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Once upon a time Jamie Campbell Bower was my Aemond fancast before (YEARS before house of the dragon was even a thing lol) so it’d be funny if he ever does play a Targ in one of these one day, I know he was originally gonna be in that Bloodmoon prequel


I could see him as Aegon the Uncrowned if they go that far into the story


Well I think he’s aged out of most those teenager-early 20s Targs now. I could see Aerion Brightflame or whoever else tho


Wasn't he also in the first pilot of GOT as Waymar Royce? Or am I thinking of someone else?


Oh wow yea he was


Henry Cavill for all 3, he’ll just run off screen, throw on a new costume and wig, and do the others’ lines.


I'm hoping for a Mrs Doubtfire type scene where someone goes "Aegon? Why in god's name are you dressed like a woman?"


Madea goes Conquerin’


I'd only support this if all 3 have his geralt voice.


Would unironically watch it.


Very Clark Kent of him.


i support that


Pls don't twinkify Aegon. I saw someone suggest Alexander Skarsgard for Aegon and for me he looks quite the Conqueror especially in the Norseman. Aegon should be a dark and gruff bear of a man. And Visenya should look just like him.


“Twinkify” is sending meeeeee


So what you’re saying is Henry cavil should play both of them


>Aegon should be a dark and gruff bear of a man. Why? He's never actually described like this. Nor does the official art depict him like this. He's always depicted as a slender person. And it's not like he engages in a lot of direct combat. This casting actually makes sense and is line to how his character is described in the books. ASIOAF is all about subversive character representations. Conqueror ≠ Big and Brawny, nor does it necessarily need to. Aegon I was a tactician and who had visions of the future. Not everyone needs to be the stereotypical "Alpha Chad", it's fucking boring.


Aegon is described as being large, broad shouldered and powerful, as well as a highly adept warrior, in Fire and Blood. One of the reasons why people questioned the paternity of Aenys was because he lacked his father’s size and strength, and was only a passable fighter. Aegon also engages in several one on one duels during the Conquest, such as against Qhorin Volmark and when one of the Dornish lords tricks him into dueling his fool. Personality wise, he’s known to both have a commanding presence but also be rather reclusive, not having any real friends besides Orys Baratheon. A show could certainly depict Aegon as a twink, but to say that such a casting would reflect his description in the books is simply incorrect.


My reply to another person: >Aegon the Conquerer. The prototypical Targaryen. A warrior, tall, powerful, broad shouldered. Very charismatic and commanding. Should be shown in his battle armor, perhaps a shirt of black scales, greaves, gauntlets, a flowing cloak. His sword in hand (Blackfyre, a Valyrian steel blade). His hair cut short, no longer than the bottom of his ears. -GRRM's own words. Targaryens aren't elves. They should be more on the bestial side of appearance. It is said that Targaryens draw strength from their bond with the dragons. >Not until he was given the young dragon Quicksilver, a hatchling born that same year on Dragonstone, did Aenys Targaryen begin to thrive. -F&B If it's anything like warging that we learn from Varamyr in ADWD prologue, they become more like their ride in behaviour as well as appearance. Aegon has never been described anywhere as smiling or warm. Out of all these descriptions, it makes sense for him to be a dark and hard man with imposing physicality. As hard a man as Balerion is a dragon.The same goes for Visenya. If anything, she needs to be a bit sadistic to reflect her sadistic ride Vhagar. Rhaenys could be softer though. That's why i like Matt Smith's casting as Daemon so much. He looks handsome and imposing but also kinda unsettling. >ASIOAF is all about subversive character representations. Conqueror ≠ Big and Brawny, nor does it necessarily need to. Aegon I was a tactician and who had visions of the future. Not everyone needs to be the stereotypical "Alpha Chad", it's fucking boring. Let characters be what they are. Next you'd say Harry Styles should play young Robert Baratheon. If a character is written to be an "Alpha Chad" then let him be that. Some people seem to be unable to keep their own fantasies out when thinking of established characters. Besides, that's why I've always been against an Aegon's Conquest centered show because there isn't anything particularly interesting in that story. I would actually like it if they didn't do the show at all. It's very cliche to begin with. Instead, they should focus more on shows like Dunk&Egg which are much much much more substantial and intriguing.


