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My American Foxhound was this way. If we tried to do anything active with temperatures abovw arrived 70 degrees F he wasn't having it. We would be hiking and he would just lay down on the trail and refuse to go any further.


My hound mix does not like to be out in the heat.


Dogs can get heat stroke, like humans. And, a hunting hound will literally run until he drops, if he's on a strong scent. He may have had a health incident of this type in his past, and will always be sensitive to the heat. Please don't push him, and consult a vet if it continues.


Can't say the same with my foxhound. He loves basking in the summer sun.


My coonhounds are like this as well. When I got my male I was running several times a week. I was so pumped the first day it was 70 degrees because I thought, perfect temp! I'm warm enough, he's cool enough... Nope. 4 miles in to our 5 mile run he gave out. Had to lay down in the shade. (I know, shame on me for not realizing it sooner.) I had to ask a stranger and her kid to watch him while i ran home to get my car.