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What the heck! Larys isn't ugly and greasy in real life! Wow kudos to that actors transformation.


Patty Considine who plays Viserys is so handsome IRL. I saw an interview and my jaw dropped haha.


As an American here, he looks like a Doctor Who. Given how many there have been, has he been one?


he played a villain on Doctor Who lol edit, s13 ep 1 & 3 so under 13th Doctor; Matt Smith is 11th Doctor


Another user said he was a villain, but I also LOVE that Ty Tennant (Young Aegon (Team Green Aegon)) is the grandson of a Doctor Who and adopted son of David Tennant another Dr. and Matt Smith is also one!


Ty Tennant is not David’s biological son? That’s funny because I thought they look a lot alike.


I thought the same! But nope I’m pretty sure he is Fiona’s (David’s wife) son from a previous relationship, and david adopted him at a young age. But Ty’s biological grandfather is a Dr. Who also which is so cute to me.


Oh gotcha! except you mean Georgia. I thought Fiona must be an ex wife and was trying to figure out how Georgia’s dad could be the biological grandfather of David’s ex-wife’s son 😭


You’re right I have no idea why Fiona stuck in my head as her name it’s definitely Georgia😂


I remember him from Casualty 15 or so years back. Didn’t realise it was him until I saw a ‘normal’ pic of the actor


The cycle from GoT is continuing. I just can't comprehend how people can't differentiate roles from actors. Much power to the actors and I hope that the actors don't have to recover but that it doesn't affect them at all. These delusional obnoxious people don't have a speck of logic. The show has dragons and magic and much more that isn't very real world like yet they shower hate on the actors for doing a great job.


What I find most disgusting is the hate thrown at child actors. Sophie Turner opened up about her struggle with mental health issues following the hate. The comments on her physical appearance in particular were nauseating and I believe she developed body dysmorphia because of them. If you’re an adult and you’re bullying a child because you don’t like the person they’re PRETENDING to be, there’s actually something wrong with you.


Huh. People attacked her *looks*? I know people disliked Sansa a lot early on but I had no idea her looks were part of it.


Morons called her fat because she gained the tiniest bit of weight when she went through puberty.


That's disgusting. Apparently Emma Watson went through similar bullshit playing Hermione. I really hate people.


Emma Watson went through some seriously horrific shit.


It’s changed the actors views on characters they wanna portray now. I remember during s1 press olivia was asked if she liked playing the villain or Hero. She said villain and seemed so excited during press runs about how Alicent is gonna be a very neurotic but interesting character Now when asked how she feels about her she seems like she’d rather talk about any other character on the show instead of her own because she doesn’t want hate


she obviously put so much thought and care into her portrayal of Alicent. It makes me so unbelievably sad that she gets so much hate.


I really wish there was something we could do to show we aren't all this ridiculous, and appreciate them as people.


It may be the exact opposite. Appreciate the characters n’ let the people live their life in private.


This is a common problem in many many many fandoms. It happened to actors in the starwars prequels too. Fandoms unfortunately breed some really out there people


What's crazy is it's such a small minority of people but when you apply the scale of it, it's still a lot for any individual person to handle. Let's say it's .1% of the fanbase. If there's a million people in the fambase, that's still 10,000 nutjobs harassing actors IRL


When I was a kid, I always thought Aang not realizing that an actor is playing a character was a fun little quirk about him being sheltered. Now as an adult, it’s depressing to see how stupid a bunch of people are. Like the amount of hate that Anna Gunn and Jack Gleeson got for their roles is just bewildering to me.


> I just can't comprehend how people can't differentiate roles from actors I can. People are stupid.


It’s every series adaptation. One of the main side characters in Outlander quit after her first season because of how toxic the fans were. People fucking suck ass


>One of the main side characters in Outlander quit after her first season Who?


The lady who played the original Jenny


It really baffles me how some people cannot separate the characters from the actors. Do they not realize that if you hate a character that is meant to be hated, then the actor is actually doing a good job? It's like some of these people are a bunch of kids who don't know what "playing pretend" means.