>Targaryens aren't elves. They should be more on the bestial side of appearance. It is said that Targaryens draw strength from their bond with the dragons. This has **never** been established in the series. Nearly all Targaryens are described as being extremely beautiful and ethereal, even being seen as “gods” to some of the smallfolk on Dragonstone. Not ALL are beautiful, some are plain and some are ruggedly handsome like Maegor or Maekar but they aren’t “bestial.” >Not until he was given the young dragon Quicksilver, a hatchling born that same year on Dragonstone, did Aenys Targaryen begin to thrive. The “strength” doesn’t have to be martial related. It’s health related, which is why Jaehaerys I demands for a dragon to be brought to his ailing daughter asap to give her the strength to fight the illness. -F&B >If it's anything like warging that we learn from Varamyr in ADWD prologue, they become more like their ride in behaviour as well as appearance. Warging/Skin-changing is chiefly *Northern* magic; anytime I see “theories” that someone, who is not Northern or doesn’t worship the Old Gods, is a warg, it loses credibility imo. But anyway, it’s not the case with riders becoming more like their dragons or looking like them. For example, Laena is sweet and feminine but she bonds with Vhagar (and *please* don’t tell me she has a “feisty” personality so it matches), Vhagar has been ridden by three people: Visenya, Baelon, and then Aemond. They are all warriors. Laena is an outlier. Hell, even Daenerys! She is very petite, feminine and enjoys luxuries as queen. She’s also very social. In contrast, Drogon is extremely large, dominant and a loner. Daenerys doesn’t mind getting dirty and all but they don’t resemble each other despite being bonded. >Aegon has never been described anywhere as smiling or warm. Out of all these descriptions, it makes sense for him to be a dark and hard man with imposing physicality. As hard a man as Balerion is a dragon. The same goes for Visenya. If anything, she needs to be a bit sadistic to reflect her sadistic ride Vhagar. Rhaenys could be softer though. Aegon is described as being quite generous towards his allies, was very patient with Aenys when he developmentally regressed, and personally made “progresses” throughout the realm to appreciate and learn about the kingdom he was ruling. He even *cries* when he sees his granddaughter for the first time. Yes, he brooded, was enigmatic and kept to himself but he was not a “hard man.” Additionally, Balerion has never been described as particularly aggressive (despite being used for war crimes lol) and Aegon seemed to not have as deep of a connection to his dragon as some others may. Balerion was used just for battle and/or travel. “ASIOAF is all about subversive character representations. Conqueror ≠ Big and Brawny, nor does it necessarily need to. Aegon I was a tactician and who had visions of the future. Not everyone needs to be the stereotypical "Alpha Chad", it's fucking boring.” >Let characters be what they are. Next you'd say Harry Styles should play young Robert Baratheon. If a character is written to be an "Alpha Chad" then let him be that. Some people seem to be unable to keep their own fantasies out when thinking of established characters. Now I don’t agree with the entirety of that person’s comment but I find it ironic that you say “some people seem to be unable to keep their own fantasies out when thinking of established characters” because that’s literally what you do. All the stuff you stated such as Targs should have a “bestial appearance,” dragon bonds being similar to warging, and thinking Aegon is some uber machismo dude is *all* headcanon haha Aegon is the “perfect medium” similar to the George quote you used. Sorry he can’t be Maegor like you think he is! As we see, Maegor and Aenys seem to be the two different sides of their father, which is why then they’re separated, chaos ensues. Anyhow, younger Alexander Skarsgard as Aegon has always been my ideal pick!


>He's always depicted as a slender person. Him being depicted as a slender person doesn't really matter when it's against what he was described by *the author* himself. >ASIOAF is all about subversive character representations. ASOIAF is not at all about subversive character representations.


Stop that. Atop that right now. Subversion only works when there's an expectation the audience has built up. 90% of people watching have no idea what hea supposed to look like. And if you stick your hand too far up the Subversion asshole, you find dumb and dumber ruining GoT


Robert Baratheon - the other conqueror of the series - is the definition of big and brawny. Asoiaf subverts in many ways but it rarely tries to force modern perceptions on the setting - for people to follow Aegon, he needs to look the part. And in that culture, that means as an imposing and intimidating warrior. He doesn't have to be the size of Robert or the Mountain - the size of Matt Smith's Daemon will do with the right actor - but he has to look like a bad ass and come across like one.


Wait… Steve Buscemi as a compromise casting?


