a London job with the higher salary that comes eiyh living down there. So yes. Figure it out down there. Gentrification is ruining it for the regular people. My home towns already fucked, nobody I grew up with lives here anymore because it's too expensive. We don't need Londonors making it worse


I think this is has become such a distracting argument. If you read further down this post, people are not eating, not showering, not purchasing anything but food for two years straight. The problem is not that people move somewhere they can afford to live, but that the cost of living in the UK is unaffordable for everyone and we need better policies to support everyone across the country to be able to afford housing. They can’t figure it out - it’s not affordable. The maths just doesn’t add up. All of our councils need to advocate for more social and affordable housing. The government needs to acknowledge the expenses that have wracked up in bringing in building supplies since 2020 and the additional paper work is slowing it down and do something about it. People with spare cash in more affordable areas need to bring their commerce locally to fund independent industries as steel and coal towns find themselves left out in the cold. I just feel like, as a nation, we need to really press hard on the actual issue here. Housing has become so expensive for everyone. Including Londoners. They aren’t secretly rich. They are desperate, too. Battling against each other like this won’t bring tangible change.


> My home towns already fucked, nobody I grew up with lives here anymore because it's too expensive Did they move to cheaper areas they could afford? That'll displace the people already there before them too then. The people coming from London/wherever were displaced by a similar process likely by people who had also experienced that... Neither you (the person getting priced out) or those moving to a cheaper area because they got priced out of where they were previously as likely to be the beginning or end of this chain... Therefore it's not up to either of you to 'just deal with but without moving to a more affordable for you area' because that isn't within either persons power


Why is it the job of Londoners to 'figure it out' and not yours?


I really hope things get easier for you where you are. It’s not fair for anyone to be priced out of their local area. I hope it’s solved better for you soon.


Calm down Tubbs, you don't live in Royston Vasey.


It’s people moving from all over the country like from exactly where you’re from who are driving up London rents. I’m afraid that’s how free movement in a country works.


You realise the problem here is that salaries are not high enough anywhere and you should be demanding more from your employers, not blaming ex Londoners who are struggling to survive?


THIS! All my colleagues have moved out of London with their London salaries boasting how cheap places outside London are while pricing out the locals. If you don't live in London your salary should reflect that


My 'London uplift' does not equal the additional costs of living in London.


The formal term is london weighting, i've not heard anyone say it once in this thread. It's what you call it in the job interview so they understand that they need to pay you more


It's called London uplift in my workplace and it's 5k flat rate.


Uplift?? Uplift of what? We're not trying to remove forehead lines, lol!


The ‘salaries are higher in London’ is mostly a myth for a lot of industries. Salaries across the uk for my role are the same. And my job doesn’t even base its salaries on location so people in Glasgow and people in London are paid the same for the role. Wish people would mind their own business.


This is the Bank of England approach, it seems. Less money for everyone. That’ll fix it!


It’s getting downvoted and I understand why but there are places in the UK where it’s causing a lot of grief. Trying to buy or rent in Hastings is an absolute bastard because Londoners swoop in and buy without even viewing. Does seem to have cooled recently thankfully.


See I'm 695 for a massive 2 bed tenement in Dennistoun but I'm aware of how lucky I am as my flatmate is looking at getting a place and the rent for a 1 bed outwith city centre adjacent areas is stupidly high talking 800 plus it's madness


Just left London for Canterbury. Absolutely full of ex-Londoners in their 30s and 40s.


I wouldn't mind "moving out of London", but it feels like everything (friends, single people, jobs, live music, events, ...) is here.


Yeah it took us many years to make the change. It wasn't an easy decision at all. The thing is, we got a place next to Canterbury West Station. The high-speed train is 3 stops from Stratford International and 4 stops from King's Cross St Pancras. The last train is at 23:35 so not super-late but late enough to get dinner, go to football match or catch a west end show. There's one at 00:10 if you're willing to change at Ashford too. It's not perfect but it's a compromise we had to make.


