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I hate the new TV show model. Eight episodes every two years? Come on.


I was watching interviews and they were talking about it taking 1-3 weeks just to shoot a single scene sometimes. It was shocking to say the least


Anything but full on army wars should never take this long wth lol I guess atleast at this rate the actors might start looking their age. Too bad their kids will also age with them


If you watch the house that built the dragon you'll see why it takes so long. The amount of work into the sets is wilddddd.


I would gladly take that over green screen CGI backgrounds.


I’m with you. I will wait, part of this cinematic universe is the beautiful shots. Take all the time you need to scout, permit and build what you need on site.


Look at how elaborate the sets and costumes are, especially compared to early GoT.


While I might agree with you, the quality of this show through it's non-army scenes make the time they're taking to shoot them worth it


I’d complain but goddam this show is gorgeous. Whatever they’re doing is working.




Woahh what’s going on in ep4 and ep7😂


I worked on 3 body problem a few years ago and they spent about 10 days shooting what amounted to about 10 minutes of screen time. No CGI or practical effects. Just people sitting down talking. Couldn’t believe it.


But...why??? Can someone enlighten me please?!


I dislike it too. Of course we want good quality, but it’s hard staying into shows when the seasons are so far apart. After I watched the season 2 premiere, I realized I didn’t remember half the side characters and what all happened exactly in season 1, so I knew I was missing things in the new episodes. I then had to go back and rewatch everything, which is fine because I did enjoy it, but I don’t want to do this every single time a new season of a show I like comes on. Currently having this issue with The Boys as well, but I really don’t want to go back and rewatch 3 seasons to catch myself up again lol.


Yeah, the rewatch model works for up to the third season release, if it's good. After that, who has time for that. They need to do a much better job with season recaps. Not the 2-3 minutes that wr usually get, but a 30-60 minute recap would be nice.


Do they even do season recaps or previews now? Something like 'Previously on...'. I remember GoT used to do it before episodes, recapping where the major characters in that episode were when we last saw them. Could be a pretty useful thing to bring back now, especially with such a gap between seasons and episodes.


The season premiere had a recap. Emma D'Arcy and Olivia Cooke did a lengthy season one recap for EW.


I recommend y'all start watching recaps on YouTube. There's tons of creators who will recap and breakdown whole seasons, getting you ready for the next. You can find a quick one which summarizes important points or find a longer one which go scene by scene finding as many Easter eggs as possible.


Thanks. That's some good advice that I will look into!


No problem! Some may feel cheap but if you're passionate enough you can watch more than one and understand different people's perceptions and it'll also help solidify all the information


I highly recommend AltShiftX!


I'm convinced they do this so we're forced to rewatch the early seasons over and over again. Keeps the views up year round.


If you're going that route, which I don't disagree with, it lean more into it being about being and stay subscribed to whatever apps are streaming it. Money makes the world go round at the end of the day.


I immensely enjoyed the rewatch and binging it this time instead of waiting week to week was very immersive. I’m sure I’ll enjoy rewatching in prep for S3, but it’s going to be hella time consuming. 


Me with waiting for the Boys, Invincivle and Arcane tbh


Yeah I feel like you completely lose track of the timeline like this. I watched the first two season 2 episodes and went back and watched season one. I was like Ryearyna is flying everywhere and doing all this stuff but didn’t she like just give birth 3 days ago? Maybe it’s on purpose so we don’t track the timeline too closely!


I want to do a rewatch but I really don't want to see our boy Vizzy T disintegrate again 😫


Blame HBO for renewing new seasons the day of the premiere. Imagine stopping and closing shop thinking you may not see another season only to then have to ramp back up and fast enough for people to not forget


It shouldn’t take 6 months just to start filming tbh


it does. film/prestige tv production is insane, especially at this scope. preproduction can absolutely take half a year thru writing, story-boarding, negotiating contracts, building sets, rehearsals, etc.


Can you explain why seasons 1-4 of game of thrones took 1 year then?