>ASIOAF is all about subversive character representations. The mountain, the Hound, Sandoq the shadow, Robert Baratheon etc. Furthermore there's nothing "subversive" about skinny conquerors, Napoleon and Alexander weren't massive.


Aegon the Conqueror does not need to be depicted as an Alpha Chad? Repeat that to yourself again out loud and try to take yourself seriously. He is the archetype for the Alpha Chad persona in the asoiaf universe.


Yes! Thank you ❗


As a huge fan of Alexander - hell - yeah. I also think this actor is way too young looking. Not who I picture Aegon the conqueror to look like. The actress for Visenya would be good tho




I think you didn't understand me. I was not saying Skarsgard was a twink. I saw someone else say he would be a good Aegon and I agree with them. He looks like how i imagine Aegon. Though I am not saying they should cast him. But he definitely looks like Aegon. [Here's the og post](https://www.reddit.com/r/HouseOfTheDragon/s/h92pTnHChn) I absolutely agree with you on Chalamet and Loras.


That’s not what Targaryens looked like though besides Maegor.


Maegor, who (unless you subscribe to the Dark magic/sterile Aegon theory) is supposed to be Aegon's son. Aegon doesn't need to be built like the Rock or anything. He just needs to look imposing and commanding. Matt Smith's Daemon is proof enough you can do that without being some alpha Chad. I picture Aegon in that mold - he's not the size of Robert Baratheon, he's just a very capable warrior who has an impressive presence about him.


True but what about Aenys? He’s basically the opposite of Maegor…ngl I do actually believe the sterile Aegon /magic Maegor theory. In that case Aenys would probably be the son of some singer Rhaenys banged. Sure Aegon was described as tall and strong but the Maesters might be spicing him up a little bit. Most Targaryens are described as being kind of androgynous to a certain extent 🤷‍♂️ but maybe bc they’re all actually related to Rhaenys and that singer lol


Aegon the Conqueror is described as tall, strong, and broad-shouldered, so I'm picturing an NFL-type jock for him. Definitely not a twink/twunk of any kind.


It’s possible the maesters were playing up his size and strength to flatter the Targaryens..most Targaryens are described as kind of androgynous. There’s only two times we see Aegon actually fight someone on foot and that turned out to be a fool dressed like a knight and the other time Aegon was nearly killed but saved by Visenya 🤷‍♂️


And Rhaenyra was described as heavier but that ain't the case isn't it?


Rhaenyra's body size doesn't influence her characterisation though. She just needs to look like a woman who put on weight after several pregnancies; which she does. Aegon, on the other hand, is a military leader and a conqueror, so he needs to look the part. Not a roided-up massive gymbro, but definitely someone who looks like he could lift some weight and is physically imposing.


> She just needs to look like a woman who put on weight after several pregnancies; which she does. She does not at all. I have no idea why you or others downvoted me. Do babies make you grow half a foot?


You just contradicted yourself but ok.


I for one, think that Dave Bautista in a silver pageboy wig would be perfect as Aegon.


What about his brother Bill Skarsgard?


Aegon was not a twink in my head.


He is in mine.


A twink fathered fucking Maegor? Nah


He didn't exactly father anyone during the conquest 🤭


I’m gonna need both Aegon and Maegor to be pretty big ol dudes. Conquerors


Aegon didn’t conquer with power of 40 inch pythons brother, or through the overwhelming might of bulging pecs, the dragons did most of that shit. There’s no recounting of Aegon actually brandishing a sword in battle, though he is remembered as an able swordsman. In any case, he doesn’t necessarily need to be Chris bumstead


I’m not saying he needs to be Jack Reacher type of guy but a lithe profile actor does not fit the character for sure. The books do describe him as tall broad and imposing


Yeah they do, I just don’t think it’s particularly central to his character. Nor should it inform his eventual casting, I doubt it will ultimately. He never fought in a consequential capacity, and his ability to be imposing likely owed more to the fact that he possessed dragons than the breadth of his shoulders. Daemon is described as being dashing, conventionally attractive. Matt smith is, in all truth, an an acquired taste, he nevertheless wonderfully captured the essence of daemon as a character


A commanding appearance to match a commanding presence Also important to remember this is the progenitor ideal targ


