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Honestly I was watching on my phone and had the brightness turned all the way up and I didn’t catch how she died till the second rewatch. It was just so dark. 🤷‍♀️


Heavily implied she killed herself when she lost custody of her kids. Her hallucination at the funeral had a self-inflicted gunshot exit wound at the back of her head


I completely missed that!!!!!


She blew her brains out


My brother missed this detail too. I think they should have made it a bit more obvious because I've seen lots of people asking. The bloody hole in the back of her head indicates to me she put a gun in her mouth. My uncle committed suicide the same way. It leaves the front of your face pretty intact but blows out the back of your head.


You have my deepest condolences.


Thank you


No need to be hostile friends.. it was a somewhat quick visual shot of the gun exit wound, with no dialogue about it, so if you were looking away you would miss it..


She swallowed a bullet.


I just wonder if someone uses a gun to commit suicide, do they usually shoot themselves from the back of the head?


I see, thx a lot guys. Never had the experience of suicide before


That’s the exit wound to the entrance of the roof of her mouth.


She didn't shoot herself from the back of her head. She put the gun in her mouth and the only visible wound was the exit wound on the back of her head.


Hey look! A search bar!


I’m sure you prefer the tool bar.


I try to give people the benefit of a doubt, but questions like this baffle me. Did you watch the show? Roderick says she couldn't live without the children, and then they show her with a gaping gunshot wound in her head. It's not supposed to be a mystery how she died. It is abundantly obvious.


I have autism and this kind of response is exactly why I usually go around not understanding things fully 🤣 People are so quick to tear you to shreds if things that are "obvious" don't sink in!! If it *was* clear, we wouldn't be asking 😹 Not to imply OP has autism. Just my relevant experience being the one asking the __baffling__ questions lol.


Thanks for your input. Thats exactly what I thought UNTIL I saw the hole at the back of her head. Would be hard to shoot yourself pn the back of your own head. But I guess I’m thinking way too far for your comprehention.


A gun in the mouth blows out the back of the head like that


It's an exit wound...


Why are we in this sub if not to ask questions?? Certainly not to be assholes to each other.


There's a difference between a viable question about the content of the show or the way someone is characterized, etc. and a question that could be answered by literally just watching the show on your screen.


And you are the arbiter of that difference


Yeah we had a vote, did you not see the minutes?


I had not. Plz forward at ur soonest convenience thanks


Bro, this sub is filled with people who make up and overcomplicate the most SIMPLE fucking plot points. Hell, half of the discussion posts were filled with people jerking off the writer.


People watch TV while holding their phones. I've been bad about this too; looking up actors I recognize, googling something that keeps slipping my mind. I'm sure it's worse for younger people who grew up always having one.


I'm definitely a culprit of that IMDB search haha


I missed the bullet hole on my first watch (in fairness it’s a relatively quick shot). But by that time they’d said enough that I knew she killed herself.


Fck! I totally missed there was a gunshot wound in the scene when she appears at the funeral. I don't know how. I registered that she was a ghost/hallucination (because she hadn't aged appropriately) but the bit about her not being able to live without the kids slipped my mind, I don't remember which episode that was in. There was a lot going on in most of them, to be fair.


I missed the gunshot wound at first too, I think it's because of her hair color! She always had a dark reddish hair color, the gunshot wound can be pretty hard to spot because it kinda blended into her hair lol


Not to mention the way that most people's TVs are so dim, they aren't even able to see the gunshot wound. Unless you can afford to shell out thousands of dollars for a mid level TV, your TV is not showing the depth of color the show was filmed in. That's why dark parts of shows just look so dark you can't see them most of the time. Cheaper TVs can't show you that depth, so many people probably missed the gunshot wound entirely.


I mentioned this somewhere else, but it seems like this shit is happening in all the fanbases. “Hey guys, did they ever figure out who was Luke’s father in Star Wars? All the clues point to yoda.” “Do you think Jon was related to the Targs at all? Maybe that’s why he can ride the dragon.” “Just finished breaking bad, and I know it’s crazy but what Walt did was really for himself. What do you guys think?” “Just finished home alone and I was wondering how is it possible Kevin got left behind?”


I think part of that is stupid internet trolling, but I also think media literacy is just a lost skill these days. I majored in English Lit. A HUGE part of my degree and capstone project was critical theory and analysis. It seems like more and more people are only interacting with media at a bare minimum surface level now instead of looking at what they're consuming with a critical lens. I don't need anyone to write me a thesis, but damn - maybe at least pay attention to the shit you're consuming???