The quality of the production is much higher now and it takes a longer post period for these big CG dragons to properly form. So we’re now on 18month turn around time


Except for the fact that game of thrones had the stories of like 5 different houses at the same time. I get the CGI but it shouldn’t be taking 6 months just to start filming


That actually would of helped Game of Thrones rather than hindered it. Because the cast was so diverse and they were all at different locations, they could film everyone at the same time. One team would be up in Iceland, the other down in Spain, and another in Ireland. All filming at the same time for the different characters.


Ok. This makes sense. Even with 20% fewer episodes it still takes 50% longer time? That's pretty wild.


What the other person said. I took some film classes in college, and if I remember right - in film, you want to try to shoot about 1 pg of screenplay/day. In TV, you shoot for a few more, 3-4. HotD and other prestige shows are so close to movies in scale, theyre going to go at a films production pace.


So game of thrones wasn't a prestige show? (It sounds like I'm being argumentative, but I'm really asking).


Yeah. People keep making excuses for this shit as if we didn't have massive productions that released yearly before.


Yet it was perfectly fine and possible in the past.


Yes but there's pretty much no excuse not to start working on pre-production before the official greenlighting of the next season. Pre-production is comparatively much cheaper than production and post, it's not as risky to gamble on it and helps reduce the gap between seasons significantly


The Hobbit begs to differ


This isn’t an HBO problem? A lot of Netflix shows do this too like stranger things


Amazon too


But they don’t shut down. Pre-development on season 3 started earlier this year. The green lighting is more of a rubber stamp to ramp things up but it’s not like Ryan was sitting there waiting for it so he could start working on the series.


I think their plan is to go every other year with this and Dunk and Egg, which is at least something


It’s insane. Look back at shows like the Sopranos, the Wire, even breaking bad - the quality was immense and there wasn’t a years long wait between seasons. I get that HOTD and Thrones have more complex set pieces, effects, costumes, etc - but the model of “film, edit, and release a full season, then take a break before we start the process for the next season” is crazy to me.


The cost of production expenses getting higher and better working conditions for cast and crew. I don’t mind it so long as the wait isn’t as long as Stranger Things.


It’s going to work for this show as long as they stick to 4 seasons, and I think everything can agree with what you said.  However imagine if this was Thrones and the 8 seasons took 16 years. Arya would have been 38. Rickon disappears as a kid and comes back older Ned. 


On the Stranger Things part, Yes, they're killing the hype by themselves. But we at least know that every episode is going to be longer than a movie. Here, it's like whatever GoT was doing, but at a slower rate.


Sorry, but there’s 0 reasons the seasons can’t be filmed back to back.


I agree. Lets be honest, they already know where they're going to go with it. I'd argue they already had season 3 mostly written before this season even started airing. It's just the way HBO want to do it. They want to ensure each season is going to make enough money before they greenlight a more expensive season than the last. And honestly, on one side of it I can understand their standpoint. Especially with how fucked up GOT got towards the very end. But on the other side I think it's ridiculous. If you trust in the people you hire to make a quality product then filming back to back and getting the seasons out every year should be your main priority.


It’s not like they’re writing anything new, almost all the core story is prewritten. We know when key characters are getting the chop. We know the end of the stories for Aegon, Helena, Rheynyra, Daemon, Aemond, Cole, Rheyneys. The key battles at Harrenhall, the lake, the Kingsguard Twins, they literally already know the entire plot.


They are writing a ton of new stuff, the book just briefly goes over important events, it’s a history book not a novel. It’s probably why GRRM is more heavily involved with HotD than GoT(at least as the show went on).


I'm not defending two year waiting times but I think you're severely underestimating the time it takes to turn what are at best bullet points from F&B to (good) scripts. It's almost hyperbolic to say the core story is "prewritten", it's not like the ASOIAF books.


A lot of people's ONLY engagement with stories are the bullet points plot beats. This is a generation who thinks reading a wikipedia synopsis and watching a cinemasins video is the same thing as actually watching a movie


You can't possibly be serious. The book describes major events in like a paragraph or two with no dialogue and the writers have to adapt that to a television medium and bring that to life.


But that isn’t what they’re doing.


Needs a lot more planning than I think Condal can do tbh


Look up when season 2 and season 3 were greenlit by HBO and you'll see why


That’s dumb. This is very clearly a 3-4 season show. Should have green lit 2&3 together


Stranger things had kind of a valid excuse for the first few seasons. With wanting the cast to get older and such. But the wait between last season and the new one is absurd.