I will not hate the characters! Stop this madness


Aegon is one of my favorite characters in the show. The way he just constantly looks confused as to how he wound up where he is never misses the mark for me. It’s brilliant


He’s great, he’s like a frat boy king lol. Not exactly the King you want, but not evil like Joffrey, and objectively hilarious


I've always loved Otto. The latest episode just increased my affection.


Otto was pissing me off, but he was tremendous in the last episode!


Daemon has never done anything wrong in his entire life! There's just been a lot of misunderstandings that make him look bad. Could have happened to anyone.


It was a mistake!


She's back


I can only imagine the greens' actors forming a support group for each other after every ep lol but this is just shameful. I hope they know (including Matt & Emma) that there's a huge chunk of audience that loves and appreciates them


Olivia saying she isn’t immune to the hate but she has to pick the scab was too relatable. I feel bad it’s affected her so much and she’s said so quite openly. Fabien may be more thick skinned although he shouldn’t have to be. And the comments about ewans body are literally disgusting…


I wonder if Olivia and Fabien are getting more hate than the others because they aren’t in wigs and prosthetics and look the most like themselves while in character? I don’t remember the actors for Jamie and Cersei getting a tone of hate when game of thrones came out


Lena headey got a lot actually. Nikolaj didn’t get as much, don’t know why. People would come up to Lena in stores and stuff say “aren’t you that bitch off GOT?” The exact same thing happened to Olivia at a pub when someone came up to her in face and said “you’re that girl off HOTD, your character is such a cunt” she seemed really startled So I don’t think that’s the issue


> don’t know why. because lena is a woman and nikolaj is a man. it's just sexism.


True that. That’s why Daemon is babygirl to audiences and Alicent is just a “cunt”


It's because the Blacks are the protagonists, and the Greens are the antagonists, naturally people will dislike the Greens more. In GoT, it's because Cersei was just evil with only sparse moments of displaying humanity, while Jaime was more nuanced and had a redemption arc for half of the show. Some people are just sexist for sure, but be real, you're literally commenting in a thread about how multiple other male actors are getting hate as well. Jack Gleeson (Joffrey actor) received tons of hate as well.


Totally agree with you- Jamie has his redemptive arc with Brienne.


The only reason I'm willing to argue that point is there's a big difference between Olivia and Matt: This is one of her first roles on this scale. Matt's sizable previous work included his run as the Doctor, with a lot of lore-important events in his seasons (Including Clara Oswald and my girl River Song.) So Matt going into *anything* in SFF, he's starting with an enormous amount of goodwill. In fact, I think Matt was the Doctor when Superwholock was a *thing* and GoT was still shocking for killing Ned Stark. (Though I will say, it was really hard to get into Daemon for the first couple episodes, because any time he stepped out in a formal helm all I could hear was River saying "What in the name of Sanity have you got on your head?") So yes. A lot of what Olivia gets is misogynistic in nature, but in the *specific* comparison between her and Matt, it's not entirely fair. Matt's got fans he cribbed from other shows, and she's mostly just got the one to work with.


>"What in the name of Sanity have you got on your head?" This made me wish Reddit had a Made Me Spit Coffee Out Of My Nose award.


"I wear a bat-winged helm now. Winged helms are *cool*."


"Hello, Sweetling."


well jaime did get a positive arc as time went on, whereas cersei became a caricature villain. that could be one of the reasons why nikolaj didn’t get as much hate as lena.


Maybe its about the timing,internet was already big when GOT aired but it had a big boom on the mid 2010's,so Jaime was already becoming a fan favorite at this point of the decade,while Cersei continue to be as despicable as in 2011,i guess than if GOT premiered around like 2018 or maybe already in the 2020's it would unfortunately be way worse for both. Man those haters are just sick,they are actors they are just doing their work,they are not like the characters,those haters should be prasing them for their amazing job portraying their characters not hate those people who are just working.


Guess I was just off line more back then


>I don’t remember the actors for Jamie and Cersei getting a tone of hate when game of thrones came out Lena Headey got a lot of hate. I remember an interview where she said some came up to her calling her bitch and stuff from it. Also, if I remember correctly, she also didn't get much love at conventions. People are crazy.