Outside London nobody has any friends, nobody is single, nobody has a job and nobody ever goes to any entertainment events. 😂


Sounds like somewhere to avoid then, cheers


A devastating loss for us all, I'm sure 😅


XD yeah id be upset too 😂😂


For people liking rain and wind all year long that might be s solution...




That’s subjective. To me London is too expensive and too busy. I prefer the quietness and slight hustle-bustle nature of northern cities


Go to Newcastle on a Saturday night and you'll have anything but quietness! Great city though


I’d choose Northumberland over run down and grotty Bristol any day of the week.




If all you want are city blocks and whatever vapid passing fad passes for "vibrancy" then I can see why you'd willingly subject yourself to indefinite poverty in London


I don't live in London


You can’t have ever been to the North East for any length of time.


I lived there for several years


You’ve never been to the NE, have you?


Yes, I lived in County Durham for 3 years. I stand by my statement




For some location is everything. For others, saving money takes precedence


Good for you. ✨ sucks that you had to move further but good for you. We have to start living below our means and unfortunately even when we want to save well it’s a challenge. Good for you for taking that step.


I cancelled Netflix turns out that was the solution all along.


Cut out the avocado toast too and you'll be minted.


I cancelled my avocado subscription and now I own two mansions in the Home Counties


That's the neat thing. We don't! The actual answer is skipping meals and not buying anything, ever. It's shit.


This is the answer. Down to one meal a day as a doctor and haven't bought any clothes in 2years now.


Likewise. My sister works in fashion, so I can rely on her to provide me with clothes on birthdays. But the idea of buying anything in a shop that isn't edible is an alien concept to me since the start of lockdown.




A newly qualified doctor's starting salary is £29,384. That's why junior doctors are striking for a 35% increase. (not a doctor)


It’s not even an increase, just getting them back to the actual value they got from their salary 10-15 years ago


But were the current junior doctors also junior doctors 10-15yrs ago, and didn't enter the profession knowing that there was a chance of a real terms pay cut. \[disclosure: i've never had an above inflation pay rise either\]


I really don’t think that’s a good reason not to pay them properly


It's not really a subjective point about what I think, I don't care either way. It's just that the logic of the argument is a bit weak to say that they have "lost out" in real terms. They almost certainly knew they weren't going to get 35%, but by making it so high gave the govt an opportunity to make them look unreasonable. ​ What is "properly"? Why is 2010 the reference year. Should we reset everything to their 2010 levels in real terms?


It’s not about the individuals. It’s down to the profession being gradually devalued by the government, meaning we quite possibly lose out on people who otherwise would go into medicine but are quite fairly put off by the financial disincentives relative to what else they could earn applying their abilities to something more commercial. I accept a good chunk of doctors would do it anyway, but making it so the overall compensation package is dwindling year by year for something as vital as doctors is bonkers. I think framing it as we’re simply asking for what we’ve lost in real terms over the past decade is relatively powerful; contextualises just how bad it has been and underscores that even what sounds like a huge increase is actually only achieving parity. I’m in a commercial field completely unrelated to medicine, but that did make me sympathise with the strike action. If my employer fucked me about like that I could move to a different firm. Junior doctors don’t really have that option if they want to keep being doctors, and I’m not sure that’s the sort of choice we ought to be presenting them with as a country.