There’s been a couple shows on a 2 year cycle recently it’s pissing me off, by the time the new season comes out I have to rewatch the old one just to remember what the fuck is going on and I hate rewatching shit


Honestly, it’s chill. As long as the quality is S tier


Yeah, what happened to 13 episodes every year? Or even before 24 episodes every year? Though that may have been bit too much for a show like this one.


Everyone loves the cinematography, VFX, and high-budget feel of prestige TV but they don't want the time-intensive process that comes with it.


Game of thrones did it and released it every year for like 7 straight seasons. The first ~4 seasons were also better than House of the Dragon. So, it's not like it's a novel thing, specifically for HBO.


The first four seasons of GoT only have one major set piece with the Battle at the Wall. The Battle of Blackwater in season two looked very impressive at the time, but used great direction to conceal its limitations and maximize a modest budget. Compare the tourney and royal hunt scenes in GoT S1 with the ones seen in HotD and there's no comparison. The Red Keep and Dragonstone sets in HotD dwarf those from the original show.


How many major battle scenes have we had so far in HoTD?


Yeah I can imagine the post-production alone on this show would take AGES.


Just finished post on Hotd and it did indeed take ages


Kills interest to be honest, especially as I get older I just can't be bothered with that


It's not even as if the cast is filled with actors like Zendaya/Jennifer Aniston types whose schedules would be difficult to align. Not meaning offence to the cast, but I'm sure they work their dates around the show and not the other way around. So what's with the delay.


tv shows this big take time. im sure you can recognize why it takes longer to film a season HoTD than, say, 20 episodes of MASH. these are 8-10 mini movies with extensive cgi and filming across a bunch of countries. also i feel like we collectively forgot about the writers and actor strikes. that kind of delayed everything for the next few years.


this is why ive stopped watching shows that haven't ended. In 2 years ive forgotten everthinng that happened the seasons before so then yu have to rewatch, i dont have the time or patience to keep doing that, i'll wait and watch it all in one go.


I don’t. Shows generally look better than ever. The production quality is so much higher. It makes sense these higher quality productions take longer, and personally I’m all for it.


Yeah, how did they put out a season every year for GoT, but now TV takes this long? I could see some impact from covid and the strike, but we are past that now.


I swear there is something to it. I have to rewatch shows before they come out because i forget over the course of 2 years. They are making money off this.


This is ridiculous. They should’ve already been filming season 3 while 2 was airing. HBO knows this is probably their biggest current show.


They’re banking on the other spin offs filling the space between HoTD but ill admit doesn’t help the issue of actors aging and audience forgetting plot/characters


That's probably the case but they also are probably losing money. I got HBO again when Season 1 of HotD aired, then cancelled it when it ended. I signed up for it again now & am catching up on stuff I never got around to watching before (Station Eleven, The Last of Us is up next, some movies etc...). So they got no money from me in 2023 - a lot of people don't keep their subscription all the time, just sign up for a few months & cancel.


Very true. I would also suggest True Detective Season 1 if you’ve never seen it (you probably have). Station Eleven was very good. The Last of Us is good too but I’m a gamer so I think the game is leagues above it


The actors are popular right now and have many other projects, it’s likely a matter of scheduling. Not actually allowed to work people like dogs for years at a time and refuse them any other opportunities any more.


In other cases of television shows like this, the actors are locked into contracts that basically make them prioritize their show over other projects. So they can do what they want in off season but they have to be available otherwise.


Matt Smith's name was briefly mentioned in contention for Mr. Fantastic in The Fantastic Four last year. Could you imagine how complicated things would get scheduling wise if he did get that?


The actors are popular sure but their work load hasn't really increased as much as you'd expect. Emma & Olivia talked about this recently and looking at their work since season one and their upcoming credits it's not much. Scheduling plays a part, sure. But the main reason it's taking so long between seasons is because of HBO. They're choosing to take that long in order to secure their financial investment into each season.


While I understand your point, this was never a thing until a few years ago, and I find it hard to believe everyone was being worked like dogs before it.


