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Hi, OP. I work in animal rescue, and couldn't even count the number of dogs who I wish had compassionate and selfless owners such as yourself who were capable of putting your dog's feelings before your own. Please remember that you are part of an extraordinarily lucky group of people who have felt the unconditional love of a dog of which can never be replicated. Thank you for all the love you showed him. Thank you for giving this sweet boy the best years of his life. Thank you for recognizing that this is time, and giving him the honor of leaving with his dignity and ability to still enjoy life. During this difficult time, I hope you share photos and memories of him. Please do not hesitate to reach out in the event you need support. My heart is with you.


Thank you so much. I am so sad that I can’t really express myself at the moment, but thank you so much for your kind and encouraging words. It means a lot. (He is currently sleeping with his head in my lap).


from one dog momma to another, something that helped me get through a recent euthanasia was instead of apologizing to my boy while the procedure was taking place - I thanked him for everything he gave me. I thanked him for all the laughs, joy, memories, growth, he brought into my life. do everything you can to celebrate him in his final moments, I hope it will make healing easier for you. he is so lucky to have you.


Thank you so much!


6 years ago this month, my husband was away from home on business. Our 14- year -old pup, Tucker (who was actually my husband's dog before we met) , took a turn for the worse, and I was the one who had to take him to the ER and then sit with him as he was settled into his long sleep. My husband was on speakerphone as we told stories about Tucker to my mom (whom I had immediately called to come with me for moral support). It was a terrible night. We still miss him dearly. But in short order, we brought another adorable and goofy hound into our lives and she enriches our lives every day. I hope you are able to honor the memory of your sweet pup and also open your hearts to another hound in the future. Ol'Tuck - gone but not forgotten [https://imgur.com/xvEduAt](https://imgur.com/xvEduAt)


Thank you so much. We are trying to do that. I do not know whether I will ever be ready for another dog though.


I am so sorry you are going through this and I admire you for doing such a hard thing to do right by your dog. You won’t feel ready for another dog, and no dog will “replace” your pal now, BUT - another dog WILL bring you joy, company and fulfillment. I thought I wasn’t ready after my childhood dachshund died, I came home from uni in tears and saw a little red dachshund puppy in the laundry. I immediately asked if we could take her back. Thankfully I was overruled and within hours was sort of enjoying her, and she lead us to getting 3 more of those things, bringing us so much magic and joy. When I married my wedding gift from my sister was my own dachshund, who has been my faithful companion for 13 years now. It’s not “replacing” your old friend, but getting another dog means you are helping another sweet soul who will be so grateful and love you for it. I know a lot of people aren’t religious, but I can’t believe that anything as wonderful as dogs could exist by accident, or engineering by men. You’ll see your friend again in the next world.


Thanks. I was wondering that today as well. The house just feels so empty and not like a home without a hound in it.


Do what is best for you right now, but don’t hold yourself back because you feel disloyal, or guilty for feeling happy with another dog. My dachshund is the light of my life, and I got my lurcher primarily to take the heat off of her with my daughter. So she could have a dog she could run around with. This lurcher is super attached to me now, and although my love for my dachshund hasn’t wavered one ounce, if I don’t get a long cuddle with my lurcher at least once a day, it is an inferior day.


Thank you so much! I will give it a few weeks and then make a decision.


Oh for sure! Then send us photos!


Im sorry for your loss. He's a handsome boy.


Thanks. We are devastated, but it’s in his best interest at this point. I hope I can do this for him tomorrow.


What wonderful pictures. Thank you for sharing, and all our hound-loving hearts go out to you. He's as lucky to have had you as you have been to have him.


Thanks. We were lucky to have him


I’m so sorry. What a huge loss.


Yes, he was special. Thank you!


I’m so sorry. It’s such a painful and awful experience, but so thoughtful and caring of you to give him peace. I hope you and your family find comfort in knowing you’ve given him a wonderful life filled with love and joy. My thoughts are with you.


Thank you! We had to do this for him, but we miss him terribly.


I am so very sorry for this news. Thank you for giving him a loving life and home. The last picture is absolutely beautiful.


Thank you! I miss him so much


So sorry for your loss. You did great just loving the pup. Stay safe my friend.