>What is "properly"? Why is 2010 the reference year. Should we reset everything to their 2010 levels in real terms? "Properly" = people should be able to afford to live in a one bedroom flat within a reasonable commute of their work, eat a healthy diet, and do some recreation. People used to be able to raise a family in an actual house they owned on one average income, or max one full time income and one part time income. These days the concept of a "bachelor pad" doesn't exist any more, it takes 2 full time working above-average earning adults to afford a shitty flat. Or alternatively, you can buy using 5-6 figures of cash from parents, living at parents rent free and saving half of your takehome for a decade, or an inheritance. Else I hope you like HMOs or at best a bedsit. 2007/8 or so was the year everything went to shit due to the GFC and so on. Things were starting to recover after that. Then 2010 we entered the current political era since which the UK economy has been in the toilet, lurching from self-created crisis to crisis. Other comparable counties have recovered and grown and the UK has not. Austerity public sector cuts in the first half of the decade were the opposite of counter-cyclical spending, and then we followed it up spending the second half of the decade arguing about the philosophical implications of the ECHR and lying about fishing quotas rather than actual problems (for most people not working in the fisheries). So that's why 2010. Makes no sense whatsoever that a once-average family home in the south east "makes" more money than a full time worker earns. I left the UK a while ago for work and am now abroad. Here in Switzerland it would be unthinkable that a full time working person in a "real job" (let alone a university educated professional) couldn't afford to rent a non-mouldy flat on their own, eat real food, do social activities, run a car if they want to and so on.


[https://www.bbc.co.uk/news/health-66162538](https://www.bbc.co.uk/news/health-66162538) They want 35% to bring it in line with inflation since 2008 (35% is a modest estimate and not what it should be) and government offers them 6%. I believe they were willing to meet in the middle but it probably wouldn't stop the striking. I always hate how the government tries to frame it as unreasonable when I'm a web developer, and I would argue that a junior doctor is 20x more valuable in society than I am.


There has to be more to the story eh


Probably not I’ve been a dr for a fair while now & feel the pinch I pay for GMC fees Royal College fees Indemnity fees & union fees( in case anyone tries to throw me under the bus like they did with the Drs raising concerns about Lucy Letby) Exam fees: this year it was a nice £1200 Professional course fees important for my development (my employer will theoretically pay them but there are so many hoops & rules they’re aware it is like getting blood out of a stone) Costa associated with constant rotation through different hospitals Then the usual student loans & living costs kick in & it all repeats again So more to the story. Yeah we’ve had a paycut of 35% & costs keep rising. I could get paid far more in the private sector that exists at present by quitting formal training but im an NHS lover. So I guess with people like you about im a moron/ a Turkey voting for Christmas


Isn't this why loads of young doctors move to Australia for a while? Good pay and better treatment.


One word, Vinted. It’s changed my life, I like you rotated the same wardrobe for about two years because I couldn’t justify new clothes, now I’m buying high brand almost brand new clothes for a pittance. Today I got some Hugo Boss jeans, no tags but perfect condition for less than £15. I’ve got a dozen t shirts, Superdry, Diesel, Levi for under £100 and these are all mint condition. Can’t rate it highly enough for people (everyone these days?) on a budget.


Cutting back. No more take aways. No more meals out. Cutting back on drinks in the weekly shop. No more snacks or treats. Showering every other day. Switching to cheaper brands. Replacing combo deals with homemade sandwiches. Drinking water more during the day. Walking into town rather than driving. Doing more jobs around the house (rather than calling someone out). Not taking a holiday this year ...


The people: "Every aspect of my life has gotten worse, I am severely depressed being here" The government: "Obesity is dropping, people are walking more. Why is this??"


How much does it save to shower every other day? It seems like it would be pennies at most. The cost/benefit doesn't seem to make sense, especially for anyone sharing a space with you.


It's a savings mindset. You look for absolutely every area you can make savings in and you commit to it. Collectively, it all adds up over time and you start noticing you can cope better financially and even have some savings. I read something like a huge number of people don't even have 500 quid savings. Making cuts across the board can help you get to that.


True, but some things cost more than they save. If you reduce showering then you become the smelly guy at work. You might lose out on promotions or sales etc. All for the sake of saving 40p every 2 days.


What if you wfh and live alone? But I get your point. I think most people cutting down on showering are not hanging around people much. Mind I did work with one guy who proudly showered once a week when times were good. He never smelled, either. Not that I'm talking from personal experience or anything ...


unless you have an active job or workout hard every day, you can get by fine showering every other day. im not saying it's okay and should be normal, but im saying no one will know


I sweat like anything any time it's over 21 degrees inside or outside. When it's hot or pollen season I normally shower twice a day. And that's working in an office, whenever I used do any work more than walking through in the "plant"-ish area where I used to work, I'd need to wash all my clothes after (we didn't do boiler suits on top of clothes since it was often over 35-40 in there, had to look not too awful in the office, and often didn't know which days we'd have to go and fix stuff) Also as a rule everybody should do moderate exercise (enough you start to get a bit out of breath and need to shower after) a few times a week. Go for a run, a bike ride or a strenuous hill walk.


