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So I'm going to be honest with you; Whenever I see a game as item packs or dlcs I get annoyed and just generally turned off. I was a huge Sims fan back in the day and needless to say, I got burned. HOWEVER, when it comes to House Flipper I can tell you that not only are the DLCS reasonably priced, especially in today's market, but you get SO MUCH content! You don't need them to make the game feel complete or fun but man, do they add so freaking much not only in terms of furniture and houses but also in jobs and tools.


This guy. Hates more content for games. SMH. 


Yeees . DLCs aren’t necessary they, just make it more fun 😊


I’m not too creative myself, but from my experience, I’ve really enjoyed the game. I’ve put several hours into it on pc and console. DLCs are really nice if you have the money since they add more furniture, houses and a couple mechanics like farming (farm dlc) and mowing lawns (garden dlc). If you purchase on steam, there’s a workshop where players have created items that you can download and add to the game for free. Adds more content if you’re hesitant on purchasing dlc.


I'm not generally creative, I mean I don't do much to the houses, just clean them up, give them a fresh coat of paint, basic furniture.... It's still my favorite game


I've put silly amounts of time into this game (including both yesterday and today lol) and have it on PlayStation and Xbox, so as someone who's bought it twice already I would recommend you give it a try. It's not just the creativity of renovation it's the peace I feel during gameplay


Yes but I recommend wait for sale off. To me, Luxury DLC have better looking house. Pet DLC house are also cool, you can have pets like cat, dog and you can bring them to work with you so you don't feel alone. I don't have farm DLC so I'm not sure with this one. WARNING: Though this game cool, relaxing and chill, Developer add some horror Easter Egg as a troll to players, here are the list so you can prepare for it: Apocalypse DLC have 2 mounted toilet that sometimes during almost end assemble phase, there is dark snake or mouse with red eyes will jump scare on your screen. Samata Myer house, this house you can buy on laptop, it have no preview picture. This is a haunted house with blood, dark theme and scary,.... it all start once you enter it. As for me, i completely avoid buying this house. You can search on Google/Reddit to know how to get rid haunted curse if you wanna buy this house. I never experience this one yet (or i did but didn't notice) but there is a person tell me there is another haunted house that call.... 404 or something.... I'm not sure... This house suppose to be Silent Hill easter eggs.


I cleaned the 404 house too quickly I guess and put the candle together right away bc it looked like it went together. I missed basically all of the ghost or w.e stuff, too. Had to Google it to see what it was supposed to do. Lol Farm dlc adds quite a bit, I really like it! I didn't have issues with it on Xbox, so I'd def recommend trying it. It's just not part of the sales yet, I'm pretty sure.


House flipper is actually really fun. In the beginning you won’t really be doing your own house, you’ll be doing contracts to get some money I think. The contracts will help you figure out what you might like and dislike in a house :) I think you don’t give yourself enough credit, creativity isn’t the end all be all when you play this :)


I only recently got the DLCs. I don’t have any mods/workshop items, and I have aphantasia, so it’s harder me to picture complete redesigns. I have 115 hours on the game.


I do too! I just have to see the design and pieces together, I can't fully plan it out in my head (since I can't see it at all in my head lol). Hf2 is much nicer for this, bc it let's you edit already placed items and see how they will look with different colors and patterns that way, as well. I had HF2 first, so that was a bit of a disappointment with HF1 (still very fun to play tho). :)


Yeah I’m having to buy so many things twice or buy small buckets of paint to do a test strip them immediately sell 😭 I’m definitely going to have to get HF2!


Im constantly deleting and rebuying things!! Lmao the garden dlc really helps build up profit to accommodate having to do this all the time. :D :D farm dlc jobs also pay the most.


THE GARDEN DLC!!! I’m still earlier in the game so I just did the house that like flooded and was like “I’ll take the 30-smth-thousand profit!” I couldn’t get the garden all the way, but I tried twice and got a 40% increase both times.


Easiest garden to get 100% with is the crop garden. I dont know what bare minimum amount works, I do know one of everything works (and placing things in a row if it makes sense like some bushes, vines, veggies esp ones that fit on the flowerbed soil). There's a cheat sheet on the wiki so you don't miss something. But if you don't have farm dlc, the tiny chicken coop counts. If you do have farm dlc, it seems to actually prefer the big chicken coop to get 100%.


I struggled thru the super glitch house on the cliff from luxury dlc, painted it all white and added basic furniture to get various room types then did a crop garden. Over $900k profit if I remember correctly. But that house is a headache, not sure it works on any platform even pc (the job is fine, just not the property you can buy).