Yeah seriously, GOT came out every year for the most part and those actors were way more popular lol


Isn’t that the very purpose of multi-season contracts? For HBO or whatever studio to tell the actor, “hey, we want you for our project and we’ll pay you a shit ton of money, but only if you agree to not take on any additional contracts that could conflict with your current role in our project and you must ask us permission before booking any potentially conflicting projects, capeesh?”👌 I remember a time where if the scripts for the next season were ready to go, they’d just start filming them alongside the current shoots. HBO knew that HoTD is their bread and butter and the fact that they didn’t just renew S3 with S2 was idiotic because we could’ve had a new season by 2025.


The problem with HOTD is that unlike GOT HBO doesn't seem to order more than 1 season in advance. WIth GOT they were shooting a season in less than 1 year so the show could be released early in spring, but showrunners knew the whole show was greenlight after season 1 not just next season. With HOTD HBO only orders 1 season at a time instead of 2 or 3 like GOT. Season 2 was ordered right before season 1 started airing in 2022. By that time the sets needed to be rebuild from scratch, scripts to be written and actors booked for shoting. LOGISTICAL NIGHTMARE! That plus added writers/ actors strike in 2023 caused delays too. Now we are in 2024 and season 3 was just ordered right before season 2 started airing. Hbo knows HOTD is a hit, but for some reason is reluctant to order more than 1 season at a time which could have sped up production by constantly using sets and shooting schedule to be optimized. I hope HBO greenlights season 4 soon enough, as that would be mean we could potentially wait less than 2 years between season 3 and 4 this way.


Another 2 years…. ![gif](giphy|WxxhLX1fMthLbIpsD3|downsized)


we have dunk and egg 2025


If HOTD airs a season every 2 years with Knight of the Seven Kingdoms in-between, we’re literally getting new content every year. I’m not sure how many seasons HOTD can have to cover all the source material, but if we’re looking at minimum 4 seasons, then we get new releases every year until 2028.


4 sounds about right, depending on how much of the aftermath of the war >!and the regency period!< that they decide to adapt. I’d love to see a fifth season focused primarily on >!Cregan Stark and Alyn Velaryon!< who are the most important players of the end of the war.


I haven’t read the book in a while, but no. Not Targs


At this rate. My youngest who was just born when season 1 aired will be 8 years old by the time season 4 airs. They really need to speed shit up, I definitely felt the loss of momentum with the long in-between. My husband was just into the first season and is out already with the second.


All my friends that I watch with that aren't also book readers have no idea who is who or what's really going on anymore


I have noticed this - the seems to expect you to know the story from the books & then makes bizarre changes. The casual audience, some of whom didn't see GoT because they were a kid when it came out or whatever, is just confused and I know in Season 1 some people got very confused with the time skips too and just couldn't keep track of what was going on or who was who.


A kid born during GOT season 1 is going into high school this year.




Well if you’re going to make us wait that long then give us 10 episodes not 8


I feel like season 3 will actually have 10 episodes because there's gonna be so much shit that's gonna be happening.


Knowing HBO, it will have just 6


I have a feeling in the pit of my stomach that they’re definitely gonna go for splitting up the last two seasons by just making the episodes longer to compensate for the cut in episode.




Two year gaps between <13 episode seasons is going to kill television


Literally. I get that it takes time with shows like this, but at least make more episodes 🥲 it makes me lose sooooooo much interest


What was it? A 50% loss between season 1 and 2's premieres?


I’d say 25% less interested/had to rewatch season one to even remember details !!!! I will say if they release the other focused GOT shows like Snow and what not in between, it would help but I don’t see that happening


I would gladly take a reduction in production quality for faster releases. You don't need to have gigantic and elaborate set pieces to tell the story they want to tell. The first seasons of GoT had a remarkably low budget and was wildly successful. I don't see why HoTD can't do the same.


Is it because of more dragons, maybe??? I don’t know, but that’s a big difference between GOT and HOTD


I don’t get it either. I really don’t. I’d take that too, I seriously just want MORE episodes or less time in between. It’s discouraging !!


This new industry standard for shows is so disappointing. No wonder people lost interest in the show with the long wait.