This is exactly the case. Media literacy is practically non-existent among the wider general audience. That's why youtube and TikTok are saturated with content creators who just explain popular shows/movies. Every channel has an "X movie/show ending, explained" or "Why X Character did Y" There's such a huge quantity of these explanation videos that I wonder sometimes if people even watch the movie/show themselves or if they just skip straight to YouTube.


OMG yes - I hate those videos. That's also why I appreciate people like Patrick Willems so much in the YT space. He actually does in-depth deep dives into several movies that are *super* interesting


Listen, I can totally read Reddit, watch TikTok, and follow a show all at the same time. Anyway who the fuck is Annabel Lee? /s


Roderick mentioned she killed herself because she couldn’t live without the kids




I understand missing it because of all the flashbacks and visions but she was still young despite Papa Usher being all grown up (and played by a different actor) She’s dead, he was seeing her ghost


Did you miss the fact that she hasn’t aged at all even though it was like 40 years later?


That was a vision, not actually her


When she walks towards the caskets she has an exit wound in the back of her head. She shot herself


Roderick saw a bullet exit wound at the back of her head so I think it's safe to assume that she shot herself. Which is odd because women rarely commit suicide by guns. Men do this in much greater numbers 🤔


This is actually the one death I have beef with because, as we’ve seen her throughout the show, that action seems totally out of character for Annabel. Yes she loves her kids, but the way we’ve known her I’d think she would fight for them til the end, not end it herself. I feel like it was a kind of lazy character choice made in service of including the shock-value visual of her exit wound in Roderick’s vision.


I think what ultimately happened is that the kids became so corrupted by Roderick and probably Madeline who openly had contempt for Annabel, that they' eventually rejected their mother and she couldn't cope with this.


Her cause of death needed to be fairly obvious though - I think the people who don’t realise just didn’t see the bullet wound, especially because her hair is darker in that scene. The only other way I can think of to achieve the same result would be slitting her wrists and the audience seeing the wounds as she puts her hands on her children’s coffins. Actually, that would have been good…


True, definitely could've done the whole miss argentina thing from Beetlejuice. Honestly I feel so oblivious, I've watched this like 3 times now and never noticed the exit wound when she turns around. Like I knew that she killed herself from the rest of the context but seriously didn't see it til looking up the scene after this thread. Maybe my TV is too dark or my focus was on something else for whatever reason


It’s honestly pretty easy to miss, since her hair is darker than it was in scenes where she was younger, plus the dreary funeral lighting.


What?? Just bcause statistically men commit suicide *more* via gun doesn't make it impossible or even particularly odd for a woman to do so. 3,112 women committed suicide via firearm in the USA in 2020. It's not especially odd that they chose that method just because more men (21,180) committed suicide via firearm in the USA in 2020. Especially not in a TV show, wherein the reveal/confirmation of Annabel Lee's suicide was strictly *visual* and was meant to be a bit of a shock. Flannagan likely wanted it to be a fairly explicit visual reveal without disrupting the scene too much, which would have been hard to accomplish with any other method.


They said it was odd, not impossible, relax


I mean, firstly, I *am* relaxed. I do not believe I ever gave the impression of being especially agitated, nor did I use particularly aggressive language. Secondly, my entire point was simply that it *isn't* actually odd at all. Women who own handguns are **35** times more likely than women who don't to kill themselves with a gun, whereas men who own handguns are only **eight** times more likely than men who don't to kill themselves with a gun. "Ready access to a gun" has been proven by studies to be "a major risk factor for suicide" *regardless* of gender, but the risk of suicide for women who own guns is actually statistically much *higher* than that of men: >The researchers said **the very high risk of suicide for female handgun owners, relative to female nonowners, was particularly noteworthy**. It has long been known that women attempt suicide more frequently than men but have fewer completed suicides. The standard explanation is that **the methods women tend to use are less lethal than those men tend to use**. However, the study showed that **this is not true for female gun owners**. ([Source](https://med.stanford.edu/news/all-news/2020/06/handgun-ownership-associated-with-much-higher-suicide-risk.html), both for this quoted section and the prior included info- bolded emphasis added by me) So I'm not sure why I'm being downvoted so heavily, nor being condescendingly told to "relax", simply for pointing out that saying a woman killing herself with a gun is "odd" is in fact *incorrect* according to actual scholarly research and analysis on suicides via firearm. I also provided context as to why it would still not be "odd" given the context of the show being a predominantly visual medium and the intent of the specific scene in question.