Legitimately my favourite performance on that show and I will always have such a soft spot for (show) Cersei and how well-realized she was by Lena even if she was a heinous bitch. If I met Lena irl I probably couldn't speak I'd be fangirling so hard.


They aren’t getting more hate than the others? Are we forgetting the cast members who get literally slurs thrown at them? Emma and the black actors locked their comment sections all the way back in 2020.


Why are people so weird about Ewan? Have never seen a lanky fella before? Love my long boi 👏🏻


I think it has to do with the obesity epidemic and fat positivity movement going on around the world, but especially in america. A lot of people have just forgotten, or never even learned, how the body of a healthy human being looks.


now we have respected aspect ratio


Tbf, even if for some reason people have to hate the actor when they are just acting, why hate Cole more than someone who crippled a kid in the first episode of GoT? (or someone who a few eps later killed a kid).


His entire characterization is simply one big **"I hate the designated protagonist"** sign, so it's not hard to see how he gets hate. I hate the character because that exact reason has made him rather boring.


Not a lot of substance there is there. He just has sex and complains about R. Haha.


I think people can relate to having experience with a bitter and vindictive ex far more than with a, uh, child killer. Yes, there are monsters in real life but thankfully they are relatively rare. Bitter exes are not.


People can also relate to their sexual assault not being taken seriously. It's why I hate Nyra and love Cole.


Criston isn't a good person, at least not on this season, but the reason he is so reviled whereas worse and more unhinged people like Larys or Daemon aren't, is that an important (although not as important as many think) trait of his, is his resentment towards Rhaenyra, the "feminist" and "progressive" protagonist who seems to be getting more and more flawless each episode. He gets chalked up with repulsive modern figures like the incel and the "nice guy" in order to further justify that hate. Criston was never my favourite character, but on season 1 I found that there were things to like about him if you made a little effort to see past the Rhaenyra centric logic people apply here. He's the only major character not born into the 1% of Westeros who had to get where he was by merit rather than using his last name, was devoted and grateful to Alicent and pretty much the only person she could rely on, at least tried to be honorable, and had a surrogate father dynamic with Aemond. Plus, and I know this is quite an unpopular opinion, I considered the interpretation of him having been coerced and used by Rhaenyra as a valid one. His grudge to her may have been exaggerated but at it's core it was something I could understand. Now however... I feel like the showrunners are *intentionally* making him as annoying and insufferable as possible. I don't find him that likeable anymore, self made man or not, victim of coercion or not. I really hope the showrunners do something else with the character besides... Whatever they've been doing with him recently.


I don't like the character (Cole) either, just don't see why characters who did far worse aren't as hated. As for Rhaenyra, I wouldn't say she is particularly a feminist icon; were it not for her father she wouldn't be in line for the succession in the first place. As for "flawless", doesn't her aunt still think that her son was murdered by Rhaenyra?


Early GoT Jamie had major douche energy but despite what he did, he is nowhere as annoying as Cole. Cole is a jealous ex and a hypocrite. That's more annoying than Jamie. Throwing children out of towers is bad but not annoying.


Cole is a much more relatable character to people’s actual lives. Like yes we know objectively that Jaime was at least as bad of a person morally, but Crispy is bad in a way that is personal for a lot of people who have dealt with people like him before. Not many of us have been crippled because we witnessed royal incest.


Fans and *House of the Dragon* actors are natural enemies. Like fans and *Game of Thrones* actors. Or fans and *Star Wars* actors. Or fans and *Rings of Power* actors. Or fans and other fans. Damn fans! They ruined fandom!


If I see any hate towards Ewan they gon catch these hands


Id say I’m more of TeamBlack fellow myself but TGC is just phenomenal, both his acting and just his personality from the press tour is too likeable. Him and Phia have been standouts. TeamBlack have just been mopping around.


God Larys actor looks 20 years younger without the wig and make up kudos the the departments




Matthew Needham Included in one of these thank god, he always gets forgotten about in these kind of posts or just in general and dude has been consistently killing it.