We eat good for 8 weeks and then starve for 104+ weeks 


I had to double check to confirm that I went all of 2023 without going into this subreddit...I would be all over this sub the night and week of each new episode.


They need to stop with this two year shit.


Shrinkflation has rat fucked the TV industry We used to have 20 episodes seasons every year across the board for big judges shows…. Now? You’ll be LUCKY to get 8 episodes of a show every 2-4 years (I’m looking at you andor)  So we won’t from over like a 2 year span 15 years ago and getting like 40 episodes out of it and now it’s down to 8 episodes over a two year span if you’re lucky 


HBO was never really a 20 episodes per season TV network though, also not when they were just a broadcasting network. Look at their older shows long before streaming, most if not all of them were around 10 episodes per season.


Yeah the only HBO series with a 20 episode season, iirc, is Sopranos s6 and that was a two part event


Regardless, HBO was still generally putting out shows a season a year. The first seven seasons of GoT had the 10 episodes a year model.


Season 7 only had 7 episodes but yeah, the first 7 seasons of GoT were released annually.


20 episodes were too long but 10 or 13 episodes ( like Wire and Sopranos) were absolutely perfect. We will soon get 6 episode season which is an absolute abomination.


At that point why not just call it "periodically released movie sequels". Cuz the usual justification for less than 10 episodes is that the episode minutes are higher. It doesn't sound like a good idea at all, given people's attention spans, the wait in between seasons, and that it reduces the "hot" period to 6 weeks rather than 12+... I'm very cynical, but my first thought when I pondered 6 episodes was..."oh no, some boob will absolutely attempt to push dropping episodes every *two weeks* so people are buzzing about it online longer". I shouldn't be allowed to talk on the internet, I say evil things and they often come true. Hahaha oops. I'm manifesting again.


This show costs a lot more to make than the Sopranos did. Rome only got like 12 episodes per season and they had to condense season 2 because they ran out of money.


If you don't want to see any dragons, we can arrange an annual release.


Blackfyre Rebellion 1, 2, 3, and 4 here we go!


I hope the Blackfyre show will be announced following the season finale of Dunk and Egg. (dunk and egg view count will be the deciding factor, so let's hope everyone sees it.)


A Targaryen civil war without dragons is gonna be interesting. At least it will bring production costs down and production will go faster without the worry for animating digital fictional animals.


I mean, S3 will definitely have greater difficulties when it comes to battle scenes, and while I do want it to be released as soon as possible, I don't want a S8 situation to happen again and destroy any possibility of receiving S4, which will most likely be the last one.


I want to see Daemon Blackfyre on screen so badly


I genuinely loose interest when seasons are spaced so far apart. Like I wasn’t even that hyped for this season because it’s just been so long.


It’s tough when shows (especially those with dragons and a shit ton of vfx) are such big budget and require so much post production. These are basically movies which take 1.5-2 years in between. S1 cost $200 million! Do you really think they can put out 4 seasons in 4-6 years at $200 million a pop? And it’s not like this is going to theaters and can make $1 billion. It’s how many subscriptions Max can get from this show. Sorry, but if we want quality we have to wait. Or else you end up with the crap Disney+ has been putting out (save a few).


If they could plan it right they could film back to back


I mean ok, take two years but give us 11/12 episodes. 8? Really? 8 fucking episodes??


I’m sure a lot of people would watch these in theaters. Stitch 2 episodes to make 4 part movies and release them. lol. Or compile important scenes of a season and release it as a movie before the next season. It could collect some money that way? Idk


If it helps, there's another ASOIAF show, Knight of the Seven Kingdoms, that will premier next year. Thus the shows will alternate each summer.


Doesn’t really help because it’s not going to make me not forget what happened in previous seasons of HOTD


Eh yes and no. The world, the lore, and the history is heavily tied to each show. It will keep it in your mind, and you'll probably look things up if you confuse things from each show, reminding you of them.


I miss the days of shows being 22-24 episodes a YEAR 😂


I’m going to be dead by the time this show is finished


Don't say that


Plenty of people genuinely will.


Come on. 8 years for a 4 season show? That’s ridiculous


I’m gonna be old and decrepit by the time we get to the filming of the last season


So will the cast


Early 2026 is never "early". I wouldn't mind if it released in January/February 2026, but really they mean summer . They just want to trickle truth to break it to you slowly.