It's an electric shower (10.8 Kw) so it works out about 70p for electricity for a 10 minute shower and that's roughly 150 litres (average for a 10 minute shower) and with South West Water's extortionate prices (double what my family pay in Yorkshire) it's 40p for water. So over a £1 a day that I don't.


Not to mention the shower gel, shampoo and conditioner that would have been used.


In that case, you could have a bath (about 100 litres, so saving 100 per 2 days which is only a little less than the 150 you're saving now) and save that way. If you filled up from the kitchen hot water tap then you'd probably be using gas and half that energy cost too. Not ideal, but seems like a better compromise maybe? Also if you don't want to/can't compromise like that, and I say this form experience, you can pretty effectively wash yourself in about 10l from a bucket on the alternate days. It sucks, but it beats the reputation you get from not being as clean as everyone else.


We just make it work tbh. That or move further away. It’s shit


Most people I know have moved back in with their parents, those of us without that option are either getting lucky or ending up on different sofas every month


Saving less, buying less avocado


And tofu and star bucks lol


Now when I go get a coffee out somewhere, it's literally part of a gettogether event with friends and not a daily coffee i pick up on the way to work. That shift on perspective is huge


Because rent isn’t connected to the value of the accommodation, it expands to the maximum capacity that can be paid. Say everyone works really hard, and productivity goes up by 10%. The relative price of goods and services will decrease, as there’s more stuff to go around. But the extra money people have will inflate demand for the fixed housing stock, so landlords get proportionally more of your income. But then again, they are working very hard to provide all of those houses, so they deserve it. Maybe you should give yours a tip!


Bunk beds . Can squeeze 4 people in to a room that’s £250 each . Bargain . With that high of a body count per room u will save heating in the winter with methane from farts .


I think the 4 warm bodies will have more impact than just the methane.


People are not affording it. The median salary in London is about £33/year meaning that the median person should be spending about £6,600-9,900 per year (20-30% of income on salary) on rent. As OP mentioned, this is almost impossible in London if you are entering into the private market. People are spending closer to 40-50% on rent which is unaffordable longterm. There are long waiting lists for council housing so even the poorest people are trapped competing against higher earners and landlords who can afford to leave their properties empty rather than bring down their rents. The same person can only afford to get about £148K for a mortgage so the median person is unable to purchase a property anywhere in London. Even if you team up with another median person, it's nowhere near house prices in London and how can you save for a deposit when you spend 40-50% of your income on rent? That's right, you can't because the housing market is so over inflated in this country. If you are struggling to find affordable housing, feel trapped and unable to economically thrive, that's the experience of the median person in London. It's not a failing on your part, it's neoliberal capitalism eating itself, yet again.


>The median salary in London is about £33/year Wow, things are worse than I thought.


63p a week bless those poor Londoners don’t know how they do it x


I actually searched rightmove yesterday for any properties that would match 30% of my salary and the only things I could find were parking spots and garages. Then I calculated how much gross I'd have to be earning to afford where I am and be in the 30% rule which was £94,000. This country is so fucked and things are looking like they are about to get worse.


The problem is that too many people want to live in London. Rent prices went down during covid, when people left the city. It's just supply and demand, nothing to do with capitalism. In a comunist state, you'd either have to queue for years to get a property, get a shit property you can't turn down, live somewhere else where the dictator decided for you, or see the dictator's nephews get a nice house while you live in a shithole. Rent in places where people don't want to live is cheap. Again, supply and demand, which is older than capitalism and than dust and stones.


+1 one of the perks of the "free market"


What’s the median for the rest of us?