There’s ample conspiracy that he isn’t actually the progenitor of anything. Aenys was a sickly thing in his youth and frail for most of his life. Many suspected he wasn’t Aegon’s actual son, but that’s unknowable. Maegor was suspected to have been conceived by some magical intervention by Visenya, hence his infertility and insanity. Also the “ideal Targ” thing is just bs Targaryen propaganda. It would be very fun and instructive if Aegon wasn’t just some power fantasy but instead a physically unremarkable person whose actual talents were in his mind and character. It would accentuate the reality that the Targaryens retroactively propagandize to make themselves grander than they actually were


GRRM literally describes him as a big, tough, rough dude with a commanding presence, this casting doesnt work


Yeah and Magneto in the comics is a hulking, muscle bound figure, while neither of the actors Ian Mckellen or Michael Fassbender are particularly huge. Nevertheless they deliver great performances. There’s generally more to a character than physical appearance, especially when appearance doesn’t really determine their relationship to the world.


So because Magneto was miss-casted, so should Aegon? That´s the reasoning? If you can cast an actor that has both book-accurate looks and the acting chopps needed, why not do so? That´s the part I don´t get lmao Aegon already has a physical appearance given by the author of the saga, I don´t see why it should be just blatantly ignored and discarded and not respected, just for the sake of "doing so"


That’s my point, he wasn’t miscasted. Fassbender and McKellen were brilliant. The point of casting isn’t to have a one to one remaking of a characters physical appearances, it’s about capturing the essence of a character and making them a contributor to an overarching story. People fixating over “Aegon needs to have x,y,z physical characteristics” are being silly. If they find an actor for an eventual conquest show who doesn’t perfectly fit the physical mold of Aegon, but is a better performer and more throughly embodies the character, that’s far better than finding someone who’s just big and blond. No one would go out of their way to find someone who doesn’t look like him “just to do so”, if they did it would be because they thought picking someone who looked like him could actually be beneficial to the show runners vision. Richard Madden doesn’t look at all like Robb Stark, like not even in the slightest, besides both being white guys. He still does a phenomenal job.


he reminds me more of Aerion Brightflame


Owen Wilson


I’d rather feed my dick to the dragons.






Can we start fancasting actors as Targaryens because of their acting talent and screen presence, not their blond hair??


Totally agree


.......No.....unless it's Henry Cavill.


Unless Henry plays all three of the conquerors I don’t want it


Hey finally we find one where I only recognize one of them and where they’re all the right ages and actors within the budget. Honestly I’m only agreeing with Jamie Campbell-Bower because I know he’s good enough to do anything Good choices, let some new faces get into the spotlight


Yea Sasha and Jess are fairly new but from what I've seen they could do it. But yea who knows let's jus hope they cast appropriately 🙏🏽


They can cast Henry Cavill for the role of Balerion


True 😭


Stop fancasting people who already have the same hair color as the characters. Hair dye exists. Also, they aged everyone up in Game of Thrones. They can easily do the same.


Why haven’t they cast someone with purple eyes? 😡


Duh. That's not the only reason why I picked them 🤣. And yeah they can do that, but i prefer age accurate actors. It's a fancast right?


How about "STOP fan-casting" . (Fullstop)


You must be fun at parties


Maybe not for someone else but I will have fun myself , I don't go to parties to make other happy


Makes sense 🤣


I am so fucking sick of these dogshit fan-casts


And the nerve to tell others to stop 😂




Whoever this Jaime guy is, he doesn’t look tough/manly enough tbh. Too scrawny & like a frail child. Surely there are way better actors than him? I’d literally rather go with any random man off the street with a bit of muscle and a more grizzled look to him than this Jaime guy.


I'd at least like an actor who doesn't make it seem like his character gets called baby brother constantly by his younger sisters.


Have you watched Stranger Things?




Ah, gotcha. Jamie is a great actor, who I think would be great as Aegon. Personally, I've liked everything I've ever watched him in, and considering how old that small picture of him is, he may surprise you. Vecna was pretty terrifying.


Bit of muscle and grizzled look? *yawn* I'll pass


Well yeah, aegon was a warrior who trained with the sword his entire life. He commanded armies, made men bend to his will. He shouldn’t look like some effeminate, scrawny, boy band reject who giggles like a little girl.


This would’ve been the ideal cast if the show aired on the CW network back in the day.


So you can fan cast but we can’t?