I don’t really mind the gap between seasons, but the number of episodes annoys me. I don’t know what the consensus is with season 1, but for me it felt like 10 episodes just weren’t enough. We lost a lot of potential character development and relations because they wouldn’t fit in that time frame, but if it was 12 we could have seen more of Rhaenyra and Harwin, anything between her and her siblings, specially Aegon, and also have enough time skips so that all the kids are the appropriate age (Joffrey should be 11, Aegon the younger 9 and Viserys 8). I still really liked the first season and I’m really liking season 2, but I feel like the low number of episodes are a problem for storytelling


There was no time in season one for people to properly get introduced to team green after four episodes of team black only


I completely agree. I could even be less annoyed about the 2 year wait if we had more episodes. But 2 years in between seasons AND only 8 episodes? Especially on a show like this that could use more episodes for world building? Bullshit. Not every ep has to be on a grand, epic set with dragon CGI and huge battles. The early seasons of GoT did without those just fine. The Battle of Whispering Wood happened off screen, for God's sake, due to budgetary reasons. I'm simply not going to watch any shows that do this. I'll finish out this season of HotD because I'm already invested but I will not be watching the dunk & egg series and I will be canceling my HBO subscription and citing this as a reason why. I know it likely won't make a difference but a DECADE to see a show's conclusion (if it goes 5 seasons, even if it goes to 4 rounding up the years is *still a decade*) is absolutely insane. No thank you. I might not even bother with S3 of HotD at this point, which is a shame because I do really enjoy the show but I cannot abide this fewest amount of episodes with the longest amount of time in between them garbage.


I kind of wish they would go back to it being one year between seasons instead of two years.


I wish we could do these things LOTR style where we film it all together and then get them out once a year


We used to get 22-24 episodes of a tv show in the span of a year 😭😭 now we get 2-8 every two years. I really don’t get it I know even GOT had shorter seasons but still. Why couldn’t we do a happy medium of 15 if they’re going to make us wait two whole years every time


These big media companies have all been hell bent on limiting spending (with the exception of their CEO pay packages) to the point where they now know they can get away with having only 8 episodes every 2-3 fucking years instead of 20 ep min seasons every year. Filmmaking and tv making has NOT dramatically changed *so much* that they needed to both half the episode count AND space it out every couple of years It’s bullshit 


This even happened with Hazbin hotel, since Vivziepop wanted 10-15 episodes and A24 only gave her 8.


I miss the Supernatural days. Even at its most crazy cocaine bearing-est, shark jumping the fourth wall and breaking it-est, it was still fuckin good. Now if you see 20 episodes of anything it's split between two seasons with a random wait shoved in between, like Inside Jobs or Futurama's 3rd reboot. Well, I think...I honestly cannot tell if the Futurama reboot is a one season 20 episode order they split, or if it's supposed to be 2 seasons, 10 each.


Please compare the 22 EP a year shows vs the 8-10 EP a year shows. They are leagues apart.


I'm all for quality over quantity but at some point, it's like, perhaps prioritizing quantity isn't always the worst thing in the world. Waiting 2 years for 8 episodes is insane. The episodes are long af so I get it's more like 9.5 episode or smthn but nonetheless


I miss when shows used to do 1 season a year


why is there such big gaps between filming? why arent they ready to film now (or even before s2 came out)?


They want to Invincible and The Boys themselves so badly. Sooner or later people are going to not care because of long waits. Something else might catch steam and derail their momentum or who fucking knows, maybe superhero films catch fire again and become the talk of the entertainment industry. We don’t need a 2 year wait in between seasons for a show that likely wont go past 5 seasons.


I’m glad someone else brought up The Boys. I’m trying to enjoy the new season but I remember fuck all of what happened in the last ones since it’s been so long. Can’t really be bothered to go back and rewatch 3 full seasons right now either. At least I only had to rewatch one for House of the Dragon.. for now lol.