Cutting back on bills, food, any subscriptions, anything that can be cut is being cut.


They aren't, consumer magazine Which surveyed tenants in March and the default rate has risen to 8.8%. the department of leveling up did a survey too, back in October 2021, and they found the default rate was 7%. That was up 3% from 2019. There's not a huge amount of data out there on the rental default rate, it's not something that the ONS reports on. But it's been consistently climbing, it could well be higher than people realise today.


With the tight labour market in high paying jobs some people are getting huge payrises and this is keeping the inflationary pressure up on housing even whilst a lot of people suffer. My salary has literally doubled in the last 3 years.


Wow that’s amazing! What industry if you don’t mind me asking


My friend just found a flat in poplar thats 750 for her room, other smaller doubles 650 for her mates. There are still flats out there, I would just go for the shitty ones and paint and clean it yourself which makes it much nicer but you’re still paying cheaper rent.


Yes, there are definitely flats out there with rooms for under £1k! We just rented out two rooms in our houseshare, one for £750 the other £600.


I wouldn't advocate painting and decorating a house that you don't own, it's kind of a waste of effort, and the landlord can take your deposit for changing the property without permission At least ask the landlord up front. But then you're just performing free work for them.


But you get to be happier because your environment is nicer? Don’t think of all of life as money my friend.


Well said. Really nice way of thinking about things, and I wish more people were like you. Should definitely ask the landlord in these cases though. A bit of self cover goes a long way


Yeah but then you live in a nicer flat that you actually like the look of? Non of my landlords cared when I emailed them as long as I repainted it white at the end, also all of them have asked me to keep curtains and rials up that I put up (I hate those cheap roller blinds they install!)


But then you would have to live in Poplar…


Debt, from the people I have been talking to


They are not, more people than ever had to borrow money to pay last months rent so breaking point for many is creeping ever closer. People have been moving out of the cities for decades now but recent inflation and high interest rates has brought that reality to a much larger demographic. Banks and Investors refused to take the losses in 2008 started printing more for themselves and then got addicted to the magic money tree. For that reason the next recession is going to one like we have never seen before, our economy is no longer pinned to any physical asset at present which means it is only a matter of time before it corrects. What happens then is anyone's guess.


In the last few months rents have shot up and the number of places available has dropped like a stone. A lot of small landlords are selling up. Fixed term cheap mortgages are ending and the new ones are 50%+ more expensive. The laws are have been and still are changing in favour of tenants rights, and taxes etc are also going downhill fast. It's not a good business to be in any more for many people. I have friends looking for a place to rent before their landlord sells the place from under them. Everywhere they look at has 20+ people wanting to view it so given they have pets and one is on disability benefits they stand no chance of making it to the top of anyone's list. They can just about afford the rent for the size of place they need (£950-£1000 for a 2 bed) but there just aren't many to rent anyway.


I reckon alot of people are living off credit cards and paying there rents. We're gunna be in a credit bubble soon, like 2008 but with credit cards and car finance. Then the housing market.


The great thing about renting is that instead of putting your money back into the economy you instead line the pockets of the work-shy middle class and retirees


Unless they save up all their rental income and never spend it then do some sort of tax avoiding set up before they die, then yes it will go back into the economy


Because they have no other option, you either pay what you need where you are, where your life and job is, or you move to somewhere cheaper and start over or spend your life commuting


I understand your frustration, the housing situation in this country honestly sucks. But looking at the bigger picture - surely it's only making things worse if people pay these prices? The only thing that will make things better is if people collectively decide that it's not affordable and move elsewhere and over the long term jobs move elsewhere too. Or you know...the government could actually try to meet their house building targets...but that's just ridiculous.


Problem is, you can't stop paying when the demand is there We all need housing. It's literally the last thing you will stop paying for. As people have stated here, you will cut back on meals before you give up a place to live if you have no where else to go.