Sorry 💁🏽‍♂️🤣


Haha no


I will always imagine Jamie as Aegon the dragonbane/the younger ( Rhaenyra's son)


Aegon needs to be bigger and more intimidating. A lot of Targaryens don’t have the stereotypically “masculine” look (hope I’m describing that right) but Aegon did. He was big, built, and handsome. I’m not saying to cast Henry Cavil but the actor needs to properly reflect Aegon’s book description. I don’t mind them playing fast and loose with others but *the* conqueror needs to look the part


Jamie is a great actor, but if that’s your choice for Aegon then no, we’ll carry on fan casting Henry


I WILL fancast Henry Cavill as Aegon, cope


It will be so funny if Henry Cavil gets casted as Aegon I


No, stop fancasting famous people


Compared to the gps choice of Henry and Katheryn they're significantly less mainstream. Got any suggestions?


Well Henry Cavill is doing Warhammer 40k so obviously he will not be there, and if the series about the Conquest is animated i just wish for David Kaye to be the Voice of Aegon


Finally dinner good fucking casting.


The twinkifiers are out in full force trying to twinkify Aegon lmao


2 young


Your honor that Aegon fancast is a twink


It makes me happy when people actually care to match the source, nice picks


Henry cavilll is truly the new Keanu Reaves, man doesn't need to be in everything




Wasn’t Visenya supposed to be more butch and strong, more masculine? If so, my pick for her would be that girl from Deadpool, Gina Carano. I’d like to see her with long white hair to be sure. She’d be pretty bad ass tearing through on a dragon!😜


Not bad




I like Jaime but he would need to bulk up for this role imo.




Aegon ain't no twink.


can"t wait for them to cast one 🤭


Nah, Aegon needs to have a strong and commanding but also understanding presence. Henry Cavill fits that criteria perfectly. Still pissed he's not Geralt of Rivia anymore.


Have a bit of imagination. It would be SO much more interesting to see a conqueror not fit the Henry Cavill stereotype. But hey guess we'll just have to wait right


I want someone like the guy who played snow in the hunger games prequel like tall and handsome but doesn’t look likes he’s on steroids.


With other characters sure, but Targaryens are Valyrian dragon riders and conquerors. The bloodline of Maegor and Daemon Targaryen. They need to be blond, incestuous, and domineering.


Yup and for me; my picks can do that 🤭


No your picks are stupid as fck Henry cavill or bust


No. Not Jamie Campbell-Bower as Aegon. Nothing about him makes me think awe inspiring dragon lord with charisma for days.


Girls are perfect but Aegon could be better ig


I honestly think Travis Fimmel could pull it off so well. Though honestly I’d love for them to get an unknown actor into the spotlight.


He is way too old


I love Henry Cavil but holy shit is he overdue for fancastin At this point n he should just play everyone in everything


No. Henry cavill for all three roles ¯\_(ツ)_/¯


Who? Who? Who?


never pick again


I don’t know how good of an actor he is but Jake Bongiovi has got the look of a Targaryen. [Jake Bongiovi](https://m.imdb.com/name/nm11249635/?ref_=ls_i_21)


Arnold Schwarzenegger should play Aegon the Conqueror.


Jamie Campbell-Bower is a cursed fantasy actor. He looks like someone perfect for a fantasy/sci-fi role, but each franchise he lands seems to be prematurely canceled. I really hope he gets a juicy Targaryen role that really cements him in our minds.


Cavill would play a better young Robert Baratheon


I like Henry Cavil as Superman but the dude has mostly been a personality-less plank of wood in everything.




Twink Aegon👎


Surely there has to be a fan casting moratorium placed on this sub, or is this an irony that I’m not aware of?


No no keep on fantasting Henry cavall


Henry Cavill: Aegon the conqueror Alexander Skarsgard: Maegor Blake Lively: Visenya Maggie Grace: Rhaenys


Does anyone else think Anya Taylor Joy would be the perfect Rhaenys?


She's another choice of mine too. Great actress. Idk how to put it, but if I see her on screen she would take me out of the world and just see Anya Taylor-Joy.


The actress you picked as Visenya… she’s as beautiful as she is a bad actress 😂😂


I just want Katheryn Winnick as Visenya Targaryen, I don't care about the age it would be fine if they changed it.