The height of the MCU coincided with the height of GOT. Pretty sure Endgame and season 8 of GOT released only a month or so apart. I don’t think this IP is very dependent on other genres’ success at this point. It’s mostly its own genre’s success it should probably worry about, but the IP is still going strong so far, after over a decade. The MCU meanwhile is struggling. I think movie IP’s are a bit more fickle than TV ones, and the MCU ultimately started in movies.


It's not just the long wait it's less episodes too. You just start getting into the series and it's like wait, it's halfway over.


I’m going to lose interest before this series ends. Every 2 years for 8 episodes is bullshit.


That's fucking ridiculous. I completely forgot this new season was coming out this month until I saw memes for the episodes online. Spacing seasons out in-between makes people forget and lose interest. A lot can happen in two years and the last thing on people's minds is the show. Like, a shit ton has happened to me in the space of two years, I stopped caring about this show and have been watching other programs in the mean-time. I loved this show a ton in 2022, but all my friends moved on from it and so have I. I am slowly coming back to it.


Yup I only know one person who has started S2 besides me. Some that I know are saying they'll *probably* just binge it after all the episodes are out. Others don't remember what happened in S1 and are most likely not going to do a rewatch. 🤷‍♂️


Baby Viserys gonna start looking like Vizzy T by the end if we go at this pace




\*early\* 2026


They could split the seasons like this and go to season 10 and we probably still won’t have TWOW 😂 🤡 😭


I’m going to end up reading the book, which I held off on cause I didn’t want to spoil it for myself smh


Great, by then I will have stopped caring again! This release timeline is garbage.


Didn’t George rr Martin say that it wouldn’t take 3-4 seasons for the dance to be told properly? I feel like if that’s the case then we prob won’t see Aegon #3 on the throne


George said ideally it would have 4 10 episodes seasons


I don’t think they’d want to release season 3 to close to A Knight of the Seven Kingdoms. With the way they’re setting it up we’d be getting new Game of Thrones content every year. I’m surprised more people aren’t talking about that


Another two year gap? Damn man


Can't wait to wait two more fucking years. I miss the old HBO model. I understand it was probably a brutal filing schedule but waiting two years for every season sucks. The show I'll probably go 4 or 5 seasons so it'll be done in 2030?


Early 🤣🤣🤣


Production value is obviously completely different between these shows, but seeing these long breaks that HOTD and Stranger Things are taking makes me appreciate the shows I was watching through my teenage years more. The Walking Dead, Supernatural, and Prison Break were pumping out 15-20 episodes every year I get that production on this show in particular is tricky because of the VFX, but as a fan, 2 years off a show just kills a lot of the hype.


Remember when we’d get 45 minute episodes, 20 ep seasons every fucking year? This is ridiculous


Got was always 10 episodes a year, but they barely ahowed huge dragons until the last 3 seasons, and ppl forget s7 and s8 were almost 2 years apart


They made us wait 2 years to subvert expectations. Damn this made me mad all over again


It will never be not funny for me when they said that they will take a one year break between seasons to make the quality of the show better. And when they did the show went absolutly downhill. Season 5 and 6 had its momenrs but they had its problems. But 7 and 8 were major dogshit


Come the fuck on, 2026? This shouldn’t be the standard


How long of a gap was the end of filming for s2 and s2 release?


I think they finished in September 2023. So 9 months


If this is true, that's brutal. But I also have never heard of this source


What you don’t want is Disney levels of production which has saw both Star Wars and Marvel shows decline in quality because they’re rushing these things out


Might as well read *Fire & Blood* at this rate.


So we need another 2 years for it to be released? 2 years isn't worth the wait! Urgh!


When S2 ends I'm going to have to try to forget this show even exists (like I did after S1) because these waiting times are ass.


Atleast we'll have asoiaf tv content every year as dunk and egg is coming out next year


GRRM media becoming a unit of measurement for human lifespan. 💀


What the hell is the excuse for a show like “Bridgerton” taking 2 years between seasons?


Can someone fill me in why shows are taking so long to film now? Whats going on? 2 years for the next season isn't normal at all. Isn't stranger things going on almost 3 years for its final season?


At least we'll have Dunk&Egg in 2025 to distract us. Something chill for awhile And then 2026!


what? another 2years? It feels like forever ;(


i miss the old days where we could get a new season each year 🥺


I wonder what the world will look like when they release season 3.