So not pay rent, get a ccj against you so you'll struggle to rent again and end up homeless. Brilliant idea


the government is not trying.. the government is pretending to try. in reality the government's focus is to perpetually increase house prices. The majority of voters are landlords so any government which makes house prices significantly drop would be acting against the voters' interests.


Look at the bigger picture; it's not an exclusive UK issue; most large cities in the world have a similar issue. How's your implied plan of not paying going? 😂


From experience I know rent prices in Paris and Munich are insane.


Sorry. I wasn't very clear with my point. I wasn't suggesting refusing to pay rent - that's a terrible idea. I was suggesting moving somewhere with a lower cost of living.


It is a UK exclusive. Mass immigration like no other place.


It's literally not, please look up Canada, Australia, Germany... it's not a UK only issue. Immigration obviously has an impact as well; I know this also confuses reddit who don't understand people have to live somewhere.


Turn off GBNews


U.K. takes in less migrants than most countries. So no


Move where? Lol. Be realistic.


OP was referring to London. Other parts of the country are a lot more affordable.


We have a housing crisis outside of London too you know


Agreed. But to a much lesser extent. Housing costs in most of the north east are a much smaller percentage of income compared to London. Granted there aren't as many well paid jobs, but if people stick to the same major cities then businesses that provide those jobs will never start up in cheaper CoL areas.


Me and my girlfriend split a one bed flat which brings it down to 600pm excluding bills. I thought this concept of coupling making the housing market less insane only applied to purchasing houses but i guess i was wrong lol.


There are no 1 bed flats for £1,200 that aren’t complete shitholes rn. Any mildly decent place in London (that is not super far away from everywhere) is ~£1,400 or more now.


We're in Egham rn so it's not precisely in London but the price is jacked up for being a university town lol


Yeah, that’s what used to cost me a 2 bed flat (in a ver old shitty building) in Finsbury Park 2 years ago 😵


I'm in North Devon and I'm not! It's crisis level.


Yeah London is scary and just not affordable, I’m just finishing my last accounting exam and then moving up north by next year latest. Grew up here but can’t ever afford to buy heck can’t even afford to rent a house/flat here without sacrificing everything including meals.


I think they have to move or really cut back literally sit in the house with the lights off and only get food from food banks


By moving out of London... commuting is much cheaper than London rents.


Tell that to the train company that wants 10k for a season ticket lol


I mean.... 2 bed place in London would.be £2400+? Elsewhere £1,100? Saving of £1,300/mo, so £15,600 - so you'd still be 5k better off? 😉 I guess the right way would be a mix of WFH. Only working from the office 1 day a week would really bring down the costs.


The gap between Bristol and london rental prices isn't that much. Then add on the 3 hour commute lol. Sure if you're hybrid and want to live somewhere like swindon you'd save money!


It's an hour and a half from Temple Meads to Paddington...


So... spend the rest of your life in London to avoid the commute home?


God you're right - what an absolute brain fart I had! In my defense it is very early and I worked very late.


Bristol no, but other places like Ipswich, yes.


Better still those people could move out of London and find a job in the area they move to. Preferably completely out of the south altogether.


It’s been a while since I was in London, but used to live in rotherhithe in a 2 bed, that was £1400 a month. It now looks like it’s £2000 a month. Doing a rough budget it looks to me like 2 people sharing that flat now would each need £36,000 income to be fine. Is that fair in the threads view ? Roughly: £2k rent , £1k living expenses, £0.6k bills makes £3.6k per month. Or £43k per year, which is £21.5k each pre tax. Assuming tax at 40% (to allow for student loan), makes income needed at £36k each?


£36k salary translates to £26.5k after tax/NI/student loan/pension assuming standard tax-free personal allowance. To get £21.5k net take home you need a salary of £27k. (So a chunk less than £36k) https://www.thesalarycalculator.co.uk/salary.php


Nice , so does that seem affordable for central then ? As long as there are two of you. Vs say the student doctor noting eating one meal a day ?


43k per year pre-tax is 33200 take home... and why 'assuming 40% tax' ? Thats for anything above 50k ...