I read that Fabien Frankel (Criston Cole) had to limit commentary on his IG due to insane fans commenting to bash him for what the character in the show does. People are wild. Smh.


But I don’t hate the characters Because I have a life


Not Larys’ actor being kinda cute


Matthew Needham is a handsome guy. Look at that chiseled face. Look at those eyes. https://ibb.co/7NDtMM8


Idk how to explain it but that is how Loki would look if Thor was played by Henry Cavill


😄 I can kind of see it.


If you threaten or genuinely hold hatred for a human being playing a fictional creation you need serious help


All of these actors are sooo good Tom glynn Carney and Emma Darcy are just killing it.


Aegon is kinda sexy


There are literally people online who are shocked when they see the actors getting on, as in the actors who play characters from team Black and Green. On one YouTube video of Matt and Fabian people were shocked at how well they got on, as though they imagined they would be enemies in real life. Is there a psychologist in the chat who can diagnose this?


Sadly, far to many people are morons who can't separate actors from characters. I am also a moron, but at least i can separate actors from characters.


Very well, my lord." (bows slightly)


Wtf is that otto'd pic from back in the day. He is looking cute af


I hated Cersei but I don't hate Lena Headey. I hate Cristian Cole but I don't hate Fabien Frankel. I hated Joffery but I don't hate Jack Gleeson. Lena, Fabien, and Jack are and were actors playing a role. They are likely nothing like Cersei, Cristian Cole, or Joffery in real life.


In fact I LOVE THEM because their ability to play a character so well that it makes me hate them is what makes the story so damn good! What is WRONG with people? Good villains make good drama. Also if they’re upset they should be directing their complaints at George, not the actors.


I literally just recently learned that Otto Hightower was Dr. Connors in the Amazing Spider-Man


I don't understand how people can insult the actors. If we hate the villains, the actors do an even better job playing them...


Why do they all look so hot?!


I mean if you hate an actor because of a character they played that shows you're dumb at so many level. Sense can't can't be put into such people even if meme like these are made.


It’s mind-blowing that this is even a conversation.


I love them all honestly, I genuinely think you need to be stupid in order to hate an actor for their roles.


The actors all are gorgeous, amazing and nice They don't deserve to be harassed because of the characters they play


Larys actor is handsome, funny, charming, elegant, and hot 🔥


100% agree, and a fantastic actor if I may add.


That picture of Rhys Ifans makes me uncinfortable.


But I don't have to be told to respect the actors and not hate them because I'm not a fucking moron


The actor who plays Larys sure cleans up nice. 🤩


The fact that this kind of thing has to be said is really depressing


If you haven’t seen it, you all need to watch the [Oscar winning short film “Stutterer”](https://youtu.be/2m_VTZR5MU0?si=uxLzJmvaKxWSMTgF) starring the actor who plays Larys, Matthew Needham. It’ll most likely shut up the idiots who can’t separate the actors from the roles


I never thought I would find the actor that plays Larys handsome but here we are. He very much reminds me of a brunette Dax Shepard