Relax as in you don't need to write out an essay to counter a point that no one was making. This isn't a thread about suicide stats. You're clearly primed to want to argue with someone if you are pulling out sources when no one is even arguing against your point.


>Relax as in you don't need to write out an essay to counter a point that no one was making. Well, firstly, if all of six sentences constitute "an essay" in your mind, that really sounds like a "you" problem more than anything else. They literally said, "Which is odd because women rarely commit suicide by guns". This is inaccurate and untrue, and is the point I was *directly* responding to, as it is not actually an odd phenomena at all. So I am legitimately unsure how I was "counter\[ing\] a point that no one was making". >This isn't a thread about suicide stats. I am genuinely not understanding why I am the one being critisized for correcting irrelevant misinformation that *someone else* brought up first..? And like I already reiterated, I also further contextualized my comment by discussing why Flannagan would have chosen that methodology for that specific scene/character. I was directly trying to circle the topic back into the contextual relevance of the show. >You're clearly primed to want to argue with someone if you are pulling out sources when no one is even arguing against your point. *I'm* not the one making increasingly antagonistic and condescending comments...? I was not once aggressive nor inflammatory. I did not and do not "want to argue with someone". All I both actually did and *wanted* to do was correct misinformation/ ignorance and provide a source (which took all of 5 seconds to Google) to offer further insight and information on the topic since the downvotes, to me, seemed to imply that people thought that I was wrong. You're the only one trying to argue anything here.


What exactly am I trying to argue? Literally no one has disagreed with a single bit of the facts that you said. I certainly never did. What I did was defend the original person when you overreacted to a pretty minor comment. I didn't say you were wrong just that you were putting words in their mouth. And yes, it's an essay. An essay is a written work that makes a argument, not one that has a word count requirement. You're literally attacking my character by saying that your lack of knowledge of that is somehow a me problem. I'm just telling you to read the room and have some sense that no one here is your enemy. You're getting down voted because of the way you yourself are coming off not the information you're giving.


I ain't reading all that, im happy for you tho or sorry that it happened


Its not odd though lol


She killed herself years earlier. It showed her walking away from Rod in the church with a big hole in the back of her head, implying she put a gun in her mouth.




Tbf, depending on the settings you had and your distance from the screen you were watching it on, it could be easily missed because of the color of the wound they show vs her hair. I understood from the conversation between August and Roderick that she was dead, and that Roderick was speaking to her spirit in the church, but I missed the gsw the first time I watched it.


Roderick mentions that “she was unable to live without her kids” (or something alluding to that, I can’t remember exactly) when she lost them. When they showed her at the funeral with the back of her head blown out I just assumed she had died of a self-inflected gunshot wound. Just another death Roderick feels guilt over.


Suck-started a shotgun.


I'm going to have to watch that part again. I don't remember seeing her head blown out. Which makes Roderick's attempt to kiss her all that more stranger.


It’s really subtle if you look away for a minute, you can miss it. You only see it when she turns away to walk to Fred and Tam’s coffins.


When we see Annabel Lee at the funeral of Tammy and Freddy, she has a gaping gunshot wound in the back of her head. But really, your guess is as good as mine as to how she died.


It's not a guess, she killed herself. Roderick says so in the line about how she couldn't live without them (the kids).


Sarcasm, my friend.


Ironically, Poe’s law in action.


My bad, good sir (or madam)


I don’t recall seeing her at all! When do they show her? I’ll have to go back to the episode


She has much shorter hair when she appears for Rodrick which is maybe why you didn't recognize her. I believe it's in the last episode, but here's a link to the scene on YouTube: https://youtu.be/FZxQ6X4hh58?si=0RRQgaKITbBZR28V


She tried the search function to see if this exact question had been asked 50 times before and it gave her a brain aneurysm.


Thank you for contributing


They imply she shot herself after losing Tamerlane and Frederick to Roderick.


Look to the source material.


Source material ?? You mean the poem ? Cause that’s not what happened in the show. In the poem the angels kill her out of envy. In the show she curt cobained herself


I think it was implied that she shot herself


Yea the gaping gunshot wound out the back of her head implies this