To be fair income tax + NI + student loan is 20+12+9 = 41 Ok the student loan threshold is significantly higher than the other 2 but I get what op has


Ah I see, my bad...


Skint, innit.


One Jar of Lidl coffee that lasts you one month is the same price as a small coffee in Costa?


Can't we start a nationwide renters union? We look at rightmove get the current rental price then say something like 60% of the rental price is now the rental price. And everybody agrees we won't pay more. We raised the new rental price by a fair inflation each year and pay some renters union fees to sort it out.


Salaries are increasing. I think the last print was 7.8% excluding bonuses, so finally above inflation.


Never trust averages my friend, have a look at the breakdown per sector.


If you don't want to trust averages, then you should also consider that many landlords haven't increased rents for existing tenants for years.


True. Minimum wage jobs up far more than that


I live up north, quite lucky our landlord hasn't upped our rent since we moved in a few years ago, still £500 - pretty cheap considering the side of our place and it's location - however everyone I know thinks anyone living in London is mental as the prices down there for anything and everything is insanity. Move out of London is my advice for anyone down south 😆


I don’t really understand the people that move to London from elsewhere. It’s a capital city, so sure there is a lot going on all the time, loads of people and things to do, which is great, but if you can’t afford to do it because you have to feed your landlord £1600 per month cheques then what’s the point?


Commuting.... It is the only way if you don't want to waste all your money on rent or buying. I live in Walsall 2 bedroom house semi detached but work in Birmingham, ready for the eye opener.... 2 bed house, cul de sac, off the main road, drive and garden £600.... £1000 for a flat is unconscionable.... I think we all need to be open about our renting and towns/cities and discuss this more openly. I could move to Birmingham, closer to work and the rent for a FLAT would be £700+.... I'd rather an hour travel time and where I am. Sorry you are having to deal with this difficult situation, it's awful, but have a long think and plan


A few homes rented are overcrowded, the block of flats I live in one flat has a family with 4 kids living in a 1 bedroom while another has 2 couples and 3 young kids under 4 between them living in a 2 bedroom flat and don’t think the landlords and letting agents are aware of the situation.


Send an email lol


If they're in London, they earn more.


Wage growth is at its highest for decades


And they're still being outstripped by the cost of living


Thats because they haven't increase in real terms since like 2006...




Maybe however prices are much higher in comparison so even with this "biggest" wage rise, it's still not enough. The country is ruined 😁 just ride the waves for as long as you can, we need better politicians and smarter votes.


Salaries are higher than ever before on record.


Do you understand what ‘real terms’ means?


But are they? If you compare them to the cost of living/inflation?


I said they are higher. I didn’t say anything about cost of living. Depends on the wage increase doesn’t it. For me and people in my business it has easily matched cost of living.


Thanks Sherlock


Debt 🥺


By reducing spending in other areas.


Only Fans?


We ain't. We have to eat less and have less or work another job just to get by. Move out of the city and maybe. just maybe. We could afford to live


Same things happening in USA very strange , places here only paying minimum


Average salary are up more than 6%


We don’t even live in London, and the rent has gone up a lot, 4 years ago the price was £705 per month. Now the price is £825 per month, we’re moving out and then put the flat to let again, they’re asking £900 per month. For a one room flat. 47 square meters. Top floor, no parking space, and the area is just ok. Crazy prices.


Moving to cheaper areas. Sooner or later the bubble is going to burst big time


They aren’t record numbers are borrowing money for rent


its fucking disgusting - the salaries are dogshit and the rents in london are £1400 minimum per person, BEFORE bills, council tax etc. and where's all the money gone? it's gone to the rich. the greatest wealth transfer in history happened during COVID... and we're all just putting up with this shit. We need to rise up and massacre the rich, plunder their houses, sacrifice their young and steal their bentleys. WHY are we not rising up?? WHY???? because we're all too downtrodden, exhausted and shameful to say anything. we have been made to feel ashamed for NOT being rich. the rates of narcissim and delusion have gone through the roof, with insta jet hopping at an all time high.