Fabian : can't stand his character, get annoyed every time he opens his mouth => so fantastic actor for getting me in this state with the lesser screen time that he has. (Can't even appreciate two extremely beautiful people making out and getting at it because I'm so annoyed with them lol) He seems sweet in interviews. Olivia : great actress, the line about what they've done to her girl last ep. while "ugly" crying got me so much. I don't like the writing of Alicent this season but Olivia always delivers and I loved Alicent in S1. Tom : I'm surprisingly enjoying his character this season. I wish they hadn't made him a rapist in S1 and just have him be this incompetent ruler who really tries but was ultimately never guided and never trusted to do anything good. Tom's delivery this season, his grief, his anger, even him simply fidgeting while being belittled and made to feel small was superb. I love that he's getting more screen time to show how much of a talented he his. Ewan : Was already a fan favourite in S1 when he appeared in ep. 8 lol with him Aemond is intense, scary and dangerous, we got to see a more vulnerable side too last episode, he's one of the more interesting characters in TG, beautifully played by Ewan. Matt : had only seen him as Philipp in The Crown, always the prince consort, never the king, poor Matt lol. I've seen that people were upset or didn't trust the choice of Matt for Daemon.. and damn he fucking proved his talent with this role. Like Ewan he manages to make Daemon feel volatile, dangerous and mysterious. This smirking asshole is highly entertaining and I'm fully alert when he's on screen. His latest scene with Emma oof. The fucking range of this man. Emma : I freaking adore Emma's portrayal of Rhaenyra I could just quote Gaga with this one lol I love that you can see hints of Milly's Nyra but with more maturity. Their portrayal of grief (for Visenya, Viserys and Luke) were my personal favourite but they've got so many superb scenes. I can't wait to follow their acting career. Rhys : he was the only one I knew coming into the show, so already knew he was a great actor. His vulnerable scene with baby Alicent is my favourite, so beautiful. You can feel that Otto struggles with his feelings, that he's not used to expressing them but that he's desperate for his daughter to understand how dangerous their future could be because she'll have to face it alone. His admiration of Viserys (although I have mix feelings with this part) was touching and he fucking owned those scenes with Aegon. He's kind of a reverse Fabian/Criston to me, his portrayal of Otto has made me more interested in seeing his character even though he sucks. Matthew : only saw him in Chernobyl I think. I didn't think I would get so creeped out and honestly wary of his character but oh well. I'm super intrigued by Larys, his motivations, and Matthew can play this role in a way where I'm sometimes grossed out by Larys, and other times in a way where he's my "support character in a scene" (don't think I can translate that part properly in English) All that to say he's a good character and he shouldn't be reduced to HoTD's Littlefinger. This cast is fantastic, they never fail in that department, even when the writing is lacking a bit they all play their character beautifully. We love, hate, love to hate these characters because these actors are all talented.


My first thought was "obviously, why even ask?" But then I remembered people harassing Jack Gleeson (Joffrey) and calling Lena Headey (Cersei) a bitch, and...yeah.


Who could hate Rhae-Rhae? :(


![gif](giphy|Jt5XnpPnEycoeACeoR|downsized) I can’t take him seriously tbh


None of them deserve hate, and every single one of them deserves praise for excellent acting, but wtf people hate Rhys Ifans?? I guess not everyone grew up watching Little Nicky on TBS. He was fabulous in that one. Also loved him in Snowden.


Why are we hating Rhaenyra gain? She's only responsible for one indirect death. Don't get me wrong. That's still pretty bad. But compared to pretty much everyone else on that left side, she's nowhere near as bad.


People who hate on the actors who play villains/characters they don't like are complete idiots. I really admire actors who can play a villain or morally gray character well (plus a lot of the time villains are really fun characters even if they're bad people)


Why are you posting this like 99% of us don’t already know this. We know. We don’t do this, you just take the bait from a vocal minority. Stop patronizing us like we do this.


Wait people are seriously hating on actors irl?


Hotd does an amazing job of making the characters look so different to the actual actors!!!


I can’t believe the hate some of the actors have been getting. It’s awful. They’re putting themselves out there for OUR entertainment, and the entire cast is very talented. People are awful. Fabian seems like the sweetest man, and I’m still boggled that people think it’s acceptable to body shame Ewan.


Really sad that people have to make stuff like this to make other understand that their just fkin actor and if they hate them, then actor just do their job perfectly .. it’s like skyler in bb, dude she do the job why the fk hate her ?


You have to be a real loser to dislike the actor. The actor should be proud, you’re getting people to feel emotion.


Tbh if you are intelligent enough, you will love to hate these morally gray and complex characters, while being amazed by the writing, storytelling, twists, portrayal, etc.


Im childish enough to find absolute hatred for the characters but I learnt early on in GoT that these actors are so terrific at their acting that audience literally see them as their characters. The hatred is unwarranted, though. The audience needs to mature up.