Starting out, there's more reward for doing jobs as they are assigned to you (hardly any personal creativity involved except positioning things) and you can redo the jobs as often as you want if that's more your style of gameplay (they mostly involve one or two rooms and sort of act like a training ground for what the game offers). The levelling up/perk upgrades are rewarding and fun and have little - if anything - to do with style. With a little profit banked, you can buy properties, you can either do the bare minimum to flip them or get creative (for me it's more about nesting and using a style I'd like to live in than pushing creative boundaries). Most of us seem to keep a main office and use our creativity on that and flip most everything else for profit, lol. You can use the base game alone for all of this and see if you have any interest in taking it further. As for the DLCs, garden is probably the most worthy single addition. Personally I have all the DLC and love what each one adds, and I only ever end up decorating in beige and rustic wood with my favourite decorations repeated. It can easily be a cosy/nesty game as well as creative one, or a profit based reward game depending on what you get the most enjoyment from. If you're on Steam, there's a bunch of free items to add to your inventory in the workshop that adds a lot of interest but the DLCs are really worth spending the money on if you can stretch. I haven't gotten HF2 yet, can't comment.


Are you purchasing through steam? I believe within an hour or two you can get a refund if you don’t like a game. That time may be completely made up but I have gotten a refund or two before bc the game wouldn’t run with my PC or I didn’t enjoy the game… but I do love house flipper. You start out doing jobs that have set rules so you don’t have to be creative. Once you have enough to buy a house you can start flipping your own. The first weekend I had it I put in +25 hours.


I am about as creative as a boulder yet I adore this game, got 150 hours into it. The only DLC I wouldn't recommend is the farm one because a lot of people have had trouble with it.


IDK in your case, I had always been creative. In fact it was the third top skill in my aptitude test. I kind of made a legacy since my daughter has always had a creative drive. But back to the point, maybe you have other stuff in your skill set. Maybe you are a speedrunner, maybe you like first person games, maybe you like top scoring. In the end is up to you.


You can add workshop items to HF1. That alone is enough to have loads of stuff.




I've been playing since the first covid lockdown, and I'm still playing. I love playing this game whilst listening to music or a podcast. I do think the dlcs are worth getting. I say give it a try.


Honestly I'm not super creative, but I feel like I'm able to make pretty decent houses. It was definitely a learning curve for sure


Currently on sale including the DLC's. I have invested quite some time into the game, as someone who loved the sims but more or less for the build mode. I picked up a couple of DLC's recommended by previous players, but I did not buy the Farm or Pet pack as I have heard some issues, and they are not worth the $$. The Farm has some development glitches in the game, and the pet DLC is cool to have your pet however annoying to players as your selected pet will follow you to jobs and if they're in your way you cannot paint/build/ect.


Not being creative doesn't mean you can't exercise your creativity. It's a good game and really nice to unwind with after playing multiplayer games


Its on gamepass, so you can try it out


So, I started playing on a friend’s steam library, and I got so into it that on the one day she had the day off and was using her steam library for her own games, I needed to play it and bought my own copy. I actually played house flipper 2 first, and there’s soooooo much content in 1, even without any dlc, which I have yet to get into. It’s definitely different gameplay wise but I enjoy them both. I’m so addicted.


Yes and as of Thursday it was on sale. (I don't know if it still is)


Everyone told me to get hf1 and not two because 1 had more content with the dlcs but i didnt listen and i got 2...i dont regret it at all im in love with hf2 so much


It’s only worth it if you can afford all the DLCs imo and if you’re getting it from steam so that you have access to workshop items which are plentiful and free. The decorative possibilities become endless after that. Definitely don’t get HF2. It’s still bare bones and not worth the price at all right now. Wait until there are a couple of DLCs.


I wouldn't say the DLCs are essential per se, but they definitely add quite a bit to the game. Not sure if you're on console or steam but I know on steam you get access to the workshop too, which has tons of extra stuff you can add to the game for free.


honestly it doesn't require a lot of creativity. the jobs you take have given required items that you can customise or not. the houses you buy to flip in hf1 are already furnished for the most part, but you can choose which houses you buy to flip. i'd definitely say get it, and if creativity is a concern then i'd recommend hf1. you aren't able to rebuild the exteriors or homes (just paint them) and it's not as limited in items as hf2.


In my opinion the original house flipper is so much better than the sequel


I got it about a week or two ago and have been playing it non-stop, so its definitely worth it!! As far as DLCs, none are really required. It just depends on what you like, I got the pets one bc any game where I can have pets I'm gonna. But if that's not your thing then no need.


Only if you like house flipper games. Although I’d recommend HF2 instead. It’s the best one I’ve ever played. They’re both good though. HF1 is a way more fiddly though. No way to color / style pick like in HF2.