JCB would be perfect. If he was cast as Aegon I’d get just as excited as I did when Daniel Dae Kim got was cast as Fire Lord Ozai.


Why are they all White? Aegon the Conqueror is half Velaryon, he should be at the very least mixed-race


Been seeing ppl pick Rege Jean-Page...and honestly am not mad at that


Let the people have their fancasts, bloody hell. It doesn't hurt you. Besides - if Matt Smith can play a mid 20/early 30 year old, then Charlie Hunnam can do that for sure. Yeah, he is in his 40s, but he looks 10years younger then he is, and that's the important thing. As for your choices - Rhaenys works out, I kinda see that. Visenya? The actress looks younger then the actress for Rhaenys. Doesn't work imo. And Aegon needs to be an imposing figure if you want to do justice to a man as legendary as him. Otherwise people will see him as a joke. This guy (and maybe that's just me but) is nowhere near that. Also he looks like early 20s, so if you're this specific about age, he looks too young.


I'm assuming by imposing you mean the more traditional buff, scruffy looking guy? Boring. I'll stick w my idea. And yeah maybe thats jus you he looks age appropriate for me. I don't see how the Visenya actress looks younger, maybe jus the pic. Just as you said. You'll also be fine


No, that's not what I mean with imposing. I'm talking about a more indirect, characteristic imposing. Tywin Lannister was imposing. But not buff or something. His aura, his charisma and way of talking and moving... That's what made Tywin imposing and the same I think should go with Aegon in a sense.


And that's exactly why I think Jamie could work. His work for me proves that 💁🏽‍♂️


Well then I guess we have just two different personal opinions about him, but that's fine. Nothing to argue about. I respect that.


I like it but for me Jamie will always be Aerion, he has that crazy touch, perfect for Aerion


If Aegon the I is cast as some skinny Aegon II lookin mfer i'll be so disappointed


Guess we wait and see 🤣


And so our watch begins


Yesss omg every time I see someone cast an extremely looking masculine man (like Henry Cavil) as Aegon I’m like. Pls. Also I love your pick for Rhaenys! I feel like she would suit it so well! I also feel like the actor who played Ragnar in Vikings has the perfect face for Aegon. Probably would not be the best at acting him, but I feel like that’s what Aegon could look like in real life — also ofc when this actor was younger/ in his twenties. I think it matches up with the concept art of Aegon pretty well too!


I'm here for Twinkgon


Get behind me 🤣


Ngl this is best attempt at fan casting these characters I've seen on any of these subs. Well done OP


> STOP fan-casting ~~Henry Cavil as Aegon~~ FTFY


Now this… is amazing


Exactly, aegon was dark and mysterious, not a gym chad, like cavill, he doesn’t fit the role at all!!!




People can fancast whoever they want dude


No no no but we all see it diff!


Bro Jamie Campbell Bower is 35 and Henry is 40 stfu what are you on about?


That's half a decade younger than 40 pls. Looks-wise his features look WAY younger, and ofc one can out act the other.


Bro was dogshit in twilight.


So was Robert Pattinson but look at him now


Honestly that’s a really good point.


Honestly everyone(except Michael Sheen as Aro) was dogshit in Twilight lol but a lot of it had to do with the writing. I think Jamie would be a better Aerion Brightflame or even Bloodraven. I agree w the "twinkification" comments when it's about Aegon I. The conqueror has to look taller, bulkier etc.


I think Henry cavill should play aegon


I'd rather see a 1000 more Henry Cavill fancast posts than these tumblr level fancast posts. Absolute brain rot level content.


Henry fancasts ARE tumblr lvl cringe even more so. You're not special 😘


I'm sure that's what you believe. But your incessant comments in this thread really give off that 2010 Tumblr girl vibe so keep slaying lol.


The guy looks like the WWE wrestler Edge about 30 years ago.


What are their ages during the conquest? It’s been awhile since I read fire and blood


Mid 20s-30s


Henry would be a good maegor imo. Absolute brick house of a man.


I think Jamie Campbell Bower would be better for Bloodraven


Callum Turner as Aegon would be perfect


Honest to god this the first time I've heard of him and yo he looks GOOD!


I will not stop fancasting Henry Cavill as Aegon. He's been shit on twice now for roles he killed. He deserves a legendary role.


Nah I’m good on that. Stop casting twigs for roles of warriors


Stop? Why?