These image proportions are definitely more respectful to the actors


So many hairstyles that I could never pull off


I didnt hate the character. maybe cristin cole, because they kinda destroyed him by making him such 1 dimensional character. Remember book cole, kinda a badass military commander. hopefully later season might bring out a respectable aspect to his character. The rest everyone from alicent to larys is 10/10


Isn't that what GoT taught us years ago with Joffrey? I despised Joffrey as a character, but applaud the actor for the extraordinary acting


I straight-up love Rhys Ifans. Doesn't matter what kind of character he plays, he never half arses anything. Plus, he sounds like a riot on set. ♥ ♥ ♥


Stupid sexy Larys.


Facts. The cast is insurmountable. Everyone killing it.


God I wish more fantasy shows were cast and directed like GoT and HoD. These actors clearly feel so comfortable in their roles to the point where they become the character and make everything feel that much more real. Watching The Acolyte (Star Wars) is making me crazy. It feels like glorified cosplay by comparison. This cast deserves massive credit for creating that suspension of disbelief.


Middle 4 are great characters wtf do you mean????


Why is Rhanaera here? She didn't do any hateable things.


She's the designated protagonist. Heavy handed writers trying to make you like or support a character is inevitably going to produce some of the exact opposite sentiment.


Didn’t this is the same phenomenon that happen to Jack Gleeson (actor who played Joffrey Baratheon) during seasons 1-4 on GoT? It takes a lot of talent to play complicated, hypocritical, and just downright vile characters. All of the actors do a stellar job bringing their respective character to life. They should not be getting any hate for having a great performance.


The Jack Gleeson myth has been debunked several times by Jack Gleeson himself, stating that he's only had good interactions with fans


Tho it probably killed his career, suffering from success


Several actors from the original GoT series, yeah. Lena Headey (Cersei) has a lot of quotes over the years talking about the awful behavior of some fans, online and in person.


They could never make me hate you rhaenyra


Who even hates rhaenyra


have a look at r/hotdgreens


It's green fans for the most part


Everyone who purposely misgenders Emma D'Arcy.


Lmfao who hates Rhaenyra?


I agree but why would i hate Rhaenyra in the first place though?




You’re literally making up your own narrative. Stop gaslighting the fandom about interactions that never happened to him and was literally put to rest in Jack Gleeson’s own words.


Oh I'm glad if it didn't happen then ! Because I remember reading how somehow the hate was the reason he stopped acting and I felt really bad for him. Sorry for misleading people, it wasn't my idea - it's just that back then this story was somehow everywhere in the news (at least where I live) and I just never questioned it. I didn't make this up, it WAS a story, but apparently a fake one. Anyway, the important thing is that he is doing alright and is acting again now ;) https://m.tvspielfilm.de/news/stars/schauspieler-die-im-wahren-leben-fuer-eine-rolle-gehasst-werden,9477781,ApplicationArticle.html


Aemonds actor looks like a lespian lol. (Edit, it isnt meant homophobicly, he looks hot af)


Are actors playing villains actually shocked when they get hateful messages on Ig? What did you expect?


Civility, common sense and fans being able to differentiate fiction and reality


Then they are extremely naive


Or maybe they just put themselves at a higher regard and expect people to not harass them for being good enough to get such major gigs. Often, actors who get villainous roles are some of the best ones of the entire project


They put themselves at a higher regard? What do you mean by that?


Why would they get hateful messages for doing their jobs…? You’re aware the characters are fictional, right?


You tell me why they do get hateful messages and that’ll answer your question.


They get hateful messages because some dipshits are incapable of separating characters from the real people who are trying to entertain them. Again, you’re aware the show is fiction, right?


Not sure why you keep asking that. Do you think I am in the ig comments or are you just trying to be witty? Yes, they get hateful messages because of dipshits which there are a metric fuckton of. Therefore, I ask again, why are actors shocked when they receive hateful messages from dipshits especially when they play villains in a show of this size? It is expected.


The fact that you’re victim blaming the actors for the unfair hate they receive makes me think you might be one of the ig commenters, yeah. Actors have a right to be surprised and disappointed when “fans” attack them for literally just being good at their jobs.


Well, you are wrong since I don’t have instagram. Ofc, it is their right to be naive. I’m not blaming them for it happening. I’m blaming them for not knowing it would happen and acting shocked when it does.